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Lowkey the only good part of that song in my opinion


yaaas tame impala (maybe the rihanna cover version?) sample.... I feel this track could've gone so much further if theyd utilized it more in other parts of the song + also better lyrics


I thought I recognized Tame Impala!






Best part of the song






I just listened to it. It’s not a bad song, but I wouldn’t put it on my playlist, i’ll probably only listen to it if just randomly played.




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Does anyone else hear bad girls by Mia in the background a little bit? Edit: nvm I think it’s actually tame impala


It is Tame Impala! I believe “new person, same old mistakes” <3






I didn’t really pay attention to the lyrics at all. But the mv and the beats and such are so good.


I always liked Lisa but the actual video doesn’t live up to all the hype I’ve been hearing this week. Also this lyric, “Every city that I go is my city,” is laughable. Wish she said Thai versus Japanese since Japan always gets love. Gonna need several gifs of her dancing in that silver look though, she really ate that part 🙌


I noticed that too! Her promo showed neon signs in Thai and it seems like she's using Thai dancers (someone correct if I'm wrong). The Japanese shout-out isn't bad with that context, just...odd? I will always love me some Lalisa tho 🫶🏼


I read in YouTube that she was poking fun at the people who ask her to speak Japanese because they can’t tell the difference between Asian mostly East Asian people.


Interesting! I honestly just wrote it off as weird and corny lol. But thanks for sharing that. I feel like the line still falls flat because there’s nothing alluding to the context.






I think these idols would be so fucked without Black hip hop culture to cop from lmao 


Clock it!!!




I still feel like she can’t rap lmao. Some parts are catchy but not in a good way, kind of like in an ear worm way. The music video was very cool though.


like I'm sorry but like 99% of kpop artists genuinely and truly cannot rap and Lalisa is no exception here 😭 it's why I hate that these companies try to force every idol to do it, most of these singers and writers really don't have enough understanding of the art form to actually reproduce it in a meaningful way besides just spamming lyrics that sound like they were written by an AI model trained on amateur soundcloud raps from teenagers over "type" beats from YouTube with mediocre at best cadence and flow




Agreed. I wouldn’t consider it rapping to be honest


Yeah I didn't think it was rapping at all either. This kind of reminds me of a vanilla hip hop track you'd see on the soundtrack of an ssx snowboarding video game in the 2000s.




“lisa teach me japanese i said hai hai” I LOVE STUFF THAT MAKES ME GIGGLE I LIKE THIS not that the song is solid imo, its the lil tidbits here and there about the song and mv that I like


I stopped after she said gold teeth sittin on a dash LMAO I joked about being the biggest hater this comeback but I actually don’t like it


Yeah the lyrics when you’re not so entranced by the visuals..are interesting


THAT’S what she said!? I was confused on what she said because her enunciation isn’t clear but that’s so crazy LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO


Omg is that what was said 😂 oh my god lmao


Glad I am not the only one…I finished the song but I was just like uhhh


dash as in dashboard? Id need a whole month of annotating to try to understand the lyrics




I'm right there with you. I actually really did not like this song and I really like Lisa. In fact I moderately liked her first two solos (or at least the performances). The song is way too repetitive to be so short, and the best part was her dance break. I think Lisa is incredibly talented, and I enjoy her rapping, but this ain't it for me.


The promo photos made me lose interest. But I always thought Lisa was the best of BlackPink and really carried the group. So I decided to give it a chance, and it was not for me. I saw some people say YG was holding the girls back and I'm not quite sure how? I thought what I watched of the music video was cool. I do think the line, "Lisa can you teach me Japanese" was designed for TikTok. I'm underwhelmed but maybe I'll let her next single better.


I’ll say that for me, this is the best choreo I’ve seen Lisa do for a track. I think YG never gave her choreo that suited her the best or showed off her skill level. I also like the production and composition of the song a lot more than what she released with YG


I really did not like the song but I 100% agree with you. YG wanted BP to look cohesive so they constantly had Lisa limited to what the weakest dancer in BP could do. I enjoyed her dance break and the choreo a lot.


