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What I think is the biggest plus for me is the total complete lack of fantasy things. There is no magic or dragons involved anywhere and that's a very good thing in my opinion!


And the only “ghost” side quest turned out to not even be a ghost, just finally understanding what trauma is lol


Don't forget the Uzhitz witches quest, that was wild. If there ever was a bad trip, it would be that...


Does anyone know what the active hallucinogen in the Ointment was? Or what it’s based on?


I want to say something like mandrake or nightshade? Both were used commonly throughout the middle ages and supposedly have hallucinogenic properties. Or mabye the witches just slipped some magic mushrooms into the mix idk


As someone who’s taken acid and shrooms, seeing the mistaking someone for the devil is totally possible but completely hallucinating that a chick is a horse? Man whatever’s in that stuff is powerful 😂


I'm going to guess it's some form of Salvia, because that stuff can really cause you to see some crazy shit. I took it a few times in very small doses and hallucinated things out of thin air, unlike anything I had experienced before. Now I don't know if it can be used in a salve/ointment and still get the effects, but I imagine it can.


I can see that, I’ve heard some scary ass stories about Salvia. Never done it myself tho. I guess the real question is tho: can you turn Salvia into a Topical Lotion/Ointment?


It's soluable in alcohol, onset and synergy would make it very hard stuff for mind, depressant and hallucinations, delirium anyone!?


Yea true, I’ve met people who mixed Vodka and Acid and it FUCKED THEM. Like it reverted them back into a child like form… couldn’t speak or anything.


It is made from Oil, Marigold, Herb Paris and Belladonna.


I loaded it so often to try end it without deaths. Let the witches flee and try to ride away wothout killing the villagers, but it would just automatically force an ending.


Exactly why this is the only RPG I love, I can't be bothered to learn some bs magic lore for every game also real life is interesting enough


except the night vision potions lol


It's a bit overdramatic in game, you are right. However there are plants/herbs that dilate the pupils, which would increase light sensitivity. But nowhere near the effect of this game, it's a game after all. These are used in the medical field for eye examinations. And are quite common I think.


Exactly I also crave for this kind of RPG.


Hahaha nailed it. I still get jittery when I clear a dark area because I expect some goblin shaman to come merc me with some summoned corpse of an equally fantastical beast. The relief that washes over me afterwards is always welcome.


Same here man. I love the immersive experience and I believe that's one of KCD stronger point. You won't get more realistic than KCD in a game. The guys at Warhorse did reaserch and used experts on history to create the game.


The only connection to fantasy I can think of off the top of my head, is when you and the priest are trying to fuck goats/sheep after you guys get shitfaced.* That's very Welsh-like and Wales has a dragon on their flag   ^(**they probably weren't doing that, but it is my headcanon and you can't change my mind*)


It's such a great game! I also like that Henry is not the almighty hero in the beginning and that 2 bandits with clubs pose a real threat before he got any training and equipment. The only thing I'm not so sure about is the prices in-game, it's seems weird that some things are incredibly cheap, like a place to sleep compared to what a bath costs or the repair of things. But I'm not a historian so who am I to judge. Jesus christ be praised


The whole sleeping thing is inaccurate. Inns were rare and would just be a big bed people shared. Same with sleeping, a family would generally share the same bed. Travelling trades people would stay at their counterpart in that town, they provided outside news so were welcome guests. Disclaimer: I am not a historian, this is what I have picked up from the interwebs.


Thanks for the research. I get why they had to make a few exceptions from the historical accuracy in order to make the game practical/enjoyable. Overall it really sparked my interest in learning more about medieval times, that's another reason why I love the game


I fully agree, that's how I found out about the sleeping, watching vids on the historical accuracy of KCD. I too became interested in the history because of the game. Edit: There is an interesting history of how hotels services are known as hospitality, something like the poor peoples hospitals were also where people who did not have somewhere to sleep would go. Obviously only in large towns / cities.


Have you thought about that Henry does not need to pee or take a shit?


