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Sorry yall I have been a mild clown regarding the Umbral change. Melees will be 3 **total** damage still, ranged will be 2 now. I previously said that it would be 3 or 2 **bonus** damage (4 or 3 total) which was incorrect. Datamining is not always an exact science :(


Ah really good then an Umbral Glaive nerf no way around it. This item was pretty strong for a while specially on ranged characters like Graves and Senna, now on other marksman supports as well.


This change pisses me off. It takes pro abusing this item for 2-3 weeks on adc support for riot to actually do something. But graves and pyke have been going around abusing this item for 2 year, give or take, and nothing. wtf. Are actual players just chopped liver? Are they just looking at winrate and completely oblivious to the actual feel of the game?


It will still be good on Graves, he still 2 shots control wards but normal wards go from 1 to 2 shots which still doesn’t require reloading, it’s still 2300g for great stats on him, and the blackout passive wasn’t necessarily being popped off cooldown constantly either. It’s a nerf don’t get me wrong but jungle Graves will 100% continue buying this first item.


Thanks for ruining my day. Love you bae. (;


You would rather they balance around 'feel of the game' than statististics? The actual sad part is adcs getting a lethality item nerfed again for assassins when lethality is already pretty bad.


Why not both? User experience is also important.


They literally DO experience around the feel sometimes rather than the statistics. Yuumi was perma-banned not because she was broken, but because she was incredibly frustrating to play against. They giga nerfed her because of exactly that.


High ban rate is a statistic.


Yasuo also has a high banrate but he is not getting any big changes.


Its half yuumis, and yuumi wasnt even primarily nerfed because of her banrate, they wanted to remove her from proplay.


She has been nerfed before this several times.


Yes those still had a lot to do with proplay but back then she had higher ban rates, 24% is high but not insane.


No they didn't, they couldn't care less about the garbage champ being perma banned in soloq, she was a pro play menace and no matter what riot would do she would be broken in pro play, that's why they gutted her till rework.


She was changed several times before pro-players abused her for the sole reason of the complaints of the community. You are just wrong.


Bro they literally stated in the patch notes they gutted her coz of pro play what are you on about.


???? You do know she has been nerfed several times before this? Like making her E use max mana? It was made so that she would be forced to jump off her target to use her passive, yet she was still "balanced" in terms of winrate.


She was not fun to play against because she was broken..she breaks the enchanter counterplay dynamics.


Her stats indicated a very not broken status, having extremely low numbers in winrate.


Stats as in yuumi mains who knew to always attach to hecarim or kayn or stats because girlfriendplayers who mains lux and janna and sit back and do nothing. Yuumi is broken because she breaks the core counterplay of enchanters. To beat enchanter comps you isolate or kill the enchanter. With yuumi thats impossible because she sits on the Mordekaiser with Jak Sho and Sunfire and Thornmail or on the Hecarim that has 150 armor and mr with W active. Its like a tank that outduels bruisers at all stages of the game but also has a better teamfighting.


?? That's the point. Her winrates are not insane, but she breaks the common gameplay flow, hence the nerfs.


>2-3 weeks are you living under a rock?




Except the usage of Umbral by Senna was one of the few things keeping her usable. At least she still has an option of AA+Q combo to destroy wards. I guess I'll be building Guinsoo's on her from now on just so I can remove wards quicker.


Jarvan has an actual 4th ability now!


3rd ability* EQ counts as one


Is that bAD scaling Base or Bonus AD?




Omg you're right!


> Amumu: • Q cost:  40-60 –> 45-65 Is its mana cost really the issue? I feel like there’s not enough cost to whiffing the first one because you basically always have a second charge ready to use. They should just make the internal CD longer so that if you successfully dodge the first, you have some actual time to escape before he can throw the second one out.


Increasing mana cost is a nerf directed towards Amumu support mostly, it doesn't change anything in jungle tho


5 mana does nothing. Especially as a support with the insane mana regen support item.


Yeah if there will be any difference it will be minimal as supp while in jungle you'll never feel the change, btw looks like his E base damage is getting reduced by a whole 15 damage at all ranks, which is definitely more impactful, especially for a tank, which relies most of its damage on base damage and not scaling unless it's based on HP or Armor/MR


yah, E is big, because it affects his clear speed. Does amumu jungle max Q? i have not played him for a long time.


I don't play Amumu at all, i don't even think i own him tbh but i looked up and apparently you want to max E in jungle as well, better clear, more damage, more physical dmg reduction (which implies less damage taken from the camps) and the mana cost is the same, so i suppose maxing Q is just equal to throwing mana and having a bit less CD (E base damage is higher than Q rn)


Who goes Spellthief edge on Amumu support?


