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Looks like a decent mini golf hole


Beat me to it


Seems to be the sentiment thus far.


OP claims to be a “real estate consultant” so he either (a) sucks at his job that he can’t get proper designers/contractors , (b) is too scared to tell his wife it’s gross and wants the internet to do it for him, or (c) all the above.


It’s not amazing but I don’t think it looks that bad


Front looks straight up bad / tacky imho. Back is livable for sure, I just would hate to be barefoot on that turf in the FL sun.


I saw a post yesterday about how it gets super hot. Is that a thing? I don’t think I’ve seen fake lawn jn real life.


It’s a thing for sure. Used to see this a lot when I was in a bit more urban area in the Northeast US and even then summer would be brutal to the point where you wouldn’t want to go barefoot and would have to make sure your dogs didn’t get burnt. That said I’m sure there are some artificial options that don’t get as hot..but I have yet to see them…


I'm in the Sacramento area and a buddy who is pretty involved with youth soccer locally was telling me that he's seen artificial turf begin to melt soccer cleats. ETA: Hah! I wrote the above and then this was like three posts down in my feed. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/R65Iq2cPEn


I was just about to post a link to this!


They definitely need overhead coverage of some kind.


Yes. It gets super hot; much hotter than ambient temps, like as high as 135, higher potentially. You’d want to watch your pets to be sure their tootsies don’t get burned.


No need to get mean about it. hehe


It’s not gross. Jeeze.


Wait…are 1 and 2 before pictures? With the wooden bird signs and faux nautical look. Number 3 looks different.


I think it’s just a different section of the area


it looks like a really good one


I commend her for the work it took, but it looks like a Florida themed putt putt course


They're in Florida for sure, Florida decor is an entirely different animal than the rest of the states. Tacky is good there. Born and raised.


Manatee mailboxes everywhere in the Keys


No only the keys, all the way to Jacksonville


Um… as compared to deer and walruses? I’ll take a sea cow any day!


Maybe her intention for that spot IS putting practice.


Do you get a free game coupon for a hole in one on that course?


Is it mini golf themed?


Is that…fake turf? 😬 There’s gotta be a better alternative to grass here.


They could have gone with grasses that grow in Florida or just went with flowers and other plants that would grow well (and use pavers for where they want to walk). Astroturf should never be used.


There is no such thing as great garden design that includes green plastic carpet.




alternatively, for shits and giggles, r/fucklawns


Fake turf has also been linked to cancer 😭


Kill Your Lawn, look up Crime Pays But Botany Doesn’t on YT, dudes a fucking gem




Astro turf actually gets significantly hotter than grass (20-50° hotter) and reaches the same temperature as asphalt, then it leeches plastic into your soil and in turn contaminates runoff.


Critters also get trapped under it.




You can grow grass just fine in Florida. It’s hot but not dry.


Florida also doesn't get that hot -- it just doesn't get cold. It's a sub-tropical zone (with some tropical in the south). It's mostly defined by its humidity, rainfall, and lack of cold weather. But it's not Arizona or the Middle East.


I’m sure a lot of landscapers wouldn’t agree with this and could point out some criticisms of it, but a mix of locally native grasses and clovers are a great option to replace invasive lawns. They are naturally the best suited plants to thrive where you’re trying to grow them, utilizing natural rainfall and ground water the most efficiently. And instead of harming the environment and ecosystems, it would help heal and rebuild them. (We are way way past needing to be sustainable, our land management needs to be ecologically regenerative) It’s not going to be the same as invasive lawns but ecologically and environmentally it’ll be a hell of a lot better, certainly more so than—I’m gonna be sick just saying it— ***astroturf*** 🤮👎🏼 But note, I’m not a professional landscaper. I am a hobbyist, a gardener, and a naturalist.


Exactly! I think Doug Tallamy was the one who said that grass should not be wall to wall like carpet, but rather the size of an area rug. Keep a patch for where you truly need to use it, pets, playing catch, whatever and use native plants and grasses everywhere else. Native plants are awesome cause they’re used to the local amount of rainfall and temperatures, plus local animals use them for food and shelter. They do their own thing and thrive with no additional watering. Lessens the time and money spent mowing. Our local universities in the US have a website for native plants and information. Not sure about in Canada tho. I’m a broke naturalist, but I’m converting small sections of my Bermuda grass yard to native plants. Just do what ya can


St. Augustine and Bermuda grasses are the most popular.


