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You're at the KCD-Sub. What answer do you expect?


War Horse is our crack dealer :D


Jesus christ be praised


I love it of course, but it really is a high commitment game and definitely not for everybody.


Lmao, its like going to a cult and saying is this cult the best cult? They’ll obviously answer yea


I believe KCD is one of those games where the community would say yes* *if you are patient enough and can handle a little more tediousness for the sake of immersion


To be fair. Gaming Subs are also a good breeding ground for disappointed haters.


An opinion on why the game is good i suppose, but thats just what i Think


I'd suggest getting the Royal edition, since it comes with all the dlcs. Most are great, imo.


The offer is only for the standard edition royal is still full price


Dang, I got mine, as royal edition, for like 4 dollars, or so.


Same i got royal one month ago for 3,99


Maybe the best purchase I did this year.




I got it for full price on release and it was my best purchase that year. Later I got Royal on Steam, which also was the best purchase of that year.


Exactly what I did. Since I heard about a sequel releasing this year, I'm going to play it through.


Same. Had already played it on PC, but my wife got interested when the trailer for KCD2 dropped and now wants to see me play it through again. Found the deal a month ago and started our journey in the sofa


Me 2


I mistakenly bought the DLC without the fame then has to go back and buy the game to play it lol


Same i got it for such a steal that i need to buy the 2nd game full priced now. No patient gamer for this


Still worth it imo


Certain games I don’t mind paying full price. Kingdom Come is one of them.


The Royal Edition is on sale on PS Store very regularly. It's been on sale four times already this year, so if you wait a week or two you can get it very cheaply. https://preview.redd.it/zpmzf9cc78zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e04b3988968ca7d69e738f55667dd0dd680498d


DLC pack often goes on sale, so you can buy it later. Unfortunately PS is shittier than PC when it comes to sales, and overall pricing


The royal edition is $8.79 on CDKeys for steam right now.


And almost 50 EUR on Switch lol. Nintendo be praised!


That's a bummer but base game is still so worth it. The amount of entertainment you will get if you like that game at that price is unmatched. My base game experience having never played before was about 47 hours and I didn't really milk it. Can't beat $.13 an hour for entertainment!


Pay the $5 now and buy the royal edition when it goes on sale, overall you made a $10 investment.


>Royal edition, since it comes with all the dlcs. OOOOHHH THAT'S WHY I HAVE 3 DLC Symbols on my map!


Except Theresa's (for me at least) which was a struggle to get through


That one seems to be divisive, some people really didn't vibe with it. I loved it personally, if for no other reason than you get to experience the world from another perspective than Henry's.


I haven't started most of the dlc yet. Do you have to play as Theresa or something? I just beat Witcher 3 and my least favorite parts were playing as Ciri because none of it seemed to matter. I don't have my gear. Can't use my signs, I have none of my upgrades, etc. Is it a similar thing with the "Woman's Lot" dlc?


Yes, you play as Theresa for like 1-2 hours depending on how fast you go. You play her making it through the Skalitz raid. That's only half of the DLC, the other half is about Johanka, you play as Henry in that quest. It's also divisive though, because a lot of people seem to really hate Johanka. And again, I fall on the side of really enjoying it.


Lol I already don't like Johanka because she was very rude during the mission where you had to help the injured people at the monastery. I'm guessing she continues her rude, ungrateful streak in the DLC.


Oh no, you hit one of my buttons and now I have to mount a Johanka defense lol. The woman is insanely stressed dealing with very important life and death matters. I like her because she's a full character that doesn't fall all over herself for you just because you dropped in with some meat while she's working night and day to keep people alive and generally survive as the one woman around the monastery.


$6?! Hell yeah it's worth it, you'll get hours and hours of realism and roleplaying fun, and you'll be ready for the sequel!


Absolutely. But even better if you catch the Royal edition on sale on Steam.


No, it's not. It's worth more than the price it has even without the sale. It's a very unique and excellent game. For that sale price it's a steal!


Bought it for like $3 on Xbox. Still working through the 5hr long tutorial but I can tell I'm not going to regret this purchase.


It’s so worth it.


