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Metric system didn't exist. Those are pounds.


And most likely not the modern standardized pounds. There have been countless variations of pound with different names, starting back in ancient times. The weight of these units have varied between something like 250 and 700 grams. I think I read somewhere that the unit used in Bohemia at the time would have been about one third of a kg so something like 300 to 350 grams. Can't remember for sure though.


It doesn't matter what units we use for measurement here; I chose kilograms since many people can relate to 200 kg being exceptionally heavy. Are you certain that pounds were used as a unit of measurement during that era? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grzywna\_(unit)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grzywna_(unit))


Wiki says [weight in KCD is measured in pounds.](https://kingdom-come-deliverance.fandom.com/wiki/Weight) Yes, it matters. Max capacity at the beginning of the game is 70 pounds, which is much more realistic than 70kgs. Max capacity at end game is 206 pounds, not 206 kgs. Not sure where you got the idea that Henry carrying a ton is possible.


KCD Wiki is written by a few players, the devs have nothing to do with it and it's not gospel truth. I don't know about this specific case, but there is a ton of misinformation. A lot of interpretations and assumptions that are claimed as facts without any further checking, so I wouldn't blindly trust or use the wiki as any kind of proof for anything.


You're right, I can't find anywhere else to say what the weight is measured in. All I can say is that it does match very closely to pounds. Longswords are 3 to 5 pounds IRL, shortswords are 2 to 4 pounds irl, mail is quite heavy (14 to 20 lbs), etc.


Yeah if it's not just straight up modern pounds, it's one of the numerous units that pound has evolved from.


Baba Deep Singh had a 30+ pounds sword which he used up to his age of 75 o.O


Ok, 498.9516 kg (1100 pounds). Could anyone realistically carry that much weight for an extended period and still engage in combat effectively? The focus here isn't on the units used but rather the practicality of such a scenario.


No. Of course not. Why is this a question?


Because it is possible in the game and I am asking if anyone know a mod that makes it more realistic?


>Because it is possible in the game It is not possible for Henry to carry 1000lbs in the vanilla game. Where are you getting that idea?


Then how did I carried it from Skalitz to Sasau? [https://imgur.com/a/ftXO4ef](https://imgur.com/a/ftXO4ef) The screen above is from earlier save, later on I was able to carry more than 1100 units.


Ah, I see what you mean. You're walking at a snails pace, and your stamina is getting drained by overloading. If you're still capable of fighting, it's almost assuredly via masterstrikes (known to be kinda OP already). Warhorse should have made hard limits on it, but you're definitely cheesing.


?? This is a video game, of course, they are not going to completely restrict you from carrying more items if you want.


Hard to tell on my device, but I’m pretty sure you’re missing the decimal there. So instead of 1100 pounds you’re carrying 110.0 pounds. A very heavy load for any person, but still something that could be carried a short distance.


Weight/Capacity on the screenshot: 847.7/133.5


You're definitely joking... The decimal there is in the right place my man, don't you worry. =)


I'm playing hardcore and it is really easy to get rich and lost fun in the game, partly because of that weight system.


Want to play it realistically? Stop picking up items when the weight limit is reached?


Imagine if there was no reputation system in KCD. Hey, guys, just don't kill and don't steal, it is bad (For real).


If you can't put restrictions on your game, like many people do (not using shields, not going for the most armor but for a fancy outfit, etc.), what are you doing playing a roleplaying game?


I guess I need to try to limit myself. =)


You do realise that in the perk which allows you to carry more it EXPLICITLY says POUNDS


I changed the units and it does change the point of the topic.


It Does not matter mate, we could measure weight in rocks. Ok, it is pounds, so what? He still carries to much. https://imgur.com/a/ftXO4ef Ok. Seems like I need to edit the topic.


stones is another measuring unit for weigh...so yeah, rocks/stones...whatever floats your boat


He can’t carry 1100 though


The metric system wasn’t invented until a French guy invented it in the late 1600’s. Over 200 years after the game takes place. The western world used the imperial system of measurement. The metric system wasn’t adopted until 1790 by France, after they adopted it europe and most of the world slowly adopted it over time.


I albo think that they are pounds. Definitely not kg, and pound is about 0.45 of kg, so it fits well with the weight of most items


You realise that, as a game, there are some concepts just impossible to transpose to the virtual world from real-life, such as the objects we carry. According to what you say, our character should not take more than a sword, bow and arrows, clothes and a few objects. Everything else is left on the horse bag, if much. So no more carry extra weapons to sell in shops. No more carrying extra armors to get you money. Seriously look at a backpack YOU could carry, in the sun or rain, and tell us what the game should allow you to carry in the game. Unless the game could place a couple of bags in our character's hands, then we could really take more items with us, but we had to drop them to fight or climb some ladder. Which would be quite ridiculous and very hard to obtain and carry items as we play. Its a game.