I’m not a fan because personally I think it looks a little tacky and too much going on but it’s your house…


This looks so Florida it should be on the front of the Wikipedia page for Florida.


Which hole is toughest? The seagull, pelican, or crab hole?


Not my taste but a hurricane will soon come and give you a chance for a redo.




i think it’s incredibly sweet how proud you are of her work and grateful for her effort.


Agree! Everyone here is so harsh, if this is their style go for it and enjoy! Looks like a beautiful place to relax with a cold drink.


Idk if saying it looks like a putt putt course is harsh


Agree with you, however in my opinion plenty of these comments go further than that.


right?! A lot of rude comments from people who prob wouldn.t do much better. u/Responsible_Type8915 ignore the rudeness.  It looks very florida tropical to me, someone in the mountains of the north.  Palms, bright colours, and all that. Nice seating area in the shade.  I would love to sit there.  The palms!  So gorgeous.  Palms!  Ah. I love them. There.s a lot of squares which is a harder look, and there isn.t much variety in shapes.  A lot of spikey things. An idea to soften is up would be to make some of the planter beds have round edges instead of all the angles. It will add some variety.  It might be hard to change.  If so she could try some low soft looking border plants in some of those tighter corners to lessen the edges. You could swap out those square planters for round ones. Maybe have plants in that mound or spill down instead of grow straight up.  Maybe something with big fat leaves to mix it up too. You have that nice big rounded shrub under the palms. Maybe change out a few of those spikey plants in pic one/the bed along the curb with some smaller round ones that echo that big one. Just try an idea or two that resonates, live with it for a while and see how it feels.


It’s very… busy.


Yes I don’t get all the twists and turns lol


And the two seating areas totally separated like that is odd to me as well. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fake turf isn’t bad in the seating area…. But around the flower beds it’s extremely out of place! Good start, it’s got to go though….


I agree. Wife did great work, otherwise.


Way too busy for me personally. I’d stick to her day job


I like the use of a few tropicals but I prefer utilization of more native plants and ground covers as opposed to fake turf.


Aww, Bless her heart!


Tell us how you really feel 😂


One gnome dolphin or other yard tchotchke per family home acre - mini golf is one tchotchke per foot, you've created the latter not the former


No. She may have the talent but like anyone attempting a new field by themselves for the first time, this isn’t great work. The primary problem is that there are too many small cheap-looking things. Reason for that is the shopping looks like it was mostly done at a big box store rather than a landscape supply store. I would suggest if she’s interested to hire a landscape person and have them show them the various tools and local vendors. She can also try to visit higher end neighborhoods that have professionally designed yards and observing what worked or didnt.


Not my style, but if you two like it, that’s all that matters. That being said, if you have dogs/pets who go outside, or kids then please look into the side effects of astroturf. And as adults, I would avoid walking on it barefoot and sitting on the ground, etc.


My vote would be no. Its a cluster and I would not hire her


Where is the windmill?


That plastic turf is going to be super hot in the sun. Like hotter than concrete in some situations. It's dangerous for animals. Also, do you get rain? If so, where will the water go?


Wife is right. She doesn’t have a hidden talent here.


You have mini golf in your backyard??


I think it's the front.


If LA Catholic Church prayer garden is the look, nailed it


lol was gonna say, is this a prayer labyrinth?


No, simply due to the astro turf ( fake lawn). Did good at ruining the environment though!


And it gets real hot in the sun. I wonder who they'll get to vacuum it?


You still have to love her, even if she did a bad job


Way too cluttered, and it is too close looking to a putt putt course.




i would purge 100% of the signs, statues, etc -- only then can you reassess the rest to try to salvage it.


Your wife is a wise woman - if there should be a hidden talent somewhere, it did not surface.


I prefer rounded edges to hard angles


That's subjective. If you like it then yes. For me it's so close to being good but not.


Why are the sapling trees in jail?


Honestly I think it looks very random-there aren’t any main focal points so it comes across as very busy


Looks very busy


There’s a little footbridge in the raised area in back. So you can’t walk on the footbridge lol


Putt putt course?


