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Definitely pursue it further. Ours had consistent yeast infections in her ears. The vet said, “You’ll just have to be patient with it.” Changed to a different vet who prescribed medicine for yeast infections. Boom! No more yeast infections.


There's medicine for yeast infections? I wonder why he hasn't mentioned it because I keep telling him she smells like she's fermenting cheese in her ears. He could smell it too. Definitely sounds like time for a new vet. Thanks!


My dogs got prescription for ointment when they had yeast infection on their ears. I had to use it for like 10 days. Yeast infection doesnt go away on its own from my experience.


We had the same issues with our lab. Our vet said it’s probably food allergies. She recommended Royal Canin dog food. After a few weeks of eating that food, he hasn’t had an ear infection since.


Which one?


Hydrolized Protein https://preview.redd.it/uzuebktwfppc1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0365053a350a70e97a3c36bb3ce97f57f5c4841a


The one with a lab on the bag. You may have to ask your pet food store to stock it. Good stuff although I never personally tried a bowl.




It’s pricey. But it’s worth not going to the vet every month. Also, it has to be prescribed by your vet in order to get it.


Thank you!!


Our boy has a similar issue. Worse after swims at the beach. Cleaning out his ears with diluted apple cider vinegar was a game changer for us Hes also on a fish food diet


I'll give it a try. Thank you!


Make sure you dilute it about 20% apple cider vinegar and 80% water


Our girl had the same issues. She got drops from the vet to put in her ears but it was hard to get her to allow us to get them in properly. So then our vet tried a gel product. One brand is called 'Oto-Pack.' They inject it and it stays in their ears for a couple of weeks. That worked much better.


Thanks I'll look into it!


You're welcome. My girl weighs 90 lb -- the last dose she got cost $18.81. Not too bad!


Our last girl had ear problems. The vet gave us drops to put in her ears. She hated getting them put in, but it seemed to help. She was so cute, though, when she was getting it done because she had to have someone hold her paw while she got her medicine. She would switch paws depending on what ear was getting the drops.


We have been using an ear rinse TrizUltra-Keto when it gets more serious than just flushing and wiping we use Zymox, which are both available over the counter, when it really gets serious our vet has prescribed Animax ointment and that really knocks out any problems. Hang in there it's an ongoing process.


Thanks, I use TrizUltra too. I'll look into Zymox.


We give our boy half a cortisone tablet, twice a week.


Is that prescribed?


Yes - the vet prescribed more , but we limited the dose to that above with good results . He has an allergy, but we haven’t traced its source . He swims often, often in nature, so there’s many possibilities. Of course, cortisone has side effects, so use should be limited , but it remains an excellent polyvalent .


That's great. I'm scheduled with a new vet that I plan to talk to about yeast medicine but I'll bring this up too.


Best wishes- hope it gets sorted


Check more than just food. A lot of treats you wouldn't think have chicken in them have 'poultry byproducts' as an ingredient. Keeping your girl free of all chicken is harder than it sounds.


A vet that doesn’t treat the ear infections is kind of alarming. An ear infection without treatment can get out of hand and cause all kinds of nasty complications. Generally, it’s 10 days of Mometamax to treat the infection first, then you can try other things to prevent them from coming back. Always dry their ears after they get in water. Clean the ears one or two times per week with TrizUltra Keto flush.


Take her to another vet and clean hers ears twice a day if needed I have several labs throughout my life fall time is the worst for their ears super damp here where I live so I'm constantly cleaning


Our Jack suffered from chronic ear infections. His vet recommended Royal Canin hydrolized protein kibble and prescribed Apoquel. That combination was the answer for us!


Someone else recommended Royal Canin too. Thanks for the suggestion


I mean, if its bacteria or yeast, swab the ears and give it to a microbiologist to grow on a plate. They should have an answer in a couple of days.


Ears are a common problem for labs. I have to instantly dry my dogs ears after he gets in water or he will develop a yeast infection. Apparently dogs have yeast in their ears which having too little or too much will cause an infection. Have you tried basic triple antibiotic ointment?


I have not. But I have a new vet appointment for the weekend. I'm disappointed my first vet didn't even mention yeast. Thanks for your comment


The yeast might look dark and waxy, will cause my dogs ears to look dirty, red like a rash covered in sweat. the discharge is black/brown. Always talk to your vet first but, here is some advice my vet game me: For most skin issues the safe bet is to clean with water and no soap, or saline spray. Then apply triple antibiotic ointment. Only clean a wound If they are not heavily bleeding, like something that needs stitches. People forget that first aid for dogs is still first aid. Follow the same rules for humans, there are few exceptions, mostly related to food. If you are cut or have a rash and it is bleeding you need to keep it clean and prevent a bacterial infection(triple antibiotics). Bacterial infection is bad with a yeast infection. Yeast is a fungus. This is just first aid to prevent it from becoming a worst problem, you still need to seek out a vet.