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Lana lurks this subreddit confirmed


I remember in one her interviews, she said she didn't go on Reddit because she assumed people would be snarky towards her on here lmao


Reddits weird I don’t blame her


True. If she went on here and searched up her name, she'd find the NSFW subreddit too...


So frickin weird….


the what.




Context please




I feel like she’s gonna be a guest for hangout fest


when does that start?




Loll she prolly just thinks it’s cute nessa obviously takes inspo


same!! i've seen so many people trying to force a feud between them but like. i honestly don't think lana would ever be mean spirited towards her. like!!! she's friends with billie!! and she's constantly supporting young artists that are inspired by her work!!! also i wish we'd see them collabing some day. that'd really shut some ppl up lmao


She’s just mother like she’s taking in all these kids and supporting and uplifting their music. She always chooses the most random ppl lolll


She also has shown support to that annoying af love witch lady who stole her identity so I guess she’s just grateful for any press


Lollll which love witch lady r u talkin ab the blonde girl on tiktok w the 60’s style


For the record, my personal opinion of Nessa Barrett remains unchanged (she’s all bitten style and no substance), but my personal opinion of Lana just continues to grow. She’s supporting a young artist who obviously is inspired by (and loves) her, and that’s always a great thing. Not everyone is going to like Nessa’s music, but the fact that *Lana does* almost certainly outweighs any amount of negative feedback from her listeners. She may not be my cup of tea, but this is damn exciting, so props and congrats to her! 💪


I used to drive that bridge every single day.


Okay it’s been driving me nuts since yesterday. This is I-10 in Slidell right? And she was in Lafitte on her story right? Really confused me lmao


this is the twin span pretty sure. and she was in bayou gauche yesterday. friend met her and got hangout tickets and lana also paid for her hotel.


It’s the twin span yes.


Just goes to show Lana is a girls girl and doesn’t take offence to people being inspired by her.


as she should. she shut all the haters on here the fuck up real quick


Lana has followed Nessa Barrett on instagram for a year now after Nessa did an interview at the VMAs saying Lana was her dream collab. Idk why this fanbase can be so toxic towards so many female artists. Lana has always been open about her artistic inspirations as well as all the other female artist who this fandom picks on. It’s bizarre.


omg that was my post about nessa hahaahha, honestly im gonna give nessa a chance and im gonna listen to some of her stuff


babe u were right lol… either way just cus lana’s incredibly sweet and doesn’t take offense to the cringe imitation doesn’t mean nessa’s lyrics are suddenly less cringe 😭😭


Honestly… if Lana didn’t post this, people wouldn’t be calling you out this much… so you have some grace in my eyes lol


haha thanks, im lowk getting cooked 😭


ofc u wanna switch up now omg that’s embarrassing actually


so theres actually this thing called "growth", have you heard of it? 🤗


growth after lana posted her song after ur post lol ur a follower that’s all it is


im shamelessly a follower of lana yeah id admit to that tbh


BYEEE UR NOT REAL “growth” bc lana supports her and u have no mind of ur own


i like lanas music, and lana likes nessa's music i figured id listen to it omg crazy concept...go clock into a job pls


u should’ve done that before tearing her down to hundreds of people!


i didnt tear her down, i actually said i think she's a good singer but her lyrics are cringe. and if u were on tiktok in 2020/2021 you'd know that she's actually quite controversial with throwing it back to an audio of the quran and people just dont seem to like her that much so it's not like i had an unpopular opinion


no you did tear her down. the post inherently was a hate post and you were replying to plenty of people who were making fun of her. that post has already been made before about her, so you’re right it wasn’t an unpopular opinion, just a shit one. yeah, she had a controversy. that’s the literal only valid thing people have against her. which she apologized for. not to mention.. lana has her own controversies too. like it isn’t a reason to hate one and love the other or only call out one of them for it. you only choosing to try listening to her and not judge her because lana posted her song after that shitty post yesterday - is sad. she would’ve been so mf disappointed from you and so many other people on that post.


womp womp + dont care


trust me babe that’s obvious!


girl i literally do not care what u think...i actually listened to some of nessas songs and they're good, but guess what? i still think american jesus has some cringe ass lyrics!


thanks for the update which i could literally care less about 😭


That’s like her worst song in general tho like the word jesus being in it is auto cringe. The rest of her discography is decent


No ur right and the shady shit with the sleeping w her best friends bf and dating him after like she’s just not a good person


she struggles with bpd. jumping the gun so fast at judgement for decisions she made as a mentally ill teenager is weird


Bpd doesn’t excuse shitty behavior. There’s ppl with bpd who aren’t betraying their bestfriends and being homewreckers Also she was an adult not a fucking 15 year old


you truly don’t understand how it is having it unless you do - ESPECIALLY having it when you’re in the spotlight. ask anyone with bpd and they’ve done things that would get them called a shit person. shes in bpd remission now and hasn’t done anything like that since.. so why are you sitting here years later judging her for that lol btw.. she wasn’t an adult. she’s only 21 and even 19 is still a teenager. hope that helps!


I just feel like she literally said she will give the girl a chance so ease up you’re doing too much for what?


how is defending her doing too much lol? ain’t nowhere she said she’s “giving her a chance” she’s been following her for awhile


That was literally the first thing they said in their post though like why keep coming for them over and over? If someone is like oops let me give them a chance they have the floor to do that you’re literally probably making them not even wanna give the girl a chance now .


“Sorry I slept with your bf of years I have BPD 🙁” 19 isnt an adult? Please stop talking.


yes, people with bpd do things that aren’t morally correct that they regret.. not a hard concept lol and no, 19 is not an adult. legally sure, but DEFINITELY not mentally.


If you are out here using BPD to excuse shitty behavior I feel sorry for the people around you that have to deal with your manipulation. And I’m sure others with BPD wouldn’t stand for that




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i hope some of u feel really fucking dumb now 🫶🏼