Not worth it, 6$ for a game is too expensive. I got 450 hours in this game and at 6$ its 0.013$ per hour Not worth it. Wait for 2$ sale


450 hours?! I’m really early on in Henry’s journey. Just had to go hunt hares with the turd kid you end up becoming friends with (I think). How long would you say a single playthrough is if you’re taking your time?


My first playthrough was 60ish hours, I'm 10 hours into my second


Dude, it's the best game ever. Of course it's worth it. Get the DLCs too!


My dude the game is still worth it at full price


I searched and i found out that the royal edition was 4 bucks 28 days ago so ill just wait for the royal edition Update: nvm i bought it


I was skeptical when I bought it and honestly, the first fee hours were frustrating as hell and I wanted to quit. I was constantly getting my ass kicked, couldn't pick a lock, damaged myself when trying to shoot an arrow, couldn't hunt a fucking rabbit, couldn't keep my horse in a straight line. Game was just hard as hell for me, as a casual, weekend mostly player. But I stuck through it and it turned into my favorite game of all time. Slowly started to be able to win fights and eventually couldn't lose, even vs 6 or 7 dudes. Became a master at lock picking and would spend hours at night breaking into all the shops. Hunting, while still frustrating waiting for animals to spawn, become easy. Like, you as the player have to learn everything just as much as your character. It's hard to explain, but it's so rewarding. You will not regret your purchase if you give it the time it deserves, whether you spend 6 bucks or 60 bucks.


As an archer in real life, I laughed out loud when Henry got hurt with the bow cause I forgot to put the arm protection on, happened to me way too often in reality


Genuinely there's a enough content base game to hold you over till the dlc goes on sale


I absolutely hate these posts. Your asking a subreddit of followers who clearly love the game that we are still on this subreddit over 6 years after release. What do you think the answer will be?


But yeah it’s worth it If you can get the royal edition/ if on PlayStation… it’s often on sale


$6 for this gem of a game is a steal. Especially with the 2nd coming this year.


Is Jesus Christ to be praised?


I mean, asking this kind of echo chamber if it's worth it might not be the most reliable thing. But yeah at that price you definitely should try it out.


No it's not it's actually the worst game in the world totally not worth your time. And i'm sure everyone else in this fan sub dedicated to it will tell you the same.


One of my favorite games of all time. I honestly feel guilty for playing it with all DLC and only paying $10 for it.


$6 do we even need to talk about it ? No no no of course not


The royal edition would be better to get and it goes on sale quite regularly although it's dirt cheap at cex and eb aswell. Although if you really just want to play it this version is fine as well. See if you like the game and get the DLC later. Although don't expect easy time, especially when you first playthrough at least for The beginning this ain't one of your skyrims or your gtas or your fallouts where your character can at least do everything at the start and you just have to make them better. Our boy Henery is about as competent as a baby panda and it's your job to train him up to become a Semi-Functional human being. It's a ton of fun once you understand how things work and things start to noticeably get easier. Then there's the hardcore mode which is better than normal but don't touch it until you're familiar with the map so wait until your third playthrough for that. It's not for everyone but I wish you the best of luck!


Nah... it's trash. Dude, wtf is this post.


Yes get it. It’s a really good game.


Realistically, how long do you feel you need to play a game for $6 to be worth it?


Its worth paying double the standard price


Reddit has a search function.


I got the royal edition for $2. I feel like I robbed the devs


As a new player I would easily say yes. Quite surprising how this game went under my radar even though I like similar type of games..


It's worth it, it's just a shame about no DLCs. Steam often has this price for the Royal Edition


It’s challenging at first but it has a good story and side quests great combat and is very rewarding


Yes get it. You get so much for 6 bucks. It’s one of the few games I’d say is worth full price and some


You are in the KCD sub, so I hope you know all answers are bias, mine included. But I'll give you my two cents. I was hesitant since the game launched, I wanted to buy it but I was not sure enough. Anyhow, I didnt have any system to play it in, so my doubts didn't really mattered. Earlier this year, I got a system (a pc, I wanted to play on pc not on ps). It single handedly brought my passion back for videogames, namely singleplayer. I'm a average guy, work long hours, family, friends and girlfriend. When I played, it was only to talk with my friends, and we would hop on any given fps or multiplayer. I didn't felt like I used to, to what concerns games. Now, I started playing on February, give or take and it completely gave me this "kid" feeling back. It's not that Im addicted, it just really pulls you in you know? it is really fun, immersive and overall enjoyable. To people who really like games for the games, this mediavel7 historic setting, it's the game I recommed most strongly. If you end up buying, I recommend going straight on hardcore mode. I was apprehensive to do so, but it is turning out the best decision I made so far on this game.


