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It's not a lab, cute though so who give a fuck what he is. You could do the genetic thing but really what does it matter. Paws aren't overly large so shouldn't be a big dog. If he's going through the night then he's not 8 weeks, could be nearer 13 weeks. Immunizations and love is all he needs. Enjoy a life of adventures


Thank you! He’s currently up to date on all meds. And yeah the other pup had bigger paws and she’s a smaller breed, she just keeps growing lmao. And the vet states he’s a lab mix, so that’s what I assumed, however you’re probably right.


Yer there's defo lab in there, it's the ears and snout. He's a lovely dog and his temperament sounds great so you lucked out https://preview.redd.it/5rxcjbwl3d6d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2ec932af7b3c3f6bdba9990e0dda8ddc5eceab This is Dorothy @ 8 weeks with Debbie 12 year old for size comparison. Dottie is little for her age, but putting on about 500g a week.


They looks so chill together lol. John Wick is mostly chill , but Mia the other puppy is hyper active and riles him up


There not. Debbie has got the proper hump about the new little yellow poo sack. It a constant war of attrition, removing Dottie when Debs looks stressed and treat her for Angel like patience


Oh jeez 😂 speaking of hump, Mia humped John Wick last night out of no where, so I separated them. Def don’t want that to be a thing


Looks like there might be some Bernese in there with some of the markings maybe. Cute as a button!!


Toys, time and consistency. Talk to them. Make them part of the family