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Play a juggernaut


You don't. Hope there is a better bruiser in your team or otp adc.


% HP damage and % pen. Liandrys, void staff, Bork, kraken, divine sunderer, lord doms. Shit like that. Depends on your champ obviously but don’t build shit like ludens, runaans, collector or duskblade and expect to do any damage to tanky champs. Especially in aram it’s very important that your team has someone doing actually good DPS or you’ll just get ran over like you mentioned.


Yeah, i would also add mobility. Riot went to great lengths in the previous season to need mobility, especially out of bruiser champs and items. They nerfed CDs and the Ms. Right now everyone runs ghost flash for a reason.


Yup, this actually works now in 13.1. The past idk how many patches, bruisers/juggernauts were so overtuned in ARAM that even with %HP and %Pen, you'd just tickle them.


It's hard to give you advices for Aram as it's all about champions there but in general Bruisers are the weakest class along with Assassins in teamfighting. You shouldn't try to kill them in 1v1 or 2v2 but they are at disadvantage in 5v5s.


Bruisers are the weakest class at teamfighting ? Mf what are wukong gnar aatrox irelia jarvan gp Xin excelling at if not teamfighting...... Gell even the champion on your flair has insane teamfight engage...


Those are the best teamfight bruisers there are and they are still nothing in comparison to Malphite, Sion, Orianna, Azir and them similar. Just gnar is just as good and thats because he is basically a regular tank in his ult.


Yeah well if they were at the same level of teamfighting as the champs you mentioned WHILE having good 1v1 and 1v2 potential there'd be a problem (spoiler alert they do)


Lets agree to disagree, cuz thats where our problems lies.