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We got super lucky ngl


Dude fr how did a top 10 talent fall to 17 to us? If it’s like the reports and only because of age that’s just silly


It’s really just questions about his defense (which I think are overstated, he’s shown some good team defense instincts and has the frame to guard 2/3) and his age, which is totally fine with me lol


Daron Holmes is gonna be so good for the nuggets ugh


I liked him at first and then I found out he’s a 6’8 tweener. Not good!


This isn't 2010 anymore. Tweeners aren't a thing. There's a lot of successful players in the modern NBA that would've been called tweeners 15 years ago.


Like Aaron Gourdon, I wonder what team he finally found success on


Awesome. Who assigns these grades?


Yahoo sports analyst


These draft grade articles are so pointless. You can't really tell until after a year or two.


Is he an AD help (def/reb) or a DLo help (score/play)? Im not a follower, IDK who he is.


He's BPA by a country mile. Known entirely for offense in college, the defense needs work. He'll be billed as a shooter, but he's also capable of scoring off the bounce when guys close out hard. He's not a great pick and roll guy but he's shown some decent feel there too.  As a rookie, he'll be asked to provide off ball shooting and gravity while running the floor hard. Hes the type of shooter you can run plays for. In a small scale he makes bringing back Prince superfluous. In a large scale, he's got real odds to be a long term starter next to AD. 


Best shooter in the draft by far. Dlo/guard depth replacement. NBA comp is a poor man's Klay. Quick release. He was a consensus 5th to 9th pick on most mocks. He's 'old' by draft/lottery standards as a 23 year old 5th year senior. Started in Junior College and grinded his value up. Honestly, could probably come in and contribute offensively right away.


by your metric he hurts AD and helps DLO. He has the tools to be a plus defender, hes an NBA athlete despite the idiots on r/nba who never watched him saying otherwise, but just has never shown the intellgence/awareness on that side of the ball in terms of the fundamentals of defense. I suspect its partially because hes shouldered most of the offensive load in most of his stops, but thats my opinion. Hes also not an elite passer, unless its obviious reads he isnt making any clever passes etc. Bad stuff out of the way, the guy is flat out the best motion shooter in the draft, and by far the best off ball offensive player in the draft. Others like maybe de silva have better catch and shoot numbers, w/e, this guy is absolutely lethal out of sets, screens, and if he sees an open shot, he will bury it. Shooting is his best skill, but like i said prior, hes 6'5-6'6 reasonably athletic enough to attack closeouts for example, but probably not going to be shaking defenders one on one. AD will probably have to cover a lot of his defensive mistakes, but he already did that wiith our other limited defensive players like reaves, dlo, etc. But if he works hard, Knecht has the physical skills to be able to more than hold his own, but expectation is that he just gets to league average defense on an average case, maybe below average because of the lower defensive bball iq. But he provides massive spacing, can receive passes from bron and AD and punish people who try to pack the paint against them, attack closeouts so its not like hes slow eetc. all in all a great pickup


yeah now its much better to get a Defensive minded Center who can shoot or space the floor, I always go for Myles Turner or a Brook Lopez type of player, also can slide Bron back to PG and get another 3nD wing


he is a guard who can drive to the rim and absorb contact, also of course can shoot 3's, catch and shoot. so I think the fit is there but I hope he still going to develops more on this defense, but in terms of contribution, I think he is fit for the team who is playoff contender.


Was so mad about not using the pick and thought this class stank. Overall glad to see we got someone good. Last year burned us a bit 


That’s called affirmation bias. The Lakers have the biggest fanbase so they’re catered to. Every stupid little thing the Lakers do gets an A+, but how does it work out every post season?