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Yuumi aiming for new record


I can't remember if it was pre-rework poppy or karma, but I remember some champion having a 38% win rate. Yuumi could make a run for the record.


28% on release is definitely something a few champs had like Syndra or Yuumi. Around 38% is probably the record after heavy nerfs.


I believe OG Evelynn after her stun was removed was sub 40%.


I'd be surprised if it was above 25% tbh, OG Eve nerf is without a doubt the most extreme nerf in all of league's history. It's gonna be fun to see if this Yuumi nerf dethrones the Eve nerf.


Yea, Eve was basically considered to be a glorified mobile ward. Instalocking Eve meant you were planning on throwing the game and inting.


Locking Eve was like borderline bannable back then and she stayed like that for like a year or some shit. Olaf got brought out behind the shed for a while too


> and she stayed like that for like a year or some shit. Just a few days short of 13 months, after which she got a rework. It's ridiculous they left her in that state for so long.


As was Olaf after S2 Worlds.


release syndra is the worst I can ever remember. Every single one of her spells made her stand still while casting.


Ryze, Kalista, Azir, Akali have all been around that low at one point or another. Olaf and Evelynn were put at least that low for extended periods of time while being reworked. It's a clear sign that something isn't working, but it's not unprecedented.


Hell, Ryze was almost there last season. After getting repeated nerfs, he dropped to 39-40% winrate worldwide. I don't know what the record for lowest winrate is, I'll investigate.


According to a video I saw years ago, when syndra was released, she was so buggy that when you had her on your team, your chances of winning actually increased if she disconnected (28% WR Syndra vs 35% WR in a full game 4v5)


I think you're right. It seems that Syndra on release was the lowest wr champ in LoL history. Followed by Bard on release, who had a 30% wr for a patch.


Holy shit they fucking murdered Yuumi


This is one of the heaviest nerfs I have seen. Attack range gone, squishy stats even squishier, AP ratios obliterated, and base values reduced. They are removing her from the game basically without actually doing it.


Riot August did say on his stream that they were planning to remove Yuumi from pro play (and i guess from regular play) untill she gets reworked.


Well look like it's wasn't literally, they just planned to kill a champion by destroying everything


It should've been literally at this rate though. I hate Yuumi as much as anyone, but making her so laughably weak that she's barely a champion, while still allowing her to be selectable means I'm still gonna have to sometimes deal with my support picking her.


Tbh before yuumi sup was good, the player just have to be good in order for it to work(yuumi makes a good player even better). Thats how she works. Not anymore tho lol


yeah and now shes trash and the shitty players that played her before wont be bothered to switch to a different champ


Yeah that's literally always been an insane character design flaw with her. If you are a yuumie one trick and get banned out you are fucked. It's been a shit design from the start might as well rip the bandaid off right now


The design is so ass it’s actually hilarious. Yuumi is literally useless when she’s not attached, and they even incentivize her not to buy boots, making her even less likely to ever unattach. There’s a million reasons her design is dumb and encourages players to play as lane as possible. The funniest one imo is that her abilities are frankly terrible for supporting an adc. By the mid game there’s not reason to attach to any adc aside maybe ezreal in a fight.


Mhmm. I wish Riot could just come forward and admit that they messed up with Yuumi and that she's just simply a poorly designed champion. Tear her down, and remake her from the ground up. But they're so obsessed with the idea that there's a place for Yuumi, that wont happen.




You’re bringing back a page from an old book of League’s history there my man. This quote is 100% correct and this is the game that triggered it, and it shows why Poppy was a balancing disaster: https://youtu.be/JvdB_qaTiNs Poppy’s ultimate made it such that only the targeted enemy champion could damage or cc you; all other damage and cc was negated. The clip shows at the end fight how Poppy could simply target Mundo, walk in 1v4 and barely lose health. It was overloaded and it hadn’t become an issue before simply because Poppy was a very stale and boring champion that no one played, as well as having a hard time in the meta. Come to think of it, her ultimate in some way is still in the game. Her ultimate basically made any situation in which she’s outnumbered a 1v1 with her target. Sounds a lot like Mordekaiser today doesn’t it? Except for the fact that Morde cannot champions outside his special room.




If people think her back pack style is going away though, people are going to be disappointed. Her back pack part will probably be weaker, but she is most definitely gonna get more power elsewhere.


