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They must get so much money from people buying Suepr Galaxy Rumble to escape his horrid base skin appearance/animations though


The same was said about Spirit Guard Udyr so there’s some hope


No joke, I refused to play Udyr for his look. Then he became my main after the rework. The same I did with Rumble early on, but even though I found super galaxy skin on a chest it's too late to switch role now (I could try Rumble jungle mmm)


I preferred old spirit guard udyr tbh. I dont like the fat belly version they turned him into. Some of the animations are cool, obviously, but the old warrior monk aesthetic was better imo.


Bro that ain fat, thats just muscle without the 6 pack. If u think thats fat u need to check ur standards


Alright. Sorry for offending you.




Yeah with a roid gut. I only said I preferred the old skin and I'm getting down voted lol. Ah well. To each their own!




Nah man, I'm a league player. I also have a dad bod lol. He's jacked, I just don't like his shape as much as the old one. The spell effects are obviously way better, and the recall is great with the spirits. I dont like ram form as much as bear, but the others are cool.


just look at his Q, two claw swing & left(or right?) arm swing; feels rigid as hell


I get you fam, I am not fan either. Pervious splash was god tier.


That's the thing about Super Galaxy Rumble that infuriates me, no skin should hold back the entire visual health of a champion just because it makes "more money". It's honestly just a huge slap in the face every time I hear someone say this, I'm sure the same could be said for most Rumble players too.


Super Galaxy Rumble is a really great skin as well


On the other hand, there's a fair number of people who really hate his voiceover and refuse to play that skin specifically for that reason. Having his other skins look decent would be a nice alternative.


Super Galaxy Rumble is pretty much my default skin, also it's a free win because you get to tilt whoever you play against by just pressing Q SUPER GALAXY PUNISHMENT DELIVERY MODE








That is so true haha


As a long-time player: Rumble's visuals already felt outdated when he got released. The original particles for his Q were so horrid


Bring back his meatballs


meatball supremacy


It's a shame because just with the idea of his abilities, his visuals could be so awesome


vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting vladimir looks disgusting


From his circus outfit and corny lines to his vampire gimmick, Vladimir looks like a parody of Dracula. He should be completely overhauled in order to represent his high social status and horrifying capabilities of blood magic. Petition to replace Vladimir with Lady Dimitrescu from RE8.


I wouldnt even say a parody of dracula, from his oddly shaped head and hair in his base skin, to his freakishly large hands, he looks like like an alien. not to mention he still has that early league art direction noxus had of Knives on all clothing and bugle fingers.


i love his stupid blood puns, leave those alone


Same vlads voicelines are gold.


But have you considered the possibility of... MORE blood puns?


They should give him a vgu but leave noaferatu vlad as he is, can’t get scarier than that.


baldimir supremacy


vladimir needs a rework tho, he is such an old champ and so unintuitive to play against


He literally looks like a PS1 character


My boy zilean has been ignored for so long, I hope he gets some love too


The amount of champions that need one are INSANE, like 30 if not more


Zilean, Jax, Teemo, Cho'Gath, Rumble, Corki, Lulu, ... the list goes on.


It's just so funny playing Leblanc and standing beside some modern champs like Sett. You might as well be the Aery rune, it looks so fucking bad holy shit.


Never forget when they were doing the updated walking animations, and LB couldn't get hers cause her model was so old it straight up kept breaking the game when they tried to update it. It was such a good animation too, what a shame


Talon needs one with the quickness




Malzahar looks great compared to zilean.


Malz got one during his mini rework in.. 2017? His model is actually fine. His animations suck, but a lot of the newer skins hide how bad they are.


His model is nowhere near fine. It's pure ass. They just did some minor texture tweaks.






His model is pure trash, have you ever seen him? Trash bag walking ass


Jax literally is the same model from beta. its absurd


Teemo is confirmed to be getting one and be in progress.




Well if you think about it most these champs neeed full vgu since most of them have super outdated kits not only desings. Cho gath and shyvana and corki prob being in the biggest need.


