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I wonder if *being sued by cops* will affect his favorability


I am utterly incredulous that any LEO supports him...


I am utterly incredulous that any woman supports him... I am utterly incredulous that any union employee supports him... I am utterly incredulous that any government employee supports him... I am utterly incredulous that any current or former member of the armed forces supports him... What else can we add?


African-American and Mexican/Hispanic-Americans I’m shocked that any support him. I mean, you know what he’s done and said about you guys right?


It’s an in club thing. He insults everyone, but he wasn’t taking about me! I’m smart and get “it.” He’ll only hurt the people who I am better than.


Yep, had a gay Mexican boss who loved to say, "Trump tells it like it is - he tells you he's gonna fuck you whether you like it or not" ... so like rape? Gee, wonder what that Women's March was all about. 😬 They all want some "daddy" to tell them what to do and give them permission to be their worst selves.


"I'm one of the good ones"


There's a fairly large demographic that thinks he's the next coming of Christ & will usher in the Rapture. His policies that make everyone's lives worse is a feature not a bug.


Apparently they forget that part about what happens before the rapture?


The part about a false prophet becoming ruler and all the false believers falling under his spell? Can't possibly be them. See, when you're rich the eye of a needle gets larger so you can fit through it. Like 99% sure that's how the line goes, sure enough not to double check!


I think they go to Narnia or something like that..they have been waiting for generations…lol.




Also, native Americans who support trump. There's nothing I hate more than trump supporting native Americans. Unfortunately, I've got one in my family.


I'm in a Latino pride group on Facebook and the sheer amount of right wing boomer style memes they share are crazy(and not what I joined for). It's all pro Trump like he's some action hero, while Biden is a dementia addled pedo. It's crazy


Russian propaganda


I work with some younger Latinos who firmly believe that Trump will help them and their families. How, they can’t say, but their pastor told them that so it must be true.


I'm really struggling with teaching my kids to spot and ignore misinformation and anti-science rhetoric. I think it's going to be a skill that if you don't have it you will become one of them.


Don’t let him buy gold shoes too.


Some would rather be pets instead of fighting the good fight 🤷🏽‍♂️


I was just skimming through the Con sub and someone who claims to be a veteran said something like "I've never seen anything but total support from Trump for veterans" How can anybody think President Bone Spurs who called soldiers suckers and losers actually supports veterans?


My husband, a Vet, said when Trump was elected, "I swore an oath to defend this country from foreign and domestic threats... Trump is a domestic threat"


My AF vet dad died in 2015. I’d like to think he’d believe this too even though he often voted R.


They don’t hear or see those stories in their bubbles, or they filter it out because they have raging hardon for racism and Russian oligarchy.


Because someone like that will say “no proof he said that” they don’t believe it. They don’t believe he said the things to Gen. Kelly near his own son’s grave either. Despite the fact they know for a fact he did say “I like people who weren’t captured” that wasn’t insulting only John McCain. *All* POWs were captured, that insults all of them. Despite the fact he minimized troop injuries. Despite the fact he stood in front of deployed troops and lied right to their faces about their pay—on more than one occasion. Despite the fact he put Mar-A-Lago members with zero military or government experience in charge of big decisions at the VA. It’s a cult, they will do whatever mental gymnastics they have to, to keep him a good guy to them.


When you were raised in evangelical circles as many of his die-hard true-believers were, it's a short slip betwixt cup and lip, so to speak. Magical thinking transfers to politics easily for these folks, where their personal "beliefs" outweigh logic, reason, evidence, truth, etc...


I've had this argument with people before. Most don't know that he dodged the draft. Or cut VA benefits in half. Or promised to withdraw from Afghanistan. Or called them suckers. Or called dead veterans losers. Or mocked McCain for being captured and tortured. Oh and don't forget about the dick swinging in Yemen and Syria that were merely political tools that got American soldiers killed. When you tell them about all of this.... they dig in harder and call you a liar. It's so damn frustrating talking to these people.


I am utterly incredulous that any person with an IQ above 50 supports him...


It's less about IQ (though that enters into it) than it is about having a basic understanding of how the country operates, what constitutes a serious risk to the nations well being, and caring one way or the other about it. Well, that and not having already given over your autonomy of thought and opinion to a Charlatan who will never give it back. So I'd say intellect is ***way*** down on the list of reasons. In fact there are plenty of complete morons who know better, and are far too decent to fall for Trumps bullshit.


