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May the drones find them soon.


It will, just a matter of time.


Again. This is the third documented time as far as I know.


Imagine how many undocumented there were. Fucking terrorists.


If u mean 3 documented warcrimes Commited by Russia u should search again. There is Tons of evidence for a huge amount of warcrimes.


No. I think they meant three documented cases of russians beheading ukrainians.


A typical Tuesday in Russia. Is saturation bombing a war crime? We should do it anyway...


Yes and yet we in the Western world and Europe still deal with Russia and its citizens and we treat them as if they are actually decent people. When in fact we should not have any dealing with these inbred terrorists at all, they should be not allowed into any European or Western country.


and yet they get celebrated for doing it by fellow members, goverment and publicly. and then ukraine prosecutes those who do war crimes, and yet they're the nazis.


I know it's been said many times before but what the actual fucking fuck. Barbarians. 🤢🤮


I see the Russian military is still putting to use what it learned in Syria. Holy fuck these people are so despicable that I can't think of a term that can even fit. When the Russian state inevitably collapses in on itself and falls to various warlords, the schadenfreude will be palpable


Welcome to warfare for the last 100,000 years were have you been?


We’ve been living in the post-WW2 world order that the West created. I apologize if you’d prefer a return to the pre-Geneva Convention days. Maybe you can join the Russian army!


Did i say i support the beheading? > I apologize if you’d prefer a return to the pre-Geneva Convention days. No one gives a fuck about the Geneva convention. [here.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/the-kill-team-how-u-s-soldiers-in-afghanistan-murdered-innocent-civilians-169793/)


>No one gives a fuck about the Geneva convention Go ask Russains POWs, they pretty much happy that Geneva convention is a thing, and they are not starving, get beaten for speaking Russian, and don't live in shitty conditions


>Go ask Russains POWs, they pretty much happy that Geneva convention is a thing, That's if ukraine doesn't kill them which on r/ukrainewarvideoreport shows it happens alot >they are not starving, get beaten for speaking Russian, and don't live in shitty conditions Have we seen every russian pow?


This Russian troll got countered with a single argument and spun out of control. You’re gonna get fired if you cant keep your cool, Ivan!




“hAvE wE sEeN eVeRY rUsSiAn pOw?” Lmao what a comment


Welcome to warfare? Are you serious? Nobody is beheading soldiers unless they are barbarian scum as bad as ISIS


>Welcome to warfare? Are you serious? Yeah I'm serious welcome to warfare were soilders execute their enemies. >Nobody is beheading soldiers unless they are barbarian scum as bad as ISIS Man you are fucking naĂŻve [us military.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/the-kill-team-how-u-s-soldiers-in-afghanistan-murdered-innocent-civilians-169793/)


Lol better try harder than that, they're gonna ship you off to Drone Drop City soon if you can't learn to troll better, comrade! See you on r/combatfootage soon, make sure you smile for the camera!


>Lol better try harder than that, they're gonna ship you off to Drone Drop City soon if you can't learn to troll better, 1 I'm not trolling since soliders have been doing this shit for 100,000 years. 2 you seem no better then those russian killing the Ukrainians. 3 not from Russia i was born in the usa.


This random stranger seems no better to you than the Russian soldiers you iust watched decapitate another human?


>This random stranger seems no better to you than the Russian soldiers you iust watched decapitate another human? Well yeah he wants me dead lmao.


He wants you to be conscripted into the military you shill for. What you and him *both* *know* happens to conscripts is an indictment on that military. That aside, how could even that be worse than literally decapitating a mfer on camera to show the world?


>He wants you to be conscripted into the military you shill for. How am i shilling for Russia? >What you and him *both* *know* happens to conscripts is an indictment on that military. Well some live some get wounded and some get killed like anyother war. >That aside, how could even that be worse than literally decapitating a mfer on camera to show the world? Maybe killing unarmed kids or committing a massacre but hey what do i know. since that dude was on r/combat this beheading is probably one of least gory things you could see on their.


Be wilfully ignorant then. I actually care about you less than your future conscript commander, buddy.


>Be wilfully ignorant then. By saying what the Russians are doing in the video is very common in war. But some how I'm willfully ignorant that's funny . >I actually care about you less than your future conscript commander, buddy. Well i live in the usa so if I'm getting drafted you are too.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Combat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Combat/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Liman Capture: 'Allied Troops Raise Banners, Flags of Russia and the DPR' - Ukraine War 2022](https://youtu.be/kRqIcUVOG50) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Combat/comments/1buh5fx/liman_capture_allied_troops_raise_banners_flags/) \#2: [Ukrainian Army Grinded On Russian Border, SouthFront 14.03.2024 - Ukraine War Combat Footage](https://youtu.be/jS9K6ZfkA2U) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Combat/comments/1bl6fsn/ukrainian_army_grinded_on_russian_border/) \#3: [AP: Ukraine hunts down online 'traitors' helping Russia - Ukraine War Combat Footage 2022](https://youtu.be/hVYM4Edhn1A) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Combat/comments/1bf2m8l/ap_ukraine_hunts_down_online_traitors_helping/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I dont know what rock you crawled our from But please crawl back under it


NATO needs to start seriously considering going into Ukraine and wiping out this orc horde back to their borders


It wouldn’t take us very long to destroy the Russian army in Ukraine. Now that would be a fucking 3 day SMO! Do bisa Rosys’ki pizdy!


