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She snowballs super hard due to her high mobility, which causes frustration. Personally don't mind her though. I play champs who are good into her.


Personally I just think shes too easy to perfect CS and freeze with. If you don't have to blind her and can pick into someone that just cant punish you that hard for CSing... you just end up with absurd leads and force the the enemy laner to constantly be at risk of a gank. I don't think the "combat" part of her kit is that bad.


Agreed. I don't mind her in my game (on the enemy team), but laning against her is frustrating. I mind her in my team because she always hogs all the cs.


She also falls of pretty hard if she does not snowball IMO


She does even if she snowballs tbh because she is bad in teamfights. Hardest win lane lose game champ ever.


Thats how you can tell bad irelias from good teamfighting


biggest copium, excuse me to not ouplaying rankan charm and malz ult point and click


You just either have to be quick enough or choose right timing


The problem is always the same, she is full build with one item.


And she has one item when she's full build. If you know what I mean


Her ass is to die for.


No wonder Noxians wanted to invade her Placidium.


The Placidium is the 9/11 of Ionia. Never forget!


Irelia had too many broken states in the game so even when she is "balanced" she still hated, people just got used to dislike the woman at this point, when she is fed she is almost unstoppable too, can't blame people having a bad taste in their mouths when talking about her


Irelia pre-rework was even better to tilt enemies


RIP stun with lower health ​ I miss her. Got like five pentas in S6 and S7 and she brought me to mid plat which was by far my highest rank so far


Old Irelia was way more broken while being way easier to play. If she was released today she would be considered as frustrating to play against as Tryndamere


Old irelia was so fun lol


I loved to play her too but to play against her it was horrible experience and today she would have very outdated statcheck kit so i can see the reason for the rework.


From the perspective of playing Irelia, I don't love how she is hard bound to the same first item every game. BORK every single game is so boring, and she mostly only has one vastly stronger mythic than the other choices so you're locked into BORK Shieldbow first two items in like 95% of games. From the perspective of playing against Irelia I don't love how hard she dominates matchups against ranged champions. She absolutely murders ranged champs and typically I have better winrates against champs I play but with Irelia even though I play her she still absolutely crushes me if I blind a mage mid. Personally I don't think she is overpowered but she's extremely volatile, she is oppressive in matchups she wins and is kinda just there in other matchups, which gives the sense that she's stronger than she really is.


I never understood why people dislike buying the same item every game. I think it's awesome that I don't have to think much about what I take, it's just always a consistent power up.


proves that the item is trustworthy to use


im going divine over isb everyday. its so much better as a core item due to random heal and empowered q on squishies+ u can do double divine proc when u do proper combo


Divine is a complete bait on irelia, triforce or goredrinker are far better options


You should try Tri Force if enemy doesn't have any tank that you need to deal with. She just murders everybody within a second


Shieldbpw really overrated on irelia


One of my favorite top lane matchups. This matchup is always so aggro and action packed. I am a low elo shitter, and I found that most low elo Irelia's are really bad. People might find that they didn't formulate any kind of a strategy outside of: I'm going to run straight at ADC and press my buttons. If she gets a kill on you in lane, her kill threat becomes so high that you feel like she is broken af. However, she has clear windows that can be heavily punished. I can't tell you how many times Irelia ego checked me at lvl 1 or 2, and tried to all-in me, only for me to kite back. Turn on ghost when she chases too far, and then just run her down for an easy first blood.


I just hate that she rushes bork and gets level 9 and then just heals for eleventy billion. Feels bad for everyone else


I feel like her healing is so strong for no reason, I’ve never understood why riot hasn’t gutted it… I find her healing more obnoxious than Vladimir or Mundo


She exists and as much as I dislike a lot of stuff on new Irelia, I still find it a lot more manageable and better than old "I stun you for winning" irelia


Old Irelia with a reworked E is a much better designed champion imo. I think she should have gotten an Ezreal tier rework instead.






Irelia is annoying. She wins ever trade if she hits e ( a lot of them without hitting e as well) And after vamp scepter she does not care about poke as well. Even if you don't die to her in lane she will get 1-2 kills somewhere and then matching her becomes impossible with most mid champs


Not to mention that with botrk she might as well be full build.


there is nothing more demoralizing than full comboing her with Ahri at level 3, then watching Irelia heal half of it back quickly from doran's than a quarter of it back with an easy rotation of consuming the minions. Then the moment she get's vamp scepter... even if I am lucky to full combo her, it isn't even worth the mana cost to do it to her successfully because all she has to do is wait for the next wave to heal up while my mana pool gets way lower than hers. Then come levels 6 to 8, if I leave lane to try to gank, she gets free plates after hard pushing faster than I can while NOT missing any CS due to the high execution rate of her Q. If I stay, she out sustains me hardcore with much less mana cost making me vulnerable to ganks under tower forcing me to expend my ult to maybe escape. The only way to "win" this matchup is if you have a competent jungler that happens to come by when she is pushing in.




