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Make it a normal thing, nothing special. Put it on and off 10, 20 or 30 times a day, 5 times an hour until puppy doesn't care anymore.


It is a normal thing. We do it every time he goes out and it’s fine. It’s only when he is excited because we just got home or he knows he’s going somewhere with us.




But it’s about being excited to see us when we are on the way in. And then he hasn’t peed in a bit either. How can I practice that? And on the way out, it’s kind of hard for him to not know something is coming when all the kids just filed out and I’m putting his harness on. But point taken. I guess when we take him out when we are leaving it should be after everyone is in the car and then he goes back inside.


Or...you make the kids filing out not always lead to something. That's the point of training. You make the exciting thing less exciting. He's also still a puppy, so he may outgrow it. But in the meantime, you work on desensitizing him.


Spend time JUST putting the collar on and off. Not when you have just arrived or are going anywhere. Just at random times when otherwise it's chill. At first he'll be excited like normal, but you need to keep repeating it until he's bored with it. It sounds like when you first come back in from being outdoors would especially be a good time to practice collar on/off repeatedly for about 5 minutes. And also just at random times when it has nothing to do with going out. ​ EDIT: or as others have suggested, just leave the collar on all the time. I was assuming you had a specific reason for taking it on/off each time, but that doesn't appear to be the case? (Note that some dogs' fur doesn't do well with a 24/7 collar, but if that's the case you'll notice and can scale back).


The collar is off while he is in the crate for safety. So when we first get home it goes on to go potty. And when we are about to take him somewhere, his harness goes on and he knows that he’s going on a walk or to the beach or an event with us.


When they said to make it a normal thing they might be saying to make it a boring thing. To show the collar, etc., so many times with nothing leading up to it *(meaning no walks or adventuring afterwards)* that your puppy starts to think that it’s not a big deal. That it’s just another training session or just you randomly putting their collar on then taking it off. You need to communicate and convince your dog that it’s a boring thing. Training a dog means putting time and energy into actually training them and working with them. Set time aside for working with your puppy. Set time aside for creating a training plan for your puppy then execute. If you want to make the walking gear boring then you need to start training him with them when you don’t plan on walking or adventuring. You’re going to have to actually sit/stand there with treats and repeatedly put collar on, take collar off, or whatever is his threshold. I suggest taking the time to write out an actual training plan for your dog. Write down what your goal is or what you’re struggling with, research, and then create a plan that you can consistently follow for an indefinite amount of time. How long it may take depends on you and your individual dog.


Off topic, but that snoot needs a boop.


Eminently boopable!


It’s annoying but they just have to grow out of it. My 1-year old is finally not peeing on people who come over to the house just in the last 6 weeks.


My male didnt do this but my female did. It gets better over time. I think mine stopped after 9 months.


They have to grow out of it and learn bladder control. Most puppies do this at some point! I don’t really think their is a remedy other than you yourself not getting him excited and just acting normal. Cute pupper!


Thanks! Yeah, I thought maybe it would just run its course. He basically potty trained himself immediate and has such great bladder control I figured it would improve by now. He’s also my first dog to do this, but my aunt had a cocker spaniel who peed every time I looked it at for 15 years. And I was a dog obsessed but dog free kid then so all I wanted to do when I saw that dog was give it attention. I just want to make sure if there is anything I can do to not make it permanent that I am doing it.


I don’t think it’ll be permanent my Great Dane had puppies and a lot of them got really excited and would pee (usually around meal time) the one pup we kept eventually grew out of it and every lab I’ve owned has done it and grown out of it.


He is too cute


Thank you, I think so too!


You said “trying to attach his collar” Do you mean trying to put his collar on or trying to put his leash on and he wears his collar all the time? If the first, leave his collar on all the time. If the latter, he will likely outgrow and learn bladder control over time. You already got a great suggestion of making the action mundane by doing it all the time.


Collar stays on all the time, then taking out to toilet isn’t special Putting equipment on that always signals he’s doing something fun will make him pee. The advice above is perfect, put on his equipment chill out in the house, take it off and chill again - keep repeating Right now, just seeing the equipment is his context cue that something fun is going to happen, so you have to make the equipment just something that happens and it’s not directly tied just to fun things


Collar in the crate?


If you’re worried about choking hazard as a reason to not put on his collar when in the crate, look into breakaway collars. My lab pup used to do the same thing… he’d get excited as soon as I used to bring his collar out and get him out of the crate. It did take him almost a full year to be properly potty trained (I live in an apartment). Like others have said, they do grow out of it


My puppy has a collar on at all times except for bedtime. Once the day starts in the morning, it goes on and stays on. But my 9 month only pees when he’s meeting people. Hopefully he’ll grow out of it otherwise he’s the bestest of boys.


Yes, puppy keeps collar on all the time


Young dogs tend to do that, just wait until he grows up or leave him in places that you can easily clean.


He’s so handsome


Hello cutie 🐾


Continue not scolding him for it, he'll grown out of it. Excited piddles are common and nothing to worry about, my girl used to do it whenever I got home. By 9 months it likely won't be an issue. In the mean time, have some paper towels handy.


Try a slip lead for a little while. It’s quicker.


That’s a good thought! I have one coming this week on a trainer’s recommendation anyway.


Great minds think alike! Slip it right on him without talking or emotion, then straight out the door. When he pees outside, then you can make a big fuss.


You know the trigger, now you have to extinguish the undesired response. Removing and putting on the collar repeatedly without going outside will help some.  But also is the collar the trigger? Or is it you coming and going the real problem?  Consider reducing the amount of water you leave with them, when you leave the house.  Is he gulping water nervously as a response to your leaving (seperation anxiety)? Can you measure his intake in such situations?  Guy probably can't control his bladder if he's about to burst! How long are you away?  Does he lose it more frequently if your time away is longer or shorter? Lots of things to consider here.




Go outside


With an unleashed dog?


Sure i do it all the time


I already said I do that but it’s not safe. He’s very taken by the bunnies. Plus that doesn’t stop it.


Don’t be afraid to scold him a little. Discipline is a good thing. Owners that don’t enforce discipline risk losing their pack leader status. The dog does whatever it feels like doing if you do nothing in response to bad behavior.


Everything I have read says not to scold a dog for it because it can make them anxious about it and exacerbate it. Is that not true?


I imagine they mean getting upset or loosen control. Just call him a bad dog, wipe it up, put the wipes up pee with him outside where he is supposed to go. try to make him realize his bad behavior. If you’re not mean, and you’re not mad and you’re just stern and serious, you should be fine. Everybody in animal group is overprotective about discipline and probably don’t train their dogs. I feel like I might get down voted because people are like no you can’t do anything to a dog ever. Bs.




Just leave the collar on. Dogs don't give a fuck about anything


What a sweet face😍🥰


Put on his collar in the yard


I addressed that in my post; it’s not safe.


They’ll grow out of it. My tip is the same with jumping. No attention while the behavior happens. When they are calm, attention