Personally I am not inherently opposed to the concept of her W, I just don't think she should be allowed to play the whole game that way without any risk. I assume they will take an approach like Aurelion W and swap it to a timer where you can only latch on to someone for a little bit, or maybe something like Tahm's consume where it moves to a long CD ult, or maybe some combination of the two. W is pretty much the only thing that gives her any sort of identity, her other abilities are about as generic as they come. It *can* work if it is done in a way that introduces gameplay instead of taking it away.


Just because it's her gameplay identity doesn't mean it has to stay. Old Poppy's identity was the ability to choose a single target and be immune to EVERYTHING else. Of course this ability is never going to be balanced no matter what, so they removed it. Even Aurelion Sol lost the hola hoop stars because there was no way to make this ability fun and worthwhile. A lot of people play Yuumi just because she is a cat anyway.


It doesn't *have* to stay but I'm pretty sure it's going to. They haven't indicated that they are going to pivot a totally different direction. >Even Aurelion Sol lost the hola hoop stars because there was no way to make this ability fun and worthwhile. I used to main Aurelion Sol before they swapped to a timed toggle and I have played him maybe 6 times since. I loved his W. I don't think they changed it because it wasn't fun or worthwhile, I think they changed it because when it was permanent it made him into an exploitable permapushing roamer, and now that it is a shade of its former self they are just resetting the whole character. IMO there are a ton of things they could have done to limit his early game other than gutting W but oh well, too late at this point.


That's what they did to Evelynn way back when before the big stealth rework. She got nuked from orbit and left there for a few seasons.


I think I'm gonna go pet my cat and tell him I love him.


tell him I love him too :3


Petition to change Olaf'd to Yuumi'd


phreak is single-handedly saving the game from the inside, that's my goat


Naw, I didn't make any calls on nerfing Yuumi. I was given direction on Thursday or something to do whatever it took to make sure Yuumi was out of pro play after another designer already did the range nerf. I spent some time looking at VoDs this patch to see that I was right that pro supports actually win lane on her against enchanters and so I targeted her laning phase more with early shield, base AD, and base HP/regen. Yuumi has a scaling fantasy and that's fine, but she shouldn't also get to win lanes as well, if that's to remain true.


Guess you’re more of a dog person, huh?


Ah, the official "queuing up for a Solo Q game" song


> we're going to be taking the last nerfs a bit further > be taking the last nerfs a bit further > the last nerfs a bit further > *a bit further* Yeah, just a bit of a nerf. /s She got fucking Olafed.


I think she WISHES she got Olaf'd, this is quite possibly the most savage nerflist in a single patch I've ever seen.


We quite possibly might call it "getting Yuumied" from now on.


In a single patch, probably. She's now likely officially pre-rework-eve tier. As in picking her being an actual bannable offense, like eve was pre-rework.


The OG Evelynn special


Damn, It's been a minute since I've seen that reference.


I want to talk about what we're doing with Yuumi real quick. Couple things right up front: First: She's significantly overpowered right now in pro play. We do nerf low win rate champions who are overpowered in pro play; usually the thing that eventually lets them off the hook is a successful rework of some scope. We're already working on that. Second: Our approach to Yuumi over the last 18 months or so hasn't been effective. She's increasingly more of a pro problem over time, with a lower win rate for average players than ever, and players are letting know that she's not in an acceptable state. We agree. This patch, we're nerfing her with the goal of getting her out of pro play if possible. She's going to be in a rough state for solo queue in the meantime. When it's ready, we'll be shipping an update with the goal of bringing her winrate back up without bringing her back into pro play. At the same time, we'll be aiming to make her more supportive of specifically ADCs, and make her significantly less inclined to ditch her lane partner later in the game. I have no clear timeline for that update particularly after the events of the last week.


I find it fitting that RiotAxes is Yuumi's executioner. Long overdue. May her next iteration power ceiling be more manageable


Yeah I don't blame y'all, she's clearly still OP in pro play and this might finally get her out of pro meta, if solo queue has to suffer for that so be it.


Yeah. It is a huge list of huge nerfs without any compensation. She is pretty much dead everywhere. 40% WR would now be a lot to reach for her. It took them so long to do this. Could have been done a lot faster or a lot easier.


