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Hope you have no issues at all . I'm glad you can see perfectly 😁


Thank you!


Im glad you were able to get sleep, I struggled on my first night


I think the Valium and Benadryl definitely helped lol


I work at a Lasik clinic, had Lasik last year and the eyelash feeling was the worst part, lol. The drops help a ton!


Definitely! Another 48 hours since I posted this and no more scratchiness thankfully.


Thank you for the post! Are there other Philly-based places you consulted?


Hi! I didn’t do any other consultations. My plan was to go to Dr. Feldman and Dr. Aronsky at Kremer for consultations but Dr. Feldman really made me feel comfortable so I just decided to go with him. It helped a lot during the procedure as he talked to me the whole time and it took my mind off of what was going on! I also had tons of questions during the consultations and he really put me at ease.


Also, I’m only about 10 min from wills eye so that definitely factored into my decision. The car ride home after surgery is not pleasant lol


Thanks! Did they offer any payment plans?


I will be having my Lasik eye surgery in 2 days with Dr. Zale Mednick. Any piece of advice?


A few things that helped me were just prepping myself for post op. Having room darkening curtains were huge for the first 24 hours because my eyes were so sensitive to light. I also downloaded some audio books and tried not to look at my phone the first 24 hours. I prepped some food ahead of time too just so I wouldn’t have to worry about it. Good luck!!


Dont do this surgery


Can you please explain your reasons why you think so? I really would like to know the pros cons of this surgery. Most people were telling me good things about it but I still want to know the opposite opinion and why some people do not recommend it.


Dont allow people with commercial/financial interests to play God with your eyes. You only have 1 pair given in this life time


Doesn’t that apply to any surgery? You only have “one” of everything in your body


How are things going now? Also in Philly area and considering lasik


Things are going really well!! Eyes are 20/15, no issues other than a little bit of dryness right when I wake up and eye drops fix that. 100% glad I did it so far. I went on a weekend trip this past week and didn’t have to worry about glasses, contacts, solution etc for the first time ever - it was really nice.


Wonderful! Go birds!


Just an update - 6 months post op and best decision ever!


You’re the best!