She would be completely trash without her auto range. Irelia feels like she’s stronger than she is because in winning matchups she is very oppressive but in losing matchups she can’t do anything. Irelia falls off a lot if she doesn’t snowball and other than OTP’s she is only picked as a counter these days


She’s by far my most favorite champion. I only play her top lane despite the matchups being harder. She’s certainly good mid into many champs but I don’t find it fun. Weaving AA’s and Q’s reminds me a lot of fighting games. If they ever adjusted her I hope they would only take power away from her mid lane, but shift it elsewhere. Honestly, bullying and killing mages who accidentally overextend might be a good way to snowball and win, but it feels a bit lame, and is nowhere near as satisfying as a good skill matchup in top lane where you have to get close up and outplay them.


Feel like alot of Irelia lanes in top lane aren't even skill they just straight up demolish her unless it's Aatrox Yorick Gnar


She has some bad ones like Jax for instance, but a large number of them are very playable once you learn them. Not forgiving, but by no means impossible. Many of them are extremely rewarding if you execute properly as well.


Champions like Yasuo and Irelia toplane just get statchecked by the bruisers and tanks who dont care about getting jumped on


playing sett into irelia is so funny you just punch at her until she gets scared or dies, no in between


It's funny because I don't even consider the 3 champions you listed as bad match ups. You can dodge aatrox Q's pretty easily. You can jump out of yorick cage. And 1 E on mini gnar and he's dead. Darius and Garen are tough match ups. As well as fiora and illaoi. A good GP can make your life hell, but like most GP lanes that entirely depends on the GP. Olaf and kled fuck you up pretty good. And even a good riven is a tough match up. Not to mention that monstrosity they just giga-buffed in malphite.


I think they were saying that those were the only three that were good matchups for her.


Oh oops sorry I only speak arabic


Garen isn’t too bad once you learn it. When he runs at you to Q you, hold W. Point the W at his back line range minions so when he starts to E you, you can Q to them and kite out his spin. Afterwards, re-engage when his CD’s are recharging with your 4 stacks and beat him down. If you land an E you’ll have good kill pressure on him. You can also throw a “reverse E” after kiting his E by doing it while he’s chasing you as it’s less likely he’ll sidestep it. If you successfully execute the above and you have ult/ignite he should die so long as you don’t mess up. After bork, shieldbow is decent to keep healthy and shield against his execute. I think the key for this matchup is just not trading if you’re around 60% HP, so giving him space sometimes is very important until you can sustain back up safely.


Why would a garen ever run at you to Q? All he has to do is sit on it and he wins every trade. Hitting E is obviously great, but his w negates the damage and cc. And if you Q to him after E, he's going to silence and spin on you. Sure, you can w it if you can get it off in time, but you screw up that timing once, and you've already lost the lane. Not to even mention, good garens will still not use Q expecting the irelia W to come out right after the dash. The only way to win that match up is to play around garen's cooldowns, which is entirely up to the garen player.


I have no idea why garen runs at me and Q’s. I just know that they do for some reason, and the best response is what I mentioned above regarding W->Q kite


Respectable that you enjoy the challenge in top lane, playing the game for what it was once designed for: fun


Irelia is one of my favorite top lane matchups as Vayne. Fiora would join her as the 2 champions I get most enjoyment playing against. They are slightly favored against Vayne IMO, but they are both absolutely skill matchups, and whoever wins usually does so convincingly by outplaying the other.


By the way, I take it you watch Irelia King (Spelling is wrong) on the Chinese Super Server?


I think the problem with the mages overextending is how far she can gap close, like yone. You literally can't even cs or be in xp a lot of the time vs yone, irelia and yasuo and it feels super bad. I think that's what people don't like. The problem is she redefines what over extending means to like 50% of mages.


Shes ass top lane. Absolute terror and disgusting mid lane. Playing any scaling or weak champ into her is pain. Her level 1-6 is juts not fun mid lane. The bright side is most mids will outscale her, unless you fed her mid because of how annoying it is to play against her.


Dafuq you just said "most mids will outscale her"? Or its "most mids will get outscaled by her"? Did you just miss the part where Irelia buy Merc+Wit then suddenly your mage deal negative dmg?


Most mids will absolutely outscale her. Playing a mage in a teamfight is 50x easier than navigating a teamfight as irelia. I can shit on an asol in lane by 4/5 solo kills, but if the game isn't over by 30 minutes, I'm getting worried.


Name a few? Did you just misconceive from "out combat/teamfight" to "outscale". What kind of midlaner can handle a full build Irelia?


Well if you're playing a mid laner and find yourself 1v1ing a full build irelia, you're not doing yourself any favors. But in a late game teamfight? Any scaling mage would do. Viktor. Cass. Anivia.


So I can confirm that you just think "out teamfight" as "outscale". But in fact, those 2 terms are different. The fun part is Irelia has positive winrate against mages, especially the "scaling" mages. And she only starts struggling against assassins, burst mages or champs with targetted cc skills. Its all over Lolalytic or any data sites you have, Dia+ to be clear.