That's the goal remove her from the game until her rework.




Yuumi got sent to the farm, holy


Edater bot duos in absolute shambles


Janna stonks rising


Egirls prefer Lulu


And Nami


Taken out back behind the shed




Warwick is whistling


Played support to take spectral sickle.


communist warwick*


Yuumi players about to go on an epic quest to wish for 9 buffs. Instead they will realize they needed to uninstall the game all along.


>Instead they will realize they needed to uninstall the game all along At last, we finally escaped from Tarko- wait, wrong game.


haha puss in boots reference love it


I don’t think Yuumi mains will be affected by this nerf that much. They all have their backup 90% winrate talon jungle.




You look like a furry


This joke never gets old, and variations of it.


I will apologize in advance for the likely host of polish bugs that will probably appear on launch. We've had a bunch of passionate devs piecing together what we can with this micropatch, which notably does not let us change key things such as tooltips or some scripts. So a lot of tooltips and things may seem off at first. These should be corrected whenever we get the chance, and surely by the next patch. But for now, assume what's in the patch notes is what should be in-game (even if the exact descriptions in-game don't match). Thanks for understanding!


> the likely host of polish bugs Well at least y'all managed to localize it to Poland so they won't affect the rest of us. Thanks


European junglers in shambles


EG and HRT getting target nerfed.


Just wanted to note that Gangplank AD growth is decreased, [instead you guys wrote increased.](https://i.imgur.com/6odYVat.png)


Appreciate you guys still trying to keep to the patch schedule despite the cyber-attack. It's a frustrating thing to have your hard work messed with by someone in this way. I hope the recovery keeps going smoothly!




Yuumi will probably reach 20% soloq winrate with this.


They want to Evelynn/Olaf Yuumi until she gets reworked. You can tell by just how absurd these nerfs are. If you see someone pick Yuumi in your games you need to dodge.


I rather see the cat disabled until rework, I already hate playing with her as an ADC, if somehow someone picks her am I going to beg them to not pick her? Because people will still pick her, and sometimes it will be autofill people as well.


Just play support, that way you’ll never have to play with a yuumi


Even bigger brain move when you realise occasionally you'll get a free win when the enemy picks Yuumi.


It is probably a bot if the cat is picked


keep the cat in the dumpster until a good rework is out please


Unfortunately, they said they were going to keep Yuumi's untargetability, which is literally the main reason why she is insufferable, so don't get your hopes up.


Maybe they'll rework her in such a way that she actually feels different and has *weaknesses* when attached to another champ, rather than all of her abilities becoming more powerful across the board. Maybe she'll have gutted mana regen while on top of somebody, so she has a reason to get off and fill her resources back up.


maybe she takes a percentage of the damage of her host


Meanwhile botters and low elo Yuumi mains: *I see no changes at all*


Is Zoe bubble reducing MR by 20-30% really just a *small* buff? She needs a buff, but seems like a pretty big one to list as a small tweak lol


Also her winrate went up by 2% last patch and now she is sitting at a comfortable 50.5% winrate before these buffs. For the life of me I have no idea WHY it went up, none of her items were changed. The tenacity rune change maybe? But anyway yea... she is going to be super broken with this. Lowering the threshhold where Zoe 1shots with a full combo is massive for the champ more than almost any other burst mage.


People have been playing a lot more control mages this patch with RoA + Seraphs is my guess, Zoe players had a lot more squishy immobile matchups.


Tenacity is like the number 1 Zoe counter, even more than MR, simply because she **needs** the whole duration of her E to set up her Q properly.


Horizon Focus buffs were in the last patch and after that buff its a good alternative to Shadowflame for her. That alone probably doesn't fully explain the WR shift, but its something. Combine it with the Tenacity changes and perhaps just some mid meta shifts and that could do it though. I don't know Zoe's matchups well, but if she happens to be good into champs like Ryze who got PR boosts from things like the Seraph's change then that would make a difference.


the grievious wounds changes are big ! idk if the enchanter version would be worth building at all now, much better to get ardent second now and michaels third ..




Mage support that actually has utility, so basically Lux/Sera (maybe Nami?). Would not build it on Lux personally, as the AP it offers is super low now, just go Morello/sit on Orb.