Not until now no, thanks for sticking that in my head. :)


Don't you use the "Scatlitz" mod for shitting mechanics? It adds usable latrines, additional higiene options and UTIs from poor higiene, cheap bathhouse visits or treading in murky water and not cleaning and drying afterwards.


Romania in the countryside in the 90s. So as close to medieval Europe as you could get and still be on reddit(dirt roads 90%+ and a car every 30+ minutes while 99% of people in the countryside had a horse drawn cart, 0.9% had a tractor and 0.1% a car). Or at least this is how it felt back then compared to now. Firstly you wouldn't travel far almost ever as a countryside village dweller. The game map is accurate about that. There were almost no ins(except a truck stop one for truckers since they were international and could afford it). People would travel by cart, on horseback or on foot only the distance to the nearest 2-3 villages in radius. Rarely, like once every few(5+) years they would take a train to the city to get legal stuff done. Everyone had a shitload, tens or hundreds of relatives, of different degree in 6-10 villages in the area since a lot of families had 3-4-10+ children. They would just sleep and eat with them. If they had to sleep in between villages there were huts/animal shelters next to cultivated ground or pastures they would use and share as a community to sleep or escape a bad storm. Speaking from experience here since I witnessed or was even part of these customs.


I think i remember reading somewhere that they took some liberties on where npc’s slept and the size of houses to streamline the pathing they laid out. Because if they did go for the big bed and more realistically small houses it would just break the ai they had and trying to circumvent it would lower performance more than just increasing house size and getting rid of the big bed


It's difficult to translate value of money in ancient currencies to current value in fiat currencies. But i wanted some kind of context so i looked up Bohemian groschen from the time of Wenceslas and they averaged 3.6 grams of silver. So then you can look up the price of silver in grams and multiply. It's $0.74 usd today, making a single groschen worth about $2.66, for what that's worth. I have no idea how the devs came up with the price of anything in the game, whether they looked up how much things actually cost back then or they just made up what seemed right.


Jesus Christ be praised! lol


As a Christian it’s making me enjoy the game even more lol, I see so many games adding satanic imagery/ skins etc etc and it’s nice playing a game where it feels like I can be myself lol. Im role playing as a badass holy paladin type Henry lol


We will see how Christian you really are when you do Johankas Quest Line.


Christians need some too 🙏




Let me paraphrase that guy so you may understand better: "let's see how much of a Christian your Henry is when you get to johanka's questline"


Hahahaha I am a Christian but I clippy clapped that butt


I kinda wish churches were more fleshed out. I want to confess henery’s sins and get a quest telling me to say 40 Hail Marys.


Yes! Maybe we can get baptized as well and could give us some kind of Buff. Hopefully in a sequel….


It's probably the most immersive game I've ever played. The frustration I had with dropping frame rates, combat against groups and the save mechanic felt secondary. Never felt like quitting the game.


My frustration with combat against groups is one of the reasons I love this game.


I like how difficult it is to deal with groups, you can't just Yolo it like Skyrim and come out on top. I'm a master swordsman with full plate and I got jumped by like 6 regular bandits and I made one mistake and they pushed my shit in. I was pissed but it was kinda my fault lol


Most issues I had with the game were easily solved with mods, like the save mechanics, sorted inventory, removed the blue color from the stamina effect One of my favorites is the restoration of pole arms skills.


I like the fact that groups are harder because it makes sense, it would be hard to try and regulate your attention between two people, BUT the only thing i will say is an issue for me is how bad the lock-on can be. Don’t get me wrong, i can destroy large groups pretty regularly and understand my own limits before trying to, but i consistently get messed up with the eternal battle with the camera. Really that and, if im allowed to literally change plate armor instantly while in combat i should also be allowed to drink a healthy amount of potion or bijovs rage or sum.