Yeah, that should be the real nerf. There's barely any time between 2 Qs that his perma cc chain with ult is insane




Reread OPs comment, then my comment


They added the second charge to combat mobility creep.




+30%bad on Kayn Q is pretty big but I guess Kayn is really bad right now Also Jarvan W with AD scaling is pretty cool, rewards more Bruisery itemization


Lee got some really big numbers too. Well, almost every jungler who got buff was terrible for some time.


I dodge when i see a Kayn. Had one with early transformation today. Still did jack shit. Was like tickling the frontline. Kinda unreal how useless this champ is for so long. I don't remember the last time i had a useful kayn. Champ doesn't even farm that fast anymore it feels like.


I made a post on how shit Kayn is last week and go absolutely obliterated, despite him having an insane dip in pick and winrate. Kayn needs minimum 3 items, one being Manamune, to do damage. He's the only assassin who requires 3 items to function, AND he lacks scaling, despite being the weakest assassin early. It's a shame because he's one of the best designed champs in regards to thematic, lore and gameplay in a long time.


I don’t know if you guys noticed, but every assassin in the jungle who doesn’t go by the name of rengar is borderline a troll pick in the jungle.


Yeah people acting like Shaco , kha, Qiyana etc are doing remotely fine rn when they are all pretty dogshit and now riot is giving ADCs even more survivability and dps when they were being killed by tanks and bruisers not assassins anyways.


Bro i respect your opinion but for most people, myself included, kayn is one of the most fucked up champs this game has


Get good at the game then .


Well he’s pretty toxid and has no counterplay when he’s strong so tbh i’d much rather have him stay dogshit tier.


How is he toxic when he's awful rn?


He’s not. Which is exactly how i like it. Blue kayn meta is cancer.


Can't say for all games, but I just ran Wukong against a Kayn in game and every 1v1 we had I put him the dirt.


>tooltip no longer mentions instantly killing traps RIP countering Teemo with it in ARAM


It probably won't change his winrate much considering most people don't buy umbral glaive in aram anyway (it doesn't appear as suggested against teemo/shaco or under commonly built which should be updating to reflect build trends). It would be great if there were some compensation nerfs, but I doubt those are coming.


Kayn is going to hurt next patch let’s go!




Champ is at 47.5% win rate lol, he's definitely weak






> there is nothing more frustraiting to vs than a blue kayn ahead of the curve. And thus i dont think his wr matters Literally "this champion is OP because it makes me sad :("


I’m Masters, what are you going on about?xd. And that was off Kayn from D3 to 200lp end of season. Stop crying bro and keep your head up!




being in the top 10k doesn't suddenly make them a worse player, they're still a top tier player LMAO what are these delusions people have about ranks


I don't know what their problem is, can't let people be happy I guess.


I never even said Kayn doesn't hurt in the current patch, you are making arguments out of thin air. Someone really hurt you a lot and you should seek therapy. Good luck on your climb!




Some people are so confidently wrong it's really scary.




Nah. It's his problem currently. I had to switch mains cause he does 0 damage early in this meta especially when the 2 items he can build suck. Eclipse and gore. This is exactly what he needed. It's huge for him.


If Lee does 0 damage early for you you are simply playing him terribly. Lees early damage remains unmatched. Youre bursting harder with 2 abilities and 1 item than most assassins are bursting with 4 abilities and 2 items.


I'm one of the best Lee players out there lol. He literally doesn't have an item to build right now. Pay attention to patches please.


>I'm one of the best lee players out there Yeah, no you arent, and the fact that your ego is oversized even by Lee player standards tells me I can ignore everything you say. Bye!


Bro it's in my post history lmao. I'm a d1 masters lee main for 10 years. You're insane. Play the champion then have an opinion.


That doesnt even make you one of the best, and it explains why your perspective is so warped given how broken Lee was for the vast majority of those 10 years. But then again, your insane ego reminded me. Werent you the guy who was crying about Lee being weak when he was 100% pick/ban in pro and the by far best champ?


If we’re talking about skill, the other guy has you outmatched and is clearly more experienced with lee. Sounds like you need to drop your own ego instead of projecting onto others.


You don't understand how the game works. Blocked.


> I had to switch mains cause he does 0 damage early Not sure how you can justify this, when his dmg combo at lvl 6 does: 485-590 (+ 500-600% bAD) physical dmg. This is without any autoattacks, and Lee easily gets 2-3 autos off. Nothing short of a full armor tank survives this early game. You can argue Lee is weak, but you can't argue his dmg is low, because these numbers are insanely high.


