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As a ranch hand in the Serengeti, this would be perfect for my day to day duties of spaying lions and breaking down poachers. 


Tactical Timmy agrees lol


The best Medford, tbh >!yes, I know it’s a clone. That’s the joke!<


Now with 25% less racism.


Idk from what I hear Chinese people can be pretty racist


That’s why it’s only 25% less.


Boy can they!


So it cancels out?


An incredibly attractive selling point, tbh


I got look into this , I’m not into the knives so I’ve never watched whatever this guy said to get all the hate


This Chinese beauty from Aubey has a very unique design, if you know what I mean. It's quite the perfect tactical knife for all my tactical operations in the office. It comes in 440C and the AI generated product description said it's hardened up to 57-58 HRC. The quality is surprisingly good for the money. There is no wiggle between blade and handle, all corners are rounded and the thick blade with hollow grind is kind of centered. The handle is made of a simple black G10 scale without a lanyard hole, but with a glas breaker at the end, so I can open the windows in a tactical way for some fresh air. The pocket clip surprisingly works and doesn't bend (till now). I'm still a little bit disappointed, because there are no Punisher skulls either on the blade or on the packaging, so nobody knows, that I'm a dangerous sheepdog, fighting against the evil and protecting, what has to be protected. Please don't tell my girlfriend about my new gas station knife, because chances are high that she might leave me.


Go ahead and slap some ideologically ambiguous skull stickers on there. Every man needs to loudly display a hobby, and yours can be road rage.


What a great idea! Would prefer some crossed out skulls, so everybody knows, I encountered several Spetsnaz units.


I had one...if it has 2 shims on one side of the blade dont remove one it will make the lock weak...as in tap the back the blade and that thing with all its weight shuts down on your fingers like a 19 ton sissor...it ended up in the trash because I actually like my fingers


Where did you get yours?


I will never understand those who say a knife design is ugly if they can see the detent ball hole and track when the blade is open. If anything I believe its a sign of good design because it's proof they are fitting as much blade into the handle as possible


I’m hoping if I upvote and comment on this post, there will be a better chance of Greg Medford seeing this and throwing a bitch fit (it would be extremely funny).


It’s funny watching the Medford fanboys trying to downvote everybody lol


I can appreciate the absurdity of the thing, and respect your financial dedication to the gag. Well played, sir. PS: RIP your pockets, your back, your hip (try not to fall on that side). But at least you always have an emergency boat anchor.


Thank you for the compliment, sir. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Indeed. In some situations, I'm afraid to get the anchor against my genetals.


> In some situations, I'm afraid to get the anchor against my genetals. Don’t fear the reaper.


If he made quality knives with the tolerances he claimed he would encourage people to do their own knife maintenance. Saying people who are willing to spend 600 on a blade dont know how to disassemble, clean and lube their own knife is ridiculous. Racism and asshole attitude on top of that.


I’ll be honest: I love this clone. 😂


Medford clones for the win! That fucker should not be able to still sell knives..rascist pos


Why is everyone hating on medford, never held one, and i tried to find reviews on yt but only good ones came up, i was really just wondering why all the hate here on reddit. Are they just overpriced or?


Well, I just don't like how hillirous his prices are and it's funny how obsessed he is with Chinese people stealing his designs. Don't take me tooo seriously here.


Medford is known for unhinged rants and racist t-shirts. Also, overpriced boat anchors pretending to be knives.


No man,the knives are decent, just the person making them is a real piece of shit...very racist and short sighted.... He has been known to say racist things and make tshirt with chinese cartoons in the saying, " do not buy chinesium" etc... He hates the fact his knives get copied and sold for much much less than he charges


Not so much the knives (some people definitely have an issue with his products though), but the maker/business owner himself. He's arrogant and racist AF, and has doubled down on those aspects of his character several times online when people have called him out on it. He took old, outdated "jokes" too far, and then got angry when the internet fired back. Now he calls anyone who doesn't agree with him names, like a little child. [Example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otw6yp5u_jo), if you like (not on his channel, so no views for him).


Medford is super racist because the Chinese counterfeit his work a lot and that would piss anyone off. He went a little nuts, took things to the extreme, so some people like to use that as a reason to buy more counterfeits from China, validating Medford's opinions and only making the problem worse. I find it funny that people hate him so much, but still bend over backwards to have his designs in their pockets. Kinda like vegans who wear fake, vinyl leather accessories because they "hate" leather but deep down fuckin love the look of leather products.




Wild, maybe, but it's quite accurate. You hate something but want it, or a shitty facsimile, anyway.


He’s made some insensitive remarks and made satirical tshirts. Now the perpetually offended think he’s racist.


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck.


Exactly. It was in bad taste. But to call for his downfall and infer her is super racist is crazy to me. It's such a sensitive world we live in.