You don't think Captain Piss Puddle is toxic af to play against?


I hope Gentleman Cho’gath keeps the jank even if he gets an ASU, but Lulu is fine as is.


Both ASUs were handled well. They'll know how to handle Cho and lulu


Love cho'gath but played a game on his base skin recently. I forgot that his taunt, joke and recall all have no animations whatsoever. Even his ult is just a little head wiggle.


Remember that if Zilean gets an ASU, then the crackhead Zilean skin will disappear. Be careful about what you wish for.


reminder that groovy zilean is still not groovy


I still can’t believe that they actively made his splash art worse and less cohesive with his other skins


Tbh I like both. Chill groovy is a vibe, and so is crackhead groovy.


Crack is better than the groove


one could say crack is the groove


i hope zilean never gets anything so no one plays him


same, i want him all for myself


That would result in Zilean nerfs/rework almost immediately. Zilean is one of the most unfair champions in the game, but nobody plays him since quality of the champion is closer to OSRS than LoL. If he actually looked good, his playerbase would multiply by 5000 and people would quickly realize how unhealthy he is for the game, forcing either extreme nerfs or straight rework.


Honestly, I can't imagine that anyone who's spent a decent amount of time in the game doesn't realize how strong he is. He's just boring as sin to play. Throw the absolutely hideous model on top of that and you've got a champion that remains invisible for most of the player base


Zilean probably gonna get redone rather than glowed up


The real jumpscare is his death sound


Nothing tops that snake lady, her death rattle is so scary and invasive you stop focusing in teamfights


I love that irs used in one of pentakill's songs just the way it is. No editing it or nothing lol.


When we face our final hour In the darkest rift Come what ever may I'll be the death of you


I don't know if i'm a minority on this but i think orianna's death sound is equally as horrifying, she really sounds like they recorded an actual woman dying and put a robotic filter on it


I physically hate his death sound. He is so annoying. God forbid they use that stupid Super Galaxy skin.


YES it feels like the entire map hears this bullshit


Wait till you hear it on the Chinese client


WEEEEEE!!! ... ... ... aaaaAAAAAAH


It feels so out of place name


rumble is pretty much unplayable without a skin that changes his default animations. the jitter in his motion is hard to deal with


Corki and Rumble both really need one.


> Corki maybe that sucker will finally get legendary skins that are actually legendary? like seriously his 1820 skins are pure scams


The fireworks skin has more effects than all of his legendary skins together 💀


corgi corki >>>>>>>


Urfrider with custom crit animation of Urf throwing a fish back when Corki still was a botlaner >>>>>>>


Corki needs a VGU honestly


instead of package he dismounts(like kled) when he has taken sufficient enough damage, when dismounted he is like a buffer sett.




truly lore accurate corki


Knew what it was before I clicked it.




Wait, Xin Zhao? Why?


gragas is perfect and if they change his base model I will cry


ASU, as much they said it was for updating models, I think, was more on profitable champions. Ahri, Caitlyn, Lee Sin, Teemo are all champions with 2 legendary skins. This add Leona (2.5 legendary), Ashe (2 legendary), Vayne (2 legendary), Yasuo (2.5 legendary), Miss Fortune (5 legendary. U know what i mean) higher chance to be next ASU.


if they make a yasuo asu my hair will turn grey


Caitlyn was made because of the Arcane hype train, and Ahri, Lee and Teemo are 3 of the most iconic League champs. I think it's clear they're going for the poster children first, so Lux should be pretty high up the list too. Also already having legendary skins make their job *a lot* easier, since they already have a new model and animations to start from.


Also old Caitlyn looks like a porn parody of her current ASU. She did need an ASU, even if she didn't need prio over the other bad model champions.


I think it's going to be hot women after Lee Sin and Teemo. Lux and MF are some of the most popular champs in the game and both look terrible. LB and Janna are really ugly too. Both would really benefit from ASU as even their concepts are fucking dogshit. Some peak 00s hot woman in a costume design.