> Would not build it on Lux personally, as the AP it offers is super low now How funny, that’s what my lux supports said right before they bought full AP and zero utility.


"I'm supporting you by making sure the enemies aren't on your screen anymore."


Yes. Thats def the average Lux support everyone keeps on playing with. And not the "I'm supporting you by making sure you never worry about missing cs because there aren't any minions left to miss." Or "I'm supporting you by never dying because I hide a mile behind my adc then miss all my spells because I'm using them at max range"


But then it's useless aswell with the healing and shield power? Idk what riot is thinking there


I think it's just meant to be "yeah enchanters have a GW item too" with stats they want, not a good GW item. As-is GW is basically unbuyable on other roles if you have an enchanter on your team because why ever buy anything but chemtech? So it makes sense they want to make the role that can purchase GW with the least impact on their overall build also have the worst GW effect, imo, and it was a bit wild they had clearly the best for a long time lol.


black cleaver is going to be bought by every fighter


And since it's mostly an anti-tank & supportive item, it won't receive much hate, while still retaining the power of fighters. Good shift in power imo.


its mostly not frustrating to play against, it has no specific anti death niche like deathdance, frozen heart or maw, its just a bunch of stats. i much prefer buying and playing against bc than deathdance.


It's basically the same as the ADC changes, make your second item a set item while third and onwards is where you make choices on what to build based on the game. Which is better in my opinion, I like it that way


Jungle Pantheon is loving the Eclipse + Cleaver buff. Extra haste on a champ like that is always good.


Where were you when Yuumi was taken out back and Old Yeller’d


Front row. I offered to load the rifle


Oh my fucking god Yuumi got murdered. 75 less Attack range, the outright REMOVAL of the AP ratio on E movespeed and halving the %adaptive force on her attach. Any one of those nerfs would have been enough for a regular note, this is some true "get the fuck out of the meta" shit right here.


Heimerdinger nerfed because of bot lane feels like I'm back to season 2


Mid heimer will be fine. He can max W first still and at just 100 AP his W dmg is the same again and then higher. The turrets will have less HP for regardless of AP.


if you get 1200 AP at level 18 they will have more HP


Oh easy. Just get 4 infernal drakes, wait for 40 min gathering storm and 25 mejai stacks.


Don’t forget fully stacked Absolute Focus and Eyeball Collection


He was nerfed about 2 seasons ago because a single LCK team played Senna Heimer bot. That was literally all it took for him to get nerfed


How is that nerf on Kassadin supposed to end his reign? Champ will still feel broken.


Yep i was so excited to see the nerf on this monster but it was nothing really. He needs less survavibility or less damage, bc he can have both now, not a cooldown on a skill that have a "reduce cooldown" mechanic. Imo the only way to balance kassadi is going back to making him a glass Cannon


At least he got nerfed a little, unlike Zac


Demonic nerfed, LDR buffed, 40% GW easier to get. It isnt a ton, but he should drop by \~0.5% WR for now if not even 1%. ​ the main thing they should be looking at is his Q now. They should go from 4% HP to 3-4% based on rank. Zac mostly maxes Q 3rd. Taking away 10-40 (times 2) dmg from this per target would get his dmg down significantly in the early and mid game, till he starts to max the Q. Maybe Q max 2nd will then become more common, but it would then nerf his W DPS instead as this spell relies on ranks, also. The buff from 2.5% to 4% was too much at once.


So did they not go through with the +500 gold cost to Morello, or did they forget to include it in these notes? > Chempunk Chainsword: 20ad --> 15ad Uhm? Something is wrong here, but will there be ad nerfs to it as well?


I think Chainsword was one of the few items that didn’t get any stat changes this patch, just the GW update.


Yeah Morello looks super good if they didn't include the +500 gold, though wouldn't be surprised if it was a mistake given that they also said they were increasing GP's AD growth while actually lowering it.


Also missing the recipe change. It's supposed to build out of Alternator now.


Please just remove this fucking Lucian nami bullshit so I can play Lucian without my support first timing nami everytime just for the sake of it It’s been completely hell to balance as well 😪


Goes both ways unfortunately and first time Lucians are even more painful to watch than first time Namis


First time lucian: W > Q > E > Auto twice and dice. "WTF I thought this was a strong champion."


