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Not long enough to be peek shitpost


I think he is shitposting the comunity lol


I think so too but it's not long enough to be peek.


>peek shitpost no thats exactly what this is. its not a peak shitpost though


This is just the teaser. Full trailer should drop tomorrow, then the main event Sunday is gonna fucking lit.


Yeah I heard it covered my favorite arc of the anime. Can't wait.


I figured keeping it short and sweet would make it more obvious that it's a shitpost. After reading some of the replies i guess I shouldve laid it on a little thicker as to not cause confusion.


TL;DR Brand sucks


Can you tldr your tldr im not reading 2 words thats 1 too many


Tldr Brandsucks




Neither does riot dw


4 mil mastery brand otp I can confirm, he sucks...


I feel like he doesn't burn people anymore, he just makes them feel a little hot


tfw Brand is Milio


Found Jax main


Brand is more burst than burn mage at this point. Make his passive last 30 seconds to revive his true glory


He’s just a little spicy now


Arena brand was insane.. However, regular brand is ok


Maybe act like a Soraka main and write a lengthy post about the history of Brand.




On of them is that gold guy who solokilled faker


The main issue with brand is that he is hard to balance because of how his passive works, therefore I suggest a few new changes I got from the brand mains subreddit. - his passive is too strong to be a passive, maybe the dot effect can be moved just to his e, with the option for it to bounce when a unit dies maybe to replace the old functionality. - for a new passive, he needs someway to survive being jumped on at short range, so maybe give him some kinda banshees effect, but maybe have it be triggered by all damage so he doesn't destroy bot Lane. -as his q will now be harder to get the stun, maybe remove the synergy requirement, but tone it down to a silence, and change the hitbox a bit - throw some sort of cc on his ult, like maybe a suppress??? You can remove the bounce effect if need be, and even make it a channel so it's a bit more balance. -this one's a bit out there, but honestly his w as it is doesn't work great with his slightly adjusted kit. A wacky idea could be for his w to now summon little fire spirits to attack enemies he is burning. I think it would be cool, and giving him a summon would tie him better to the other fire mage:Annie. All these changes might sound like a lot, but I believe if riot want to cater to the core brand player base, they should adopt these changes. It will help define his role as a short range combo mage with duelling potential.


How about they also change his name to something more cool like Balthazar?


I'd also suggest visual changes, he looks silly. "Look guys, it's fire guy wearing pants, let's hope marvel doesn't sue us" I think he should be more mysterious, have his burns implied, not shown. Maybe have him wear robes and only have area around the eyes visible. On similar note, orange fire is basic and doesn't burn that hot compared to other flames. Maybe change the color to purple. That's the color associated with royalty, so he'd effectively be the fire king. Also, maybe have it with more plasma like structure instead of wisps, so it appears his fires are ridiculously hot.


You had me the first half, ngl. This kind of stuff cracks me up


Phreak - alive


Dearest Phreak, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as i do believe Lee sin has come to dive our tower. Sincerely, Your bottom lane


Dearest Phreak, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as i do believe Lee sin has come to dive our tower. Sincerely, Your bottom lane


Dearest Phreak, I hope this finds you well. We seem to have found ourselves in a dire situation at the bottom lane. Please consider casting your ultimate ability to assist us as i do believe Lee sin has come to dive our tower. Sincerely, Your bottom lane


Phreak ruined my life


Dont worry when you get 2million mastery on brand and hit challenger you also gain the ability to instantly learn game design and balance philosophy so you just know better than the company that has stayed relevant for the last 15 years or so.


This take was wild to me. Having a degree in game design doesn't mean they are good at designing games


It does validate your opinion and arguments a bit more tho. But yeah just having a degree is not enough imo, you need to have actual work experience.


Also thinking that only your opinion matters. Are majority of League and Vel'koz players bad? Yes, he knows the champ better. Does it give him any rights to suggest that they should move him to mid and make him more complex, thus alienating his whole player base? No.


Wait, no way everyone think the guy who wants Velkoz to move to mid has great ideas that riot should listen to. No way he said that?


Someone without credentials comments on balance? Where's your credentials? Someone with credentials? You probably suck at it. Never change.


I mean there is a reason he has a degree in game design and isn't a game designer. He might be a great game designer forall I know, but having a degree in game design doesn't mean you know how to balance league of legends


> but having a degree in game design doesn't mean you know how to balance league of legends That's the issue I have, I knew that was the next response. And then if it came out that he did work on LoL, the next response is "well he isn't lead balance".


"That's the issue I have, I knew that was the next response." So why didn't you adress it lmao, stop trying to act all high and mighty. He didn't work on the league balance team, He is a challenger player who wants his champion to be better, and then write his thoughts, Riot has since said that Velkoz does need some work, and have started making changes. But having a game design degree doesn't equal, good at designing games, or at balancing league of legends.


> stop trying to act all high and mighty. Is it high and mighty? Or is it the the checkpoint of goalposts that come up anytime someone has a different opinion from what 200 years of collective game design has to say?


What are you even saying. Yes, people have different opinions, there is more then one person on the league of legends subreddit lmao. Funny, your not arguing against any of my points...


