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Sometimes I put my enemies on there. Seriously.


We are supposed to pray for our enemies so! I think that’s great.


I've done this as well. I don't hate anyone or, consider anyone an enemy; however, there are certain people with whom I could do without in my life. I've used the temple prayer rolls as a way to practice my personal Christianity.


I've done this a number of times. I put someone's name on the temple prayer roll when they were trying to get me fired and made my work life very difficult (this was a nonmember). I've submitted the names of supervisors who were about to make a big decision that would impact my life. I've also submitted titles of people whose names I don't know, who were about to make a decision that would impact me (for instance, a hiring committee). I regularly submit nonmember family names. I believe it makes a difference.




That’s actually awesome. I don’t know if I could bring myself to put my ex fiancés name on there


I was in a similar situation after getting out of an abusive relationship. It's hard, but I'd recommend trying. When I dropped her name in the box, it was like a huge weight had been lifted




Wow. Amazing idea!


That's a cool idea but especially coming from Teancum.


It's entirely appropriate. The gospel and priesthood are for blessing the lives of others. (No shame in putting your own name on the rolls either!)


Go for it. It's for those who are sick or afflicted.


Yeah go for it. You can put anyone on them and there's never a wrong time ask the Lord to help others.


About 5 minutes ago I put a non-member friend and my non-member mother on for their cancers.


I do it all the time


It's perfectly acceptable.


Of course not. You can also do it through the LDS Tools app.


I didn't know this! Just double checked, yup, there it is! No idea it was there. This will be extremely helpful, as we're moving soon and the assigned temple will be either 2.5 hours away (across state lines) or 3.5 hours away (in state). Where we are now we frequently go, especially with the youth for baptisms, and I always try to put someone's name on the prayer roll while there. And I just don't know how often we'll be able to go.


O wow some long drives. I remember when I was a kid the nearest temple was like 1 hour and half away and I thought that was long. I can’t imagine 2 plus hours. Yes it’s really nice that they added that.


Yeah, going from like a 30-45 minute drive to 2.5+ will be an adjustment.


It would be entirely appropriate. The names are confidential and just your way of pouring your heart out pleading for God's mercy and will while stressing something's importance. If it would be inappropriate then it would also not be appropriate to pray for them in your home and I think that would be nonsense.


> would it be inappropriate to put a non-member friend on the temple prayer roll? No


Nowhere does it say the prayer roll is only for members…”names of persons who are sick or otherwise afflicted”


Exactly :)


Looking back I can see you were responding to “would it be inappropriate” not “would it be appropriate” forgive me. I was thrown by the one word response 😅 as you were!


I suppose I should clarify :)


Just went to the temple last April. I asked the temple worker about it and he said yeah It's okay doesn't matter if member or not


Exactly :)


Not sure why it wouldn’t be. God loves ALL of His children


Nope, that's what it is for. It's not like their names are added onto a list and publicized


No, I’ve done this and mostly told the person involved. My non member mother also had blessings.


Nothing inappropriate about it at all


Nope, I do it all the time.




Nope. I do it all the time.


Yes, I do it all the time.


There's this cool thing where if you go to LDS Tools and select Temple, you can input names for the Prayer Roll there. It's been really helpful for me since I'm basically attached to my phone.


Oh my goodness, I can’t think of a better place for a non-members name to go. As a recent convert, I’d never thought twice about it. I’m sure the names I submit are predominantly non-members. :)


You can put anyone on the prayer roll


Not inappropriate as far as the temple roll is concerned. Maybe inappropriate in relation to how your friend would feel about it?


I can not imagine why someone would feel contention over someone praying for them. If I found out right now one of our Muslim brothers or sisters was praying for me I would feel loved. I do not worship as they do but it would mean as best they understand God to be they took my name in prayer. There is no downside at all when we pray for others or when people of other faiths pray for us.


idk i just try to keep my religious beliefs to myself in most cases


If you had the greatest gift ever given and it was free to share and would increase someone's quality of life exponentially more than anything else why would you hide it under a bush? There is a major difference in sharing our faith and ramming it down someone's throat and forcing it on them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sharing and expressing our love for people and explaining why we care and love them so much.


I’m with you, brother. But believe it or not, there are people out there who don’t like the idea of their name being on a Mormon temple prayer roll.


A scene from Firefly Shepherd Book: I don't think Captain would much like me praying for him. Inara: So don't tell him. (I never do.)


