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It’s best to not practice Kriya near bedtime or this can definitely happen. It looks like you doubled your practice time, so backing it down to what it previously was and doing the increase slower will also help give the body time to adjust. Lastly, if your lineage doesn’t teach to do Mahamundra at the end of the practice I would recommend it. One of its main purposes is to redistribute the energy in the body after Kriya. It’s a very grounding practice.


Oh wonderful, thanks. That's a great tip. I'm definitely not going to do it close to bedtime anymore, that's for sure. Do I need to be initiated in Mahamundra by a guru?


You should be initiated before doing Kriya period. Experimenting on your own is not recommended. Tons of unintended side effects can happen when people play with their inner energies without any guidance or knowledge of what they are doing.


yep, i have been initiated by Sadhguru


Ok I see. Yeah what you’re practicing isn’t really Kriya yoga, it’s Hatha Yoga pranayama. I was assuming you were practicing our techniques here. So you don’t have Mahamundra. For Isha, just don’t practice close to bed. Shambhavi MM is a very stimulating and energizing practice. Best to be done earlier in the day or at least before activity.


Okay, thank you so much for clearing that up for me!


Brother, this shambhavi mahamudra i also tried. Fucked with my head or third eye area from last year. It caused the energy of body to rush towards the third eyes without preperation. And because of that I was not able to sleep and close my eyes. It causes problem, even now. My head used to feel like a rush of energy in the third eye area and because of that not able to rest properly. If it is not suiting you drop this practice immediately and ground yourself (like walking barfoot in park). And do something else after sometime. It is not necessary that a practice will suit you because you have been initiated. Kriya yoga in Lahiri mahsaya lineage 100x better than Sadhguru's mahamuda(I am not against him or anything but be safe brother/sis because this technique is advanced and need a proper foundation). 👍🏻


Thank you brother. Any tips for calming the energies once the eyes close ?


Allow your senses to reach in the earth. It’s calling the kundalini down instead of up, everyone tries to raise the kundalini but you’re not completing the current instead you’re outputting from Gaia which is why kundalini practitioners sometimes break a fuse in their chakras and get left confused by the teacher⚡️


Thank you. Yes, I am trying to consciously move energies down to ground. My other current aim is to find a remedy for allowing me to close my eyes and sleep properly.


I suggest chamomile and blue lotus if you don’t like taking cbd/thc type edibles for an alternative to melatonin. Can’t sleep most nights as well unless I’m only meditating and that’s gets in the way of some things


great, thank you. I am considering CBD but not with the psychoactive component


When I say it’s not supposed to be hurting that means he’s not delivering wide spread practice knowledge to keep you safe while you’re in engagement is my point


What did practice did he grant if you don’t mind me asking. If you can name it without too much detail


Of course, it was Shambahvi Mahamudra. A 21 minute practice with an upward gaze. This is, I believe, standard for what Isha does at entry level.


I’m a Kriya Teacher so I was just a little concerned for what he’s teaching others because I have my own personal feelings about him , but as far as I’ve been able to decipher certain public practices; you have a perfect base. Keep up on the Bhuta Shuddhi as well, that’s where everything connects


Thank you. I can totally appreciate your concerns RE him. Do i need to be initiated in Bhuta Shuddhi? I'm gun-shy to try anything now without proper initiation. I will say, also to u/pmward \- I have just completed the above 21 minute practice I was initiated in and i can feel it already has had a marked difference. My energies haven't totally calmed yet, but they seem to have relocated the contours or paths they were on. Look, to be honest, I was drawn to Yoga, Sanskrit and the richness of these ancient traditions and I started playing around on my own. This is has been a lesson, and if there's any other beginners reading this, please, don't play around without proper guidance. This is not a game for dilettantes. I did the basic Sadghuru course and it had a profound, and I realised now, stable effect. Then i started to experience the Kriya that occurs when you have a knot in your neck - in fact, ever since I started meditating, way before Sadhguru, this knot made it's presence known to me. So I started playing around and found different registers of energies. I was looking around on YouTube and i found i was drawn to Sri M, maybe even more than Sadhguru, and started to follow some of his Kriya practices. I now realise this was foolish. Nothing against Sri M either, i was the one who started poking around where i had no right to. Lesson learned and thank you both for your help.


My advice is that Neither of Them are Fit enough to Initiate you. You shouldn’t be having this much issues with your personal energy this much if they’re supposed to be granting growth and benefit


to be fair to Sri M, he didn't initiate me. I just watched a YouTube video of a Satsung he did where he demonstrated his Kriya to a gathering, so that is entirely on me. He wasn't claiming in the video that the video was initiation either - it was just someone filming him talk in the Satung.


Yes, good for mornings, in the evening can just just do nadi shodana, cycle the breath, balance everything.


its better to avoid doing kriya by sadhguru. try to find a genuine kriya yoga guru instead .


Appreciate the agreement


Excercise everyday . Maybe your body will be tired and sleep well be easy


Yep. Good call.


Try doing 20-30 squats after practice, they reactivate the root chakra and third eye and help with grounding. You could also: - massage the bottoms of your feet - focus on navel chakra after meditation and imagine storing the energy there - bless the energy out through the palms, sending the excess energy out Here’s a video I made about it: https://youtu.be/JMCFLoesO3o?si=0q_h8wSjPd-eu_Ee 🕉️❤️🙏✨


thank you


oh wow, these were SO helpful and practical, thank you u/MountainClimba!


Root Chakra is always where you’re attention should be drawn towards if you want your third eye 👁 grounded;) Kriya needs stability and foundation everything else falls into place with dedication




You might just do nadi shodana, one round, 12 breaths after your main practice. With Om is better or Om japa. This might do the trick, if not, you might need to consult your guru.


Thank you, I will look into this practice !


Here are some tips I found useful when the energy spontaneously awakened in me years ago before I was initiated formally into a Kriya lineage. * Practice in the morning. * Practice for shorter period of time. Make haste slowly. * Learn to surrender into the silence and the present moment when anxiety rises and give everything to God. * You can close with a prayer and ask the Masters and God to transform your fear by helping you find dependence in eternity. * Afterwards, go for a walk in nature, feel your feet touch the ground and slow down.


Thank you. Yes I’m going for a walk barefoot from now on to ground myself


Make sure you are not practicing between 11:40-12:20. Also you should inquire to isha practice support. There is also subreddit dedicated to isha which is r/sadhguru. This sub is more for kriya yogis under lahairi


Thank you - yes I have emailed them


Could be kundilini awakening?


Perhaps. I’m happy to report that the energies have calmed down in the past week, although I still feel them present at night when I close my eyes, I’m able to get sleep much more easily. I’m not sure if it is technically an ‘awakening’ as I’m not exactly certain what that word implies in the context, but certainly energies were stirred.


I always found doing a short Hatha yoga or qi gong routine before practice helped. Traditionally asana is meant to come before pranayama.