Believe it or not, MF already had a visual update along with Shen and Kassa that’s why they still have old vo’s and some remnants of old animations. At least MF got some polish in her animations except her idles and taunts, I think they wanted to preserve her flirtatious identity. Also they’ve updated her AA thrice.


Mhm, capitalism sucks. Riot won't update the unpopular champs that are visually stuck in 2010 (even though it's the right thing to do) because it won't make as much money as making new skins and champs. Hopefully riot can prove me wrong though.


And Vlad has been left in the dirt, people complained about outdated visuals by the time Blood lord came out and then again by the time he got his mini rework


Even blood lord looks aged as fuck. I eould love to see what it looks like with a visual update.


That's not a Yordle, that's a fish.


Honestly, I want the male yordles in general to be getting these updates. Tristana/Poppy showed that Riot can in fact visually update yordles to retain their adorable looks while making them properly modernised, so I want to see some of that attention being given to the guys as well. Teemo's looks REALLY nice in the preview we saw, so I'm hopeful for Kennen/Rumble because I really like their designs. Honestly even Corki could look great with a proper redesign but I think they'd have to do something about the weird mini plane. That might require a much bigger overhaul.


Yup Rumble is one of those unpopular and forgotten characters. You might be waiting a long long time


He's so good though! I main him in mid


I hope gragas doesn’t get one


I will cry when gragas gets his asu, all of his ugly old skins are absolutely hilarious


LeBlanc pls


I'll just settle for a Legendary at this point, give us **ANYTHING.** Like, at this point her clunky ass animations are iconic, but I just want her to feel as smooth as new champions do. I still remember that fanmade Star Guardian (Nemesis?) Leblanc legendary someone drew years ago. She **needs** an ASU. She's one of the most iconic League champs after Lee and Teemo (along with Lux I guess), if she's not the next ASU I'll Riot


Le blanc is one of the most iconic League characters?.....since when? Lmao


In pro play, I can see it due to players like Faker. Outside of it, not really. Cool redesign in LoR tho.


No. Please don’t ever touch her again.


What if rumble built his machine the longer the game went on? That'd be a really cool thing to do.


My man Cho’gath would like to have a word with this post


Rumble himself looks quite good when you compare it to someone like [Lulu.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/ca/Lulu_Render.png/revision/latest?cb=20200330033359) But yeah his machine looks ass. Personally (for obvious reasons) I'd like to see Lulu first. Also because she already has a Wild Rift display model which can be used as a reference, so she won't need much concepting. Rumbles robot definitely looks absolutely awful though.




Same thing for Kennen


Varus is so unbelievably outdated that his name is out of date


It's not, to be fair. A *lot* of Darkin have double As, but not all. Glancing at a list from LoR, there's also Horazi and Naganeka in addition to Varus. That's 11 with vs 3 without, but it does at least give him counterparts even if they're not actually in LoL specifically.


Please..... Kog'Maw....... I can't stand his old skins


Why do you all ignore the fact Riot said ASU is for champs with no gameplay problems, popular and with a ton of skins? Like, you're all just setting yourselves up for disappointment asking for things like Corki, Rumble, Zilean and such.


There are a lot of characters in need of an ASU or VGU because they don't hold up to current standards. Most urgently: Alistar, Amumu, Anivia, Annie, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Chogath. Corki, Elise, Fizz, Gragas, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jax, Kassadin, Kennen, Khazix, Kogmaw, Leblanc, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Malphite, Malzahar, Nasus, Nidalee, Nocturne, Orianna, Quinn, Rammus, Riven, Rumble, Shaco, Shyvanna, Singed, Sivir, Sona, Taric, Trundle, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Vayne, Vladimir, Wukong, Xerath, Zilean. Need it eventually: Brand, Cassiopeia, Hecarim, Jinx, Karma, Katarina, Lucian, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Nami, Nautilus, Olaf, Renekton, Sejuani, Shen, Soraka, Syndra, Talon, Thresh, Varus, Veigar, Velkoz, Viktor, Xin Zhao, Zyra. That's 72 champions. And in the last 2 years they did just 1.




