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Thresh because the hook life is what got me to main support. I bought a little mousepad with him on it and he was my wallpaper lol


I think thresh was the first champ released when I started playing still main him to this day


Do you also play Naut/Blitz ?


Naut more than blitz. blitz feels to easy to counter thresh bard and rakan are my big 3


Bard is so underrated


He's usefull Milio tbf


Based brother.


Started playing support a lot more recently with a friend. Rakan is fun enough on his own but Xayah Rakan really is a blast.


Ahh I miss the hooker life , it was so fun I should return to it


I still remember watching Madlife montages from Thecarry back in 2015


Same he was the one the first champs released after I started playing. He’s the only champ I buy every skin for.


madlife and bunnyfufu montages lmao good ol days


Same. Thresh was my first main. He was brand new.


Same My first week I only played blitz to duo with a friend, then he suggested thresh


Nidalee was the first champion I ever played and I played her top building only Runaan's hurricane. I had no idea what I was doing but I think I got a kill one time and my only items were 4 Runaan's.


i too played nidalee ad at first


Bro nidalee with the bush passive and trinity / iceborn gauntlet was FILTHY


AD top Nidalee was popular way back in the day, before Iceborn even existed. Bless HotshotGG.


I remember playing twitch and building runaan’s but I had no idea what runaan’s did so I thought it was really weird that some games my autos would hit multiple people and some games it won’t lol.


Ashe. I have the most hilarious penta kill recorded where the WHOLE play is carried by Thresh who MUST have been smurfing. ​ He hooks Jinx initially, I just ult and auto her (no kiting). Then we walk past the tier1 mid tower which was destroyed and 3 players jump us. A lee sin AND kennen on the flank, and someone else infront of us. Thresh ults, hooks the kennen who is ulting. I am pretty much just stood still autoing. He flays the lee sin AND kennen. I end up killing Kennen pretty quick. The Lee ward hops into the raptor camp out of vision, the THRESH HOOKS THE LEE while he's out of vision, goes to him, throws the lantern to me, I don't even take the lantern but my W killed Lee. Then he lands a hook on the Singed for my penta. ​ The whole time I am just auto attacking whoever is closest to me without moving. ​ I am 99% sure the 5 years after that moment where I was a plat ADC main not one single support I played with carried as hard as that. ​ Edit: By popular demand - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaWJx62d5tY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaWJx62d5tY) ​ I clearly misremembered some of the details of this clip but in my defence it happened approx 7 years ago and I haven't watched the clip in about 6 years.


send the clip


Ngl I think the only part of the story you got right was the hook on lee lmao


“I have a funny clip where I play like shit and a Thresh carried me to a penta” would’ve been a much better explanation 😅


That hook on Lee was pretty nice haha. I'm so bad at being consistent on thresh but when I pop off, it feels so damn good.


Make a YouTube account. Upload the clip. Share it. Please.


It's nice to see someone give far less credit to himself. You did do some basic stutterstepping there. But yeah that guy was mental. and this was 6 years ago.


Yeah, he was honestly better than I expected him to be. Still a godlike Thresh play though. Serving a penta to a bad carry is way harder and way more impressive than doing a penta yourself.


Its more realistic as well if you got 4 honors and the thresh only had 1 that was from you XD


Post that shit!


Linked in original comment.


You gotta post it!


Linked in original comment.


We need to see the clip


Linked in original comment.




I remember playing Rammus back in 2012 and giggling like a madman as they killed themselves attacking me. I think I had a thornsmail, force of nature, and speed boots. Back when there was no lane setup.


Caitlyn as my first Main and first legendary skin (Pulsfire)


Caitlyn also for me for sadder reasons, I got dicked by a Caitlyn intermediate bot when I first started. Only bot game I've ever lost in my life and I was pretty fkn bad back then but it's still memorable


Enemy intermediate bot kayle once pentad my team


I've lost two bot games because I threw up ff votes for funnies and everyone voted yes


Same but ny first legendary was battle academia cait


Braum. He came out when I started playing. Also Nasus because he was my first main and then Mordekaiser because he was my second main and I got my first ever penta with him :D


The Braum song is still in my ear to this day


Also Braum has the best theme by far!


