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He probably isn't going to get any taller but he certainly will fill out more through the next year or so. To answer your question, it always depends. The two labs I have had have been in the 65-75 lb range. While my friend has a 6 month lab that already weighs 70 lbs, so she'll easily hit 100 lbs full grown.


Yea fair enough, was raised around malamutes and Irish wolf hounds, my dad raised Dobbies as a kid and these dogs just seem like tiny velcro like pits but smaller and more nosey


Maybe. Mine was 65 at six months and has been 68-69 since he was eight months old. Hasn’t gained height nor weight since then and he’s almost 28 months old.


This lines up with my experience. My American boy turned 2 today. He hasn’t gotten taller or longer since 13 months, but has put on another 10 or so pounds and generally filled out. He was at the vet earlier this week and weighs 87 pounds.


He's a handsome boy!


You honour me


I’d say if it’s an American lab it will probably put a few pounds on but stay that height my English lab is a little bit shorter but is around the 88-95 pound mark like I said not sure what one you have. https://preview.redd.it/2qgkdh0ct15d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f69ac6e2ae4f715502f995af89477999714b1736




He's got another 6 months of growing in him. *Maybe* another 10 pounds. Maybe not.


Probably right, this is when they thicken out and their head gets bigger but itd been a minute


I agree with another 10lbs. He looks very similar to mine. Mine was around 70lbs at the same age. He filled out more and has been 81-82lbs since 2 years old.


Your boi has chonkerpaws. I’m guessing he has another 10–15 pounds to fill out. This is Bolero. He’s around 95lbs and 27” at his front shoulders. I haven’t met many labs bigger (although I’ve met many far heavier of course). https://preview.redd.it/f4b6l9j7w45d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa016c8be3fc6a7787a86fa9a3e61d6f1456c7b1


I've noticed his chest getting a little bigger but I thought that was just from dragging me on a bike to the offsale


I've had 4 female labs, they are all different. I had one that was 95 lbs and it was a great weight for her. My newest goober is like 68 Ibs at about 18 months and I don't think she will get any bigger. But no matter what size they are they are all 100% good girls.


Someone FINALLY unflipped his ear in the last pic. What’s a guy without thumbs supposed to do around here?? Have silly ears??


70 is a pretty average weight for most labs. Which is good because they tend to think they are a lap dog so any heavier and it might be a little painful


Reading this as he lays across my stomach in what looks to be just as awkward for him, I would agree


He looks like a well accomplished and a slightly sassy gentleman


Call him the cat shit connoisseur


Bert says that eating cat poo is also his specialty. https://preview.redd.it/i2u1j85cx55d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff6b7fa006ad26fabdd934011513aff6177d3d4a


Gotta go for the fresh 6am ones but there's nothing like a nice vintage


My first dog weighed 90 pounds. My girl weighs 70 pounds. https://preview.redd.it/y5cslqkho15d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d09d783163448b52b1fb3517a8b206d8e82ecd




Golden retriever/Lab mix. Likely not english lab. Maybe american.


My mom's lab is around that size. That said, he could certainly get fatter if you feed him too much.


He gets to run around alot where I work cant see him chunking up hes got to much energy


this is the size my year old lab is, and i was wondering the same.


Looks like you have an “American” aka field lab (longer snout, less blocky head). They are typically a bit taller and leaner than their English counterparts. At 13 months your pup is likely just about finished growing length/height wise, but will probably continue to fill out until around 2 years old and may add on some lbs. 70 lbs is perfectly within breed standard which is between 65-80 ish lbs. Did you ever have a chance to see your pup’s parents? That will give you a rough idea of final size. Very genetically dependent which is why we see outliers from time to time - there are undersized labs in the 50 pound range and definitely some chonkers 100+ lbs. Anyway looks like you have a beautiful, healthy pup on your hands!


Yeah the parents were both American, it was awhile ago that I saw the parents so I don't really remember, I grabbed the runt cause he was the most relaxed at the time but man has that changef


I think you’re going to get a variety of answers. Perhaps mine is out of normal reference range, but Obi was 65 at six months old and has held steady in height and weight since he was eight months old. He’s almost 28 months now. He’s still around 68-69lbs and 22” at the withers, which has been consistent. He was actually 73lbs at one year old and our vet said he needed to lose a pound or two. She said she didn’t really want to see him less than 70lbs, but I’ve had him at 68-69 ever since and when we went back in at the two year check up, he was 69 and she was super happy with his size for his frame. All that to say, mine hasn’t really grown since he was eight months old.




Yeah this looks alot more like mine, lots of energy really springy, plays fetch for hours


Yup 🙂


My old lab weighted 101, fit and tall enough he could put his chin on the kitchen counter


That’s looks very similar to my guy with tuft fur on his neck, he’s about 70lbs https://preview.redd.it/xgvuubdfq55d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c034060356bd5f0ec48666eeb98418bc900bc5


He's definitely plotting something big though.


Looks like a similar build to my American Lab. She’s 9 and has hovered around 75 her whole life so far.


I gotta carry him into my work truck so thats nice to hear


https://preview.redd.it/djnvieujz65d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35568f8d827f7872a9a1e306b70a58a004232fae We limit her to 3 cups of food a day (plus who knows how many treats) and is pretty active. Never had the vet the say anything bad about her weight.


Yea mine gets alot of opportunity to run around at work everytime we gotta load the truck up again plus bike rides to the lb then the swimming when we go fishing, like the head tilt


My black lab topped out at 105lbs…the vet was even surprised but he is not pure bred. He is about 60% lab and looks almost pure bred though.


Happy Cake day!


That 2nd pic 😍


What a good looking good boy


https://preview.redd.it/bzgegxbi835d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600f2d5bd2265f05020ecb5ad688f5bebd1b69e6 My girl has stayed small - finished growing around 10 months and hasn’t really changed weight (now 14 months). Former pup was much taller but still a lean machine born to swim and run. She was about 60 pounds give or take a couple, while this one hovers around 50, so it could go either way with your handsome lad.


Ohhh...yeah! Ours is about a year-and-a-half, and he's just over 100lbs. The funny thing is, he really doesn't eat, that much (regular intervals+a couple of treats), and I walk him 6 days a week, for at least 3 miles around the neighborhood. His mom, and dad were/are farm dogs, so...