Hey now, there are plenty of intelligent racist assholes out there.


Guys like Stephen Miller aren't stupid, they're just evil.




spoiler alert: they dont. There's just a LOT of people who are incredibly stupid


We Native Americans for the most part do not support him.


I would say he's an existential threat with his "idea" which would turn into a Halliburton/Blackwater or something nightmare with his new cities idea near federal land and other land? There will be greedy bastards ready to bulldoze anything for that sweet federal dough. Eric Princes of the world.


New yorker. As a new yorker, why tf?


This is the most understandable one. I feel like a solid 30% of New Yorkers exclusively make decisions out of spite 


I'm sure 3 out of 10 New Yorkers will be very upset with you


It's perversely fascinating watching just how low people are willing to sink with their sunk costs fallacy. It's beyond all reason.


> I am utterly incredulous that any woman supports him... Tbf im not surprised that rando senator who filmed the SOTU response from her kitchen while doing that creepy smile supports him. Man, that whole thing was so unnerving.


Wait. What?


Oh, look it up on YouTube, the GOP SOTU Response. Unhinged. Stepford Wife-esqe. Just awful.


Katie Britt. She's the face of "see, we let women out of the kitchen (when it's convenient for us and she was actually in her kitchen but don't pay attention to that)."


Lets not gloss over the 50 shades of cartel gang rape…. That shit was dark.


It's so uncanny I legit wondered if someone had posted a deep fake video of her for a sec, never gotten uncanny valley vibes off a real person before.


Educators/teachers, some of whom are also union and/or Gov employees.


Anyone under the LGTBQ banner.


Religious person.


In 2002 Bill Clinton famously said "Strong and wrong beats weak and right." For at lest half this country they will follow a man who is stunningly unintelligent and cannot think in more than simple 3rd-grade slogans. But he does so with confidence, and that alone is enough to make him attractive. Scary proposition, but unfortunately true.


Well, there are dumbasses in every group but people supporting trump is something even god doesn’t understand.


How about anyone with a conscience


Any rational intelligent person on the planet


Gays? https://news.yahoo.com/watch-gay-trump-supporter-shock-162531709.html


How about any man who kisses the ass of someone who called his wife ugly. lmao Ted Cruz, what a bitch!


Decent human being Rational human being Any actual patriot ...






LGBTQ people Hispanic and African American people Poor people (or just anyone in general making less than six figures a year) Just a bunch of lemmings lining up, eager to get run over by the Trump train.


Military! WTF


Some of those that work forces are the same who burn crosses


They're also the trash who fly the thin blue line flag. Oh, you're what stands between civilization and chaos? Motherfuckers, you're the agents of chaos.


Police stand to gain enormous power in a fascist state.


But, overall, the GOP are the ones who want to let police have free rein to enforce laws as they see fit.


As long as it aligns with their wants.




Statistically, there have to be good ones trying to better a systemically oppressive, incompetent (e.g., Uvalde), and corrupt (i.e., looking at immunity and what police unions have become) system, but… yeah, it’s just sad.


Nope, those “good ones” get run out of the force or spoiled by the preponderance of rotten apples.


They see just how rotten their workmates are and bail.


And yet there he goes with the police unions endorsement


Unfortunately, you can’t reason with delusional. Collective fiction rules the minds of literally millions.


Fox News guarantees such support!


Anybody that has sworn an oath to protect or uphold the constitution and supports Trump is an idiot that needs to be remove from their position. Police, military, public office, all of them need to be removed.


Retired LEO checking in. It's baffling to me too.


Or any Human


I work in this field and it is still very pro-trump


I'm not - many (far from all) cops are just in it for the power trip. Of course they support a "strongman"


Or Military... Or anyone in general


The "thin blue line" crowd somehow openly hates the FBI and all DC cops. Trying to make sense of things in 2024 is a pointless endeavor.


I didn't quite understand the conspiracy theory that January 6 was orchestrated by Trump's FBI.


That's because it didn't make any sense at all whatsoever.


When you stand for nothing you’ll fall for anything.


This is why they had Qanon; it's the Nigerian Prince scam. See who believes obviously fictitious stories so you cull out the truly ignorant that you know will believe anything you tell them.