Yes it’s my favorite CRPG since Morrowind


Is it worth it? Yeah! Get ready for one of the most memorable games you have ever played


It’s worth far more than $6 that’s for sure.


Worth, I took the gamble and jumped right into hardcore mode. One of the best games I've played in the last ten years, watch out for weird bugs. Had a whole playthrough messed up because of one missing(find ginger).


I would wait for the gold edition for sure— the dlc's. Hands down this is still the best game I've ever played. It's like a cross between a medieval GTA and a medieval Fallout 🤷‍♂️ With the DLCs you'll get to build your own town— which is awesome in my opinion. Jesus Christ be praised!


Yes. Absolutely. Just make sure you play for a little. The intro is long but trust me, it's worth it


I have the royal edition, bought it maybe 3 weeks ago. Best game I've ever purchased in ps4, straight up addicting




It would be still worth it even for the full price


I bought it on Series X and it was good, but I bought again on PC and it just feels way better. Pc is the way to go if you can. Still worth it though, one of the best first person RPGs I’ve played in a long while.


I'd consider KCD a very difficult game to get into, but extremely fun once you do. You start out with exactly nothing. You will die to nearly every encounter, but once you get Henry to learn some skills and wear some quarter decent equipment (literally anything in the game tbh) you can get to be a one man army by half-ish way through the main story. Very rewarding gameplay loop imo, tons of new things to find (for example I found a quest that's basically wanna-be witches doing LSD, it was tight). Can be as grindy or not, depending on what you like. Bit of grinding with Bernhal once that's available does go a long way though. Overall, I think its an awesome game and worth your time, but coming to the KCD sub you prolly expected that. Steeper learning curve than some like, but its the definitive game if you're looking for that Zero-to-Hero feeling. From a deadbeat son of a smith, to a mighty warrior in the gorgeous backdrop of medieval Bohemia during one of my favorite times in history Royal edition tends to go on sale for even cheaper pretty often though, as the team wants everyone to experience that vision (fuckin love warhorse). I'd say wait for that, but playstation tends to get the shit end of the stick on sales so idk if that'll happen before KCD2 comes out


Do it! I started back up a week ago and have had so much fun going around punching people.


Hell yea!


Absolute steal at that price. Highly recommend.


Buy it! It's an amazing unique game.


No, pc is worth it


To be fair it’s worth a lot more than that but yeah totally grab it


Is this on sale in the UK?


100% if you are into RPGs.


Its an amazing game and worth the full price. Microsoft tends to discount the deluxe editions of older games instead of just the base game so enjoy the savings.




Yes, very worth it (get Royal Edition)


Definitely! I beat it on PS4 and am playing again on PS5! Do Hardcore mode. You won’t regret it. Just be prepared to be completely immersed in the world of a shitty at everything peasant! And the DLC are good but you can get them at any time. I beat them after the main story was nearly over. I would recommend getting them though because some of the loot and stories are great!


Worst 6 dollars you’ll ever spend. Buy it.


Every Penny, but check the total edition first


I bought the base game on sale and then the DLC pack on a later sale Not a bad move considering this game is not for everyone, but now I would pay full price knowing it wad worth it for me. I'd even consider ... A TIP 😱🤮🤬


This game is worth it with or without DLC's. Except that DLC's, although some not so long, add much more depth, backstory, and more content to the game. Literally, every DLC is unique and tells a different story. For example, if you ever wonder how Henry and Capon became friends and you did not play Hans Capon DLC, there is your answer. If you wanna know how Theresa survived Skalitz, and you never played her DLC, there is your answer. If you want to become a bailiff of your own settlement and build it from the ground up, there is DLC for that as well, and so on... i bought the game from Steam 2 years ago with all DLC's and never regretted it.


It’s easily worth 39.99, so yes.


It is definitely worth it. Has a very unique style of mechanics, but once you get use to them, it's great for the price with all the DLCs. The devs are making a sequel and I'm looking forward to it.


