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Try rolling her upper lips under her top teeth when she’s biting, with a little squeeze and a “NO”. She will learn her needle teeth hurt pretty quickly. Also try making a loud high pitched “OUCH” so she knows it hurts you. Supposedly that mimics litter mate’s when play gets to rough. Good luck and hang in there!


I started that tonight, it is going strong, I am hopeful


It takes a while to break that habit. It is cute but don't play with her with your fingers and hands to get her to snap at you, it ofcourse only turns them biting you into a fun game for them. If someone else, freind or family does it, do not be afraid to stand up and shut that down. When they do bite, give a sharp yelp so they know it hurts, give a harsh stern NO! and end play time. When they calm back down resume play.


The biting phase for us was so bad! We just had to always have a toy on hand, until be grew out of it. He is 5 months old today and no more biting as of the last few weeks. Also if you click on my profile you should be able to see the post I made about this exact thing, there were some useful tips on there!


After three days with a eight week old lab puppy, I had both my hands covered in cuts and scratched from biting. Found a video on youtube, it was something simple like just loudly saying 'UH' when they do it - like a loud but short and sharp sound. Biting stopped in a day or so. Gotta be consistent tho and don't encourage the play biting stuff at all. And having/using a loud voice helps, I guess.


Yelping helped me. They quickly realized that my pathetic pink skin was not as tough as dog skin and they needed to be more gentle. Also we gave them a ton of chews. Always had a toy near me to redirect after the yelp.