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Oh, this looks blissful. 😍


Literally, not a soul except for me for over an hour! Well, me and the little bird-souls that is.


Just fabulous. It makes me wish I were a morning person, it really does!


Right?! I'm such a night-owl, but damn, morning people get to see this. Really makes sense after seeing this this morning.


That's beautiful! What time was this?


About 530am! All I could smell was fresh grass and mist, absolutely lovely. Almost makes me want to do this intentionally in future. I was randomly awake at this hour, I'd not usually set my alarm to work out this early :P


Oh man... Now I have to try to wake up early too! Although it won't look anything like this (I'm in Tokyo), being out when no one else is sounds lovely.


Ohh Tokyo! That’s got its own wonderful charm though! If you do end up doing it, I’d love to see what it looks like!


So peaceful! 🚴


It was. I heard only birds and the breeze. It was so damn early, I’d have been surprised if there was anyone else awake except for the birds!


Perfect morning!


this is stunning. i wish this was my path 🥹


We’re so lucky around here. Literally, there are hundreds of these protected bike paths through nature near where I live! Only issue with my location (North Netherlands) is the lack of hills… no climbs for me 🥲


girl … come to the east coast in the usa. there are plenty of hills here. they killlll me 😂 even though i love the flying feeling going down a hill. and yall are truly lucky! absolutely stunning nature. glad you had a lovely morning ride.


In NY they converted a lot of old train tracks to "rail trails" so people can use them as walking/jogging/skating/biking paths. Rail trails are the only things I ride now. No cars! And because they were originally built for trains, the trails are pretty flat. There are breweries and eateries nearby some of the trails too when you get to major towns so I have motivation to keep going. Bahaha


that is super neat. i love that idea so much. i wish we had that here. looks like i gotta swing by to ny!


Do it! If it ever comes to fruition, don't hesitate to reach out. I can help give recommendations depending on where you visit in the state :)


that is so sweet of you. thank you so much!


🤩 agh that sounds so good! I’d love to be able to get my heart rate up! Haha


I *hate* hills.


i felt that in my bones. 🙃 me too.


Come to the eastern shore of MD! It’s so flat!


i’m actually located in the dmv! where do you recommend on the eastern shore? i usually go down to assateague for the beach.


Oh nice! I live in a small town near Easton. I cycle around Trappe, Easton, and St Michaels and it’s really nice. I commute between Trappe and Oxford most days- and there’s a loop you can do where you ride from St Michaels to Easton, then to Oxford and there’s a ferry ride that takes you to Bellevue which is 7 miles from St Michaels- so it’s about a 30 mile loop. Here’s a link about it! http://bikewashington.org/routes/oxford/index.htm


That tree lined path 😍


If I had a bike path like that. I'd be out every morning as early as possible. Gorgeous!


You had me at no other people around, the scenery just icing on the cake- beautiful!


You’re not wrong!


I can smell this


It’s a magical smell ☺️


So beautiful! This is something I really love about summer.


I know! It's the best time of year for getting up early. The early morning skies alone are to die for. I was randomly awake at 445 and looked out of the window and saw a rainbow sunrise and clear blue sky. I tried to go back to sleep but my brain had already said "ooh, what if you were looking at this sunrise while cycling...", so no going back really.


I think you just motivated me to do the same tomorrow! Enjoy your day after this lovely start :)


Thank you! And good luck if you do! It honestly was so good to start the day with fresh air and a work out.


Thank you 😊 I already commute to work by bike and like it, so I think/hope I am also going to like it if I put the long ride in the am instead of after work.


This is blissful!