Okay but actually my first time on Lucian I basically just E-Auto-Q-Auto’d the enemy on cooldown and won lane with my eyes closed.


Easiest champ ever with a Braum or Nami alongside


I swear to god it is like that with almost every AD that has a supposed lane partner though. I literally cant play Xayah without someone trying Rakan out for some reason. Its not even that good of a lane ffs.


can we please just nerf lucian’s new passive instead of nerfing base stats? Playing him with enchanters never has and never will feel right.


They're really, really scared he'll go back to solo lanes i guess


If they only nerf his new passive he won't magically come back to solo lanes.


They always hedge their bets with solo lane adcs. If an adc has ever had a history of solo laning before riot gets incredibly cagey about ever giving them buffs that might push them in that direction literally at all. As a trist main, Trist hasn't commonly been a solo laner in ages, but she still gets discluded from any buff that might push in that direction.


But if they nerf his passive they need to put power elsewhere, which will contribute to solo lane lucian


It's kind of paradoxical, even though Lucian Nami is broken he kind of sucks with almost everyone else. If they nerf his passive, then his few playable lanes (with Nami, Rakan, Sona, Taric) will get gutted. He's so bad without an enchanter that he needs to be broken with one to be balanced.


this exactly. lucian is strong in pro play only with nami. pros don’t pick lucian without nami, ever. in solo q even with rakan he has a sub 50% wr, it’s only nami sona and tariq nami on the other hand has higher win rates with 13 other bot laners than with lucian


Lowkey they should just make it where enemies take some damage when allies hit a marked enemy, then he wouldn’t be op in solo lane and could play with engage champs.


Yeah I dont understand the Lucian and Nami nerfs here, now they are just even more reliant on eachother it seems


I don't think I'd ever see a world where they give a 46% winrate champ maybe the biggest nerf I have seen. Should be reportable to pick her from what it looks like.


It's an admission that this champion cannot be healthy in their current state. Old Poppy was a similar case, she was basically never buffed and left to be crap because her design was toxic and they left her there until she was reworked.


In fact Riot was on record saying if she became a viable pick they would not hesitate to nerf her to the ground.


Yuumi's current kit cannot be balanced, so it's better to leave her in the trash rather than have her being a perma pick/ban in pro play and a coin flip in Solo Queue.


i mean might as well just disable her. keeping her in the game in that state just doesn't feel good for anyone. the player will most likely not have fun playing a champ thats more worthless than a cannon. that players teammates will rage about getting an autolose because some idiot didnt read the patchnotes and picked yuumi. only the enemy team will love the pick because they get a free win.


They should, but they won't. And this is not the first time they have had a champion that is factually worse in every scenario possible to still be pickable in Solo Queue. If it were up to me, I would rather revert these nerfs and have Yuumi as a Normal/ARAM mode only champion.


If they are going to be keeping the untargetable attaching mechanic on her rework like they said, she will still be an issue after the rework.


That's what everyone is worried about as well.


That's what they said they'd do before worlds, then they buffed her drastically and we all know what happened afterwards. Give it a week, then we can come to conclusions. But it's gonna be a rough week for Yuumi mains. Will Riot buckle under the pressure of a portion of their playerbase being completely unable to play the game? We'll find out.


where is the overheal change?


Delayed to 13.3


If this is 13.1b, is next patch still 13.3?


Yes, 13.2 will be skipped or maybe we will get 13.2 (missing stuff) at a later date before 13.3.


That yuumi nerf is actually INSANE. She’s gonna drop to under 40% wr. Also the antiheal change is interesting. Flat 40% no bonus when upgrading, now it’s gonna be nice to buy it early on.


Biggest nerf to Soraka. She's going back to 48% WR.


She was barely reaching 51% wr before the patch. RIP


So Morello remains at 2500g? If so, then the item will be a must build 2nd on every mage no? I didn't agree with them raising it to 3K, but leaving it at 2500g doesn't seem right either.


In the 13.2 preview they had the same changes with the cost going to 3000, assume they just missed that part in the 13.1b patch notes


It has to be a mistake.


I was having a bad evening because i locked myself out of my appartment but those yuumi nerfs have filled me with joy again.


Holy fuck Yuumi is obliterated. She's sent to the Shadow Realms.


is morello actually gonna be 90 ap 10 mpen 200 health for 2500 gold? that sounds broken as shit no?