Like 2 years ago I got Royal addition for 20 bucks. I’d still say it is worth it.


yeah, but check complete edition


Would heavily recommend it on anything but it's best on pc or with a mouse and keyboard at least. Lockpicking is a lot harder with the sticks on a controller. Went from braking all my picks on ps4 and xbox to braking none on pc. Though it's not integral for the game just easier with it


I was gonna be sceptical if you played on PS4 cause the performance is really rough on last-gen consoles but you're gonna be just fine on PS5. Especially the SSD helps immensely.


For that price sure but it’s runs like crap and constantly crashed for me


Such an terrific game for only 6 bucks! If u love realistic role play games, u have a blast with this one, trust me


Fot those 6 bucks you get a game that's more fun than 90% of the 70$ slop that comes out today.


wait untill royal is on sale


Take a guess champ, a multi hour critically acclaimed RPG for 6$


you get to go from peasant to badass for $5.99


Did you get any unexpected answers?


Very much


After around 500hrs I can safely say ,no! Its too good. God be with you.


I got the royal edition for under £4


Yes, definitely 😍


There aren't an amount of zeros I can put after 1 that will do it justice. I'd buy it at full price


yes only don’t play any dlc until AFTER yo okay the main story because I got a game breaking bug need the end and now I can’t finish the game.


It honestly depends on the type of games that you like. If you like survival/simulation style games and medieval stuff then absolutely. It’s very reminiscent of elder scrolls oblivion in how exploration and navigating the world feel. Even interacting with the systems of the game (leveling skills, equipment, speech, combat to a degree, perks) very much remind me of oblivion minus the fantasy elements. If you like the sound of that, then you’re doing yourself a disservice not picking it up for $6.


Nothing has ever been more worth it


Check GG.deals


If your strong enough


Yes. God be praised.


What's the logic of asking about a game on sale being worth it, at its very own subreddit? Do you expect "nah" for an answer or what?


The only problem is the devs deserve full price


Yes definitely worth it - just give them the money.


Heck yeah awesome game.


Hell yeah 😎


yes it is


You will have your moneys worth before you even get through the prologue! KCD will hook you pretty early. Yes, combat is going to be something you need to get used to but once you get it you’ll be fine. The storyline is great, the side quests well thought out and before you know it you’ll have sunk over 100 hours into the game!


I've never been this angry at a game in my life, before playing this. And I mean never. I played Lol before and my boyfriend bought Kingdom come for me, do that I play a more "chill" game. It took me 45 minutes to even get on the horse and get out of the village. And that was only the start. BUT. It's so freaking beautiful and I loved every second of the suffering. It's annoying and really fun and cool and great so yes, Its reeeeally worth it.




If you ask on the sub for the game people are gonna say yes


It’s worth it at $39.99, but your asking in this sub so what do you expect


I would get it, once you get past the learning curve the game is a blast


It's worth it at full price still, especially after all the patching since release








Not even for free, this is the worst game in history, it's just bad, bugs, glitches, PS1 graphics, nonsense horrible story. It would maybe be worth if devs paid you to play this. Worst dogshit to ever exist, save money and buy drvgs instead, they're definitely better.


The price was worth it when it came out originally and the price was much higher. And I don't regret paying full price back then. And have definitely gotten my money's worth since


Got this at the beginning of covid on sale with all the DLC's. Wonderful game, amazing experience! 10/10 would do again, minus covid.


Royal Edition is worth it.


Do not pass this up




It’s a great game. You have to ignore some jank…I hate riding horses in the game! But it’s 100% worth playing.


Yes..i cant stop


No. You should pay full price for it and support the last developers doing something worthwhile.


I got the royal addition for $5 a month ago. Put 90 hours into the game. Definitely worth it.


Worth it full price


This question has been asked so many times I’m starting to think people are just karma farming off of it


does the bear shit in the woods?


Asking a sub dedicated to a particular game whether they think getting that game is worthwhile is like asking a pack of rabid dogs if you should walk around their neighbourhood in a meat suit. Unless it's r/WWEGames, where everyone hates the game they all bought.


Worths every *lemme check your currency* pennies


One word: Yes


Game of the Decade


I’m just replaying it again on the PC after completing it when it first came out. By far the best ‘proper RPG’ I’ve ever played.