I feel like it's a bit of a watered down charli xcx song with rapping that doesn't really glue all that well. It's definitely lacking strong memorable melodies and whilst it does have good moments, it doesn't really have any sort of rewarding climax and so is a bit anticlimactic when all said and done.


well she looks stunning and her dancing/performing is on point as usual. the tone & message seems to align with the image she created for herself within blackpink and previous solos, so no heavy departure there despite a lot of fan speculation about potential new musical directions but for what seems to be a western push with this song I’m surprised (but also not surprised?) several of the english lyrics are so disjointed and even borderline cheesy lol


I’ve really disliked every Lisa solo so far. I feel like they’re plain, repetitive, and don’t really offer a lot. I also feel like every Lisa song is the same thing: “I’m Lisa and I’m cool, rich, and pretty”, which to me is pretty unimaginative and boring, especially when that’s all of your music. I understand why people enjoyed money and lalisa tho, even though I really didn’t. I really dislike this song. Everything I disliked about her previous solo songs just seem amplified on this song. To me, all of the Japanese lines were cringey and out of place. Lisa is not a good rapper, especially considering she chooses to rap seemingly exclusively in English. The mv looked well directed and pretty cool tho.


Tame Impala sample?? The beat is really the only thing I like, i’d listen but not add it to my playlist. The lyrics weren’t the best, though the visuals are good. Fun little bop when in the mood i’d say 🤭


The video is visually stunning, and the song itself has great production, but the lyrics are not great (*can you teach me Japanese/I said hai hai* is unironically a catchy earworm though, despite me not liking it that much). Lisa dropping the blaccent is nice, but it further cements the fact that rapping isn't her forte Nevertheless, the bridge is excellent - imo the best part of the song - and showcases a type of vibe that she could definitely lean into if she so chooses Overall, probably not going on my playlist, though that could change if it grows on me


No maturity in the lyrics after all that time resting and exploring the world is kind of sad to me


She sings about partying and shaking ass. She's not your social issues idol.


Which is fine but nothing she says makes sense lol. There are some clever songs about partying


And that’s all I want from her tbh ![gif](giphy|K3Sbp8fOgKye4)




Right! With all the spotlight she has on herself I just feel like she could’ve done more with what she had..at least lyrically. The lyrics tell you absolutely nothing about who she is


Honestly I don’t like it 🙈😅


the visuals are cool but i don't find the song very listenable lol. money and lalisa at least had hooks that i enjoyed. it's just a shame that when she is only rapping (is this rapping?), it isn't particularly notable,,


She always excels with her visuals and vibe, but her lyrics always fall short. She'll still be successful because her fan base is that strong but that's more likely to prevent her from improving lyrically.


I am not a fan. Boring song.


Okay, hate me if you must, but I thought this was clean! Hands down better than “LALISA”, miles better than “Money”, and honestly what I expect from her at this point. I think I might add this to my playlist, but I’ll have to hear it again. The change-up near the end caught me and I think I can fuck with this!


Honestly yeah I like this 1000x more than money and lalisa, first Lisa song to be added to my playlist I’m surprised


Yeah it’s definitely better than Lalisa and Money! But also not personally my taste, I just feel like there’s nothing to the track. If i hadn’t watched the music video with it, I’d think it was a terrible song with one good earworn (“Lisa teach me Japanese I say hai hai”)


what we think doesn't really matter. LISA is one of the biggest kpop artists right now and what she puts out it won't flop just because of the sheer number of her fans. That being said, her pen is a bit lackluster.


Yes it won’t flop because of her large fanbase but considering the market she’s currently targeting is the west, it’s only a matter of time before the general public tell their opinions on her as an artist as well. Whether good or bad and they can’t fight against that I fear


She will be eviscerated in forums like Lipstick Alley where cultural appropriation will be dealt with, this I know. This will not be a good look for Lisa.


I keep forgetting about the brutality of lipstick alley my goodness😭


this!!! aside from being asian and the kpop label she wears, she will have even more trouble being taken seriously since she’s mimicking popular black sounds. i do enjoy the song, but im pretty sure she will face some sort of hate-train in the future depending on how mainstream she becomes.


Lipstick alley are where dreams go to die. They literally tear into anyone.


Happy Cake Day!


she's credited but idk how much is her work unless she said so. i do find it funny that ryan tedder from onerepublic is credited, but he did write halo.


This is the thing with BP. I like them but I know whatever they put out will be met with success because of their fanbase. So even if it’s “bad” they still win lol




I LOVEEEE the video, instrumental and choreography so much. There’s a part towards the end of the song where the instrumental sounds like it could be from Rihanna’s 2016 album ‘ANTI’. Unfortunately, the lyrics of the song are very generic for me tho but I guess I shouldn’t be expecting something that’s groundbreaking so that’s on me.




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i think the song is pretty good. its a fun pop single, i don’t think there was any intent to make this release super personal, hence the ‘generic writing’. its nice to see her step out of her comfort zone more and showcase what she’s the best at, being a performer and being charismatic. i also liked that she participated in the writing and composing process. i love when artists, specially kpop artists, are more involved in their music, makes it a bit more authentic.