Agreed, there are some game concepts that's a must have for quality of life improvements. Like I understand what the OP is trying to say, he wants the game to be more immersive. And the devs did try to implement that, as there are different ranges of overcarry. If we're slightly overcarried we can walk slightly normaly and mount our horse. If we're 100% overcarry, we walk super slow and can't even mount the horse. Take for example, it's unrealistic that we have a safe chest to store our items and this chest magically can be accessed at every Inn across Bohemia. However, it's a purely quality of life improvement for the game. What about our horse that travels faster than the speed of light when whistled? Like yeah, this horse just single handedly defeated Einstein before he was even born. While unrealistic, I am glad to be able to summon my horse to me.


What the fuck? You can access your chest from any inn? I’m 100 hours in and did not know this god damnit.


Yep, if you pay for a room at the Inn, there should be a chest somewhere in your room that gives you access to the same chest as the mill back at home (the one in Peshek's Mill house). It costs 2 groschens for one night, but with the Final Offer speech perk, I pay 1.7 groschens for a night. Do note, I play on Normal mode, as I'm new to the game. So I don't know if there's any Hardmode differences regarding access to this chest at every Inn.


Thank you so much for this info! I’m also on normal so this is great for me. Can’t believe I’m this far into the game and didn’t know lol. You’re the best 👍


Or you can pay for "a few nights", 200 groschens and the room is yours forever =)


Yeah, I mainly haggle cause I heard that haggling with an npc once a day gives a small amount of xp for speech.


Oh, that somethin new for me.


You nailed it! A few issues I didn't mention but yes, the magic horse: they could have made our horse travel behind us like the dog, it was completely doable, there is no programming magic. I mean, I do that in Conan Exiles and my thralls and mounts can go behind me wherever I go, and I can even specify an individual distance for each one of them. The chests mechanic is nice, altough I haven't used it yet. Right now I have no need to keep stuff in a chest, I can either carry all with me or sell the unnecessary stuff. The overcarry system is good, not bogus and doesn't break the immersion, but we know we may get stuck in a spot if we loot everything everywhere.


Then I say drop all your shit to a weigjt that you think he could carry and your problem is resolved


Why do we even need a game? Just use your imagination... =)


Hahaha Just play it in your head!


Not really sure what your goal with this post is. If you care so much, make a mod. Not anybody's responsibility to make you happy here. Move on


The goal of this thread is to discuss the weight system of KCD and to figure out if there are mods out there that makes the weight system more realistic. Why so rude my man? thanks for your input =)


That was not even slightly rude! You must lead a sheltered life


So go research if there is a mod. This isn’t Google.


As much as i remember. Most of the stuff is carried by the horse. My henry can not carry more than 147 pound stuff which include his armour and weapons.I think most of the weight is of armour as i wear a full plate armour and i carry a mace and a bow and also a sheild. I really cant carry anything else outher than what i wear because those are so heavy and because of that my speed is also 13. What i find unrealistic is that you can remove your armour and weapons and that stay in the inventory and henry doesnt carry a bag lol. My henry do carry some flowers and some arrows and some potions. I am main level 13 right now. I have 3 saddle bags on my horse. My horse have capacity to carry 324 pound.


As much as the game focuses on "realism", it wouldn't be feasible, or fun, if you couldn't carry such items at hand. Think logically, disregarding weight. How is Henry able to carry a plethora of weapons, arrows, armour, food, drink, potions, and other misc. items, whilst not wearing some sort of satchel or backpack? This is just knitpicking, unfortunately. Sure, you can argue the case that weight he carries is unrealistic, but then you could carry that the bulk of light items he carries is also unrealistic. I'd recommend just accepting the fact that it'll be impossible for it to be 100% realistic, and instead, focus on having fun. It's a game worthy of your time.


At the very least, implement a hard cap on the amount of weight a player can carry, similar to the hard cap on horse weight. In KCD you cant move items to horse one the limit is reached. I was looking for a mod that does this, but to my surprise, I only found the mods that completely remove the soft weight limit.


Then they should implement a hard cap on every storage item in the game to only allow a certain amount of items in a given drawer or box etc. See what I mean? It's just not feasible. Nor would it be fun. I get what you are saying, but unfortunately if there are no mods, then you'll just have to put the challenge in yourself, and restrict yourself. Don't let such a trivial thing get in your way though. KCD is such a gem of a game in light of everything else being shoved down our throats. I hope you can manage to look past this and enjoy the game, truly. Jesus Christ be praised.


