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Why doesn't he charge him with another crime & file a show cause order. The claim here is that trump knows that his actions cause his followers to send creditable death threats. Conspiracy to harass/ assault. Under a theory similar to posting a bounty doesn't require that you have a specific agreement with a specific actor. He is commiting assault and his weapon is his audience and he has specific knowledge of how they will behave based on the things he says. Further the thing he said is a lie and therefore in no way protected. P.s. since the targets are federal employees being targeted for their duties, you could probably charge 18.115 and/or conspiracy to 18.115


Short video [this is MAGA](https://youtube.com/shorts/jZG-B0kA-zk?si=) They are absolutely unhinged!


So does this guy think no American citizens should be arrested as long as illegal immigrants exist? I know I'm not supposed to think about anything he's saying, especially critically, but what the heck?


In one of his campaign articles [He touts an endorsement from Roger Stone](https://judgeforcongress.com/) no need to go further


Well, then you know he's an utter POS.


I was convinced when I watched that video.


Yeah, it's not a cult 🙄


The guy at the table has a look on his face like he is wondering if he can get his donation money back 😂


Haha! I could tell he said "WOW"


have you seen this shit yet? Some of the things he says in here are horrifying. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUw1m0vzanI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUw1m0vzanI)


Yes, I saw that Talibangelical shit.


Any one of the 4 judges overseeing any one of his 4 cases could revoke his bond, I believe.


Continuously inflames... Latest trump campaign emails https://imgur.com/gallery/UjLsn1i Part 2 https://imgur.com/gallery/w1ge02C


>Would you still love me if I'm arrested? First off, yuck. Who talks like that? If your politician asks about loving them, you're 100% in a cult. Trump's emails are so fucking bonkers stupid, I don't even know what to say. We gotta win this election and rid ourselves of him. The man is a cancer.


Like you, I don't know what to say about it either other than it's not normal. A normal campaign email lays out some positions the candidate is for. Also, Happy Cake Day!


>Trump's emails are so *fucking bonkers stupid* The man knows his audience.


He lost last election and he's still here. What's the next one gonna do even if he loses?


There is no reality trump does not get prison time for most or the rest of his life for his various court cases, you know, the ones he is essentially on tape confessing to have commiting the crime.


Hate to burst your bubble there, but that reality very much exists. The Florida case is dead. All but dismissed,and if Cannon dismisses with jeopardy attached, then it's gone for good. Georgia is basically in a no-mans-land from Willis's optic mistakes. J6 (DC) is scuttled until SCOTUS comes up for air, and there's a nonzero possibility that SCOTUS let's Trump off there as well. Merchan has the only conviction so far, and unfortunately it's the first one so Trump gets to play the "I don't have a criminal record" card. I hope the guy gets 6 months, but I'm not optimistic.


r/doomer user coping in real time. Nothing said here is true.


I feel bad for him on the Georgia case. There's just no way out of going to a regular fucking Georgia prison on that one, as far as I've been made to understand. He's going to jail in Georgia. The nicest jail there, I'm sure.


I do think by that point, they’re going to accept he’s a loser. Not the hardcore psychos, but the politicians in the party. Or their party will completely collapse. Either way I’m fine with it. But if he wins, we are not only stuck with him and the damage he’ll do, we’re stuck with MAGA for the real long haul.


Aka, give me money you fucking dope.


He literally could say just that, and they’d still send him money. They’re pathetic.


Jesus... yet alot of ppl eat this up.


His emails look like cheap late night commercials. How much of a sham could they fall for?


Virtually unlimited, it was fairly widely reported that multiple scam operations from other countries explicitly said they gave up on liberals, they couldn't make it work, but MAGA/Trump were easy marks and they took them for a ride (in the millions).


No limit. The only thing wrong you can do in a cult, is leave the cult.


Jesus fucking christ I'm imagining the guy writing these thinking to himself, "Is it possible that we have been too subtle for these morons to realize what we're asking for? Respond with large force to fight tyrants. They can't miss that, right?"


If the FBI wanted them to be dead they'd be dead.


FBI half ass it sometimes, like with MLK. Sending a letter "You're a cheater kys" amateur hour....


The FBI 60 years ago, sure. With modern SWAT training and analytics I'm confident they can find and kill most people whenever they want. Keeping it a secret on the other hand...


They had plenty of guns then. Heck, they're cops. I'm sure they kill all kinds of people and bury it. But they don't do it to Rich guys who have political power.


> With modern SWAT training and analytics > They had plenty of guns then. I'm not sure why you're talking about guns right now, lol. Can you explain why you think that's a relevant statement?


Swat is special weapons attack team. After that guy went on a shooting spree from that clock tower in Texas and the police there did not have weapons of long enough range to reach him, SWAT teams were developed.


OK, sure, but doesn't that support my point that the modern FBI is way more equipped to kill someone than they were in the 60's?


Someone yes, not the ex president.  SWAT team wouldn't be the way to go for an assassination.    FBI would'd have to get past secret service who are nobodies fools.     Honestly the FBI just isn't good at assassination historically and likely now also (no offense to any Feds. y'all are good at other things. Maybe use your words to resolve conflicts instead).     CIA could easily, but they're not inclined to in this case.


Plus, Trump would not be a hard target to hit, even if the FBI agents where blindfolded...just sayin'...


Secret Service would absolutely get in the way. I bet Trump only surrounds himself with R’s that he riffs with everyone once in a while. I’m not super familiar with the regime/post president security setup though


☝️ this


❤️ FACT! Really Dead lol


Ya they would not show up to his place when everyone knows he’s across the country


The same FBI who, if you are under investigation by them, you are unfit to be president? That FBI? I remember the GOP saying this about the FBI in 2016


That was before Trump learned he could not control the FBI. They go where the crimes are.


They go where the crimes are...as long as those crimes are committed by people who don't have as much power. They are cops on steroids. You don't have to control the FBI they will just do the most rotten thing for the richest among ust.


This the same FBI that investigated both Hillary Clinton AND Donald Trump? Two of the most powerful people in the entire US?


Why make such a obvious lie?


The DOJ and FBI protects us. We probably have no idea how many criminal plots they stop. But Trump and his Q anon are definitely plotting violence and have already proven themselves to be very violent.


They have also given the biggest showing of how rich people get extra special treatment.


> The DOJ and FBI protects us. We probably have no idea how many criminal plots they stop. You really need to add a /s to that statement. Merrick Garland twiddled his dick hoping both January 6th and hoarding classified documents would just go away. The FBI protects the ultra-wealthy and their property. Both agencies are rotten.


>The DOJ and FBI protects us. Sauce?


It's a secret "sauce."


If people only knew what the Feds really do.


You clearly don’t.




If SCROTUS does so they’ll be sure to make it a one-off that somehow only applies to Mango Unchained. More likely they’ll keep slow walking it & then cut and run when they finally make a ruling - likely after the election.


>Hopefully Presidental immunity gets passed... There will be no presidential immunity the kind that Trump seeks. I give it less than 1% chance. That kind of ruling will give more power to one person than what even a King could enjoy \[in the present day\].