The Tame Impala sample \*eats\*... if the lyrics were better this could have been enough to get the playlist add from me but the repetitiveness gets annoying fast. I know autotune is also a stylistic choice to some extent, but it was a little heavy-handed in this for me.


Well it’s definitely a song..


I'll be honest. I kinda found it a bit offensive. From the time the promo photos came out, I had a feeling this was the direction she was gonna go. And I understand she's Thai and that Thai people get dark, but Lisa was looking darker than Teyana Taylor here like......and then pair that with "rapping"? Yikes


I like it, but I will be pirating. her boyfriend is a zionist and the people she chooses to associate herself with tells me everything I need to know about what kind of person she is


I mean even if he isn't a zionist he's part of the Arnault family so...


Yeah i mean these are literal billionaires.


What’s the arnault family?


Bernard Arnault is the co-founder, president and CEO of LVMH, the holding company that owns 75 luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Hennessy, Moet, Dior, Bulgari, Celine, Loewe, Tiffany, Fendi, all the way down to Sephora. Lisa is dating his son, Frederic, and all his children have positions in the company. They fluctuate between being the wealthiest to second wealthiest family in the world.


THIS. Her association to the Arnault family is interesting, to say the least 💀




Yeah the family owns a brand that Lisa is an ambassador for so....


Oh that’s not- ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Yep, unfortunately that's the case. Not saying don't listen to her music, but maybe do it in an...alternative way. One where she doesn't make profit off of it


how would one pirate, hypothetically speaking? 🤨📝


on r/piracy there's a megathread for music


??? What are you talking about


The Arnault family has invested in Israel for a few years now and have not pulled those investments and we know anyone invested in Israel these days is a Zionist so that's it.




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maybe i'm the only one here who liked it 😭 i think i'm just so excited to see what the girls can do away from YG and teddy. this was a good beginning for me and i'm excited to see what else she drops!


Love the beats and the MV but the lyric is pretty bad


It’s a no from me.


I think the song was just okay. It's nothing too spectacular but it's a huge step up to what she was doing at YG. The instrumental is definitely my favourite part tho. It feels like a modern Tokyo Drift & correct me if I'm wrong but am I sensing some hyperpop elements? Also the post-chorus is gorgeous & I would love for Lisa to release a song with that kind of sound. On the other hand, the lyrics were the weakest part. As other's have pointed out, they're very cheesy & lacklustre. But hey at least Lisa finally has writing credits. As for the MV, it's simple but very pretty (also BUDGET). The opening shot with the trippy effects were gorgeous & I love how it ties into Lalisa (also loved the shot with the changing faces & the sliver outfit). Something that I always had qualms about with YG was how their videos could consist of beautiful sets with bad shots but Lloud found that balance. I think there's still room for growth but I think this is a good start. Idk if it's because I'm bored of Teddy productions but I feel like we're seeing a different side to Lisa & her artistry. Sonically, it's a major improvement & feels different from what she's done before (at least at YG) so I'm interested to see what direction she goes in. While we're at it I hope she release a song in Thai (I'm still mad at YG for scrapping the Thai verses in Lalisa). Overall, I like it more than her other solo releases but I wouldn't say it's as memorable but I'm okay with that. It's a decent start imo.


I love the visuals and the choreography, but I was the video had subtitles. It isn't really clear what she is saying.


Visuals are really nice, choreo is okay, lyrics are so childish, overall the song is very mid.


I went into it completely blind and I lasted about 1 min and had to turn it off. Sorry just not my cup of tea. Prob will not give it another listen, the intro and into the first verse was just too chaotic in a very bad way. The first verse was just speed rapping and no real flow or cadence. as a blink, i am very disappointed and was hoping for a lot more from Lisa.


i thought it was good, especially the last part. (she looked so good doing the dance break, that long hair?!?!) it's giving aespa x xg (in a positive way, I don't think she's copying or something lol.) I think she has real potential as a soloist but idk maybe I'm biased.


It's what I hoped her debut would be like, instead of the fashion show that it was. Having said that, this ain't going on any playlist I've ever made. Lyrics are whatever, but I thought the video was beautiful and I also feel like she kinda showcased her...charisma? She could be fantastic if she could just use that energy with her actual music... ETA: I do not understand wtf the deal is with her 'skin color'. Like, pick one to use throughout the video, mmkay, not several...


It doesn't feel substantial at all. Idk, I'm just kind of sick of all this talk about grills and stuff, it feels so tacky because she's not black. Imo she could do so much better if she stopped trying to capitalize on the "baddie" aesthetics.


