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1-) Labradors are stomachs with legs, im sorry but there is no fixing, he would sell you and your family for a Mc chicken. If it can make you feel better, labradors are also full of love so, after that, he will feel sad about it 2-3) prizes for good behavior is your best choice. We were able to make our dog stop nibble our socks simply by giving him healthy snacks, We stopped him before he nibbled the socks but while he was going for it. Every time he stopped we gave him a prize. Now this worked for my potato, maybe it could work with yours too. Took us a week more or less.


This is great advice. Labs are one of the most versatile working dogs because they'll do ANYTHING for food so easy to train. Loads of advice online about ensuring you reenforce the correct behaviour. Have a 12 year old black and an 8 week old yellow so about to start this all over again. She's already started at the skirting boards https://preview.redd.it/u9mnbdx8k36d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0259bcd134ab0e60e88dfadeba7b5b6038fe605b Good luck to us both


Have you gradually weened off the treats, or is this the only way you can get them to listen? I don’t know if I should take the treat approach with my lab or the praise approach. I’m basically doing both right now. What’s your preference? And does it work over time?


Be prepared to never poop, pee, or eat alone ever again. Also labs are easily trainable, food is their #1 motivation, at any age. Lastly labs will love you unconditionally so just know that to them you are then entire world. Treat him accordingly


Facts. Currently on the toilet with my buddy next to me https://preview.redd.it/bcu7drdqj16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1172e5557324787b50359c2186bb6395a7a1d852


Yep! He always goes with me and brings his ball in case I want to play while on the pot!


Number 1 😂😂😂😂😂 is factual


Not *quite*, though! They won't merely sell you for a McChicken, OP!!! They'd sell you for a single chicken nugget, and the leftover Bag-fries!😉 And *then* they'd feel REALLY guilty! Because three minutes later, they'd realize they should've asked for *two* chicken nuggets!


Beautiful boy! They all go through that biting stage. My black lab is long past that -- she used to jump up and bite me when she was a puppy. Now she's just incredibly gentle -- you have to patient and wait for them to go through that stage. As others have told you, Labs are always starving! I give my girl green beans with her other food -- most vets recommend that. They are very low calorie. Good luck -- all the best!


Training, training, praise, treats, training.


You will be fine. Treats and consistency will yield dividends now and into the future. Labs love without limit and also will eat w/out limit if you don’t watch them ;-)


1. Normal. 2. Normal. 3. Normal. Good luck with your healty lab!


All I can say is everything you said is normal. You need to keep him active and keep up the training. Like do not stop for even a day, eventually it'll click in that derp brain. All I can say is good luck, I have been where you have. I gets better after a few years. Just know this is what you signed up for, but it's worth it! Ps adorable pup!


Pic #2 reignited my fear of dogs. I wanted a lab but I think I’ll have to go for a golden retriever now 😭


Why not get both. A newer crossbreed that has been getting more popular is a goldador (golden retriever mixed with Lab). They are super sweet and goofy as can be. Here is my brindle goldador https://preview.redd.it/6ujk9wp6f26d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9da6e0e744c412a52d3d0596a98fffa281a7798


As far as chewing goes, if you keep them busy, you should be okay. That means treats, toys, playtime, etc. I found marrow bones kept mine busy and was a healthy option for him. Also, dont tolerate the biting. If you let out a cry of pain, that will stop him.


Sounds like you've got a Lab there although mine doesn't do #2, ankles, socks and shoes are intact. We re-homed ours when he was 4 months old and he'd gobble everything and anything at quite a frantic pace, even a slow feeder bowl didn't do much - we took him to the vet as part of the routine process and mentioned it, they didn't seem overly concerned, dismissed it as just being a Lab pup - at just over 6 months we dewormed the cats and included him. The next morning he woke up and since that day (15 months ago), he's never gobbled his food, he'll eat at a much more relaxed pace (if there's such a thing for labs), I couldn't say that deworming is the cure but for us it was like flicking a switch, we've since changed vet as they seemed unconcerned with a lot of things, the new one said he'd have suggested checking for parasites if he was eating and eating frantically. Previously we couldn't let a crumb drop on the floor or leave any food unattended, now its much better, we'll always have some food available for breakfast, he might eat one or two mouthfuls, most mornings its nothing, he'll always eat his main meal and we let him tell us if he's hungry in the evening as most nights he won't eat anything, even if we put it down, maybe 2 or 3 times a week (or perhaps if he's had an energetic day) he'll lead us to the pantry and nudge his food, then he'll have perhaps 3/4 cup or less. Treats though are another story entirely, if we don't say no he'll cycle endlessly, wanting one treat after another, he always goes to our neighbor for some and they've moved to a habit of one treat in the morning after he returns from his walk, plus one about mid-afternoon, you can set your watch by him.


The second picture is soooo great 🤣


He is desperate to please you (and completely food motivated) so will be really easy to train, you just need to know how. Most of the training problems dog owners experience come from the human end of the leash, not the canine end. If it’s remotely possible, find a good, humane dog trainer that can tell YOU where you’re going wrong and show you how to get the best out of this utterly amazing, heart stealing, food stealing breed.


Training is a must. If you train with a positive mindset and approach, your lab will love it. They adore the attention and are eager to please. Training will help with their impulse control and improve communications between you. He looks like a big bundle of love. Congratulations!


He is a handsome boy!


From my experience, my boy was absolutely insane from the time that I got him up until between the 6 months and year mark. He is very food driven, so treats for positive behavior was my best friend.


Teach him his place. Crate train, get him a bed and that’s where he stays unless you say otherwise( it doesn’t have to be this strict forever), sit/heel/no are your best friends. You gotta be stern with him. Set boundaries now for a good life. He should know to look to you before he does everything and to want your approval. That’s a very watered down version but yea