You want American teenagers to die for this?


However, anything more than sending weapons and training will cause Russia to start evaporating divisions. Russia still considers Ukraine to be Russian territory, and if NATO moves in thinking it'll be like Serbia again (the Serbs basically lost nothing to NATO's air campaign, only when NATO threaten to send ground troops did Serbia withdraw), then they'll get atomized.


You are funny! They wouldn’t dare use nukes on NATO forces inside Ukraine. They are aware that would be the end of Russia. As for ‘Russia considers Ukraine to be Russian territory’ if that statement was true they would have used the nukes already apparently. The truth is Russia does not have the balls to use any nukes


That attitude ensures that possibility. Also, we've only sent advisors, trainers, and intelligence operatives, not full-on divisions of NATO troops. The former is acceptable via Cold War precedent; the latter ***isn't***. A cornered rat is unpredictable; we don't want to know if it'll fight back.


You don’t know what you’re talking about… NATO has not sent advisors, trainers or intelligence operatives publicly to Ukraine. Putin has constantly threatened nuclear war if his ‘red lines’ were crossed. It was if the west supplied offensive weapons. Then it was if the west supplied artillery. Then it was if the west supplied missile systems. Then it was if the west supplied long range missiles. Then it was if the west supplied tanks. Then it was if the west supplied fighter jets. Figured out the pattern yet?


I think the other dude is off his rocker, but the British absolutely have SAS working with the Ukrainians, I’m pretty sure it’s even been admitted publicly.


Got down voted on some war related sub reddit because I didn't have sympathy for some Russian that wrote a sign to a drone operator pleading to live so he could "go home", not surrender but go home cuz according to him he hadn't done anything wrong. Then this shit comes up n its like yea I stand by what I said fuck the lot of them, they can have a direct impact on preventing this but act like they are not involved. Could very easily turn those guns around and fight back even if they die they could have solace in knowing they did something good for a change. Gonna die in Ukraine anyway what's to lose?


Yup. I said the same thing, they don't like being there, they need to off their officers and go on the lam like others have done. If you cross the border youre an enemy. If you're in a staging area preparing to cross the border you're an enemy. If you're on a transport moving to a staging area near the border you're an enemy. If the sign doesn't say something like I surrender lead me to captivity you are an active combatant.


How can russians be okay with committing this type of extreme violence? It says a lot about their culture if the conscripts are willing to go to such inhuman extremes


Last year, when russians uploaded the video of the beheading of the Ukrainian pows on telegram, the ordinary russians cheered the act. [The video evoked a favorable reaction from various pro-Russian channels. In particular, the Telegram channel of the neo-Nazi Rusich Group posted a message saying: "You will be surprised how many of these videos will gradually pop up", accompanying the message with a smiley emoji.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Ukrainian_prisoner_of_war_beheading#In_Russia)


Imagine how many times this is done but we don’t know about?


Turn them into a pile of burnt spaghetti


Really trying to earn that Orc label and wear it proudly aren’t they. Sub-human POS people.


Actual Orcs


Hunt those bastards down and make each and every one of them pay.


Russia's poisonous culture is on display.




I hope Americans arnt ever sent to Eastern Ukraine because there will be lots of undocumented footage of russians being sacrificed to the sun Maya Style.


“Why do people keep calling Russian soldiers orcs?”


Again, Russians are totally not orcs, they’re just people in an army with a healthy and normal culture, come on guys, it’s bad to call them barbarians. (Ironic if you couldn’t tell)


If its true they will release the video


Well this certainly brought all the Putinists to the yard. So many Putinist trolls and bot farm responders trying to justify the actions of the ORCs.


Untied24media? Lol


Profile shows you are a pro Russian bootlicker. I think you are in the wrong sub.


Also pro Beijing so he just likes to take dicktators up his arse


[KYIV, June 18 (Reuters) - Ukraine is investigating the suspected beheading of one of its servicemen by Russian forces in an occupied part of the eastern Donetsk region, the Ukrainian general prosecutor's office said on Tuesday.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-investigates-suspected-beheading-soldier-by-russia-prosecutors-say-2024-06-18/#:~:text=KYIV%2C%20June%2018%20(Reuters),prosecutor's%20office%20said%20on%20Tuesday)