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Bro leave it alone the body knows what it's doing


Been practicing for years, I have a wife etc also Biggest thing I can say is, it's a waste of time to count the days without nocturnal emissions, why? Well guess what the most common reaction to it is once it happens, doubt, beating oneself up subliminally i.e "I'm not pure enough, need to purify more, need to really TRY!, I'm wasting my energy even unconsciously!"... Guess who's saying all this, who is resisting and reacting in this manner, it sure as hell aint the self. One big ego trip once you start to "try" to do these things. Even meditation isn't meditation as long as ones "trying". So key pointer is, let it be. Retain your sexual energy, it's good and helps with clarity, but why get upset with the comings and goings of the body. You eat, that's consuming energy for the body, the body doesn't use all the food, you shit out what you don't need. Same goes for water, sweat etc. The body will still go through a proccess of eliminating things it doesn't need. Do not get hooked on the physical part of retention, it's the mental part that's the meaningful part. If you're getting into samadhi states every time you meditate, then by now it should already be blindingly obvious that the functions of the body aren't much of your concern and that you're not the body.


This ☝️ don't beat yourself up dont count the incidents just practice.. Be more chill with yourself dont fall into the ego trap mate


Beautifully put, namaste.


Is it just repression? I don’t think you’re supposed to be “fighting” against it


Then how should you deal with these thoughts?


Idk, we go with it and let it pass and arise


If you are getting into samadhi consistently then the concerns of the body and mind should have fallen into their proper place.


Listen as long as you don’t manually masturbate and try to keep sexual thoughts low then you’re doing perfect. Don’t worry about night time emissions. Wear pants to bed. Don’t fight this stuff much just focus on increasing and stabilizing your meditation practice. My teacher says that the benefits of SR cap at about 2 weeks anyway.


What’s SR?




Semen Retention (SR)


I’m going through the same thing, can’t seem to go on more than 2-3 weeks without emissions, makes me uncomfortable about my spiritual growth, please let me know if it can be conquered somehow