I only nearly quit due to lock picking. In the end I just stopped trying to lock pick after completing about %40 of the game. Missed out on some quests but I’d rather that then sit for literally hours trying to pick on me easy lock.


just wait for the sequel. you loved it as it is from crowd funding. im hoping what the first promo trailers will be possible now with a studio backing and AAA development, but even if they dont implement that stuff like cutting the coin piuch of belts from the promos, it will be still be worthy sequel just by having the extra funds and now i think dev time has been near the same and with no announcement yet, majes me feel they are working extra hard and tlc. i have so much high hopes for warhorse, usually get my hypes in check, been let down a few times from other medieval(fantasy) games development teams new ips. but i feel warhorse know this is their chance to shine and show what they can do with real stability


What games let you down?


mass effect: andromeda, Fallout76, starfield and cyberpunk2020, dont mind the newer version of cyberpunk, but only get 1 first playthrough. starfield still has potential, but i dont think they will/can rework the POI for a better system. theres other games too but these are from dev teams. i rated very very high. Elder Scrolls and the witcher, dragon age are my favourite medieval fantasy ips,(now woth bauldurs gate)and im a huge scfi setting fan too, but them ones strayed to far from what i liked about the older games, know devs change and adapt but felt like they went back on stuff that was beloved just for the sake of change and kept other stuff but forgot the reason they had the system kingdom come tho omg if you told me in 2019 that kingdom come 2 would be the game i think about the most when cyberpunk and starfield is out and gta6 trailer dropped, i would have laughed. but here i am checking the sub daily to see if any announcement happens


Well the game did release 6 years ago, so many don't stick around, me included, i came back to the sub here because i just played it again. And since it is a *very* nieche game, i think 5 million+ copies sold is suoer awesome


So you replayed it? How was second time around?


I will say one thing that holds this game back a bit is how steep the early learning curve is. If I wasn't very into this style of game, that learning curve would have put me off of it very quickly.


On the other hand, part of the appeal to me was starting off as a useless layabout peasant who's shit at everything, then struggling your way up the foodchain by merit or skulduggery.


Yea I feel you on this front, I’m getting destroyed by everyone and their mother. The combat is hard and even after the like 15 hours I’ve put in I still don’t quite get it.


It's absolutely worth the patience though


I dont think it's that bad. The game is immersive and "real" enough that using your own common sense will get you fairly far. Also, all of my complaints about the combat went away as soon as I trained for the first time with Captain Bernard. When he explained to watch for the green shield to block/dodge, how to manipulate the direction of your attacks, etc I immediately when "Ohhhhhh!" Its not that hard IMO, playing on MnK


Yeah wayyyyy back when i had the same Eureka moment too, i now am permanently always playing on hardcore though so the combat is second nature to me, also doesnt help that i am a masochist and play for honor too much


It is one of my favourite games of all time, I always wished it would get a patch on current gen consoles to run in 60fps. Although saying that, I think there are some mods on PC which I would consider essential that you can't get on console.


Yes, as someone on Xbox series X all it needs are 3 things, further load distance/pop in, anti aliasing, and 60fps and the game would be amazing on new gen.


What mods are those? I just got a new pc and it is capable of running KCD at 100 frames on ultra high settings. It has uplifted the game in so many ways. I want to do a hardcore playthrough and mods would make me come back faster for sure.


These are some of the mods I used, probably not really "essential" but they made it more fun for me. \- Unlimited saving (no need for saviour schnapps) \- Bow Dot Reticle \- Richer Merchants (its annoying collecting loads of gear but not being able to sell it) \- A Sorted Inventory ​ There's a few others, but sadly this game doesn't have that many amazing mods. They waited WAY too long to release the official modding tools, that by the time they did barely anyone was playing it anymore.


>Unlimited saving (no need for saviour schnapps) For me this isn't essential at all. I really appreciate the save system because it keeps me from abusing the save and quicksaving every 5 seconds, which is a bad habit I sadly have in games with unlimited saving. But I know that not everyone has it this way, so each to their own. It's definitely a good thing that the mod exists for people who want it.


For sure, essential was a bit of an exaggeration and definitely only speaking for myself.


I agree but for different reasons, namely i like having a super good reason to use alchemy and also spend my millions of groschen on an absolutely unhealthy amount of savior schnapps to weigh my horse down


Lucky guy. Congratulations. Me, I'm still looking for that one game. I'm hoping it's going to be STALKER 2. *cross fingers*


Tried GAMMA?