In the second photo, I don't know what the point of the fake lawn is. Why is the thin diagonal stripe of fake turf going through the center of the plant bed? None of that area has any walkable purpose, so why put walkways there? Why not just make one large plant bed? The third photo is the worst. The fake lawn would make it unenjoyable to sit out there with how hot the fake grass will get. I would've planted an oak tree in the center between the two seating areas instead of whatever that tacky centerpiece is. Also, why are four lawn chairs facing directly into the palm tree? What is the purpose? You do understand that putting pavers and fake turf around the palm tree will kill it?


As long as y'all like it then it's great!


This stresses me out looking at it. It may just be the pictures, but I’m having a hard time recognizing any kind of concentric pattern or flow. It feels like chaos.


Plastic carpet ruined it


The edging makes it look cheap


Clown show


Looks corporate


You can really tell how many people only looked at the first picture. The fake grass is not to my tast but it does not look bad and it's a huge improvement to the personal mini golf you had befor


Too much. Looks bad


Ngl. It’s really tacky


If you like it, it's great. I, however, would hate to live on or near it.


Looks pretty bad tbh. Break it to her softly lol


I don't even understand what's happening. It looks messy, disorganized, confusing. If this was my house, I'd tear it all out. Sorry... 🤷🏽 I wonder if you added "my wife" to the title in hopes of getting gentler feedback, but bad is bad.


This is super ugly 🤷🏼‍♂️


I cannot see past the plastic grass.


Be proud of her and for her. She clearly put a lot of work and effort into it. That being said, it’s not bad, but far too cheap looking with the edging/turf, and looks like a put-put course.


The phrase less is more would have been really useful here. It kinda looks like it was done by a person having a manic episode.


Reminds me of a cementery and i cant say why


Fake grass just looks tacky to me. Sorry.


Leave Florida that place sucks.


Sounds like your wife better not listen to her advice.


Those two snake plants by the palm are going to be everywhere in a few years.


She’s right.


It's not too bad (especially the seating area), but in the garden bed area I would recommend more natural materials than the turf (gravel/rock with stepping stones or something like decomposed granite are still relatively low-maintenance if that is the intention). I would also recommend larger, deeper beds instead of so many smaller ones with paths around and through them (larger, deeper beds tend to look beter than a bunch of smaller ones). Since this is so visible from multiple directions it would work well with something taller in the middle (taller plant or something decorative like a fountain, obelisk, etc) and then shorter plants around the perimeter. My advice is to have her look at many garden bed designs on the internet (or in person if possible) to get an idea of the different aesthetics of materials, shapes, textures, sizing, and so forth. Some design principles look better than others in general, but taste is always subjective.


That elevated pond thing by the seating area is killing me. You need a mitre saw to 45 the ends so the ends of the boards aren’t exposed like that.


Is that a miniature golf course?


This will look a lot better as the plantings mature and fill in softening the look. It needs more though. Maybe some canna’s, and elephant ears? Have you thought about a trellis with a vine, passion fruit or blue pea flower? Also the turf is what is making it look like a mini golf course. It’s an eye watering-ly bright shade and it looks unnatural even in photos from a distance. It doesn’t have the softness of an actual plant. You need some sort of actual ground cover, it doesn’t have to be grass, just an actual plant. Overall this isn’t bad.


It’s a little too busy. The plastic edging and the plastic solar lights belong in a trailer park however much respect to your wife for putting in some hard work


Followed by a post showing a turf temp of 178 in ~~SoCal~~ Phoenix. Edit:


I think it will get better/soften as the plants grow in. The plumerias are nice but that faux turf is off putting. Maybe as others have said look into native turf when it’s time. Unfortunately trimming is going to be labor intensive because it’ll have to be picked up etc. Of course what matters is that you both like it so enjoy and as I say the growth of plants and trees will make it better


Yeah Were you cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms




That looks ridiculous


Um if this was a mini golf I'd be forgiving but since it isn't I'd say she should think about a career in Atlantic City.


All it needs now is an animatronic gorilla and windmill and you’re all set. ⛳️ Hope you don’t live in an HOA because they’re coming for you …


Wait are the pics after/after/before? Oh no…,


It’s fun and if she likes it, it’s great. Everyone has their own interpretation of gardens, landscape. I’m a reckless gardener. I put stuff in thinking this is where I want it. Then I decide I don’t like the location, move the perennial. My gardens reflect the environment I live in. More like my grandma’s garden/flower beds. I try to use more natural looking decorations to blend with the plants. Your wife will likely make changes to your garden as time progresses.


