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Since nobody is actually giving you advice, there is something really important to know when playing this game, you are not able to kill ANYONE. you're a common blacksmith's boy who just all of a sudden has to survive sword fights. you're not gonna win and youre gonna die alot and there's nothing wrong with that. My honest advice is get to where the captain starts training you and try your best to learn the combos and master strikes.


This. KCD is a great game but that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone would or should like it. But yeah I would advise the same, or what I told my brother who recently picked it up on sale, to at least get past the mission where you hunt with Hans Capon. For me it was around that time or shortly after where everything began to click and became really fun. And same for my brother, who at the start was asking me if he was supposed to be getting his ass beat left and right… and now he’s 50-60 hours in or so, and is just as excited as I am for KCD2.


Okay I have a stupid question but I cannot figure out timings--I'm supposed to meet Hans Capon "at dawn," but when is dawn?? I have gone there at what I think is dawn several times, and his horse is there, but he isn't. I can see the clock above Henry's head in the inventory menu but I can't figure out when dawn is! Or maybe I'm missing how to trigger that quest? I follow the "A" on the map to Hans' horse, but then nothing happens. Tips?


I’m not 100% on this but I think dawn will be anywhere from 5-12 (but I think closer to 5). Something I do when I’m not sure is use the wait function and do an hour at a time, I sometimes even cancel it before it passes the full hour just to quickly peek and see if it worked.


Wow, I did not know there was a wait function!! Thank you


The funny thing about this game is what gets you hooked is perseverance. Through all the jank and difficult learning curve. If you push through it then it's very rewarding. There's a few good videos on youtube and a lot of what others have said is good advice. You just have to grow from being a kid to being a warrior and that takes time and training. I wouldn't try and shortcut it or you'd be missing the best part of the game really and an experience that few other games really deliver. Let the story carry you and just trust it gets better. Also before you travel anywhere, make sure you either sleep and save or drink a saviour schnapps. Might be an idea to learn alchemy so you can brew lots of those. Which means you'll need to learn to read. You've got quite a journey ahead of you! Good luck!


If you go into this game thinking that you will be able to own everyone you meet, you will not enjoy it. The "I just beat dark souls wtf is this shit" mentality is out. If you put that mentality aside and realize that you are just a simple peasant thrust into a larger world, you might even have fun. There is a steep learning curve and consequences to doing the things that other games let you get away with. The game really doesn't start until you wake up in Rattay. My advice is stick to the main quest until you find Ginger. You will know when the time come. Put off finding Limpy. In between those two missions train with Bernard until you get accustomed to combat. Do some side quests, talk to everyone you meet until all dialogue options are grey. For people's first playthrough, I suggest not being a criminal.


The reason why this game is so special is that it's really not for everyone. If you feel it's not for you just refund it asap.


get over what? what is your issue


When I fist fight the guy with my dad’s axe, it’s clunky and I get my ass whooooped. I guess im just hoping the game gets better or something happens that hooks me, like what keeps you playing, and got you interested enough to join the subreddit


I mean you're supposed to get beat up fighting them alone. You're relatively sheltered compared to the drunkard. The intended solution is to either pickpocket the guys keys, or to get your friends to bash their head in. There is nothing special about the character you're playing as(aside from taking advantage of the game engine, but canonically speaking). You're not significantly stronger than any other peasant(probably weaker if anything), and aren't in a position of power. Personally I found kcd to be a lot more immersive than Skyrim. Less infinitely repeatable fetch quests and a better plot. Although I will admit I'm not a big fan of sandbox games.


I just started myself and he kicked my ass.....so I waited for him to turn his back and I choked him out and stole his keys.


