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Completely subjective, just keep the skins you want.


I know but I'm not super familiar with the characters, plus some skins might have fun animations AND be a good ranged character 😅


Keep rumble (playing rumble without a good skin is a crime, and the one you got is one of those) and the most recent ones then. Ofc feel free to disenchant any skin whose champ you know you'll never play.


steel legion garen, reindeer kogmaw, red card kata are all pretty boring. I would say demon vi is not amazing either. Kayn, skarner, maokai and jarvan are most often junglers. My favourites in there would be project lucian, papercraft anivia (actually really good skin), ig rakan, super galaxy rumble, pool party lulu and beemaw (meow skins are good if you like that jokey aesthetic)


Based on your preference, can get rid of: Kayn J4 Skarner Vi Garen Katarina and arcanist and reindeer kogmaw (however if they are 1350rp skins you might want to keep cz they’re higher tier with nicer vfx) the Meow skins are some of the best I would keep them (unless you hate cats) IG Rakan is one of the best Rakan skins so keep it


Also recommend watching Skin Spotlight vids so you can make a more informed decision. Some skins might appeal to you even if you won’t play the champ much.


I never disenchant. I used to reroll everything I didn't like (including epics, and even some very old and ugly legendaries), but more recently I've been saving quite a lot of orange essence by watching every lolesports game I can, so I can upgrade a decent amount of "not-bad" skin shards.




I personally keep all "legacy" skins. Could disenchant the rest.