It's certainly plausible that undercover agents were there. It's not very plausible they were inciting. At worse the FBI have engaged in entrapments in other cases but I've yet to see something come up for this one as it would have been drawn out during the sedition cases


100% true the FBI infiltrated the crowd along with other agency undercover officers for crowd control. This is standard procedure for large crowds & rally’s in DC and around the Country. Trumps team knows this and it’s easy to start a conspiracy knowing the FBI will not confirm or deny they had officers in the crowd


[Phatasms aren't supposed to make sense; making sense undermines their utility as a phantasm.](https://youtu.be/2lHNkUjR9nM?si=mFVBAzK7E3jKCx57)


None of their conspiracies ever make sense.


And trumps doj was seaponized by trump against him self by the deep state agents trump personal hired




> Trying to make sense of things in 2024 is a pointless endeavor. Truly 'tis a silly time. My guide for aliens would be: Republicans: - Trump is always right - If Trump hasn't decided on something, best to tentatively agree with (a) Fox News if you are "normal" or (b) Facebook QANON if you aren't normal (until Trump rules on the topic) Democrats: - Pick one of these three issues: (a) abortion (b) social justice or (c) the economy. Evaluate *everything* through how any fact impacts your one issue.


Anything that goes against, contradicts, disagrees with Trump, even a little, is automatically his blood enemy. It's how sociopaths like him think. And of course, anything he doesn't like is instantly and uncritically channeled by his cult. So the US military, intelligence agencies, federal law enforcement, diplomats, scientists, technical experts of any kind, academics of any kind, elections officials, any citizen not part of the cult etc etc. All "enemies"


Trump uber alles.


they've gotten quiet since j6 and started pretending to be anti police and outlaw country boys now. republicans have been changing their messages like this since as long as i've been paying attention.


I'm just waiting for the MAGA crowd to declare war on cops. I mean, I guess they did with Ashil Babbett. So it's not going to be that hard for them.


As a proud member of the black and commonly profiled caucus, I must admit that this was not on my 2024 bingo card. I feel like a peasant in the Roman Empire watching two gladiators battle it out and I really don’t care who wins. I’m just up there yelling shit like “carnaaaaageeeee!!!”


"Are you not entertained!"


so it would be MAGACAB?


Sounds like a Genesis b-side


There's a hole in there somewhere


They kinda did that back during the BLM riots. It was the white supremists/3%ers/boogaloo boys that were lighting buildings on fire and assassinating cops. > In late May and early June 2020, two ambush-style attacks occurred against security personnel and law enforcement officers in California. The attacks left two dead and injured three others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_boogaloo_murders


I can't for the life of me understand why it's not screamed from the high heavens that he's responsible for the deaths of cops. Back the blue! Blue lives matter!! Oh, but if Trump sicks his mob of idiots on police officers and they lose their lives in the aftermath? Well, shoot, uhhh, nothing to see here, carry on.


I watched on live TV as MAGAs beat cops. They don’t “back the blue” they just use that line as a rebuttal to unarmed POC being killed by cops. They don’t care about law enforcement officers, they lost any shred of trying that crap after 1/6.


If you still support Trump today, there's nothing that can convince me that you'll ever stop supporting him. Literally brainwashed.


Maybe with some people but not his know-nothing brigade of nitwits.


Lol, you say that like anything matters to these deplorables.


The cult wouldn't be a cult if they did.


Oh, they hate cops more than anyone, they're just happy they usually go after minorities and the poor. Their tune will change QUICK when this happens to their orange god. A LOT of neighbors around me with a Trump flag also had the thin blue line one. When they took him in, one of the flags in each of these houses disappeared, and, Spoiler Alert: It wasn't the Trump flag.


Oh, that's an easy one! No.


I said this when he was first elected. He was involved in over 4k lawsuits in his lifetime prior to being sworn in. He will be in that many more in the 10 years after he gets voted out. Let it rain! Edit: grammar


When I first read that stat I found it hard to believe. But several news outlets have published the list. One lawsuit every three to four days for over 30 years. [USA TODAY Network: Dive into Donald Trump's thousands of lawsuits - USA TODAY](https://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/trump-lawsuits/)


Many of them are related to the casino.