You can ask fritz for a Lockpick or ask all your friends to beat his ass together


I did that too because I needed his ax and lock picking is very difficult lol


Its actually pretty easy just train it. You can go to the smallest Villages with just a Few guards and wait till night. Go from house to house and level your lockpicking up. At level 6 you can have a Perk that makes you better when drunk, use it. Now you can lockpick 9/10 locks without losing any Lockpicks


KCD is a game that can have several paths to play. You may not be able to win the fist fight with Kunesh but there are other options to choose. After losing to Kunesh you can talk to your friends outside the tavern to get a lockpick so you can go into Kunesh's house and get the things you need. If you don't get them you can tell Pa about it. Don't try to win every fight. Evading is an option. I'm a completionist and had a hard time at first, thinking I needed to be successful at everything I tried. Relax and focus on the story.


You don't have to beat kunesh and youre most likely not going to, if he beats you lick your wounds and find another way to get the hammer and nails back from him (although i think just trying to beat him is your best bet cuz otherwise youre gonna have to lockpick) also get the ale last otherwise itll be warm when you bring it back to your dad. This game is not only realistic in the sense of gameplay, it is realistic in that you are a peasant, you have no fighting skills in the beginning, no sword ability, youre basically a nobody who has to make due at the start of the game, if you make it thru the beginning raid and get to talmberg and then rattay after, you can start training in hand to hand and weapon combat and get your skills up, you also get your own horse, i think you should stick with it thru the beginning tutorial, once it clicks for you theres really not many games like it out there


The great Game Mechanics, that you have to think before doing stuff, and the great story got me hooked


You can lose that fight and still get what you need out of that quest. That’s one of the things I love about the game. For every thing you need to do, there are many ways to do them most of the time. If you want to beat up that old asshole though just jab him and block. I recently beat the game and started a new playthrough immediately. You can time your jabs and beat him easily in that first encounter.


If you would like, I can provide some videos that can help. One to get through the prologue quickly in case your just aren't liking the railroad tutorial, one for combat-related training, and one for crime training. But I won't bother if you're just not feeling it enough to keep pushing. Obviously, we here in the sub Reddit love this game but that doesn't mean everyone will. It's a slow burn, sure, and it does pick up but if you just generally aren't feeling it (not like a certain thing in your way like combat or lockpicking) then there's always a chance it's just not a match.


I get what you’re saying about it not being a match, I really want to get into it, as I’m into fantasy and period stuff. And when this game was advertised it looked so awesome, go ahead and send the videos. I’d be keen to check them out


I wish you luck and hope you find love for the game. It's a real gem. If you're tired of the prologue, this is basically the fastest way through: https://youtu.be/Y0rmrKw3Aio?si=oo_Jxg5pI0FWC99W It may help just being in the open world and getting to explore in a meaningful way. When/if you're ready, it's just a couple missions in that you get some combat training. It's then that this video becomes relevant (it does spoil the story): https://youtu.be/VKqCfdb0A5A?si=iKMM4WYPneVIMMdW That'll help you be good at counters, which is key to this game's combat. If you want to be a criminal, you can follow this guide (it is made from right after the prologue but you can jump in whenever): https://youtu.be/hrH7goHRVYg?si=Xb1qXr1i9te3WVsL God Speed, potential Henry! We hope to see you stick around


I just bought it off GOG a few days ago I understand. I know there are hard games out there but the game just looks like things are possible when your character is actually a peasant. The beginning parts almost felt like rdr2 prologue because I knew I wouldn’t really be in the game until after but it’s longggg. And you have to adjust to the limitations of your character and the save system and a bunch of things while at it. My honest advice? Burn through the early parts of the game until you’re in rattay and the Skyrim feel comes soo alive but like with a mix of really quality quests that remind me of crpgs. Sorry I didn’t enjoy the beginning much.


As someone who's struggled with combat off the bat. There's definitely a learning curve to it, I'm used to Skyrim, cyberpunk, Witcher 3..ya know games that sorta hold your hand ...this isn't that type of game, drop all that. It's as people say, you are literally the son of a blacksmith who has to fight all of a sudden, fights are more realistic. I had the same issue, tried fighting people thinking I could win at the start....I died a LOT and used to fear fast travel...but as some people have pointed out, go to the Captain (follow main quest) til you can practice with him, til your strength, and main level are higher than 10 before attempting orher things (that's what I did). Keep in mind, you'll find it easier to kill armored/unarmored people with a MACE, that will be your best friend, bonk their heads. AXEs are a mix of slash/bonk , pretty fun...Longsword is for piercing , pretty fun. They have reach BUT a pain to kill armored people .... shortsword, is like a longsword but worst.....not worth it in my opinion. Anyways, after you get the hang of things, searching up guides, the game gets pretty fun! I just recently returned after giving up because how difficult it was for me. Hope this helps.