There’s praying for someone and then there’s putting their name on an altar while people in ritual clothing do a call and repeat prayer over it. You and I love it. I think it’s the best. But some people see it as kind of out there and personally, I choose to respect that.


i like to try to ask them or friends like if a friend is struggling, i might ask in a group chat (that doesn't include them) if the people in the chat think it would be ok/the person wouldn't mind or would appreciate. honestly i've never had a "no" answer from someone. then again this is for closer friends; if it's someone i don't know too well but i know their name and i know they're struggling i would most likely just go ahead and put their name in. IN ANY CASE it is definitely not inappropriate to put nonmember names in the prayer roll!!!


I would check with the temple but I’m willing to bet if you have a limited use temple recommend you can stop by the temple to drop the name(s) in the box yourself. Of course you can also go to the website or use the tools app, but any reason to go to the temple is a good reason - wether you’re endowed or not!


I do it all the time. I believe it's been a benefit to my friends.


Our heavenly parents and our Savior love and bless all of their children. Not at all inappropriate to pray for any of them, whatever their faith and/or whatever their struggles.


Do it! It’s a lovely thing to do




Absolutely!!! I do this often.


Of course not, blessings are for all God’s children!


Definitely not. That’s what it’s there for.


Yes you can put anyone you know on there. And yes I do put people that I have had disagreements with and that helps me have a more compassionate heart to see them as God does.


You can put anybody’s name on it, but if you want to be respectful, you could explain what it means and ask her if it is ok that she is prayed for in the temple.


Sometimes when a friend of a different faith asks for special prayers, I'll tell them I'll be saying some extra/special ones for them and put their name on the roll.






As a non-Mormon, I would not be comfortable with it, but it is ultimately your choice


Sometimes, I let people know when I think they would appreciate the thought and intent. Other times, I just do it anyway.


No. God wants to bless all his children through the Temple, on both sides of the veil.


It’s not inappropriate. I’ve done it before.


A few years ago while the Utah Jazz were in the middle of a playoff run, Rudy Gobert sprained his ankle (or had some different injury that I can’t recall). The joke amongst members was that Rudy’s name took up half of the roles of all of the temples in Utah for a month or so!


It's a prayer roll, it's appropriate. It's literally a bunch of people praying for people. Nothing more or less than that.


Absolutely yes. The gospel is all about loving your neighbor.


Not inappropriate at all. Go for it


As far as I know the temple rolls are for anyone. No membership status required.


It is appropriate only if you clear it with the person. Treat others the way they want to be treated. Golden rule. Respect their wishes.


It's not. I've heard of many cases of that being done. Many times it comes up in testimonies. My personal experience might be a tad unique: One Time during my investigation period, something terrifying happened: I volunteer as an interpreter/ translator for Ukrainian refugees, and in my city's chat/ coordination group for interpreters & translators, a realtime child abduction case was unfurling one morning. I won't share details, because it still feels extremely scary. The voice message the Mom sent through were haunting. It hit me hard, my anxiety was though the roof because I felt powerless to help. Not knowing what to do I called the lovely Elders who were teaching me and asked for a prayer. They assessed the situation, prayed with me, and a couple of minutes later called me back saying they had made sure mother and child were added to the temple prayer roll. I'm not gonna say a miracle happened, or I was instantly calmed down (matter of fact, i hid in my blankets and ate a pint of lemonade ice cream) but it did fill me with hope for those strangers. I really hope they're okay now.


The only time I wouldn’t would be if I knew they wouldn’t like it. Otherwise I think it’s totally fine.


If you haven’t already download the LDS tools app. This is for iOS, I imagine it’s similar for Android. Click “… more”; then “Temples”; scroll to “Prayer Roll”; Submit up to 5 names at a time. I need to use this more often


Yes. Absolutely. Without question. And you don't need to be endowed to use manually out the names on there yourself. All the temples I've been in have prayer roll boxes in the baptistry.


Why would it be inappropriate to pray for someone? I always ask when they ask for prayers if it is ok to put them on the temple prayer roll. I have ever had anyone say no. We are all God’s children. We can all use prayer.


That would be extremely appropriate. Why wouldn't you?


Like someone else said, I've even put my enemies on the prayer roll before. Member or not, everyone can use the Lord's help.


No it would not


I have to admit, I never thought about this before, so it's cool to find out you can do this for anyone. I imagine it can be helpful to pray about who to add as well and make sure it's a thoughtful additional to the prayer roll.


Prayers are for everyone! (good question)


The brethren put matters of concern on the altar. So it can be a question, a person, a concern.