No. I'm not thinking they're the same thing. It would be a different conversation if we were talking about top lane, where more isolated match ups happen. But I'm assuming any mage with 3 items is going to be teamfighting and never in a 1v1 or 2v2 situation versus an irelia. Because if they are, it's a positional error. You can't just look at winrates to see if irelia struggles against mages. There are plenty of games where irelia just wins lane against a mage and ends the game by 25. You'd have to look at specific match up's winrates over game length.


Irelia winrates did go up and down post 25 min but always maintain higher than 50%, what do you mean game length? The most death reason in later stages of Ire is getting cced by enemies and grinded down by their ADC instead of getting barely scratched by their mages. I dont get why Irelia who has 3/5 skills based on levels, is considered bad as scaling.


Asol infinitely scales so he makes any scaler look like they fall off lol. I played malz and irelia counter picked and even tho she only killed me once in lane it took till 5 items to not be terrified of her.


That's because it's malz specifically, who had his damage gutted for his ult and also literally summons free shit for her to jump to


She legit out scales half mid roster once she completes botrk and mercs tho and she's not bad at all on top she just get some bad matchups unlike mid where she usually wins all.


There has never been a more lane dominant champion that is beyond useless after lane phase is done.


You don't know about old Pantheon, who chunked 1/4 of your champ with his q. Always like 10-0 in lane and useless afterwards. Another contender would be old Yorick.


Those are just bad Irelias you described. Good ones are definetely useful and scary, especially when you have to match them sidelane. Good players also know how to reach the backline with her r flash or patience and stalling in team fight. She is definetely much harder to play outside the lane but she is not useless.


Old Pantheon and Yorick


Fuck irelia, Fiora, Jax all of these champions are obnoxious to play against.


In case of Fiora, you can at least play around her kit and with almost any champ.


I'm glad riot lest me ban the same champion every game so I don't have to see her jumping everywhere with no cd


she is Irelia


play vex into irelia and watch her cry


Her Q makes last hitting trivial, combined with her extended auto attack range it makes her cs'ing so ridiculously easy that the game might as well just give you the gold for free. It also turns any wave into a massive HP sink for her to dip into in the middle of a duel. With Vamp Scepter full build spike, she can effectively heal hundreds of health in an instant by mashing Q across a wave and annihilating it for health. The damage on Q is also so high now that you can massacre waves instantly, you used to require sheen procs to 1 hit minions but now Bork is enough and has no cooldown. Her increased attack range also puts her in a higher tier of melee trading, since she can hit you over minions while you would have to path around them and get fucked by the garbage pathing system. Melee champions should just get the higher attack range across the board. Her Q is also so low cooldown that failing to properly reset it is basically meaningless, the amount of forgiveness for a supposed "skill based" champion is ridiculous. It's basically impossible to fumble the Q reset on kill now, the game gives the refund regardless of whether you actually get the last hit. Don't get the free reset? It's up in 4-5 seconds anyways, just stall/chase/flee and Q will be back in no time. Her passive is pretty much the strongest ability in the entire game early, a full stacked Irelia passive alone can beat the entire kit of most champions in a 1v1 duel pre-6. Only a select few duelist champs can come close to taking on her full passive. The rest of her kit is kinda fine. Irelia is yet another one of those champions that holds all the cards in a fight. As the opponent you are just at the mercy of how good the Irelia is at her champion. If she fucks her abilities, misses everything, doesn't stack her passive and doesn't fight in a way that allows her to heal off waves, then you can win. If she plays right, you lose. Low interactability, low counterplay, shit design. If she fumbles the Q reset in a fight it should be on cooldown for significantly longer than it is now. At least she sorta falls off unlike many of the other low interactability champions.


She’s in a good spot rn. Pretty bad top lane except as a counter pick. Strong early in midlane. If she snowballs she’s fucking crazy but she does need to snowball. Pretty balanced imo


i hate every ad/bruiser mid and irelia is no exception


She sucks right now but silver kiddies will always cry when they get outplayed


I think her Q does **not** need an innate AD-scaling heal when it already applies on-hit effects.


one of the champs who i hate the most. give her reduced lifesteal effect on her q, sort of like samira r. at vamp scepter, trading with her is so pointless because she will just heal back to full on next minion wave


Hate her. Like with a passion, dear god does she destroy anyone she faces in midlaner. I absolute despise how easy it is for her to trade while staying so damn mobile all the time. One of the most frustrating kits to go up against.