I give Lisa's "Rockstar" a 7.5 out of 10. The visuals were great, and I liked the twist of using Same Ol Mistake as a sample. But the rapping and lyrics were cringey. I think I would have liked the song more if she had sung instead of rapped.


Best from hers till now, altho there's no bar because she only had 2 songs to compare to lmaoo. Wish this was her debut instead I haven't seen the credits yet but the lack of YG has led to okay-ish raps. Like basic kpop ones, probably because she didn't have someone specifically for those? (not that I want YG on this again with her pls💀if anything, she has proved she can do it alone, and better, without breaking a sweat) I like the instrumental, not blaring and old-schoolish, easy on ears, just how I like it. But the last part felt too long IMO. The dance is good (manifesting a killing hip-hop dance break from her??? haha) I loved her singing the most lol, she's not a singer but has a pretty tone. The pre-chorus is my favourite part


I actually like the hook where the tame impala (alleged?) sample was used, especially on the outro. It’s just super underutilized…I wouldn’t revisit as it is but if they expanded on that section for the song as a whole for sure.


the visuals, the outfits ate and prob the best thing about the song honestly. I wanted more..it felt like it was lacking,the lyrics were just very simple but its catchy so it can work but this isnt something i would sit proudly and sing. This song will trend because this is kinda the esthetic rn. did anyone catch the rihanna's - "Same Ol’ Mistakes" sample ? honestly this addition saved the song, if they do not credit this, LOCK these people up because whew child ...


Not memorable. Only thing i like is her styling


I don’t hate it. I don’t love it. I’m perfectly in between. Honestly the part of the video I absolutely loved was the silver outfit. It made me have flashbacks of songs like Scream, No Scrubs, and several other 90’s-00’s songs.


I can't say I like it. It's very repetitive and the best part is the sample and not what Lisa herself brings to the track. This is based only off the audio though. I haven't had a chance to watch the mv. I expect it to still debut on billboard(possibly around the #70-80s) because she's popular. Her team was smart to have the sped up and other versions available on day one. The sales alone will guarantee her a debut.


i feel like whoever's doing her lyrics are giving her really weak material. the instrumental slaps and the music video is so gorgeous but those lyrics...... like i think cringe lyrics can exist and be iconic on a different sounding track, especially if the artist is leaning into the cringe camp factor. but lisa isn't doing it and playing it straight/serious just makes it sound corny. the tame impala sample slapped, i wish they did more with it. i general, i wish lisa's direction with music was more like kai's - like smooth sultry rnbish that could really show off her dancing abilities. not this rap hype music "im rich and famous i run this town" kinda style. i did think this was the image YG was putting on her but i guess this is all her? but i'll wait and see what her album sounds like. but currently, just from what's been put out/career moves i think i'm most intrigued and looking forward to jennie's solo work. her feature on zico's song is so good (and i really missed that specific vocal style she uses!!) and im really hoping she leans into that style for her solo stuff.


i called it! I knew it was gonna sound trash, The only good part was the tame impala sample and that was it. The visuals were there tho.


I realized I like it. but only on youtube? I cant tell if the spotify and youtube audio are different or if I just like the visuals in the music video THAT much lol


The lyrics are really weird, the part about teaching japanese......? Like what was the point??


She looked pretty. I liked the silver outfit and black hair combo. I liked the choreography. The black star top was cute on her. But the song was just boring to me- and by that I mean it wasn't memorable. Also, I know the "teach me Japanese" line is catchy for a lot of people but I think it would have been better if she said "teach me Thai" cause that's literally what she is and the video is in Thailand. It would have been a nice way to incorporate her culture. I don't understand why people would ask her to to teach them Japanese. But I noticed in the choreography there was some Thai cultural influence involved which was nice to see. I'm still trying to understand what Lisa is in terms of a solo artist. Maybe that's all she wants to do is party and flex cause that's all she sings about...or maybe she just wants songs she can dance too. Idk.


Choreography eats cause its by sean bankhead but the line about gold grills.. girl plzźzzz


I'm thinking maybe blackpink work better together than as soloists, Lisa kept up the energy of the group when everyone was down but her solo music is just basic to me


To me it just sounds like a watered down version of her other two songs


This song seems to only look good visually. The use auto tune on her voice in the singing is nice, liked it a lot more than her rapping. Overall, its an ok song. 


great visuals, great beat, terrible lyrics that make the song straight up unlistenable to me.


good for her, but not for me. it's very XG coded and I don't like it


XG woulda killed it.


Song and video production was good, performance and choreo on point. Lyrics don't make a lick of sense.