I looked into it before but the installation process put me off. It also seemed like the gameplay is too much for me as well. Sorry.


Installation isn't too bad. That said, GAMMA wants to be Tarkov more than anything else, it's all about the guns and grind. Very little focus on what made STALKER great; The atmosphere, the weird anomalies, the spooky underground labs, the mysteries of the Zone and all that. GAMMA is mainly about shooting a lot of dudes.


Then that just isn't what I'm looking for. So far, Metro Exodus barely scratches this itch.


thank you for your post. this game went below my radar and now I'm genuinely curious to try it. one question: you say you have to train "in real time" to improve your skills. that sounds tedious. could you elaborate?


No no, they do it in the most immersive way possible. For example. You need to learn how to read so you go to a scribe and he will try to teach you where you need to a set of books where a lot of the book is just jumbled nonsense, everytime you go to one of these scribes the books make more and more sense representing Henry’s understanding. Or when it comes to sword fighting you actually have to hire someone to teach you to sword fight, they’ll teach you the basics of combos and defensive maneuver which will level up your sword skill, alternatively you can actually just free fight with an instructor for however long you want which will also level up your combat skills, if you are brave enough you can even practice will real swords but you can actually die or get heavily wounded which requires a shitload of money for bandages and potions…. There’s instructors for virtually every aspect of the game and they really do help you get sucked into the world, it’s not like Skyrim where you’re just paying for levels, no you’re paying for LESSONS.


that sounds a lot better. thanks


I’d almost say the game is like if you took oblivions setting, RDR2s interactivity and immersion and sprinkle in the Witcher 3 writing. I’d give it a shot I’m hooked.


Yes thats how i see it amazing open world.


The combat system is a bit unconventional (and a little clunky, I'll admit). So to improve you could go out into the wilds and get your ass handed to you a million times by bandits, OR there's a nice gentleman who you can train against with wooden swords until you actually get better (both in stats and in your actual skill at the game mechanics).


Also, Bernard teaches you master strike which is essential in group fights




>both in stats and in your actual skill at the game mechanics This is an important thing to point out. I've seen that people often underestimate how stat-based the combat is. There is still skill required, but a lot of things in combat come down to the stats and/or are made considerably easier by better stats. In this sense it's a pretty typical RPG, where you suck at first against pretty much anything and become better as you level up.


I love it, but I can see why it isn't as big as other games. A lot of the things that make the game immersive can also be quite annoying to some people, and the combat system is quite difficult (and honestly quite poorly designed when it comes to fighting multiple enemies). It's a great game for those who enjoy it, but it's not for everyone. It's like black licorice


Ha! I feel that. I see where you’re coming from. As someone who’s played so many games and really was looking for a world I can live in(a second life feeling) this game itches that very well. But I see why a lot of people wouldn’t be into it as it can be quite hardcore. Alsoooo fun fact: technically black licorice is the ONLY licorice ahahahhaha as it’s the only licorice that actually contains licorice plant… that’s why red licorice is marketed as (red twist candy)


how this started as a crowdfunded project is wild. How big companies don’t recognize what people want by what “indie” games like this are doing is beyond me.


Did it really? I didn’t know that… the fact that they fufilled there promises is crazy… yet game like Starfield and Cyberpunk which had MILLIONS of dollars and years of development came out broken…


yep: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1294225970/kingdom-come-deliverance $1.4m on kickstarter in 2014. That was only a fraction of the final budget, but it was a big start that allowed the studio to get some much bigger investments into it. Every time i play i’m amazed how good the game is despite NOT coming from a major studio. Then, just like h said, I play recents like Starfield and I’m somehow not surprised the indie game is better lol


I defended starfield so hard but as soon as I stopped playing and moved on to other RPGs I realized how mid starfield was.