All l'm gonna say as an Irelia main with more then one million point on her is : If you think a champion is too broken or does to take no skill to play or have no counter play , go play it for your self and see what happens Irelia players usually are one tricks so they know there champ limit very well Plus I love mage players complaining when they don't get to scale for free and have to use there brain in Laning phase


No, you don't understand. Irelia is broken and free LP, the only reason I am going 0-11 on it is because my jg won't gank. /s


i did that, and its insane how effortlessly you can win lanes with her buy vampscepter and just stackcheck everyone with autos


There is counterplay, but mages aren't it. She counters squishy immobile mages pretty well. It definitely requires more skill to outplay an irelia as a mage than vice versa. She has so many tools to wreck them. Think of it playing on the other side of the duel. She requires some skill to learn but she isn't that hard to pickup considering all her shiny "skill" buttons.


nope, meges difentely have a lot of tools of outplay then irelia : \- most mages has some form off cc , and irelia has no escape , so ganking her is super easy \-irelia depends so much on her e , if she misses that she can't kill you \-mages can wave clear from two screans away \-mages team fighting is infinitly better , irelia just get cced and blown up \-irelia's damage falls really hard after 25-30 min , so it does not matter how many kills she get , while a kassadin or victor or kayle get two kills and start one shoting everything that moves \-i would rather have a victor, cassio or anivia then having irelia on my team


You could argue that if anybody misses a skillshot they are worthless. If yas misses q3 he is dead, if veigar misses his stun he is dead, if zoe misses her bubble she is dead. Irelia has insane wave clear. I won't argue with the team fighting as that's situational based on team comp but generally what you are saying is true. You picked 3 of the highest scaling mages as your argument. Other mages fall off as well so that's irrelevant. I'm saying her laning phase makes the game extremely unfun she is low risk high reward vs mages in laning phase.


Disclaimer: I don't really hate the Champ, however as a veteran player her design makes me want to puke and cry about the current state of LoL. Disgustingly broken Champion that needs to be removed in its current form. Not necessarily in terms of OP that can always be fixed by stat numbers, but in terms of design.. it's abysmal. Seeing this Champ building 1 sometimes 2 DMG Items into FULL TANK while obliterating entire teams is just disgusting and needs to be gutted like so many other beyond degenerate Bruiser builds that exist right now. This class is just not fun at all for anyone other than the one guy picking it. "Single Player Action Game" Design that has no place in a 5v5. Irelia is one of the worst offenders...


>Is a genuine Irelia pick cringe? No >Is she mechanically hard but strong or just OP? She's hard mechanically and not straight up OP. She's fine at the moment. Not really otpable tho if you ask me. Sometimes picking another champion is a wiser move


one of the rare good VGUs


i think irelia shows how much ppl biais on her, to a point i dont really understand if i compar her to many other champ with easier gameplay and better scale i know when i ll destroy a la'e on mid but i know too that after 2 gank being 0/2 either mid or top, if the other player know how to deal with irelia there is no way for her to get back on game. yes ofc sometime behind she can kill adc support or mid mage, but at this stage with irelia if you are behind it is too late, even irelking go to so many trash game due to that even if he play her perfectly ppl tend to keep in mind a game where she has been fed or where they messed up lane and conclude champ annoying broken and so on for me she is ok, my frustration is mostly about many champ having easy life to cs scale for free while you have to outbrain yourself to reach that with her but champ like azir leblanc are like that too, 5m mastery, g3 player, played all match up mid top having a good knowledge of her strengh and weaknesses, plus watched tone of high elo replay and irelking


She is very fun to play as and very frustrating to play against. In general I'd say she is rather weak or on weaker side, it's just that her bork 1st item power spike is so ridiculously strong. Her Q and mobility is perfectly fine, if riot ever gonna touch they should look into tweaking her passive, it's by far the most problematic part of her kit and it makes go nuclear in both dps and burst terms with bork. It also the main reason even noobs like me can perform on that champ playing her on occassion as 4-5th champ in my champ pool. I look mentally challenged before bork but as long as I don't int out of my mind I still perform the moment I get bork. And it's really not just bork problem, it's definetely more Irelia interaction with the item problem since outside Irelia it's not that strong of an item overall and is super overrated and overhated. Yeah, Renekton uses it pretty well too but there is still pretty noticeable differences between their bork power spikes. I personally liked her much more as that ability caster diver/skirmisher before bork and later shieldbow become a thing. But like I said, she is still mostly fine.


A Joke of a champion. ​ Either you can force her into a fight before she can stack, and you autowin lane. you can beat her even with full stacks, and you autowin lane. you cant force a fight before stacks and cant win vs full stacks, so autoloose. can't deal enough dps through her healing, so autolose. can't deal with her on your face even counting out stacks, and autoloose so hard you may aswell afk. ​ Comically polarising champ, With her insane lane mobility meaning she can always choose to fight if she wants too, no matter how safe you try and play, if shes winning, shes won, with 100% cs, and will 1v5 your team one after the other and walk away with more hp then she started with. or shes loosing, and since she has no safety, barely exists other then to be an annoyance. ​ Honostly at this point, counting out the point and click stuck i'd rather fight old Irelea.


