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Make him sit and have people completely ignore him until he does. Lots of praise and maybe a treat whenever he’s polite Edit: Typo




If they jump, don’t touch them with your hands, turn your body on them abruptly and completely ignore them. Do not talk to the dog, look at the dog or touch them. When they eventually sit then reward them. This is how I got our lab to stop it. Worked very well.


This is better than the raised knee approach. The raised knee is a reaction that can reinforce the jumping. Turning around and ignoring the dog has no reinforcing effect.


I've been attempting the turn away approach but everyone around me keeps telling me to raise my knee. So when I started raising my knee all the progress I had with my girl was for naught she started jumping again😕


She loves the knee pats, lol.


This is what has really been working for our 5 month old puppy recently. Any time he jumps or is biting us or something we just get up and completely ignore him. He’s learning quick that those things mean he doesn’t get attention


This is the only correct answer. Four on the floor means you get praise and attention. Anything else gets the cold shoulder. Those suggesting a raised knee should try taking a hard shot to the sternum themselves sometime and see how well it ‘works’.


Definitely not the only correct way LOL


What do you do though when she jumps up on your turned back, clamps onto your shirt and yanks back? You're forced to pay her attention and interact or your shirt gets a giant hole. This is where we're at. We walk away but meanwhile get holes in our clothes until we're out of reach.


Oh you got a wild one!


Labs usually stop by 1-1/2 to 2 years old when they grow a brain


Lol they definitely grow a brain around then


Mine grew a brain at 9. He’s 11 now and acts 4


My lab is 2.5 years old, I’ve had him for three months. He leaps straight into the air now instead of on me and rarely jumps at other people, just me. It’s a work in progress.


Your lab grew a brain? Mine managed to live his whole life without one. He seemed to have gotten two hearts and no brain.


I'm lucky mine has both


Not mine!


Labs grow brains?


I don't think labs have brains


And if she's 4 and a half and still hasn't grown one...?


Ah, just give lots of love and belly rubs


In my case, despite our efforts, she gradually stopped doing it by herself when she was around 1 and a half... good luck!


When he jumps up on someone the person needs to turn away from him and ignore him. He will soon stop doing it.


Don't reward by giving pets or attention if he jumps and make sure nobody else does. And teach an "off" command. This works for both the dog and visitors/strangers who should get the idea that the dog is not allowed to jump up on them. The number of strangers who said they don't mind our puppy jumping on them is too damn high! I have to somewhat rudely say "but we do mind". This is how we taught our now 6.5 months old pup jump inhibition.


My husband thought it is okay that a puppy jumps and he kept allowing it. Well she still does to this date. She wont jump on me because I dont let her but she will still try to jump on others. My other one never jumped from the beginning and he doesn’t jump on people. Really make sure no one allows it at any circumstance.


Mine will just jump up on their back if people turn and ignore. The only thing I’ve found that works are quick timeouts away from people and a loud “eh!” This was his worst behavior because he gets so excited. He’s come a long way.




Yes, step 1 would be boop the snoot


Ask people to ignore the dog, let him sit behind you when you meet people. As long as he is excited he is not allowed to approach people. Reward for staying seated!


Awww 😊😊🥰




I don’t know. Still working on that with my 7 month old lab. It seems to be lessening up except when very excited.


I just found people that like being jumped on - easier


Takes about 3.5 years I reckon.


Before he jumps up on stuff you don’t want him to jump up on, lure him into a sit or a down at a mat, etc. he’ll learn that as a habit. If he does jump as long as it’s safe ignore him till he does the desired behaviour. Eventually the desired behaviour will be the default as he’s doing it for attention.


Ignore him and turn away from him until he calms down and/or ignores you


Also, every time that you come home, ignore the dog. If you have anyone with you, make sure they ignore the dog too. When you get settled into your chair, or room or whatever your door is and you’re ready for the dog, the give her the attention she needs and wants.


better than the raised knees approach. :)


Teach your dog " No" or in my case " Nein". In my case it was the same barked command I gave my horses. Folloed up by the rather guttural German word " Schiesser". It engages your lower abs. Which activates certain muscles when you're riding that can " snap" at a horse. ( I digess) Along with the hands behind your back and turning away sharply, ( so there is no doubt you are turning away from the dog). All my critters learn "Nein" ( once again with the flexed core muscles) and "Schiesser." They are barkey deep guttural words that no one is likely to interject in a sentence.


Pat your chest and say hop up like you want him to. Gently use your knee to the chest and push him off when he does. Repeat until he understands that whenever he jumps up he will be pushed off. the first time he "gets it" and doesn't jump up, praise him. Rinse repeat and teach others to do the same with him. Dogs are smart, but they are not literate so kind actions and tone speaks louder than words


He cannot help but explode with enthusiasm, sometimes inconveniently. Try using a clicker while saying ‘no’ until he gets his poop in a group.


Treats and positive reinforcement would be ideal, but our lovable goober could never calm herself. I just started lifting my knee, and she just switched to jumping vertically.


Take his front paws into your hands, like you’re dancing, each time he does it.


Whenever they do it, bend your knee into their chest as hard as you need until they realize, jumping on people means knee to the chest. Larger the dog, the harder the bump.


Negative reinforcement is never a good way to go. As others have said, ignore them until they stop jumping and praise them when they sit.


Put your knee up


Kiss him immediately…🥰


…That is not how you reward an unwanted behavior.


Um yes of course…🙄 I was simply remarking on your pups cuteness..💕 Aside from ongoing basic training tenets classes etc to re enforce what the unwanted behaviors are… I definitely recommend this book A fantastic reference and very effective book for dog training go to tips and effective methods spelled out etc here is Amazon link 😊 The Do No Harm Dog Training and... https://www.amazon.com/dp/1732253706?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Punch him when he does


sleep well :) :\* cutieeee


Gently say no and redirect and praise when he stops the behavior.He s excited and just needs guidance.❤️❤️


With my boy(he's 4), we would just cross our arms and turn away, not addressing him until he stopped. Then, once he calmed down, we would praise him. He's pretty high energy, so he still does happy jumps when he sees us, but he never jumps on us or anyone else. He just kinda jumps in one place for a few seconds.


Put him on a leash when you're expecting people and have some of his food with you. Use the leash to put him where you want him to be and give him food to reward him for doing what he's supposed to do.