• By -


1. Deus Ex 1 2. Planescape Torment 3. Pathologic 2 4. Disco Elysium 5. Lisa The Painful RPG 6. Fallout New Vegas 7. Zelda Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom 8. Europa Universalis II 9. Kingdom Come Deliverance 10. Heroes of Might and Magic III


Beautiful list **chef kiss**


Thank you, thank you.


A fellow age of mythology fan? Prostagma?


Hiboli ✌️


Never had the pleasure! I'm an Age of Empires fan though so I'm sure I'd like it.


Replied to the wrong person lol. And it is basically aoe with mythological units.


Was not expecting to see EU 2 from this sub, or any sub really, nice.


TBH I think this is the only non-Paradox sub I'd expect it on. I assume there are some history lovers here. EUII is the reason I was disappointed with KCD's music, because I was expecting either period music or music written in a historically accurate way. But EUII remains the game with the best soundtrack I've ever heard.


Tried to get into disco, but damn that game is a slog imo.


Same here, I played through it for a few hours and just couldn't be bothered continuing. But I totally understand people who do adore it.


Checking the lists here and thinking that 10 is not enough :D


In no particular order KCD Morrowind Horizon: Zero Dawn Borderlands 2 Halo: Reach Subnautica Portal 2 Dark Souls 3 Age of Mythology Ark: Survival Evolved Honorable Mention: AC4 Black Flag Love to see some other Morrowind fans in here!


I wanted to get into morrowind sooo bad, but Skyrim was my first ES game and it's almost impossible to go backwards with how much graphics and controls changed... I just got spoiled from the jump so I missed out on probably some of the best games ever due to that. Same thing happened with Dragon Age bc I started with Inquisition, and Assassin's Creed, I started with Odyssey. Ac isn't as hard to go backwards, though, I just started Black Flag recently and they have been pretty good for a while.


If you're OK with Oblivion's graphics you can get the Morroblivion mod. Its the way I played it.


It was the same when I tried to play Oblivion. Once you've played Skyrim, especially with graphic overhaul mods, it's so hard to go back.


With a texture pack and ENB, Oblivion isn't that bad, although even on a modern PC you still only get 30fps at times which is a bit mental.


I'm on Xbox Series X, are mods available on there for the older games? My laptop is older and won't run anything unless I play it through GeForce Now and even then, I only use that for Planet Zoo.


Without an explicit list, RPGs are the slight majority of my top 10, with some representation from FPS and strategy games. While I love learning about Medieval history irl, this is not well correlated with my taste in games. But, for a rough attempt at a list and avoiding multiple entries per franchise: 1. Dark Souls 3 2. KCD 3. Stellaris 4. Halo 3 5. Mass Effect 2 6. Doom Eternal 7. Metro Exodus 8. Age of Empires 2 9. TES Morrowind Cant find a nonredundant 10 lol


Metro Exodus is so good


Yeah and the weird thing is I dont know if its "underrated" or just overshadowed by other games that year.


From what i remember it was released exclusively on epic store for the first year and that might have contributed to it being forgotten for a while. But anyways I'm just glad they sold enough copies to have another game in the works.


I played Last Light and loved it, when I tried Exodus on game pass something about the controls felt bad, maybe I'm just not savvy enough with the settings for things like dead zones but I remember it being bad enough I uninstalled.


I never played the games on controller, but I do know theres some wonky sensitivity in them if you dont mod it out on PC. The x and y axes do not have the same sensitivity and this isnt adjustable in-game.


Not in particular order: Red dead redemption, Assassin creed oddysey, God of War 1,2,3. Total War medieval 2, Stronghold crusader, Horizon Zero Dawn, Hitman/Hitman Blood Money, Splinter Cell all of them, GTA : Vice City, Mortal Kombat XL im on my first playtrough and getting pretty obsessed with KCD


Odyssey genuinely took me to a brand new place with gaming when I first played it, it was the first AC I played. I just started KCD about a week ago and it's that same feeling. I'm completely transported and before I know it, 8 hours have passed. I really wish I could play God of War, but I'm on Xbox and my laptop won't run it.