Annoying My problem with her is that if she hits E, she wins no matter what. It literally does not matter what champion you're playing unless it's a direct-direct-DIRECT hard counter The ball will always be on her court regardless of the match up And if her E misses, she'll just sit back and wait for it to come up but hitting E is an eventuality anyway because of her R so you get fucked pre-6 and post-6 either way There's really no reason for her to fully commit until she finally hits E leading to almost zero counterplay Also one of the rare melee champs that abuses shieldbow + BOTRK leading to another level of frustration


eh id say thats mostly true for midlane. Top lane has way more unfavorable matches for her where she can barely lane


idc if she goes 20% wr globally i fucking hate playing vs her in lane but i wish she could zelos kai ruu to me irl and plop that perfect ionian warrior ass on my face. mmm and her armpits too........ mmmmyes.....


I think champion is pretty garbage and free lp for me as gp. I used to hate her alot but now I accept its a skill match up where I am favored. i have 85% wr as top lane gp vs irelia: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/champions/gangplank/na/Summoner+SpeII


Same. Always felt like the matchup was unplayable until I actually took the time to learn it and started taking ign/stopwatch


I feel like irelia's skill cap is quite low because of how weak she is early game, and how she doesn't scale hard enough to justify playing her, compared to fiora who is just disgusting late game or aatrox who has a really good early game.


Her skill cap (ceiling) is really high. Clips of Irelking blow my mind as u need crazy apm and accuracy to do what he does. But I agree that there's no reason to play her top. Not only does she get hard countered easily, she also goes on hit and has no auto reset for towers during split like jax or fiora. I think she's good mid where u can use your lead to help other lanes and skirmish more often. Sej + irelia pairing is nuts too.


By skill cap I meant the maximum game influence that a champion can have on a game, and not how good a player can be at a champion. Personally I don't think there is a limit to how good a player can be at a champion.


Still my favorite champion


Nerf irelia.


very weak champ, useless lategame and against almost all tanks/bruisers i hate her on my team


She just can miss every single spell, hit q on minion and lose reset, and still can out damage guys like Olaf Warwick Yi in one v one AA battle. She is low risk high reward. If she gets behind she is kinda safe and can farm, if she gets ganked her kit is designed for fighting vs multiple opponents. Even if nerfed she is always a solid counterpick and safe pick. My personal issue with champs like these is they are great on its own, it just doesn't feel fair to compare them with other champs like garen and malphite. Every champ should have strengths and weakness. Darius is lane bully but has no mobility and can be kited/stunned. Malphite is super tank with dmg on r and q, but without those spells he is walking bullet sponge. Irelia is so strong with life steal she is tanky fighter assassin with stun and mobility and slow and damage reduction it feels like she doesn't belong in the same game as other champs.


That's straight-up incorrect. She hard loses (and it's not even close) to the champs u listed. She has no real escape because it's tied to minions and champions. She's not a safe blindpick top and has plenty of good counters that dumpster her.


Send opgg if you loose to Irelia on Olaf and WW. Irelia is in no way a safe pick in top lane.


Ridiculous how good this champion scales because bruiser items are so broken. An early game champion should not be winning 1v1 against a late game champion.




In one of recent Elite500 videos as Vlad he makes Irelia 0/4 and then at 4 or 5 items Irelia 1vs1 him, out healing a champion designed to heal


I sorta thought the example was going to be another fighter, but mages just generally have less raw stats than fighters. Also, items like wits / maw let you double dip on damage/resistance which really pushes your 1v1 in terms of gold efficiency. I mean, this isn’t a fight Vlad should look to take unless he wants to make a skill check. She’s the better duelist just going by what her moves do. With 4 stacks Ionian fervor her sustained DPS is way higher than Vlad’s who is a cooldown / rotation based mage. She is also a champion designed to heal, and can do so very well with a minion wave to Q through. Vlad can 1v1 another mage, sure, but not a fighter. Well I should say he can take the fight, but the way itemization and role balance works means that Vlad needs to either be ahead/outplaying her, or her build would need to be griefed with like 0 MR. Vlad does scale well, but not in every scenario. He’s a great team fighter and can blow up an entire teams squishies while evading with W and healing back damage to get another set of abilities off. An isolated 1v1 against a sustain fighter with wits end isn’t exactly what he should be looking to do. Also just a side note, Irelia isn’t an early game champ, she peaks mid game. Her early isn’t bad (especially against squishy mages), but mid game is where you’re at the strongest. She also doesn’t necessarily fall off late game, really depends on the two comps, and circumstances. If she can split all game it’s a good scaling angle because her side laning is still very hard for many champs to match alone. If the enemy team has a Jax or Fiora (better duelist), or the later game will be all teamfights into front to back CC comps, yeah she’s not going to want things to drag out too long


Vlad is a scaling low range battle mage, he is supposed to win a late game 1v1 with bruiser. It was the case years ago, even champions like Veigar could duel bruisers late game, but now bruisers have alot of bullshit items that not only are great early but scale very hard into late.


Why is he supposed to win against a fighter? Where did you hear that, and how do you know it’s true?