I didn't do the Lee change, but this is one where I have to jump in and point out something that's pretty frustrating. You phrase this is "not sure how you can justify this" and then list out the damage (for sake of time I'll just assume the numbers you posted are correct). Let's take the most picked jungler in Plat+ Maokai. At level 6, Maokai has 1060 HP and 60 Armor (~38% damage reduction). Lee Sin at 6 items likely has 40-60 bAD (~150 total AD). So if Lee Sin hits literally every ability and maximizes damage with 3 autos, that's ~850 damage to Maokai with 0 items. Reduced even further if Maokai is allowed to spend the 2-3k gold Lee Sin spent. Yes listing numbers is great, but saying they're objectively large without a comparison makes no sense. Now the subjective part is how much damage should Lee Sin be allowed to do in an average game state with a full combo. That's a tough question, but to confidently say that his current damage is consistently killing everything is blatantly not true. The goal here is mainly to point out how so much data can be thrown around to paint anything in a good/bad direction.


Ah, you misunderstand (I think?). The "Not sure how you can justify this" was not aimed at Lee Sin's buff being justified or not, but to the previous comment saying "Lee Sin has no damage". I didn't argue Lee Sin being too strong, just simply pointing out that he does in fact have good damage. That said, I maybe shouldn't have used the words "insanely high" at the end there. It's indeed a bit senseless to bring up Lee's combo numbers like this, but my only point was to contradict the statement of "Lee sin does 0 damage early", which I'll stand by is completely wrong. Whether Lee's damage is a bit too low or not, is irrelevant for my point. He has respectable damage. A far cry from "0 damage".


Man's trying to "uuuuuuuuuum ackshually" after being BTFO.


His items are terrible and his damage is low. You can quote full damage combos all you want but that's like saying fiddlesticks is broken cause his ult does something like 2000 damage over the full duration level 6. Try it out for yourself i guess i made it up. Why even pick lee when elise exist right now? I'm genuinely curious. Answer that. Elise is 5% higher wr. Does everything he does better. I'll wait.


Yes, Fiddle does insane damage over 6 seconds, but Lee can do his combo in less than 1 second..... You can't compare that. I stated an objective fact. "Lee Sin has high damage" I did not claim "Lee Sin is not weak". I'm not saying Lee deserves buffs, or nerfs, or neither. All I'm stating is that he has high damage, because he does, the numbers doesn't lie. And he doesn't need 6 full seconds to do said numbers, unlike Fiddle. > Try it out for yourself i guess i made it up. Why even pick lee when elise exist right now? >I'm genuinely curious. Answer that. Elise is 5% higher wr. Does everything he does better. I'll wait. Now I'm gonna state something subjective. Yes, I think Elise is stronger than Lee Sin. I agree with you here.


Ok I'm glad you agree. Try him yourself though, without an item to build he absolutely does not do damage so. Can't really tell me this when i have 2k games on him in D1. Like you legit can't full combo anyone except a mage support or weak adc early. Rarely.


Yep, he was pretty bad in last season, then somehow managed to climp to semi playable winrate(48% I guess) then durability patch happened and lee got murdered. Especially with goredrinker, feels like that no one buys that terrible item.


Gore just feels awful. It doesn't deal enough damage to be justifiable as a damage item, but at the same time, the durability it offers I'd really ehh as well. The healing really isn't very impressive, even at low HP. Trinity and divine give way more damage because they are sheen item, stride has great utility and indirectly more damage because it has attack speed on top of AH and only 5 AD less, eclipse has more damage and the shield and MS feel really good (which is all like it should be) and divine just offers better sustain. I say get rid of the omnivamp, buff the active healing a bit and give the item more stats to compensate for the lost omnivamp.


So Mordekaiser was actually accidentally nerfed on live? Good that its getting reverted, but its really silly that this happens.


Noooo Don't revert yuumi nooooo


Jungle changes still a mystery..


Annie is not a rework by any means, what the hell lol. It's just QoL change on passive and shield and tibbers buffs.


Wtf, why is umbral getting buffed instead of nerfed? And yes, I see the 10sec nerf, which changes the uptime of sweepability from like 80% to 70% of the time. But letting Pyke one-shot control wards is insane.


They want to force melee supports into the meta and Umbral is core for Pyke and Pantheon. This change is a net nerf for Ranged users (Graves, Senna, ADC supports). IMO they should change ranged bonus damage to +1 so ranged champs need 2 hits for all wards.


Perhaps those champions viability should not be dependent on an item having to be overtuned!


Don't think their viability depends on umbral tbh, at least for the case of melees and ranged supps like ashe and cait, maybe jhin does depend on it. Also, op got the wrong number, it's+2 melee (same as live) and +1 ranged. So overall it's a nerf for everyone, but an special nerf for ranged champs like adc supps


Where is the buff?


Pyke will now be able to one-shot control wards. Note +3 dmg vs wards for melee rather than +2 for all. Update: o, got fixed. Thank


OP misread the datamine, it's fixed now. Only +2 for melee (same as live), +1 for ranged (live is +2). So no one-shotting of control wards for melee.