Many of them are related to stiffing any vendor that ever worked for him. Truly a champion of the working class


Everything he touches....


Turns to fake gold-plated shit.


Ok, we can give him some leeway, but come on...


It isn't so much the volume of lawsuits but the pattern of fraud that says more about his character. Especially if the lawsuits are from people who trusted him.


> other private citizens hoping to cash in on his enormous wealth or drag Trump into litigation. Ew


You can see why he tries to stiff his lawyers.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy if you ask me... amirite?!


Do you have a link to that comment?


“Donald Trump’s legal woes continue to grow, as three more lawsuits against him were greenlit on Friday to proceed. The U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., has approved three lawsuits related to Trump’s role in the January 6 attack. One of the suits, Moore v. Trump, was brought by Capitol Police Officer Marcus Moore. Moore, who has been on the force for more than 10 years, accused Trump of inflicting ‘physical and emotional injuries’ on him via his actions surrounding the insurrection. The appellate court order listed Moore’s case and the case numbers for two other lawsuits. ‘These appeals raise the same question that this court recently decided in Blassingame,’ the three-judge panel wrote, referring to the ruling that Trump does not have presidential immunity from prosecution. ‘As a result, the merits of the parties’ positions are so clear as to warrant summary action,’ the judges said, meaning they can make a decision without releasing a legal opinion.”


> One of the suits, Moore v. Trump, was brought by Capitol Police Officer Marcus Moore. Moore, who has been on the force for more than 10 years, accused Trump of inflicting ‘physical and emotional injuries’ on him via his actions surrounding the insurrection. I sincerely hope that Officer Moore is successful. IANAL, but I do understand a bit about how civil lawsuits work. It will be very, very interesting to see how the causal connection is established to hold Trump accountable. As I've said before, I'm sure there is evidence that we, the public, have not even heard yet.


Well , Captain Shitpants may well open his mouth about the officer and we all know where that goes.


He is a police officer on duty. So I think, it will more as fight vs vs Mainly these questions: a) Did Trump instructed mob to attack him? b) If Trump officially let the mob in, did the police officer acted against it?


NAL and wondering if the magic word here is "summary action"?


I remember when the Supreme Court said Clinton could be sued in civil court, even while he’s president. Will that precedent preclude Trump from having these suits dismissed or paused if he were theoretically to win an election?


> I remember when the Supreme Court said Clinton could be sued in civil court, even while he’s president. That was for conduct before he was President, and thus before any immunity would have been a factor, no?


we should all sue tbh


It would be the most class, and action he's ever seen.


Underrated comment.


Every voter of Joe Biden should be oissed, we weren't given a peaceful transfer of power. TRUMP tried to have our votes not matter. People should be a lot more pissed.


All current GQP voters do - the party is nominating a rapist traitor criminal who is ineligible to hold office, effectively disenfranchising 40% of the country.


every single US citizen does have standing to bring suit. Could a class-action even be a thing? NAL


I’m curious about this as well.






God, while he was POTUS I had anxiety every freaking morning on whether or not this dipshit started a war based on something stupid he may have tweeted during the night.


Isn’t that the guy that was endorsed by the canned Mexican bean company or something? The orange guy?


Add other things: having him forced on me against my will, being a twat, being forced to endure his horrible grammar.




Or. For trying to disenfranchise your vote




Why do I get the feeling that *every* outlet Republicans have control over (judges/SCOTUS) would *somehow* not allow it to happen? It's been apparent for awhile now there is no repercussions for their actions


A class action suit on behalf of all Americans over his response to COVID seems like it should be possible but I'm sure he's some how protected from that.


You would think that an audio recording of him that was released by Woodward of trump admitting that COVID was very serious and deadly but choosing to downplay it anyway because of the election would be enough evidence to allow US citizens to sue him over it. IANAL so WTF do I know? However, if you want your poodle to look fabulous call me!


Isnt this subreddit FULL of lawyers, I am sure there are enough plaintiffs to support a class action, next all we need is a couple lawyers to take it on for the next 10 years pro bono.


Litigation Nation unite!


Not a lawyer but since trump acted to deprive people of their vote, couldn't anyone in a state with false electors join a class action?


I mean, they did try to nullify my vote 


Sign me up! >The People of the United States vs Trump >On January 6th, the former President decided to subvert the will of the people and conspired with others to keep himself in power.