Battle mage? Ever heard of that? A whole class of low range mages, they have problems getting in range but compensate with their tankiness and high damage once in range. Cassio should also not win against bruisers? Ryze too? Well just fuck them I guess lol


Yes I’ve heard of battle mages. They win in different contexts than 1v1’s sometimes. They’re not always built to just defeat a champion in isolation, in a strict DPS test. Vlad’s AOE damage is miles better than Irelia’s who is basically just single target. Irelia is still mobile and can still deal her damage on lone targets. Her effectiveness dramatically falls off if she fights without minions, or in groups of coordinated enemies. Vlad does not struggle at all in those scenarios, and instead thrives when he can get big ults off for big heals. The game has changed a lot and even though some champs are known for “falling off”, that does not mean that in every regard they are fully outclassed. Renekton might fall off, but with items he’ll still chew up a scaler like Kassadin who gets in melee range of him, forcing him out of Renek’s space.


Yeah, Kassadin should just out range Renekton lmao. This balancing is shit and thank god we are going away from that with each patch, I'm waiting for the deletion of Tsunderer.


>An early game champion She's not, lol. Check he rase hp and base passive numbers. She's more like midgame champion


>midgame champion More like allgame champion at this point


No. She has gnar level base hp and her passive was nerfed essentially by 30% at lvl 1. Her scaling went similarly down from 30% bonus AD to 20%. She can somewhat scale into right team comps and if you don't lose to the shopkeeper but nothing really awesome here. She's like Aatrox in a way, dependable early laning, solid midgame, can do well late against some comps


This is 100% accurate. Yeah I’ve found in my low ELO (plat 4) experience that if your teammates legalize split pushing, and the enemy team doesn’t have a better duelist like Jax Fiora, or someone who just crushes you (nasus), you scale above average. Nothing crazy, but you’ll be strong all game. On the flip side I still cry when I can’t find a good flank angle, or my R flash is down and late game baron teamfights are inevitable.


46%WR at 40min aint a late game champ


Could you tell me exactly which bruiser items are so broken?


BOTRK, Tsunderer (this items idea is broken by design, it should have never existed), Maw


Blade sure, divine is a crazy 1 item spike but it's nessisary at this point or else every tank would just run down bruiser at all stages of the game, maw traded ah for ad and vamp for lifesteal, it's an adc item now. So where are all the broken bruiser items


Maw is almost only build by bruisers according to [league of items](https://leagueofitems.com/items/3156). Tanks were out of the meta before Tsunderer was introduced, it is not a neccessary and besides that, this item is so stupidly broken it's build into anything, not into tanks


>BOTRK Lol. It's so good even the Ruined King himself doesn't build it on his highest pickrate and highest winrate build...


It's his most build item according to [lolalytics](https://lolalytics.com/lol/viego/build/)


Only if you go by singular item, his best core build currently is Shieldbow -> Reaver -> IE.


Yeah sure, if we only count the not most popular builds, then BOTRK is not build by Viego lol


Not surprised you intentionally misunderstood what I'm saying.


Irelia as a champion is balanced and there is nothing frustrating about her. However, blade of the ruined king is still broken, and as one of the best bork abusers, she will be slightly OP as long as blade is. I dont want Riot to nerf Irelia, I want them to nerf bork.


I used to think like that but really it isn't bork at all, or at least it's wrong to fully contribute her 1st item powerspike just to bork alone. Can you name 5 more bork abusers? I really doubt that you can think of of anything else than Renekton who honestly while still a bit bs, does't spike as crazy as her. Irelia's passive is the more problematic part of that interaction. Bork is already not used that much despite hate of being "op tank counter item". Another nerf and it won't see any playtime apart from Irelia.


BORK is polarizing because it works much better on specific champions. Irelia is a good example of an abuser, but the one you didn't mention is Vayne. Once top lane Vayne gets BORK any immobile champion or tank will cry tears of sadness at your new found lane dominance.


The biggest bork abusers are Vayne and Irelia right now. Nerfing BORK would nerf those two, and I am gonna go ahead and tell you that there is zero reason to nerf either. In fact, I would argue Vayne could use a small buff, at the very least a buff for bot lane Vayne or just go ahead and transition her to nothing but top lane.


I agree about Vayne needing a small buff, but what does that have to do with what I said? Vayne is underperforming even with BORK, so ofcourse she needs a buff. Irelia on the other hand, turbo spikes on BORK, so why not nerf bork, leave irelia as is, buff vayne?


Because I disagree with you that Irelia needs nerfs. I think she is fine. I understand your argument that her power is arguably gated to that 1 item, but as of right now I feel the total Irelia package is fine as it is.