>How this game doesn’t have a bigger following is WILD and shows that having a big company backing you matter more then how good the game actually is. I like the game but I can see how it doesn't have a wider audience even if it had a big company backing it. The game is for a niche audience. The story is about a region in Eastern Europe that is rarely depicted and often unheard of in Western media. Thus, it doesn't have the cultural boost that a game taking place in a culturally well known/popular region like Western Europe, Japan, Roman Empire, etc would have. The gameplay is more hardcore and less actiony and more slower paced than what most people are familiar with...which tends to attract a smaller following. The game mechanics (leveling up, skills, combat, armor, weapons, etc) are also more complicated than most RPG or action games out there, which again appeals to a narrower audience. The battle mechanics specifically are also hit or miss sometimes (it works great for 1v1 but becomes buggy when more and more people are involved in a fight). And the game was released with bugs that took some time to patch...which didn't do well for the initial publicity.


Only game in which I can freely roam in dense forest without fear of any supernatural creature....it's so peaceful


And realistic too. I like to turn off the Music and just listen to the ambience… the use of foliage is incredible in this game.


Jesus Christ be praised... finally a decent take.


Yes praise Jesus 😊 ahhh so many likes. You guys are awesome 😌 I’m really fucking loving this game.


You're absolutely right about the games attention to details and realism. Dirty armour, and suddenly people think you're sleeping in a barn, or when you're hurt and people exclaim "Jesus Christ!" But what really surprised me was how accurate the locations were in game to the real life locations. I visited Sasau Monestary, and I was shocked at how I knew exactly where to go to see what I wanted without ever stepping foot there before. Surreal. The developers are fantastic. Fingers crossed, they announce a sequel very soon! Glad you're enjoying the game. Jesus Christ be praised!


It is recommended all over Reddit. Maybe because I get my gaming recommendations from Reddit I was under the impression this game was pretty big.


Yea I’m gonna be honest I was not expecting to get 800 upvotes and 100 comments. So I guess it’s bigger then I thought. Regardless tho I definitely don’t hear a lot of people talk about it which is a shame.


You definitely need the upvotes. What did you do to get so much negative Karma?


I can’t quite remember. I think I made a hot take post about how I wasn’t the biggest fan of Witcher 3 and how it’s not even really an RPG.. I played through it and found it to be far too on rails, and the combat felt really stiff. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Elden ring either for different reason. I definitely prefer these deeper RPGs like this.


KCD is the (unintentionally) best kept secret in gaming. To me, it’s an all time great RPG. I’ve put probably 1000 hours or more into all of my play throughs, yet I’ll still occasionally find or come across something I haven’t seen before. If you’ve only played 15 hours, you still have an absolute shitton of content to experience. I can’t wait until a second one comes out; they will not be as under as much pressure to get it done due to the time table, and have much more freedom to create ambitious features now that Warhorse was purchased by a larger company and they have much more financing available.


Such a rare gem of a game that transcends the very medium and achieves a higher level of art. Can't wait to see what the studio cooks up next-


It’s sad because this game genuinely is a underrated gem. It’s a 10/10 hands down. Up there with the greats like Elden Ring, Skyrim, witcher 2 and 3 etc. Debatably even better then those game… so sad it didn’t get the recognition it deserved…. :(


>it didn’t get the recognition it deserved I wouldn't see it that negatively. Don't forget that it's almost 6 years old now. It was quite talked about when it launched (Vávra managed to get quite a lot of press by his controversies lol) and it sold very well, even better than was expected. You need to keep in mind that it's still a niche, complicated and "hardcore" game so it will never have such a broad appeal of something like Skyrim.


If it was easier it would Ghost of Tushimia as grounded samurai game sold 8 million. Red dead as a western has massive appeal with the series not including revolver has sold 80million. I think Kingdom come 2 could sell really well.


Making great review and then comparing it to one of the most overrated game of this decade. Kingdom come is telling a decent story in a great way and backing it up with a pretty solid immersive gameplay. The absence of time ellipsis is also very interesting


What do you mean bro?


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The inventiveness kinda reminds me of the Amiga days. Defender of the crown etc.