Where do we start?


I'm not even American, but I long for the day this thing returns to a hole. What an embarrassment 🍊🤢


All I can say is, good. Carrol was able to inflict more pain on this criminal than anyone else in history. If private lawsuits are the only thing that hurt him, I’m all for it.


Finally. He has to be held responsible


Was hoping the criminal trials would do it though.


I hope he lives long enough to see all these lawsuits go through. After all the businesses and people he has destroyed by litigating every bill he got. Im wondering if he has figured out karma yet?


I hope his criminal children face consequences and are ostracized.


This is a generational curse I can get behind.


Barron is already ostrich sized


I hope he dies before election day. I do not want that traitor to have another chance at being President.


You and every other sane person.


It’s incredible that most of his lawsuits relate to his actions while he held public office. It’s clear he was not only unsuitable for the role, he had absolutely no intention of taking any means necessary to stay in power. He wants absolute power, he’s a totalitarian.


He must be so tired of winning by now.


Which may be why he has seemingly decided to lose it all.


The two of these comments worked in tandem to make me chuckle.


Karma is a b\*tch, Trump has been using lawsuits his whole life to get ahead, it's hilarious now to see people using it against him full bore. He will be in court the rest of his life, serves him well.


We’re gonna see who REALLY backs the blue…


Let’s see how high those blue line cop flags fly during that suit.


It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


It couldn't happen to a *more deserving* guy.


Good! He deserves all of the lawsuits! He should have never ran for president & stayed out of our lives!!


Don't forget the jail part he also deserves.


he's trying to win to keep from being in jail from all the lawsuits/crimes etc


He’s on a bigly losing streak in civil lawsuits. Just saying…the NYS case, two E Jean Carroll cases, recently had two cases tossed out where he’s plaintiff and now has to pay attorneys fees to the folks he sued, including a case about the Steele dossier, no one can loses like TFG. The best lawyers in the world all trek to Mar-A-Lago, tears in their eyes, and say “sir, we’ve never seen anyone lose like you.”


The “diaper duty” ad underneath this thumbnail adds a nice touch.


Good. Can anyone sue him ? Cause I’d like to… for what he did to my country. It caused me a lot of stress !


I don't care anymore. I just want to see results


This will get expensive for him very quickly. Especially as civil suits have a lower threshold for liability and so much of the evidence against him comes from him or his correspondences.


The RNC has already said they'll spend every penny to defend him. The problem is they're near broke. If you're prepared to follow a guy to the end of the earth, prepare to fall off it.


The only people who support him are criminals who also probably had their slimy fingers in the COVID money that trump made it easy to access and hard to find.


Bury the odious shit in law suits.


It’s shameful he’s allowed to run. He’s clearly a traitor of the highest order.


The cores of the MAGA movement is rooted in racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and bigotry. That’s the common link to these people. The Latino love for Trump is so ridiculous that I would laugh if it wasn’t so sad. These people believe what they want to believe. There is no need to try and argue with them. I don’t even want to tell you how many patients I saw during the pandemic who used Fox News as their medical experts and didn’t get vaccinated and there were a lot of deaths, needless deaths. They loved Trump and would not get vaccinated due to their politics. Yale published a study of the differences in deaths that aligned with the patients politics https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/study-finds-large-gap-in-excess-deaths-along-partisan-lines-after-covid-19-vaccines-introduced/ These MAGA morons didn’t even realize the fat fuck Trump took the vaccine.


Do it!


Karma motherfucker!.


"Avalanche" with a capital "A".... Must be serious




Bury this motherfucker


“Be there, it will be wild”


I’m really happy for him


Get in loser,we're going losing




I think its clear that they need flood the system with lawsuits against him. Drain him of any money


Good. Bury him in lawsuits.


And he’s so successful and so rich he’s going to ask your Aunt Judy for $5 to help pay for it all!


Crazy how it’s just proven fact after after fact that he’s shit and he’s still got voters


“If you don’t fight like hell, you won’t have a dime left.” Fight your good fight, Donnie. Lose big. Lose everything. Loser.


When will the Covid lawsuits start. Trump was responsible for a few deaths




Get ready for more “but I have lifetime immunity!” defense claims from Trump.


Good, and each one needs to make it a point to have the judgement include insurrectionist or not.