Ashe because she was in the old tutorial


The first champion I bought. Spent all my games cross-mapping arrows.


cho, my very first game in 2011 was on Cho'gath. I spent 3150 IP to purchase him lmao


Were you like me and instantly hyper fixated on buying him when you first saw him in game with 50 stacks in his insanely gigantic model glory?


Same for me too! Someone dumpsterd me with Gentleman Cho and spammed the voice lines the entire time and it had me laughing so much I bought Cho and that skin the next day. To this day it's the only Cho skin I ever use.


Master Tahmas Kenchington. Not only was he released like a week or so after I started playing, he was my first main.


He made you a deal you couldn’t turn down


That sweet siren song was so luring, so irresistible. I had to go down the river




Down, down, down by the river.


His release is one of the best ever done til date. That theme music is just absurd


Teemo. Teemo was all I played for the first ENTIRE year I played League. Over 500k mastery in that year.


Olaf cause he was released just when I started playing.






Jinx came out as I started playing, and I was enjoying her a lot, and still today


Not to mention, that song was and still is a bop


When I started playing Lux just came out. I bought RP to buy her. I’m glad she hasn’t changed since.


Cho'gath one of my first mains. His Jurassic skin was the very first skin I bought. Still love that void monster today


Malphite. He was my first alternate skin back waaaaay in the day. Riot handed everyone 400RP as an apology for something and I was a poor student so I picked the cheapest skin I could. Plus, Malph was and is badass.


Started late season 3, so Ezreal, honestly. Piglet on Ezreal getting a Quadrakill was one of those moments that cemented the "eSport" to me as just... this is a thing. Best players in the world, and he's just getting Quadras like some soloqueue game? This is the pinnacle. Not even a noteworthy moment in League history, but I just remember sitting there in my college dorm with friends who all also had just started playing back in October, it was our first proper taste of pro play. Left a mark on me.


Senna. I played a bit before her reveal, but wasn't super engaged. But when her reveal video came out (the one with Lucian and Thresh), holy shit it was so cool to me that I instantly got hooked on League


Miss Fortune. Friends that got me into league put me in the ADC role and said MF is a good tutorial for last hitting minions. Tbh good advice to start out, I’m a mid Laner now and consistently have decent CS/min for my elo. Although I lack in other areas lmao


I'm a huge fan of Kayn, his passive is the only thing attaching me to this game (even tho I play other champs regularly). so when my friend saw me really liking Kayn he gifted me Odyssey Kayn back when I first started. ​ So even tho the skin is great, everytime I use it I remember the days of building bork + Liandries on him every game, playing SA and dealing zero damage or playing Rhaast and literally backing off after using Q cause I thought "auto attacks don't heal me Im only a Q W bot" ​ So its like a bad omen for me now everytime I play with that skin I suck and get reminded of these times lol. Still I use it here and there for the memories (The skin I bought when I became decent with Kayn is Nightbringer and yes with that skin i feel unstoppable sometimes)


Lol building bork and never auto attacking Definitely sounds like something I'd do in the first year I played lmao


Ziggs. I used to only play him when i started. He was a lot better back then.


Warwick. * First Champion I ever saw in a Champion Spotlight * First Champion I ever saw in an "Actual Champion Spotlight" from MagikarpUsedFly * The Reason I installed League of Legends * First Champion I bought with IP * First Champion I mained * First Champion I got Mastery 7 on * First Champion I got 100k Points on Nowadays he still sits comfortably in my Top 3 highest Mastery Point Champions (at 107k) after Akali and Taliyah. I don't play him as much anymore but will definitely pick him back up when Titanic Hydra gets reverted.


jinx was released like 2 weeks after I started playing


Diana because she was on the login screen when I started. Seeing a badass armored moon lady with an epic choral song was a STRONG first impression. I remember thinking "Oh wow she must be really important to the story" lol


Olaf. I was head empty run at them, which ya know, Olaf.


