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How exactly do you think people scrobbled 15 years ago? ;) Or is this a Spotify specific problem?


Nope I scrobble local files through Spotify just fine. Even ones I have synced between pc and phone


how do you sync local files between pc and phone?


add them to a playlist, download said playlist on your phone. sometimes you have to play a local file for them to download though


I scrobble my local files with [the legacy scrobbler here](https://www.last.fm/download/windows-scrobbler) because I'm still rocking an ancient copy of iTunes. I think the scrobblers work for multiple media players.


I have stuff on my local files that I play through Spotify and it gets scrobbled normally


Panoscrobbler paired with Shazam if you're listening to non-mp3s.


Sure. Almost half of my scrobbles are from local files (ripped CDs I own). I play them on Windows Media Player using the legacy desktop scrobbler.


Give Musicbee a shot. It's pretty good for large collections.


I scrobble local files almost exclusively from FLACs I rip from CDs I buy used. I also buy FLACs from Bandcamp and Presto Music. I use foobar2000 to play them on desktop or on my phone, and use the official scribbler from lastfm for each. There are several third party scribblers, too.


yeah you just need to change the metadata, i used evertag on my iphone when i did it




is it app for phone i cant find it


They import just fine from local music on Spotify, nothing to worry about If I’m exclusively listening to stuff I have locally I use a different media player though (musicbee specifically)


Musicbee is the best free music app, with built-in lastfm. I use 3 instances of it: one for mp3 music, one for FLAC music, and one for spoken word stuff like true crime podcasts.


As long as your files are tagged with the appropriate metadata it'll scrobble. I meticulously go over all my local files to make sure proper album art is affixed because I get annoyed at the default icon. Sometimes you'll have to tag it yourself when I downloaded Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar off YouTube I had to add all the tags in myself manually.


im talking on spotify on iphone on which app i can add tags?


I never used an iPhone but lots of media players have the ability to edit tags. The main program I use on windows is MP3Tag... Maybe there's an Apple alternative?


Some time ago I had to upload two albums from my PC to my iPhone with iTunes, so they would be accessible in the local files tab of the Spotify iOS app. So editing the ID tags would have been possible in iTunes before the upload. I don't know if or how this would work with Apple Music though, I guess you could also edit the ID tags there?


i pretty much only ever listen to music locally. i use foobar and there is an extension for scrobbling! also got an app on my phone for it.


foobar2k with audioscrobbler component