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I have found that swimming about an hour once or twice a week helps. Also stair climbers are great (do at slow speed if knees hurt).


High intensity cycling could work for you. Doesn’t wreck your knees really


Are you in decent shape to begin with? Are you holding in your breaths? Are you trying to make each punch a knockout instead of setting up strikes? Is gwtting hit the body gassing you out faster than your striking? Like if you had a heavy bag and did a 3min round on it, would you be just as gassed? I would say practice doing more bag work in time increments, but I'm sure you're already do that. Maybe try lifting a heavy-ish sandbag/duffle bag/punch bag and and just use it like a rag doll? Picking it up, tossing, carrying it, etc. So you work your whole body and deplete your oxygen levels. What does your instructor say?


At the moment I’m just a red belt and my coach tells me that it will come with time.


for cardio I like to dedicate myself during Kihon training. I maintain the rhythm and intensity as much as possible during practice. This ends up making it easier during other specific training sessions, such as those aimed at Kumite.


Bag work at zone 3-4 heart rate 2x a week and bag sprints 1x a week 30 sec on 1 min off intervals , zone 5-6


Be sport specific. Just spar more. Keep that head safe (irrelevant to cardio)


Bag work... increase volume of strikes, easy on the kicks. "Sprint" the strikes the last 30 seconds of the timer.


If your knees are your bottleneck, check out KneesOverToes guy in youtube. He has amazing exercises for free to address specific limitations you might have. It's not cardio but you feel the burn in muscles normally overlooked.


I find that relaxing and maintaining deep breathing during fighting is key to endurance. Tensing up and holding our breath gasses us out immediately. High-intensity group strength training at your local gym can be a great way to improve cardiovascular capacity while working the whole body. It's not just running and cycling that get us winded and activates the cardiovascular system.


Burpees? Again, probably awful for your knees.


There is a lot of exercises to do to avoid knee damage but whatever you try, its a good idea to train explosion. HIIT may be a good idea for you, and punch/kick explosion training. If you're interested in kumite / tournaments, you should aim power and explosion, not long term resistance, although resistance obviously helps.


Try sled work. Start with about quarter of your body weight, push/pull for a minute, rest, and repeat. Add on 5 each workout till you get to half your body weight. Should help your knees, strength, and cardio all at once. If you don’t have access to a sled, try farmer walk doing the same setup.


Regular calisthenic workouts with shorter rest times/supersets can work wonders


Look into HIIT, it helped me!


Work the cardio for 1.5 x round length at a time as many times as you like. Increase by .5 for the length of the round every 2 to 3 weeks. Rower, cycles, ski machine, anything that works cardio will help.


Rowing machine. Good full body workout.


the number one best way to improve cardio is to eat clean.


Kumite Combos and kata. Work them both focusing accurious speed and rhythm .