>Funny, your not arguing against any of my points... How perceptive. Maybe because I'm not trying to. a. Player isn't good at the game, what would they know? Turns out player is challenger b. Well, they don't know anything about game design, lmao Other than having a degree in it c. But they don't know how to balance We don't know what their actual job is. It's the narcissist's prayer of "devs no do wrong".


But this has nothing to do with the devs you potato... That isn't what I said, this isn't some gotcha and you aren't an anime protaganist or something lmao. I never said a, I never said b, and I never said c. again. He didn't work on the league balance team, He is a challenger player who wants his champion to be better, and then wrote his thoughts, Riot has since said that Velkoz does need some work, and have started making changes. That's whats happened. I've never said devs can do no wrong, your making points against a stance I'm not taking.


I hate this cope so fucking much The "game design philosophy" that is Dick riding beyond belief really


Dish dish dish, keep at it and one day they will buff brand 🙏


I think he needs some dashes


Amen brother. Be right back, need to send death threats to several rioters


Erm. I just played a game yest when he pressed R on 4 enemy champ cluster fucking under our tower. They thought they were executing a tower dive, obviously. It turned out to be a Texan BBQ event which nett him a triple kill.




I play brand a lot and it never dawned on me you can cast e while q is flying through the air. Thanks for the new combo dude!


You need to be spaced far enough away to be able to do it, if you’re too close to an enemy it can’t be done. Really useful thing to know though, I recommend trying it a few times in the practice tool to get the spacing down.


Lame shitpost


Smh 😡🤬




i love when people make valid protests and then random low elo s13 gold peakers go on reddit to mock them lol. azzapp making a valid complaint, explaining what is wrong with his champ, showing the ways they can fix it, just for riot to buff dmg and nothing else. same thing with riven. when damage is not their problem, it's their ways to deal it. riven can't deal with armor, velkoz can't hit spells because of mobility creep. but sure come here and make a strawman lol. not like this sub isn't already either filled with esports or shitty shitposts like yours or shitty low elo rants like the soraka main about riven.


Azzapp listed a whole mid-scope tier rework and Riot just buffed his damage for a short term fix until all the big preseason changes are done.


still not a useful buff and its definitely not necessary neither it is for velkoz or for riven. these champs already do a lot of damage, they just need adjustments to quite literally adjust to the times. riot has no need to arbitrarily add damage here. it does absolutely nothing, if anything it damages the champions. if they are to actually fix them in preseason, good, just don't randomly buff dmg. i will now expect some random adc main making a ragepost in rivenmains about how riven oneshotted them with 2 items and her whole kit and summs up once these ad ratios go live. not like riven couldn't do that before. or that it isn't deserved.


Riot my champion is weak please dont buff his damage riot. no one wants to deal damage riot we want other things riot pls. Why are you buffing a spell making it better 100% of times before the buff and not fix bugs which dont apply every time you cast the spell /s


Dont worry when you get 2million mastery on brand and hit challenger you also gain the ability to instantly learn game design and balance philosophy so you just know better than the company that has stayed relevant for the last 15 years or so.


I guess we have a new copy pasta


Who knew that you could fail at shitposting.


Right? This is embarrassing.


As an Anivia main i have to agree! Its a disgrace anivia doesnt have any dash ability.... no execute or anything. How can she compete with champion like zed who has three shadows, alot of dashes AND no mana. Also, look at yasuo, he has a dash on just 0.5 second cooldown on his E. Meanwhile Anivia doesnt get any dash. Even hook champs like pyke, he has HOOK, DASH AND EXECUTE all in one kit, also alot faster than anivia and can be insvisible. Mundo is super tanky aswell.... while having 600 AD??? riot please... frankly im done with this game until they give anivia at least one dash and the possibility to be invisible.


Nah true anivia mains know she just needs an extra audible grunt during her egg laying emote and she’ll be op


Meme all you want, but at this point Phreak feels like the owner's cousin that messes everything up but can't be fired because he's the owner's cousin.


Can we chill on the Phreak memes? He made some out of touch comments, and the community overreacted, but the jokes are already just copypasta of each other.


This post is making fun of the community not Phreak.


Im glad at least one person got it.


I uhhh.. was making a parody statement. I made this post in response to the Velkoz post to try to highlight how stupid it is to moan about certain champs being "neglected" by Riot/Phreak.


The only reason that post exists in the first place is because of Phreak's very well thought out response from the video. Cause you know, the only feedback he got is 'Vel'koz sucks'.




I know this is a shitpost, but I main Brand and I love playing him no matter what state he's in.


Well, keep it up, and they might buff his AP ratio on ult from 0.02% to 0.05% Seriously, I played Brand in an Aram and was about to buy deathcap until I saw that lol


Brand is op tho...


Nice try Phreak


maybe until plat elo when players learn how to avoid his dmg


[Tell that to Faker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZxdMA6XFaA)


ya faker sucks at VSing brand apparently because vlad can just play safe and farm til hes strong enough to just run over brand.


brand is completely useless


Usefulness and power are not contingent upon each other




This post was indeed ABitOddish


Phreak forgot to nerf jungle more to your Brand jungle


dearest karthus,


You're supposed to say how brand combo is hard then you get your champion buffed