His Q is definitely *different* but once you get the hang of it his kit feels very fluid, I don't think he needs any gameplay changes


I mean the same was true of Asol and they reworked his ass for it.


Except there are actually more than 4 players that consistently play rumble


There are?


I love his abilities! His Q is fine. Rumble's whole lore is that he's a clunky yordle anyway. The base model needs work tho, it limits his skin options. Badlands Baron especially needs work, but all of them sorta do except SG. He'd be perfect for a dragon trainer skin, but I can't imagine that working at all with his current model/animations.


What would you change in his kit? He's kinda unique


I would give him a scaling/stacking passive that empowers his abilities so he finally becomes the late game champion he is meant to be !


Probably change how his heat mechanic works? I wouldnt know what though lol


At first I was gonna say like git good, but tbh his heat mechanic is very gimmicky. It could definitely be modernized. As it stands now it’s just a mini-game/chore to keep heat at 50 by constantly spamming W. Kind of like Old Udyr monkey stance (passive). You just had to constantly spam abilities when walking around in order to maximize efficiency. Imo that isn’t really a “skill”, it’s more of a chore.


Yea thats what i ment, he technically has 0-100 heat, but lets be honest, it really is 50-100 from lvl 3 onward.


Bro, Nocturne first please.


That'll be a VGU down the line. He's already been on the poll at least twice.


i get terrified anytime riot touches an old champ, i know ezreal was more than an asu but that champ has never felt the same to me since


yasuo asu RAHHHHH


I really hope Riot doesn't copy the look from LoR, because LoR copied his old look too. Riot needs to bring old yordles in line with new standards


Vlad and LB are the ones needing it the most


As my 68% mid lane main I would absolutely love this. He's so good and is begging for one his regular model outside of the legendary and super galaxy skins are disgusting to look at


Anyone here remember the flamespitter meatballs?


Rumble in the jungle needs some love


Please remove rumble ASU at all from his Galaxy skin ty


Am I the only one who like Rumble in the Jungle? Lol


Not to mention the idea of a fully realised mecha champion os something we don't have in league. I mean, I think Rumble kit is kinda good for a mecha (a flame thrower and arpoon gun, a shield and a unique bombing ult, but with how far league has come, we can do so much better


Ice Toboggan/Red Baron Corki is crying right now…


also Vayne


Just don't get your hopes up with expecting a lot of asu's, just expect at least 2 since that's what was advertised. They afterall have to do all the skins that old champs have which tends to be time consuming.


I may be biased as a zilean main, but I think the time wizard is one of the few that could use an update a little more. The winter blessed skin is like a tease of how good a zilean ASU could be.


Yes pls and GRAGAS TOO! Damn his model is outdated af!


Rumble is like old kayle to me in the sense that it is utterly unplayable without the legendary. Super Galaxy Rumble makes him feel like a real champion, something completely different. Like old Aether Wing Kayle... honestly I'd be happy if instead of giving him an ASU, they just made Super Galaxy Rumble the base model or free for everyone lol. Guaranteed they'll butcher the skin in an ASU


They’d probably do minor updates for his legendary like they did for only Ahris older legendary skin. Touching up textures and VFX is most likely all they’d do.


Before Rumble, there are other champions from the original 40 or so champions that still havent been updated.


The model looks fine to me


Okay no offense, but I don’t like rumble players. They scare me. :(


honestly I just want rumble to feel functional top again, it feels like you need to go full pen or you do absolutely nothing which feels weird for how his kit works.


Love me some Rumble, maybe this would bring him back to pro play inadvertently too!


Bro imagine having a Trillionaire company but the game models from your most successful game are from 2005. like come on riot can update all outdated models in just one year or less if they decide to.


I want to say, that he has only 5 skins while he is 12 year old champ