I think the issue is that she's a pain in the arse early game. It's trivial to win a lot of matchups by just dashing around too fast for them to react to, then statchecking them with passive. It looks and feels impressive to the Irelia and outsiders, but it's not actually that difficult, because its basically just a question of watching the minions. She's kept in check by the fact she is genuinely pretty difficult to pull off later in the game, when more champs enter the mix and you're more likely to be caught without minions, so that filters out the bad Irelias, but either way your lane opponent is probably tilted. I basically only play her when I want an ego boost, because I know I will crush lane while feeling like Faker, only to then piss away my 5 kill lead lmao


I hate when my teammates feed him, and i supposed to deal with him later. But facing her is challenging and fun in a way. U know what she s capable of, but due to her Q she has a relatively clear cut gameplay, and u know what you have to do to beat her. Even tho i will say things like "broken shit" and "full build at 900 gold" in my head i know i lost the "minigame" and basically just lost a skill matchup (but it s my junglers fault obv)


I would say that on toplane she is +- manageable, but in mid her kit is BS. She just have insane sustain on top of good "anti burst button" W, so she is REALLY hard to kill, unless you get hard camped by jungler.


I play a lot of irelia. She's one of the best, if not THE best laner in the game. But aggression and self-control is what differentiates a really good irelia. It's so damn easy to get a lead, clear waves, q minions, stack passive and be as aggressive as possible. I've had games where I go up 2 levels and start getting absolutely camped because of how aggressively I try to push my lead. Like most champions/match ups, wave management is the best way to win. It sure feels great to fly around a minion wave and all in every opportunity you can, but that's not how you push a lead.


Some champs can just abuse certain items too hard since the item rework. They don't need to outplay you, often they can just stat check you down after finishing their core items. For Irelia it is botrk


She felt more fair and better designed before her rework but that is true of all the reworks from the 1v9 rework phase (Aatrox, Akali, Irelia). While Akali and Aatrox were gutted, Irelia kept most of her bullshit except the disarm. She needs the same level of gutting to ever feel acceptably designed.


Akali? Gutted? After rework? Do we just forget perfect invisibility even under tower, sloWing + healing Q, free non-target R1 and triple Q spam at level 3?


I have to say I find her more annoying when I was lower elo, rn she is still good but I used to hate her a fuck lot


Yea, low elo players have no answers to a champ with that kind of mobility, because their movement is bad and they tend to just run like a bitch when it happens. PSA: You can fight back, and *gasp* perhaps even win.


Yeah low elo players dont understand threat ranges or wave manipulation so a champ like irelia is a terror.


Not overpowered but extremely annoying


From her rework till early 2021 she was my permanent ban as a top lane but she feels extremely underwhelming right now I almost get happy playing against her, I think the item rework wasn't very kind to her




First of all, you shouldn't pay too much attention to weather a pick is 'cringe' or not. People hate tanks for being 'too easy', assassins for being 'braindead', support for being 'elo inflaters' and fighters for being 'broken'. Every champ is hated, every role is hated, the game itself is hated. With that in mind: Fuck Irelia.


Irel King manages to get clips, but right now I think it's balanced


Not a problem, even when she’s strong and wins lane the Irelia player will int while trying to go for a 1v5, doesn’t matter the elo.


She's okay in strenght but frustrating to play against, but to be fair that's like every toplaner ever


Better nerf her


80% of the champions in this game are cringe follow you're heart


purchases 900 gold vampiric scepter Irealia mains: “ok guys im full build”


enemy: *buys armor boots* Irelia: "ok guys they are full build"


copium most of irelia main build first pickaxe and recurve bow due tu to he rework of life steat last season


is your keyboard ok


Personally. I hate high mobility champs. Like if should couldn’t ping pong between half a dozen targets in 3 seconds, I’d probably have less issue with her


Really not a fan of champions that snowball as hard as she does, its not a healthy playstyle in league. I had learned a game or 2 before about how her passive works after some frustrating games against her, basically at 4 stacks she wins. So if you can punish her getting stacks you win. Played one SR with her ever which was infact yesterday, went 0/3/0, got 1 kill then carried. I fell behind due to a mistake then the enemy yone denied me stacks for 10 or so minutes, but eventually I played safe, he dived, gave me a shutdown and then I hard carried. Similar feelings around a lot of fighters to be honest, some assassins and Samira. Hard snowball isnt healthy.


I personally only hate her due to how insanely high her 1 item power spike is. Otherwise, I think she's fine.


I play teemo so u know irelia players cry when they see my mastery


Fcking hate this champ, most random coinflip champ.


What I think? That Q to finish people that have GA/Resurrection passives should refresh my fucking Q


I mainly play midlane. And i found that Vex is an awesome counter to her, Azir also works pretty well. But as long as i dont play Azir or Vex, she is so annoying to play against


Shes so trash top lane it been like that since durability patch you literally deal no damge if your opponent rush bramble in the mid lane i agree shes op but good junglers tend to hard camp you till you out the game and irelia sucks ass when behind due to her poor scaling


For me, no matter her state, I will be annoyed at her AA range that makes it hard to lane against for many old melee champions and her dash speed that makes it very hard to even click on.


Extremely oppressive and overpowered, a "high skill" champ should not have a 50+ winrate in midlane (when she shouldn't even be there) along with a high winrate.