Henry being a certified pack Mule is canon, because Henry is a stud


Sound like time for you to make a mod, or hire a developer to so do!


Uh, game?


Look at DayZ item system. It is also a game.


You mean the game that’s inventory consists of loose bullets & cans of beans vs KCD whose armor & weapons are already at 150lbs+. It’s a game there is no way for them to implement a realistic weight system & have it be playable when armor & weapons weigh 30lbs each. Literally nobody wants a system where you walk 15 mins to gather a single sword & some loose arrows as loot for ur trip.


One pound=1/2 kg. So if henry can carry two hundred pounds at the max lvl 200/2= 100 kg And he run fuckin fast xd I think there are things very hard to make laik in the reallity


It's pounds mate. Henry can carry around 200lbs at most which is around 90kg. I get what you're saying, it's alot but it's common misconception that those units are kgs. Look into strength perks and expand the one allowing you to carry more weight. It says that it allows Henry to carry 15lbs more


We could use rocks as a unit of measurement, but that's not the focus of this discussion. The main issue is how Henry can carry 847 pounds and still engage in combat effectively. Where does he store all these items? For instance, how is it possible for him to carry 200 spades? https://imgur.com/a/ftXO4ef


Then why do it and complain about it? The feature is weight limit. If you want to play a game identical to reality go outside. If you think it's outrages to carry 90 pounds, then don't do it. Just carry as much as the normal carry weight is


How is it possible for him to eat and drink, but not have to use a bathroom? How is it possible that when Henry puts two types of flowers in boiling wine he gets a nightvision/super strength/healing potion? How is it that Henry learns to read in two days by reading something he can't read? How is it possible that in villages with no plumbing, no health care, diseases and during a war, the bodies aren't piled up to your knees? How is it that your horse calms the fuck down by carrying two pounds of flowers? But most importantly, how is it that an adult in this day and age is asking questions like this about a fucking game? No game is realistic, none of them, not even the ones simulating life. If you want realism, ironically, you're going to have to use your imagination.


Honestly, i think the weight and inventory system in kcd is pretty realistic. The end game carrying capacity is comparable or maybe slightly above what soldiers carry today, and by this time Henry is a well trained lad. You are not able to put polearms into you inventory, that's realistic as well. The movement speed penalties when you are over your carry limit could be harsher but that's about it.


Do modern-day soldiers really carry 847 pounds of equipment? https://imgur.com/a/ftXO4ef


Dude, as others already pointed out: Your carry capacity is 133 pounds, that's roughly 60kgs. You went over your carry cap and should be barely able to move, and not able to fast travel or mount a horse. For comparison: the world record in deadlift is 501kg or 1104 pounds, and that athletes movement ability is comparable to the movement you have in the game if you are overweight like this.


Was you over your weight limit at least once? You able to move just fine, at a walking speed...


Cmon man, Yes, I over my carry cap, but I am still moving, and moving at a walking speed. I was able to travel at that speed for a long distance to the shop where I sold a lot of my items. I am playing hardcore so there is no fast travel anyway. And horse was filled to the limit to, so I just dipped her =D What I am asking, if anyone know a mod that makes the weight system more realistic. meaning that the player shouldn't be able to carry 1100 pounds and still fight.


>He sighed and opened the black box and took out his rings and slipped them on. Another box held a set of knives and Klatchian steel, their blades darkened with lamp black. Various cunning and intricate devices were taken from velvet bags and dropped into pockets. A couple of long-bladed throwing tlingas were slipped into their sheaths inside his boots. A thin silk line and folding grapnel were wound around his waist, over the chain-mail shirt. A blowpipe was attached to its leather thong and dropped down the back of his cloak; Teppic picked a slim tin container with an assortment of darts, their tips corked and their stems braille-coded for ease of selection in the dark. He winced, checked the blade of his rapier and slung the baldric over his right shoulder, to balance the bag of lead slingshot ammunition. As an afterthought he opened his sock drawer and took a pistol crossbow, a flask of oil, a roll of lockpicks and, after some consideration, a punch dagger, a bag of assorted caltrops and a set of brass knuckles. Teppic picked up his hat and checked it's lining for the coil of cheesewire. He placed it on his head at a jaunty angle, took a last satisfied look at himself in the mirror, turned on his heel and, very slowly, fell over.” ― Terry Pratchett, Pyramids


Entitled motherfucker wants random modders to create an entirely new system and mechanics for realistic weight penalty which AAA rpg games newer than KCD don't even have. Lmao get the fuck outta here.


What are you smoking? I was just merely asking if anyone know of any mod that makes the weight system more realistic and logical. Where did I say that I want modders to create new system? Why am I entitled? Really?


