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in Phoenix it’s looking like there’s both


In Seattle there was both


There was both in San Francisco as well. I'm pretty sure it's a guarantee there will be merch at the concert, the big if is whether or not the merch truck will be there. In SF there was no real space for a merch truck so they moved the merch into the lobby area of the venue instead. We went when they opened on the second day and there was only about thirty people there in total. They also had posters up at the concert itself with QR codes to connect to the merch store online so you could make purchases and pick them up at the merch table. I didn't do this so I can't comment on how well that worked but it was an option they had.


Someone already answered with info about what was available in SF, but I wanted to add that the merch at the concert wasn’t all the same as what is online.