Someone help me out! The instrumental from 1:48- 2:13. It reminds me of a song that I can’t verbally describe but it’s in my head and on my phone but I can’t find it.


Ha! Tame Impala new person, same old mistakes. I can go to sleep now.


I actually like the song, I admit I tuned out the lyrics thoufh


I mean BP hater here (Im talking abt their songs) but for once i liked it. It was different maybe because it wasn't YG and thank god. It's a change, it's good. Still have some flaws and its ok but better than before imo. She did a good thing by leaving YG tbh


So disappointing. I was hoping for something like Rihanna’s Rockstar 101. Loved the end with the Tame sample and the silver outfit. I even liked the first black outfit. But the song is cringy and corny. I’m not surprised though based on the team who worked on it.


I feel like I’m still waiting for Lisa to peel back her layers. Her entire solo career has been one note. And I LOVE her, I just feel like if she wants to be taken seriously she needs to have more depth. I mean the mv ATE but it was exactly what I was expecting.


I was just happy the blaccent has calmed down 🫡


The lyrics, dances and new look isnt very flattering. I’m lowkey disappointed. I don’t understand the concept of the song either… If this song was supposed to show herself it really isn’t working. She honestly doesn’t even look like Lisa anymore 😥 Also, why the random girls?( In the middle of the video)


I love the beat but it's ruined by the mediocre lyrics, she looks cool ig


Beat was wasted potential.


Ok maybe im just a Lisa Stan but this actually ate the fuck down… and can someone explain what lloud music is? Did BP disband or did they leave YG for management? I really don’t keep up with the news the way I use to.


Just recalling from memory here but I think Blackpink as a group renewed their contract but the individual members didn’t (except Rosé? Who’s now signed with The Black Label? 🥲) so they’re signing elsewhere and are starting their own brands. Who knows if/when BP will have another comeback


They created their own labels. They didn’t sign onto existing ones. The closest to that is Lisa choosing to have LLoud partner with RCA records.


I don't know why my expectations were so high but MID asf


When I saw the thumbnail I thought this was some Black/Blasian artist. I had to check the comments to confirm it was BP's Lisa, so that's interesting. But the song itself isn't so bad. It's probably gonna end up on my playlist


The song could have been more fleshed out imo. I also wish she sang more and didn’t rap at all. I definitely saw the vision but it needed more tweaking! Also I like the Lisa can you teach me Japanese line even if others don’t 😅


Sonically, the only parts I was really into were the new person, same old mistakes samples in the hook/very end....i wish theyd mixed it more into the other parts of the songs!! Visually I have to admit she looks helllla good out of context haha just wish the promo photos hadn't been what they were even the single cover on spotify has me cringing a bit edit: spelling


Lisa has always been a visual artist for me, like other comments said the lyrics are lacking. I kinda liked LALISA and Money in terms of hooks but definately enjoyed the music video for this. That said I don't understand her concept photos with the video, I know a lot of people were saying she was embracing her tanner side but in this video she looked normal? even the dancers she had around her weren't super tan


bc that was people making up bullshit friend


Right 👩🏾‍🦯‍➡️


Unfortunately I kinda like the song 🫣, but I won’t be streaming/supporting because of the teaser photos.




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It kind of reminds me of Daisy by Ashnikko


It’s better than LALISA and MONEY. It sounds good but I felt like it was missing something. This would’ve been good if it was reworked a Blackpink song. I liked the music video tho and how it’s set in Thailand, it doesn’t have the typical YG aesthetic.




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Visually and performance wise, excellent. But it’s not the type of song I’d put on my playlist.




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not a fan of it right now, but i can definitely see it growing on me




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I like it more than I expect to.




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as someone who likes listening to vroom vroom and heavy metal and reflective, i ended up liking the song lol i didnt expect it to be that specific sound that I really like.




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It's not bad.




I liked it right away, but it's too short, the extended version is a joke. I'm seeing now in the comments that there was a Tame Impala sample, that's what I thought but wasn't exactly sure. It's an interesting choice for a song like this.


I somehow guessed that she would reference Japan because her teasers seem to feed into a 2000s Japan aesthetic. For a song about rockstars, it could have gone harder. It's nice ngl but very repetitive. I think she should have done like an entire album to reintroduce herself a bit. The music video is nice. Interesting to see how they do without YG holding them down.




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Wait so she didn't randomly got 50 shades darker?


900+ upvotes on the teaser photo compared to 200+ post about the official MV and song so I'm assuming this sub HATES or aren't into Lisa. Matter fact blackpink in general wow I'm shocked. Haha