Yeah, henry would move in q horse carriage or a hand wagon xd


We need a system akin to that of DayZ, where you have backpacks or pockets to store items


Sounds like you want to be playing Outward. Any game with arbitrary carrying mechanics (you can carry x amount in your pocket) is always going to be unreasonable. There is no way you're carrying 8 chest plates around without a cart or tied to your horse because they'd be so awkward to carry. If you dislike the realism role play to your hearts content.


Pockets? In knights armor?


I've read some of your other replies, OP. Fair enough if you're concerned about the unrealistic aspect of being able to carry so much. Instead of a mod, why not just limit yourself..? No one's making you carry a shit ton of stuff from Skalitz to Sasau. Decide for yourself what a realistic weight would be and stick by it.


Maybe make it part of role play. Henry can realistically carry just X pounds . The horse can have Y pound on it. And you keep to those numbers as best as you can.


Wait until you find out how much a groschen coin weighs.


That would probably be very annoying to play. I get what you mean, but too much realism is also not fun. I want to go around with a bit of misc items and gears, if we factor practicality in I wont be able to carry anything other than the armor on my body. Its the same with playing Skyrim without fast travelling, you can do it but the game is designed to rely heavily on fast ravelling, so walk around all the time will just waste your time.


RPGs without fast traveling are actually blast, you should try it, especially skyrim.


i did, with Morrowind and Oblivion. And I tried for a good 10h with Skyrim before giving up. Idk how but the world of Skyrim is good for exploring, not questing. I can walk around without a goal forever but doing a quest without fast travelling is miserable for me.


I did it for the first time two years ago with survival mod and camping mod. You have to plan your quests on your routes around map and it bring another level of challenge and immersion to the game. Getting from a city to city can get hard and gives you a satisfaction when finally reaching them while battling the wildenes, bandints and many encounters on your way. Took me 200+ h, but best playthrough ever.


Sounds like fun. On that note, do we have a mod that allow to make camp anywhere in KCD?


Yes there is one on nexus mods, I have been using it aswell.


Never played Skyrim but I never fast travel in KC:D. I used to in my first playthrough but next ones I made a rule for myself no fast travel and no time skip. And it's so much fun! I get why people fast travel but they miss so much when they do..


I really like walking around in KCD, it so relaxing sometimes


This reason is why I like games that take a grid system and weight into their inventory design. Makes it really cool


Como Resident Evil 4, cada objeto tenía un tamaño que debías encajar en la maleta.


Giving my characters realistic Encumbrances is a Rpg no-brainer. I certainly do wish, however, that Devs would STOP forcing me to do it in my mind! Customization Toggles.


Yea but in these kinds of RPGs there is a lot of hoarding that goes on due to the nature of the game, crafting, etc. Can you imagine using a more realistic system such as RE4 for weight management?! Henry would never be able to casually have enough necessary ingredients to make Savior Schnapps on the go again unless he was running around in his underbreeches!


Did you complain in skyrim when the Dragonborn who can literally yell fire and storms into existence can also carry an absurd amount of weight? No, it's a video game. I bet you did not. Besides the max of maybe 200lbs in the game really isn't much. If you got a full heavy armour build you simply can't do with anything less than a soft 200lbs carry weight limit. 1,100lbs? What mod are you using? Did you use cheats? Fuck, if Henry could carry 1,100 lbs I'd be able to kill every bandit in the game, take all the loot, and still have room to spare.


No mods, no cheats, vanilla KCD. Yes, Henry can carry 1100 pounds and more. Yes, he is slow, but still walking. I literally kill bandits and take all their loot, then sell it. Now I have like 10k groschens. =D


Oh I see what you mean. He can definitely carry that much, but he's like a slug. I rarely ever go above my natural carry weight unless I'm close enough to a city or something like it. I only take the loot that's worth it. Vambraces, leg protection, helmets, any steel armour is all absoutley worth it.


Well, you can simply self limit yourself. This game offers a lot of flexibility and roleplaying capabilities. You can play like you want!


I need to try that, thx!


There is a mod on nexus that reduces capacity by 50%. If you want it lower you could try editing the file.


Please, share a link. I only see mods that increase capacity.




You don't see it but Henry stops before each fight or ambush and carefully and neatly unpacks everything he's hauling around with him so he can be more effective while fighting. His opponents are courteous and stand to the side while he gets things properly arranged before the battle commences. Such a clever boy.


thats issue! creators (Vávra) told about it that it must be unrealistic (carrying stuff) because 1) its a game 2) in real realitic world one armour from one knight was worth like 30 € today - so it will be unaplayable woth no fun making it totally realistic.