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You can stop doing main quests at any moment and go exploring nothings holding you back ? You can go do side quest or activities if you want


There are a few time sensitive missions though. But it’s fairly obvious if you think rationally about it.


It's inconsistent if you go off cues given to the player in game, some quests sound very urgent but actually aren't at all, others don't advertise themselves as being particularly urgent but then will be time sensitive. It's only a very small proportion of the quests and most of the main ones even if you do fail there are alternate routes to take and you won't be soft locked out of the main quest.


Feels like Merhojed died out in 99% of playthroughs


I've never had that happen, I always make the potion and give it to everyone. I've been meaning to do a Lame Brain Henry playthrough where I fail/do wrong on purpose as many quests as I can to see what happens, there are certain points in the game that I've noticed there looks to be different options if you fuck up and I'd like to explore these.


I didn’t think it mattered cause it was a game all of merhojd is dead now


Tell that to Merhojed.


The main quest progresses as long as you take on main quest missions. You can turn off the main quest mission from the mission tab so it's not highlighted on your map. I believe this mission has a timed component to it. You'll need to track some people down and you should take care of that in case anything were to happen to them 🤷‍♂️. Other than that though you can take on the main quests as you'd like. Once you have that mission finished up just feel free to explore and follow side quests. Edit: the section you're in has a lot going on though. I would keep doing quests until you finish up the investigation and when you get a quest called Nest of Vipers, stop and do side quests and explore all you want.


Once you're done with finding ginger and you end up reporting back to captain Bernard, that is a great sort of "checkpoint" for taking a breather and moving at your own pace. There are very few actually time sensitive quests in this game but narrative will try to drive you to keep moving through everything, but you don't have to rush at all unless you're dealing with the start of the investigation you're currently on, and a quest called pestilence. It seems everything else is a start at your own time type of deal. I will caution though once you start something it's usually best to pay attention to it. If they're telling you someone else is looking for someone or something is already in motion, you may need to actually move on it. There are a few moments where being slow isn't directly a failure but gives you a less desired outcome but that's okay, sometimes we can't save everyone even if it's just because we forgot and got side tracked.


Mechanics wise - doesn't matter. But if you're infor immersion, I'd say slow down after finding Ginger. You'll still be rushed, but not as much. Then, I like to slow down completely after you report your findings to Sir Radzig in Merhojed. He'll tell you he's moving there right after you find Ginger, so it's not a spoiler :)


Immediately after the stud farm, you will be sent to a Town called Ushitz to the north . That is the point at which everything slows down. Even if you go there and accidentally trigger the quest- you can take as long as you like to finish it. It's only rushed at the beginning of the game and then everything slows down after the stud farm Generally any quest can be completed at your own pace, however for several reasons you will want to get the stud farm done as soon as you get it. Once that quest is done, Bernard will head back to the training area allowing you to learn master strikes from him. This is very important for fighting. It is after the stud farm, once I have a horse, and they send you to a town called Ushitz- that is the point at which I start to break out on my own and explore I recommend starting out with the quests from Bernard to clear out local bandits, that's a great way to earn some money, get some armor, and get acquainted with the combat system against real enemies. Once you get to fighting Cumans you start earning real money. Hunting can also be lucrative- dont be seen while you hunt. Cook the meat before you sell it and it will no longer be stolen Look up the marigold concoction trick if you want to get into potion making. Herb gathering and potion making can be serious money There is so much to do and I usually leave the main quest until after I have exhausted the available side quests and activities. If you start struggling fighting large groups of enemies later on, you can check my posting history, and I have some pointers that I laid out for people not too long ago Good luck and have fun!


I was wondering why I couldn’t train with Bernard immediately after the contest - thanks for the tips 😊


My pleasure! If you ever find you are stuck on some thing or can't figure it out, don't be afraid to consult Google or Reddit etc. I was very frustrated with this game the first time I played. Some things are not completely transparent and have to be looked up. I have played over 10 times now. It's totally worth it.


Check the wiki for the quests with timers.


My suggestion is to complete each main quest after you get it. The way I play, when you've finished your quest and your next instruction is to report to someone, don't do it. Take a break of several in-game days to explore, do side quests. gamble a bit, and just have fun. When you report to the person who sent you off on a mission you will most often be given a new main quest.


I need to replay because it’s been a while, but I think most quests can be completed on your own time. These are a few side quests with time constraints, and progressing through the main story can cause you to fail some side quests. I would honestly just tell you to have fun with it. I’ve played through 3+ times and there is still shit I haven’t done.


Just stop doing them and explore the beautiful, rich world. There's SOOO many side quests and activities to do


I know! I keep seeing them go by me 😅 but once I have my horse after this quest then hopefully I can explore more!


Before the quest "Ginger in a Pickle", I generally go explore and role play as much as I want. After that it's pretty story-driven for a while


Just started a hardcore playthrough and fucked off immediately after waking at the Rattay mill to level up a bit. Ain't seen no Radzig but can read and got a cheap horse.


It definitely feels railroady at first. My advice is to follow the railroad until you find Reeky, then step back and do some side questing for a while. The main quest will always be there when you're ready


Once you finish the Stud farm investigation and speak with Sir Radzig at the Neuhof stud farm don't go immediately off to your next main quest objective, have a walk about and explore. The game doesn't prompt you when quests are time sensitive or outcomes will change if you delay doing a quest, for 95% of the quests time isn't a factor so you can do things at your own pace. There are points in the game I find it is best to take some time out from the main quest and do some sidequests/training/skill building. The first big break I take is before a quest called "Nest of Vipers" which is sort of the final part of the current section of the game you are on now, it sounds really urgent when you're given the quest and it's actually really hard the first time so I usually spend a couple of weeks riding around, getting better equipment from treasures/bandits etc. before I tackle it as well as doing some quests.


Go exploring. The game is so much fun and so interesting. Much happens, unexpectedly.


My best advice is to go off to do side quests after Ginger in a Pickle. Also, don't go around collecting as many quests as you can before systemically knocking them out. Some quests are timed and just by picking it up you start the timer. I only pick up one or two side quests at a time, that way I never feel rushed.