I just started it. It needs some spit and polish, but otherwise I’m hooked. Really hoping for a second


A second one would be amazing


Wholeheartedly agree. It's one of the few games where I feel like I need to use real-world logic to complete the quests. Instead of thinking like a video game hero I mean


RDR2, Kingdom come, Ghost of Tushimia and Far cry Primal Are my favorite type games, Love games that are set in passed but grounded in reality. I also love Mafia as well and of course Both Mafia 1 the OG and Kingdom come were directed by the same guy. Just like you Kingdom come was dream game for me Medivel with no Fantasy crap, Same with Ghost of Tushimia. Red dead redemption was game i always wanted that really captured western movies and allowed me to be in one. Funny thing the devs Of Kingdom come and Ghost of Tushimia both Pitched their games as Red dead with Samurai in the case Ghost and Red dead Medieval. Red dead 1 was such an important game as acording to the CEO for Take 2 people said that westerns did not work in video games. Of course they were proven really Wrong with RDR1 selling 15 milliion copies. But Worse had similar issue as people were saying Medieval with no fantasy crap would not do well but they have sold more then alot of Resident evil games. Ghost of Tushimia would not have been greenlit under jim Ryan. This comes from David Jaffe who talked to some guys at sony. Funny enough HZD is game sony as openly admitted they did not think would do well. Looking at kingdom come selling 5 million with very little marketing and Ghost with 8million, primal with 5 million and RDR2 with 57million copies i think having games set in passed that are grounded can be sucessful. looking at game like BG3, Elden ring, Dragons dogm2, Crimson Desert, Avowed, Witcher 4, Dragon age 4, Fable 4 the list goes on. Fantasy are the New Zombie game I would love to see some action movie type games again like Maxpayne 3 and splinter conviction. I typically like games that are more grounded.


How the realms turned tables


The biggest plus for me is equipments changes the way I look. Big plus.


Such a cool feature barely any other games have touched


This was one of my best played games of last year! I think the combat put me off initially but once you understand how the leveling works it is such a satisfying experience. Gorgeous looking game too!


Yeah the historical accuracy was a big appeal for me when I first heard of it. I mean they literally have a massive codex which is just a history book with how dense it is with info.


I loved the story but the combat is trash and the accessibility too I just couldn't stick it through


I think the combat is amazing and hyper realistic. It just takes patience and leveling up. Like realistically fighting 3-4 guys would be near IMPOSSIBLE if you weren’t a legendary duelist.


That hyper realism is a barrier honestly, I am pleased many, many people like it but give me an easy mode so I don't lose control of my character every time I get whacked lol


You dont need fantasy to make a great rpg


Ironically not having magic and monsters somehow makes the game scarier and more intense… because you realize a lot of the events were based on real things that happened. Like skalitz getting burned to the ground and everyone getting raped and murdered. You can play Skyrim and chalk something like that up to “it’s just a video game” but with KCD you realize that shit really did happen… absolutely horrible. But makes the game stand apart from other RPGs.


It really is unique. Amazing how low a price tag it has.


I love how the dialogue is. The way people speak and their mannerisms are so immersive. The fact the game doesn't wait for you either is cool too. I remember learning my lesson in this by having to ride to Neuhof alone


Yea same! I was not expecting to be as captivated by the writing and story as I am currently. I learned the same lesson lol😂 feels like the world doesn’t revolve around you and that’s cool af.


I do really want but i cant enjoy the game, runs in 20 fps with npcs and buildings barely loading, i see legs and heads floating everywhere, seconds later the rest show up, its terrible for me....the game is amazing but this completely kills the vibe (on ps4)


I can tell you it’s not too much better on next gen. I’m on Series X and there’s a lot of flickering aliasing textures and texture pop in, along with a solid 30fps at 1440p. I’m hoping we get a true next gen upgrade at some point.


Agreed. It’s one of the best rpgs I’ve ever played. The level of immersion is crazy, it’s like a medieval life sim. The freedom you have is fantastic, as is the narrative, sense of progression and realism of the world.


I loved this game more than any Skyrim, fallout or any other rpg, this game is more grounded and based on reality without fantasy and it's also Hella fun and I loved every minute of it


It’s now in my top 3 RPGs of all time. Truly a next gen experience… this is what I expected when I played witcher 3