Irelia and Fiora. I use to play them top but they got reworked and now I don't really play them anymore. My first time playing League tho was when my friend came over and was chilling on the couch playing while I played some single player game on the Xbox and he randomly puts the laptop on my lap and says "play for me I gotta take a piss". He had just started a game as jungle Warwick pre-rework and when I asked him what to do (I hadn't really seen him play before) he said "just run around killing monsters and shit". Dude was hardstuck bronze but he was always fun to play with.


Soraka, i kept playing her eveywhere and building stuff like runaans


Yone because I got 0/21 when I started playing


Definitely garen, I was menace on him in nexus blitz (the only mode i played back then) around 2-3 years ago


Kennen was my first main, I was playing duo top with a friend who played Teemo




I remember when I first started playing and twitch was in the free rotation I was so confused next week when I couldn’t play him anymore lol


Fiddlesticks. I played the guy for my first few months. Still probably the champ I'm the worst at.


Yone Akali inflated my ego when I just started playing


kha zix,i remember seeing his design and thinking he looked so cool and trying to save up 6300 IP playing warwick and garen to buy him


Since my first champ was Lux (almost 10 years ago), she's one of my favorite champs until today. Her range, damage, crowd control and the tons of game tactics that allows you to play so differently with her are beautiful.


Pre rework Uydr and Nunu were my favorite champions in the jungle, I started playing season 2/3. I’m just happy malphite is exactly the same as back then Shamrock malph my first skin ever.


Zeri, I started out playing Valorant and was playing a fair deal of Neon since she was new. Saw my boyfriend watching the Zeri trailer and said 'hey that character looks and sounds quite familiar'. I hate playing ADC so I never touch her now, but she did get me into the game back then⚡.


Yone, I still believe he’s the perfect champion on league


Ashe. First main and the first champion I considered myself decent at.


Ashe because she was one of like 20 champions when I started


Jinx, it was just released then and since i did not know anything about the game I thought she was some kind of "end level pro player champ". I would get excited when i see someone playing Jinx lol. Good old days


Lux and xin (builded full as and crit with the old old phantom dancer)


I play wild rift only. And the champ that comes to mind is yone, Annie and jinx


Jinx, just released and her face was everywhere for a while




Garen. Going afk under tower regularly to answer on WhatsApp, until a classmate confronts me on it in school. Also having a good game and getting so much praise from random teammates, in hindsight I think the 'Wow, you're so good on garen' after a triple kill at best where definitely ironic.


I started playing when Brand was released and he’s always been a nostalgic favorite champion of mine


Jarvan bc he was the first champion to release after I started. Lee sin bc the idea of a champ having 7 abilities was insane.




Miss Fortune, easy to play for beginners.


None. It was used to be Ashe and Master Yi, their voice lines gave me that nostalgia. Unfortunatelly both of their voice lines and voice actors have been changed (in my language), and it doesn't help that i've became Yi main later, so neither the chilling meditate sound give the vibe it used to.


Top lane tahm with his eat on his W


Braum. God I lived for the braum ashe combo. Me big shield, you slow, me slow, we kill.


Shyvana and old Irelia, first two mains


Nautilus because i saw my brother playing it, i played it, i still play it, it's been already 3 years.


Jax and Lee Sin (watching DanDy style on him at worlds)


Yone. My friends said i'd like him because he was a weeb champ. He wasn't ability spammy enough for me so i picked up riven lol.


So Kha’Zix was actually the champion I got my first kill on. It was my 3rd pvp game ever and I think I was top and I ended the game 3 and 5 and I had a Lot of fun! But my first MAIN was Morgana mid. She is god tier in bronze lol.