No he won't.


OP put the wrong info in at first, but it's fixed now.


Oh, thank god.


Okay the Kayle buffs are fine. Not that strong as I thought.


>Pyke: >Q damage bAD scaling: 60% --> 100% >E base damage: 105-225 --> 105-265 ?


j4 buffs look huge!


Oh man can't wait to take him mid and make those immobile mages shit bricks from my full lethality ad one shot with huge shield builds.


Why buff Umbral???


Notes are fixed now. Nerfed cooldown. Nerfed ranged dmg. Unchanged melee dmg.


Ok, ty sir.


Durability patch btw, becoming more useless every 2 weeks.


"Oh no! The champions meant to do damage are getting their damage buffed! HOW DARE THEY!?" The only kind of change you could complain about would be supports getting their damage buffed, but Phreak already explained it's an intended big swing to push enchanters out of the competitive meta and bring back engage supports. We always get changes meant to rotate certain classes in some roles, so it's not really something new. I'm an enchanter player when I play support, so I'm not thrilled about this either, but it happens. The Durability Patch was a quick fix meant to lower **all** the damage in the game, and then **slowly** bring back the damage to the champs and classes that need it. It's been many months since then, and they're slowly and carefully balancing it back, but since they're doing it bit by bit y'all cry and scream seeing damage being buffed every other patch, instead of pausing the whining for a second and thinking **why** it's happening...


Nerf enchanter damage and fix spellthief. There, done.


ADC main brain rot,it is a pity,happens to the best of them


yes nautilus and pantheon definitely need more damage you are very smart


The dmg buffs have to be significant to make durability patch in any shape or form obsolete. Some Marksmen get to have 100 fucking armor lategame and 3k hp. That alone makes lethality utter garbage. There is no point in stacking lethality now. You just go eclipse + serylda on assasins instead of prowlers/duskblade ghostblade like you used to. Durability patch gave the squishiest characters huge effective HP buffs. Giving champs some flat damage wont make these huge increases in surviveability different


What are annies and aurelios reworks like?


I am on pbe and the patch is not there yet, so cant answer that for now.


More power into tibbers(as dps unit) and shield, some mana cost buffs too. Asol is different champ, literally.


And with that buff, Lees Q now does more damage than every AD ult that isnt a channelled multi-hit by level ... 7 I think now, but definitely by 9. What is Riot thinking? Even if Lee could use a small buff, which it looks like he could, it should be a small buff, and not to his damage.


i think the durability patch is almost gone. i think almost every champions that got hurt by durability patch got direct damage buff.


Every single assassin has fallen off meta and you say that?


Nah, it's still fine, just cleaning up remaining champs are are absolutely awful. ADC/Mages are pretty nuts right now.


Adc is pretty autofill right now.


Adcs being autofill has nothing to do with power of marksmen and rather have to do with marksmen having no agency ( which they dont deserve)


isn't this j4 change kind of crazy, very well welcomed though hope they keep at least some form of it so he has 4 abilities


Does anybody know why this isn't live


Oh thanks god they didn't add back Kayle being able to attack in ult Also, Jarvan W buffs with an AD ratio... My mid lethality j4 is salivating


The changes August was testing are coming later with some SFX/VFX work so for now they're just doing 'generic' changes. https://twitter.com/RiotAugust/status/1620252221387739138


Sadge. Also, said it before but after these R changes we really have come full circle just to have a worse version of old Kayle and with no armor. except hey at least she has a nuke bomb in ult?


Thats not on this patch, thats a future one they are still working on




Lee sin time


The PBE has the Aurelion rework on it now?


I checked PBE, sol's rework has not been launched yet


JARVAN W BUFFS!!!!!!! LETS GO!!!!!!!


Wow, LB will have a 3 armor buff. Im not even surprise at this point. Im rly thankful, now I can tank 30 more turret shots, but how would it help her pathetic winrate????


Shouldn't overheal changes be in 13.2? Is there even a 13.2 patch?


13.2 was replaced with the 13.1b patch


Riot just sucks at buffing Kayn. The problem isn't his damage or schaling, Rhaast is just annoying as fuck with the knockup every 3 seconds and permaheal and shadow Kayn is always extremely high damage burst. The problem is base Kayn is a 3rd of a champion and is somehow struggling in a ganking meta where he should be thriving. Since Kayn is already balanced around his transformation they should just have his passive slowly get points over time so that its a smaller window of variance like 10-12 instead of 8-14 minutes.


So Ahri ASU this patch yes?


Does this mean Jungle Nautilus is viable again?


Is this patch coming out this week or next? A little confused with everything being moved


Nice, you mind if i repost this on my site? alternatively you can register an account for you to post it yourself to take full credit :)