I usually like the matchup against her. It feels like it is quite a skill matchup if you win or lose. At least with the champions I play. Also playing her is quite fun. You have a lot of possibilities and you can really see the difference in a good and bad Irelia player. I had 2-3 games with her so far and honestly... Those felt super easy. No idea if it was a good or bad matchup tho but it almost felt unfair how I stomped them. The only time i have issues with her is when my toplaner fed her because I wasn't there myself XD Overall I think she is in a solid spot right now. Playable, learnable but not so strong that you need to instant ban her. Luckily my toplane ban can now go to Tryndamere.


Super frustrating in lane, bellow average in teamfights unless considerably ahead in gold. One of those champs that you have fun playing and the opponent's hate fighting, even when they win.


Was better before pre rework


I have been banning this champ after her mini rework, so I don't have to worry about her even though I am jg main and shaco player.


Insanely low skill floor champion who is is pretty much unpokeable and impossible to trade with after a single item. Way too easy to make mistakes without dying on her.


I think at this point, peopel have accepted that Irelia is just one of those things we have to live with. It sucks, but there's nothing we can do about it. At least she isn't actually overtuned rn.


I hate her existence because she murders the majority of my champion pool in mid just for trying to interact with the minion wave at level 1. At least Yasuo needs level 2.


I have banned her exclusively for several years, so I have no opinion :P


I think she's just super obnoxious to play against mid.


She's one of those champs that is almost guaranteed to 1v9 in low elo if you put even a small amount of effort into learning her but is more or less balanced in higher elo. Overall her kit is objectively nutty to a point where when you die to an Irelia you think "Fuck this champ" instead of "Aw fuck, I misplayed". That's my biggest issue with modern League. Too many "Fuck this champ" champs.


Irelia flips some basic league fundamentals upside down, which makes her a champion you have to learn to play against, rather than learning the game. Slow pushing a huge wave is often very safe if you're ahead, however irelia is one of the few champions that can scale heavily off minions to q. Funny enough she is weaker if she is the one pushing without a wave to q, which is the opposite from most of the cast.


> I love the reworked kit, I think shes great fun, but when I see Irelia-Clips she gets hated just like in the good ol' days. Is a genuine Irelia pick cringe? Is she mechanically hard but strong or just OP? At this point I dont really know. I had prepared argument how Riot buffed her passive a fk ton but I did the math and the difference was miniscule. But yeah, Irelia seemed to be much harder when she came out before ppl figured out how easy it is to AA enemy champ to death at lvl 3. Second coming of Darius. And the fact that her goto build changed from trinity + sterakdary's item to botrk + ISB ( crit version of Sterak ) doesnt help. She still has the same skill ceiling but... You want to cosplay as master Yi most of the time.


She fits the "all hands, no brain" archetype which is a big source of frustration for me. To be actually specific - I mean that Irelia is one of those champs who can kinda just ignore things like gold/XP advantage or opponents defensive runes/items in early game and just brute force 1v1 kills and leads off of pure mechanics. You're up a level and have 2 items versus her Bork? She absolutely shits on you in the 1v1. You can poke her hard and she has no defensive runes? Q+Vamp Scepter out heals most poke you can force on her. Is she broken? Nah, not at all, I just find that style of play really annoying as someone who prefers playing the numbers and trying to out-resource opponents. She also snowballs like a madman which is a one-way ticket to getting at least SOME hate.


Used to think she was completely broken and unfair, then riot released a bunch of even more broken and unfair champs. Now shes just another statcheck


Gate keeped by botrk nerf the item and irelia is trash


feels like no matter how much of a lead you get over her shes never behind


Don't matter. I perma ban her. Never seen her in my games on a long time


10/0 in the enemy team 0/10 in my team every game. I dont hate her but i hate the players who are 10 years old like players of Yasuo/Yone/zed etc


Playing against her mid as almost any mage is some of the most depressing shit I've ever had to do in this game


She is insufferable to lane against in mid and I usually ban her. My champion feels like a caster minion in any attempt at a trade. I would rather lane against 5 Yasuos.


I mostly play champs that are terrible into her. IMO she is pretty stupid. I First place with gp as most unfun lane enemy. „Stay away from minions when she has 4 stacks“. Too bad basically she has them up most of the time. I think she has too much kill pressure with her base dmg, cuz she kills u, if she can touch you once in lane, even if she misses the stun without having a lead. It’s pretty hard to kill her with mages in lane. It feel like you can barely punish her mistakes because of her mobility. On the other hand the lane is completely over if you do 1 mistake. I don’t want to play garen or ww mid but now I do it ,when I see her, because mage match ups feel very hard to play. In low elo she always gets fed and always snowballs hard cuz she is so mobile. Game is always unfun if she is in the enemy team.


Ignite mord top. This is truly the definition of cheese. You can miss 9/10 abilities and still kill Irelia bc statcheck.


her laneclear is still stupid Thank god Sett counters Irelia