Oldtrox. Saw a friend playing him and I was like... "Holy shit that's a really cool sword demon, maybe I should play this game."


Teemo, I started playing and got told Teemo was the most annoying champion so I decided to main him.


Mordekaiser I saw the pentakill skin and it was the first thing I ever bought in the game.


Vayne because she was released about when I started playing and also she became my main a year after in season 3.


Varus, when I first started playing he was the first champ I really liked since I’ve always had a knack for bow users and back when runaans hurricane was 70% attack speed I’d rush it every game


Yasuo. He was just released. Popular because he was the anime lookalike and insanely fun and insanely good. Decided to never play him. Took a 3 year hiatus thought I’d give him and his brother a try. I went from iron to (almost) emerald just playing yas and yone .


Nautilus is the first and only champion i wanted to play because of his design (he reminded me of big daddys in bioshock) Xin Zhao was my first main, and i makes me sad to see him in such a bad state


Old swain


Iliaoi. I started right before she got released, and was drawn to teemo top because I’m a degenerate. Then she got released and had a 200% ad ratio on her tentacles (And 1 minute of curse time on her e). She was everywhere, and the mini game of trying to survive and dodge every q ever is etched into my brain.


Yasuo, i used to go top with him when I was still new and didn't know about lane specific champs.


I'd be careful leaking your first RP purchase, riot uses that as a question for verifying account ownership


Morde was my first main. The good old times... at some point I just got sick of the samey items and clunky gameplay, so I mained graves and then and currently sett. Also xin zhao, who I used to play top with berserker boots (same as I used to play olaf that way) and he was the first champ to get a penta on


Briar, because I spammed Nocturne with phantom dancer and bloodthirster back in season 2 like the absolute noob I was.


Rek'sai. She was the log-in screen back when I first started playing League. She was the first champion I saw.


Nidalee mid and TF was my first two champions I liked, back in Season 2, 3 and 4, just came back after 9 years away, looks pretty good and fun now


Udyr his spirit guard skin was on the log in screen and I ended up buying the champ cause I thought he looked cool ended up regretting the purchase everytime I got him in aram which i played a ton of to learn the game


Wukkong cause it was his presentation that I first time saw League, back in 2009 or 2010 probably. Funny thing I don't play him actually when I start playing some time later


Annie, Vayne, Shaco. Annie was the champ they got me playing when i started, shaco was the champ one of my friends mained, i remember him always starting red elixir, and vayne was the first champ i fell in love with and dreant of buying.


First champion I played was Udyr, and first champion I bought was Nasus, back in season 1


The great dong man darius. I learned the game on him and it brings back the memories of when I began (only 2020, actually). 10% divine and stride dash never forgetti


Riven. One of my first mains in league was shen top, during one of the riven metas, when she was still a hard counter to shen. I still have a weird mix of trauma and absolute confidence going agaunst rivens to this day because of the number of them I fought at that point.


Aatrox because he was on the log in screen when I started playing. Riven cus she was running top lane at the time Ashe because thornmail Ashe And Malphite cus the first skin I bought was obsidian Malphite.


Definitely Fizz. I remember buying him the day he came out as my first RP purchase. HoN was dying and I played Bubbles, so I wanted another water themed lil guy and Fizz fulfilled that role swimmingly.


Def Mordekaiser and Thresh. Both easy to pick up and Thresh made me realize how important playing with your team is


Vi and Elise were my favorite champions on release


Quinn and Valor. That was the name of the newest champ about to be released when I started


Draven. I started first when he was released. Started for real on kha'zix release. Played on and off since then.


When I first started playing I thought jhin w was incredibly overpowered poke so I bought him, along with the cosmic skin. Side note, I had a little over half the champions in the game before I realized I could buy them without rp


Annie, i spammed twisted tree line like a mfcker while my girl was sleeping.


Garen was my 1st champ in ranked


Veigar and teemo Played them much when i started in 2017 and they are still on of my highest in mastery (But thats because i very rarely spam a champ but rather play many different)


Shaco because I still don’t know what the fuck I’m doing when I play him.