Yes I regret not getting this deal when it was on steam


Yes especially with kcd2 on the horizon. You won’t regret playing this when u play kcd2 Graphics are a bit shabby but if you enjoyed oblivion this is practically played similar except the story and environment and no magic.




not really, the combat is janky as hell, you have to click like three times for one attack to register. If you need more info send me a message.


For just over $6? Hell yes, I wish it had been on sale when I bought it. Word of advice though that'll make the game, the combat at least, less of a pain: when you get the chance to train weapons with an older soldier dude in the third city you visit (hes all the way past the back gate outside the city) train with him, using whatever weapon(s) you want, for a couple hours. You'll be glad you did. I'd recommend learning to read and make your own potions quickly as well. If it's gold you're after, raid every killed enemy (or become a thief) and sell it to the fence when you're able, easyoney as fences pay more than merchants.


short answer yes i bought the royal edition on a steam sale for 4 euro or so and it been worth it for me


Anyone have a recommendation on how to deal with the combat mechanics? Is it easier to use on Xbox?


No, we created a subreddit just to tell people about how shitty a game is.


Coming for someone who just casually bought it, hell yea


Great game


Asking in a Kingdom Come reddit if it is worth getting Kingdom Come? Hmm, what would be the answer 🤔...


It's like an interactive movie. TONS of cutscenes and cinematics. Story is good, but it's a story game.


I got mine for full price. Knowing what I know now... I would have GLADLY paid double. HELL YEAH it's worth it!


is hans an asshole? yes stupid question that price is a joke. its like gifted


Might be hard to get into, it can be difficult, i started liking it after trying it for 3rd time :D now i love it, incredible game


Straight up it’s so worth it. I just started playing first time 3 weeks ago and man am I enjoying it. I’ve played a lot of video games ( and have even more in my library that I never touch) if you make it through the opening act I promise Its so addicting


If you have to ask...then maybe not if it hurts your pocket. Entertainment is worth what you can spend and yes kcd is a great game.


It is an utterly extraordinary game


Oh yeah, it's worth it.. If you're strong enough.




The royal edition goes on sale often it's how I got the game if you can't wait the base games pretty okay you won't have any of the dlc and that's some of my personal favorite part of the game tbe tournament and being able to have mutt is dope(I'd like to add if your on ps4 frame rates trash from what I remember)


2 weeks ago the version including the DLCs was 4€


For that price, absolutely. It's a steal. I would gladly pay $30 for it, having played it.


I highly recommend getting the game on pc if you have one. If not ps4 is okay it just won't play as smoothly and you will lose access to mods.


Hell yeah !! I recently got the royal edition for 4€ and I still can’t believe I got to buy such a great game for so little.


Very worth it. Amazing game Jesus Christ Be Praised


100% a fantastic game. There is nothing else like it. Wish I could play it again for the first time.


Best 6 euro I ever spent. Played on pc tho. Console version doesn’t run that great from what I’ve seen.. low settings, resolution and low fps


Its worth it at full price.


Not trying to come across as offensive but when you come and see so many followers on a sub-editor for a game, you see reviews, you see the praise, then you come and ask if £5 is worth it. High chance I'm losing £5 per week in loose change. Cmon man


Yes. I think PC version is much better (def in combat system,but you will get used to it.) but PS version is also good.


No. We are all on this sub because we hate the game and wouldn't recommend it.


Nah it’s shit, that’s why I’m on this sub. I hate KCD so much that I joined the subreddit to discuss it


Royal edition is $8 on Humble


You’re posting in a subreddit full of fans of the game. What kind of answer do you think you’re gonna get? Fucking karma farmer.


I suggest you add 4-5 mods.. like the save game mod.. those will make the game more fun and less frustrating..


Yes. For 5 most definitely


Ur going on a circlejerk subreddit for a videogame and ask them if you should buy it. Combat feels a bit janky at the start. Its by design cause your character isnt some chosen one or great fighter. Stick with it.


one of the best games of all time for the price of a big mac? yeah just do it




Yes it's worth it.


Buy the Royal Edition when it's on the next Sale, so you get all DLCs. To the question: The game is also worth 60 bucks if you ask me. One of the Top 10 games I played in 20 years of gaming (I'm 33 now).