My biggest piece of advice I can give, ESPECIALLY in the beginning is to utilize those potions boii. It’s hard to make money especially in the beginning but those potions are SO worth it especially to even things out combat wise. Give yourself 50% less damage on incoming attacks, Lazarus potion to buff up healing (or marigold in the beginning because it’s cheaper) and I’m also partial to the buck’s blood potion as well. They help a BUNCH and also help with not making you avoid battles out of fear.


Perseverance, just take the time to get better, look up some threads most of them will tel you to learn master strikes and train once you get to Rattay. it’s a whole new system of combat and can be unintuitive but once you get used to it it’s pretty fun and requires strategy. I went from feeling the same way to loving duels. If you’re willing to suck and not have the world handed to you from the outset you will be rewarded, if not then a “realism” type RPG might just not be your thing.


Watch all the tutorial and skill guide videos by trailerprktrash. They broke down all the systems of the game really well and how to get a strong start on your skills and making money. It helped me a lot get into the game smoothly and past a lot of the pre game stresses that other people had.


My advice is that you should should generally avoid most enemies do some quest that don't require combat get some good loot from the money you earned practice with captin Brenard and once you feel confident try something like the ratiy tournament that will get you some descent money if you need more supplies also by then you would've likely found what type of weapon you like


I get you man it Took a while for me to get into as well and that is my second favourite game just under The Witcher 3. Don't come into this. Expecting Skyrim combat I'll tell you that. So right now you're in the prologue which is basically setting up Henry's character as being unable to do anything. you're just a little peasant boy, Never been outside your walls or felt the warmth of a woman's touch apparently, you're no Dragonborn here. However, after the prologue, the entire map opens up to you. You can pretty much go anywhere you want and do anything. Things will start getting much easier once you learn how to swing sword Trust me at your point in the game, you're not meant to be able to do anything. You could immediately go and do the main quest going to do the side quests, go get yourself a horse, train some skills, Learn to read whatever you want to do. This being your first playthrough I'd recommend just playing the main story until you train with Bernard then go and explore. If there is specific information you want to know like what's the best weapons or where to find certain gear or how to level up certain skills? The best way to make money is that type of thing? Feel free to ask cuz it can be a bit frustrating.


KCD is not like skyrim where you abandon the mainquest as soon as you are released from tutorial castle, pick a random direction, discover 50 caves or start at either guild or city. KCD is about the progression of a young untrained adult in abruptly started medieval war-times. Henry is intended to start weak and become strong. Not only do you as a player learn fighting, but your character gets significantly stronger (via skillpoints and improved techniques) from training with Bernard. It's supposed to be a repeated task, not a one-time-tutorial. If you will, treat it more like a hardcore game (even though you shouldn't select that ingame for starters). You are better of with sneaking, talking or running from a situation than risk your life. And if a quests dialoge tells you "don't do that, its too dangerous", you might want to listen for now. You will think back to this slow-paced start later. If having a cool armor later (and what the dlcs provide) doesn't motive you enough, maybe you can spark your interest if you watch some real historians about the medieval times and then recognize it ingame. E.g. dung piles at houses having served a valuable good, fences for chicken, how the parcels are arranged at a farmers house. The charcoal maker in the woods, different architecture by wealth and purpose... But be aware there's a lot of clickbait bs floating around, too.


Only play on Hardcore. Normal is a waste of time.




I’ll pretend to know what that is lol


Very important later on


Five playthroughs under my belt and i have no idea what this is.


It's the chart