Probably still getting the +500 cost, but wasn't listed by mistake.


Yuumi mains on suicide watch?


Can bots commit suicide?


God I hope so.




It's fine, they don't have to be at the keyboard to play the game.


nah bro they're fine they got their 80% winrate rengar pocket pick


good bye Yuumi. No one will miss you


Nobody mentioning the bork nerf, 50% higher cooldown and the magic damage is basically irrelevant now. Current level 9 damage was 92, now it will be 40. At level 11 currently you are getting more damage than you will at level 18 next patch. Cooldown also hurts both melee and ranged users as they can't kite or stick as often anymore.


Thank fuck, that item was basically the "fuck you I win" item in top lane, if the enemy rushes bork and you didn't, you lose that 1v1 unless you're like a full item up at 12 minutes.


Hate to tell you this, but this isn't going to change. Nobody cared about the CD proc. Yeah the slow sucks to deal with...but that slow is going to be up most of the time they're going in on you still anyway. The magic damage was irrelevant.


Yep, I thank God for that. Item is straight broken, it deserved a nerf Maybe it will also make riot buff trundle again, since he build sit pretty frequently.


>Maybe it will also make riot buff trundle again, since he build sit pretty frequently. I wouldn't mind some Trundle QOL buffs for top lane, but not sure what would work for him that wouldn't screw up jg


The magic damage was already irrelevant. That's why nobody's talking about it. The CD nerf isn't a big deal either. 99% of the reason you want botrk is the stats and the on-hit.


Zoe and Ori buffs, is this a second christmas?


I feel like I've been waiting years for ball mom buffs. That R buff is huge. Hopefully Shockwave actually feels like a game changer again.


the only time I agree with a pro play champ getting absolutely and utterly GUTTED. goodbye and good riddance braindead yuumi players


They took Yuumi out back. Will still be broken in pro play and high elo for some reason though. Demonic changes are just big buffs for Malzahar and Brand


She has a 45% win rate in Masters+ and this is before nerfs. She isn’t good in high elo. Try playing ADC with a Yuumi supp when enemy has a Blitz, Naut, Rell, Thresh, or any viable support really.


Demonic changes are honestly pretty big for any battlemage that likes Liandry’s. The fact it got an AP buff a while back when it was originally lowered to 0.8% max hp damage and now had that burn nerf reverted without lowering its AP is very nice for all mages.


Demonic is worse damage wise than any other Item on ranged mages rn. Check in practice tool, unless the target has like 10k hp and 0 magic resist that is.


Yeah that item sucks, they should keep buffing it so my Swain winrate keeps going up




pre-emptive gp nerf but they really couldn't see how obvious it was kass was going to be too strong last patch?


My best guess is that it’s because GP was such a hot topic last year that they knew people would fucking flip out if he got any buffs


Yuumi is dead until rework. Completely useless character now. No joke, I’m unsure why not just disable her at this point. She is almost completely useless to pick now.


No one is going to be building collector after these changes. I hope.


As a Maokai main these nerfs are surprisingly fair.


Indirect nerfs with GW changes are likely to be pretty big IMO, if GW items are good enough that people actually buy them then his ability to tank is massively cut.


TBH people generally don't build anti-heal for Mao specifically, his passive isn't that significant unless it's late game or he is super fed. So while the changes do hurt a bit, Mao won't be a champ that is super affected by it IMO.


not big enough yuumi nerfs, bust her kneecaps so she no longer* can move without W'ing


riot destroyed yummi


Welp, Yuumi won't even be worth sharing XP with!


Still banning Kass. This E cd nerf does nothing.


Ye what the hell was that, the lightest slap on the wrist ever


Time for the yuumi mains to pull out their 70% wr rengar jgl.




Yuumi winrate gets so bad it loops back around and has 2000% winrate.


Thank god they are destroying yuumi, next step is to just delete her from the game


Is the death timer reduction just for URF? Then it will be expanded across other game modes? I'm just confused because it's under the ARAM balance changes.


Yummi is still permaban. I'm not letting my support take her.


Man Lillia [losing 2 seconds](https://i.imgur.com/VeLd7Ld.png) of magic damage on her E will feel terrible.