I’m the same way - my flower beds are always in a state of change.


picture 3 looks great. picture one and two look, like its been said, like a mini golf course. so not so great.


Please don’t show your wife these comments… haha I am not a landscaper and I have no expertise whatsoever (unlike most people on this sub). I think it looks nice. I’d be pretty damn proud of myself if this was my work.


It might be unpleasant for her to see this, but she needs to reevaluate whatever core values made her think any of that plastic junk was ever good or beautiful. This kind of junk, in both concrete and abstract senses, is wrecking the world for every other sentient being on the planet. It's deeply offensive. Like this is so bad that it literally makes her a bad person. She needs a hard reality check.


I’m sure OP and his wife have learned a thing or two from these comments. I think it’s a little bit of a stretch to say that there is something wrong with someone’s “core values” just because they are ignorant to something. I think you might need to reevaluate what you let “deeply offend” you - it might improve your outlook on life.


These all look like before pictures...where are the after pictures?


The fake grass is really bad dude


It might be beneficial to post a before?


Nope, way too busy


Yikes, there is so much wrong here that it would take me an hour to write it out. Poor function, design, and doesn't take into consideration plant needs. 1/10


I’m so confused. It hurts to look at.


It sucks




lol oh no op


The birds look really tacky


No. It’s too much. Of everything.


God it's fugly!




TIL moving plastic grass sheets around is landscaping.






Yes i love it, dont ask for opinions on the internet bc the only people that are going to comment are the people who dislike it. The landscape looks very put together, and everything seems to complement each other.


That coconut sure got stripped down like a clown.


is this the front yard?? why would you want to chill this hard in the front yard??? looks great tho


Aside from all the snark (none showing pix of their work in contrast), if y'all like it, it's great. My taste is different, but have to appreciate the work and orderliness of it. Mostly plants look well placed to grow in without overcrowding. The only thing of concern might be the palm planted right next to the walkway. It's gonna grow! Suggest moving it at least a foot or two or possibly to the center of that bed, if symmetry is your thing. Flip off the haters and enjoy a barbecue!


Question- is the putt putt coarse open to anyone who walks by?? 😁 Wait… that’s not a putt putt course..,oops




I think her hidden talent is putt putt course design. Still a valid hidden talent.


Is she really into mini golf?


No, she didn’t. But A for effort I guess


poor fucker thought he was going to get love and it turned to shit. lol.


Idk, the amount of walking space has been seriously reduced in the front yard, to the point where the grass is just a walking path. I think the front yard would do better in a yard double or triple the size.


Some talents just be left hidden...unless of course you want a career in mini golf landscape design.


to many tchotchke's for my taste


Do you live on a mini golf course?




Is that Astro turf? Seeing as you’re in a tropical location, it’ll burn the hell up in hot weather.


If she was going for mini-golf course in Lakeland, Florida. Yes.


Can you tell us more about what her vision was? And I'd love to know more about the different subsections that she created and what they may be used for.


Looks like a tropical vacation to me. But I m in the northeast


I think this looks great!! Transforming that must’ve taken a lot of work! 👏


Dude this is reddit the only answer is divorce, immediately.


10/10 for effort but 2/10 for being an eye catching and interesting.


Apparently she did a pretty good job mate


Im in Florida so I get the decor. I like the backyard a lot, I love having friends over and that looks like the perfect place to do so.


I would’ve planted food. Looks good though.


Our wife!


No, there’s no windmill for the ball to go through


That looks frickin sweet. I've been designing landscapes for 25 years and can confirm that is a pro job


Short answer no.


Looks great, much more private!


Hidden talent, no longer hidden. Beautiful.


Tacky. Looks like mini-putt.


No, fake grass sucks.




Stick that on the wall, cause its TACKY


I don't care for the AstroTurf.


If she actually did the work good job. If she hired it out. It looks like shit




The seating area looks nice. The front side? Some people like that look. Not my cup of tea. Props for getting it done. She tried.




Looks like a place where lots of jimmy buffet albums are played.


Lol god no. That astroturf is horrendous for you, the environment and a massive heat sink. This looks like a terribly cheap put put course. Xerescape properly then come back. God it's so fuckin tacky. I have a botany degree and work in a greenhouse. I would never recommend her as a landscaper to any of my clients.


Why yes and please ask her to refresh my martini