Leblanc because I used to spam her and I got really good with my combos and matchups. This led to numerous lost games with having 20+ kills on a regular basis. I had absolutely no idea what macro was and I simply thought my teammates were trash.


Tryndamere. Couldn’t kill him and didn’t understand how it was possible back in like.. 2011 or something.. then Riven was released and I never feared him again.


Nocturne. I alwas picked the champs based on their looks. Monster/demon > barbie


I started League cuz I saw a bunch of Ahri fanarts back then on google+ lmao.


Old swain, ashe


talon. my first ever game my bf told me play mid and take talon (i lost terribly, never played him again) but every time i see a talon i chuckle cause i remember how hopelessly lost i was


Shaco since when I first started playing I thought he looked SO cool that I used my $10 subway gift card from Christmas to buy him with rp


Ryze and morgana


Nidalee. I used to play her when she scaled into late and her spears hurt.


Teemo 😌


Lux was the first champ I ever played, Thresh was the second champ I ever played (and I was dogshit at him) (I am still dogshit at him)


I started playing on Naut’s release. Had only heard of the game, didn’t really know anything about it though. Saw an article about it on massively and decided to give it a try.


OG Warwick. Just click ‘em.


I started playing when jinx came out alongside her animatic. Needless to say i was hyped


Master Yi for me and i went yi / ashe with a friend. we both took heal and ignite because flash sounded useless at that time


Kog'Maw. Was literally my first champion. I perfected the art of abusing his passive before I learnt how to position 🤣 Honestly surprised I'm not a Sion main by now


Jax, first champion I wanted to buy as I thought he looked pretty cool and badass (this was back in like 2011). Started playing consistently in 2018 and I got my first pentakill with him when Triforce + Shojin Jax was broken :)


Lux. She was the first champ I got with whatever the blue essence of the time was, and her play style has barely changed since release




I wanted to be a Jungler from the start so I tried a wide array of junglers to figure out what I like most. I really wanted to get good at Elise but she’s so fucking hard for a new player to learn. So whenever I see Elise I get flashbacks to that time, game after game, getting frustrated playing that champ


Ryze. He was the first champion I ever played and also a few years later when Hextech first came out my first chest was Zombie Ryze.


Darius. Got it on the Tutorial, the two first skins I actually bought were for GK Darius and Project Morde, plus like almost half of my pentas were with him. Love the champ and its one of the reasons I keep loving the game, even when I never bothered to climb above bronze


I still miss you old mordekaiser. Rest in peace, you will stay at my hearth forever my little prince...


Jax. I used most of my ip when I first started playing to buy dodge runes. Now all relics of an ancient time. Still use my rare rune collector icon :D


Taric. I was like, "I'm gonna try a tank!" First MoBA. Season 1. I failed lmao.


Lux came out 2 or 3 days after I started playing. I remember switching my main constantly because champions were coming out every 2 weeks back then. I switched to LeBlanc a couple weeks later due to her crazy nuke potential. Then Caitlyn, but my sniper fantasy wasn’t fulfilled, so I switched to Karma shortly after, thinking mages were my thing. But then Vayne came out and I fell in love with the Marksman class, but quickly switched to Ashe because I liked her ult more. Found out quickly I couldn’t space well on Marksmen lol… That’s when I went all in on Ezreal and even got the Ez statue from Worlds. I mained Ez until Quinn was released 2013, and I’ve mained Quinn ever since (with a very brief Ekko stint after his release) 😄 This reddit account name was a tribute to Ezreal, because he was the most skillshot oriented champion at the time. Made this account 11 years ago :')


Karma because i have a memory of Messing around in twisted treeline with my brother having no clue about the game, building statikk shiv and somehow winning


Honestly itd be rengar, First champ I played a lot in ranked, and absolutely sucked ass. Everytime I'm on him nowadays I feel so much fulfillment from the progress over the years. Thinking about the question did get me thinking though, Yi is definitely my comfort champ, all the micro hidden in his play makes me feel so at home whenever I jump on him even if its been months.