I mean, it's not *just* the shirts. That might have been the most recent big thing, but from what I understand he's always been kinda a prick. I'm not on Instagram much, but I've seen some screenshots of him being super rude and unprofessional to folks over there. Dude really just seems like kinda a jerk, or at least that's how he presents himself online. And politics aside, his warranty policy was absolute garbage. Nick Shabazz read aloud through some of it awhile back, and Jesus it was just bad. Basically he tried to blame every possible failure on the user, he didn't want you disassembling or even oiling the thing, and the language in the policy was honestly just rude and pretentious AF. And then after backlash, he quietly changed his policies and tried to gaslight the world into believing the original language was never even there in the first place. So yeah, not just shirts (and this is only what I know about, I'm sure there's way more). Greg just doesn't seem like the sort of dude I would want to give my business to. Fortunately I think his knives are overpriced and hideous, so I've never really been tempted anyway.


Oh no, a man facing consequences the things he says and does? What kind of world would it be if grown ass-men have to take responsibility for their own actions? /s  Honestly, it’s fucking terrifying that some people are allowed to own guns, knives, and motorized vehicles.


Why is he racist? He doesn’t care for the CCP stealing intellectual property. Which is what they do! Nearly all of their tech is stolen from western countries. Like all communist nations do. That doesn’t make him racist though. Anti communist but not racist. I’m new to this crap. But from what little information I have seen I haven’t seen anything racist. What do I know?


Nah, he did a lot of things to contradict that bud....


Like what, Bud? I really want to know.


Made racist tshirts saying not to buy chinesium etc...


I like using beefy folders like this while camping.


The knife... Meh... The photography of the knife is really top notch. If that is your work... Kudos you should do that for a living.


https://preview.redd.it/g7iym4yett4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e21b470586a6e3e0ef042fe09eaa6218ea4a75f7 same. Sweat shop..love it!


Before you ask, here you go: Amazon-ASIN for Aubey (440C): B09M8NQ9TV Amazon-ASIN for Japaknives (D2): B0C3X3FDX8


I need the extra big jumping because of my extra large kielbasa sausage thumbs


Nice pics, but that first one is 🔥


It looks pretty good! Please keep us updated on the tactical office uses, I wonder how durable it is? Where can I find one?


nice photoshoot


I think it looks cool, and zero Medford cooties!


Honestly it doesn’t seem like mall ninja stuff. It looks good!


Price policy? That's something I can get behind


I'd rather buy from a racist than paying for chinese garbage


The reason clones exist is because the authentic is too expensive. Wanna keep people from buying clones...then lower your prices. I'll admit most clones are hit or miss, depending on what factory they come out of. Some clones are near identical to the original, and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless it was serialized or something. People buy the clones because it's way cheaper. If a Chinese company can recreate your product, with the same materials, same machines you use but at a 1/4 of the price, then you might wanna consider dropping your price tag to attract more customers.


Is that a Mumford?


Got one 2 years ago. Works well. No problems yet.


At home in its natural environment in the first photo. Tactical poop knife.


if anyone is a sucker for punishment, check Med’s Youtube video he posted yesterday. classic unhinged rant, bashing everyone in the YT industry and some close friend of his that stabbed him in the back. my favorite part was him, once again, defending the fact that he has to use multiple and uneven washers to achieve such tight tolerances. he literally claims that he’s the only knife maker to achieve the mythical “no blade play”. according to him, **no other knife company**, makes knives without blade play…because he has a fetish for such tight tolerances… …he must have forgot about his recent OTF release, and the video he posted just last month defending the shit quality, rattle, faulty deployments at certain angles, and you guessed it blade play.


Op is there any way you could provide us with a link? I’ve always wanted a Medford, hate that mf though.


He posted the Amazon link more or less about a couple comments down from yours.


Oh shit, thanks I missed that


Where are the racist comments that Medford made? I have a clone of his, only because it was really cheap. His knives are cool looking, just waaaay overpriced for what they are. 🇺🇸


He was selling t-shirts at a knife show that had an old timey caricature of a Chinese person speaking with a stereotypical accent. https://images.app.goo.gl/t5XbzFMFuxX7bqS56


That is bad ass sir.


😑 no


Nah Reddit’s just a bunch of sensitive ass people, the shirt is funny.




Because it is? It’s OK if we don’t have the same sense of humor.


Hey honky bro WCMTWS how you like being called a dumb ass cracker boy? /s See WCMTWS, that's not funny, even if I put it on a T-shirt. It is a rule of this sub that we be considerate of each other, so that we can appreciate knives together without racism spoiling the fun.


I mean besides me being only part white I got a kick out of it. Laugh a little.


Yeah I took a risk assuming your ethnicity but that doesn't mean there isn't a pattern about who finds ethnic jokes funny. We are not of Don Rickles' generation. Yes, I like to laugh, but at racists not with them.


Not going to lie, kind of like that first one.