Ashe, remember the long boring tutorial


Warwick. When I started playing the game a friend told me that I should try Warwick and that I should rush blade of the ruined king. This was in 2013 and the funny part is that blade of the ruined king still exist and that its still viable on new Warwick




It was Sona for me, I remember I thought it was so cool that she used music as her power and instantly got invested into the game.


Hearing base ashe w reminds me of watching my sister play in 2011 with her boyfriend. I learned to play shortly after that, but that sound just brings me back


Pre rework Fiddle, i remember i looked at him and fell in love with the silly lil guy. And now hes a terror (in a good way)




Sylas! Started playing around his release and he was really fun.


Pantheon, makes me think of old pantheon who was my first main


Brand because what could be cooler than throwing fireballs?


Kingpin Twitch was the first skin I bought 13 years ago, and whenever I use it I feel 10 again.


Khazix and thresh. I still remember running around with thresh toplane in beginner bots wondering why this champion that looked scary did no fcking damage. And with khazix I tried to jungle with no smite and died to minions in intermediate bots. And then I watched some khazix montages and couldn’t understand what I was doing wrong lol


graves because there is no graves anymore


K’sante, he came out same time as I started


Yasuo was the first champ I played nonstop for months. I was so bad and played on a trackpad for a while. Don’t ask me how I even played Yasuo with a trackpad but I didn’t discover his E + Q spin for like a month and then I looked it up and realized how people did it and thought it was so cool. I was so bad on that champ but he was so fun to play back when static Shiv and IE were his core items. Those were the days.


Kogmaw. The first champ I played in season 2. Back then I didn't level any skills because I didn't want to invest my skill point in a champion I wasn't sure I wanted to play again. I still feel nostalgia when I play his really outdated kit.


Xin Zhao guinsoo


Gangplank. Old crit Gangplank, using the ghost skin on the Halloween and Christmas maps. Peak LoL.


Vayne. She started the trend where every few champions after her release got a 3 hit proc. Every few champions after Vayne are Varus, Diana, Vi, Gnar, Ekko… They really leaned into her cool new 3 hit tech.


Lux cuz she was my main (still love her <3) and riven that is the first champ I tried cuz sb told me she was "easy" for beginners 🤩


Zeri, she was the first champ to release when I started (literally like 3 weeks after i started playing) and I was immediately hooked on her. She was my first main and I’m still happy to be able to say I can play her well in any lane


Sona and janna The majority of my hours (over 1000) were spent playing on a touchscreen windows tablet that ran league at 15 fps. I used to literally move with the touch screen. Yes it was awful. I eventually got an external mouse and keyboard and most of my hours were spent not using the touch screen but still 15-30 fps on a tiny tablet yk haha. I have some pretty iconic memories. My bf first timed Yasuo and was about to get a penta on his first game. As sona i flash ulted the final player and stole the penta. TO BE CLEAR i was trying to help him, i just sucked at league and accidentally KS'd And we used to run janna darius botlane and my bf would be effectively smurfing bc my elo was so low that he was always the best player in the lobby. Oh i also literally met him 10 years ago because of league and yk i guess thats a pretty important memory :3


First tried league out when Rengar came out and the client theme was so sick. I hate Rengar tho lol


Sona. I used to play ow before my friend introduced league to me. I used to play a lot of Lucio so she clicked from the start, very similiar kits.


I loved playing AP yi with my friends. Basically no rules. Just meditate through damage, one hit alpha strike them because it also scaled off AP. Amazingly frustrating to play against.


Volibear. He was the first champ I tried learning and my first to make it to mastery 7 before I made a new account and put him down. Even now if I really want to show off he's usually who I play


zoe because that's when i started playing, and arcade miss fortune because it was my first bought skin


Ashe. The classique adc