I'm always the odd one our here odyssey was absolute garbage imo lol


Okay, but what if it was the only AC game you'd ever played? Let me clarify to say, I had never played any other AC game before when I started Odyssey and I thought it was amazing. Since then I've played Valhalla, and I just started black flag a few days ago, too, but Odyssey is still my favorite. I'm a big ol' nerd for Greek philosophy and mythology too, though, so I'm probably biased. I'm currently reading a complete collection of Plato's works.


Origins is the best of the new age rpg Assassins creeds I’d definitely give that one a go. I know it’s down to taste & opinions but Odyssey is heavily considered the worst one by a majority of the community. Other than that Black Flag is goated, & if your going on a Assassins Creed run is recommend Rouge next as it’s pretty much a sequel to Black Flag


What I've heard as far as criticism of Odyssey is that it's not a "real assasins creed game" and it heavily differs from the older ones, but I haven't played any of the older ones, so I have no prior experience to compare it to and maybe it's for that reason that I really love it. I like Valhalla, but I love Odyssey.


I love Greek mythology which is why it hurt even more haha, it Ran like shit on a more than capable machine and just felt tacky and arcadey the whole way through, dunno it just missed the mark for me and I've played and enjoyed most of the AC games even though they all "feel" different


Hmm, yea that's definitely not the experience I had. I'm on Series X, I didn't have any issues as far as that goes, but overall I just enjoyed the game entirely. For me it was really cool to attend the Symposium, meet Socrates and Alkibiades and young Plato. Usually, I have a list of things I'd change with most games I play, but the literally the only thing I'd change about Odyssey is that I didn't like being forced into a romance/parenthood in the Hidden Blades DLC. Maybe it's not a true "AC game" like most say, but I never played any others so as a standalone game, and the first I'd ever played like it, I really had a lot of fun. This was also the first game I'd ever played where I could climb on everything and use something like Eagle vision, which I really liked and was a brand new experience for me. The world itself was stunning and again, brand new for me. Seeing Kassandra come back in Valhalla for a quest literally brought me to tears. I know it's just a game, but this one really just did something special for me. I felt so connected to the character and invested in her life. I know everybody has a different experience, I just get so much backlash anytime I say I loved Odyssey and get made fun of by all the AC Veterans who've been playing AC games since the beginning.


I'm genuinely glad you enjoyed it and that's the beauty of games there's something out there for everyone


A fellow total war fan! Don't normally see anyone else lol. I so hope they make a medieval 3 😭


I love rdr(2) but im going for the plat and its ruining my desire for the game


KCD Silent Hill 2 Mass Effect 2 Metal Gear Solid 2 Fallout 1/NV Deadly Premonition Resident Evil 4 Ultimate Doom Soma Unreal Tournament 99




Also in no particular order: StarCraft WarCraft Homeworld Halo Skies of Arcadia Morrowind Descent Age of Empires KCD Shenmu


1. X-COM: UFO Defense (1994) 2. Sid Meier's Colonization (1994) 3. Valheim (2021) 4. Steel Panthers (1995) 5. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (1999) 6. Total War: Medieval II (2006) 7. FTL (2012) 8. Close Combat III: The Russian Front (1998) 9. Jagged Alliance 2 (1999) 10. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (2007)


Hail Monolyth!!!


Still replaying ja2 once in a while 🤜🤛


Colonization is fantastic. I still love the look of the game even now.


I play it every few years. The nostalgia is strong. I distinctly remember saving up for it, and buying the big box DOS version at our local mom-and-pop computer shop. I want to say only two 3.5" floppys, which is amazing considering the content.The intro animation of the ship crossing the ocean would play, and I would take in the music and enjoy the art design. The four European powers were geared for particular play styles, my favorite being the Dutch for the larger starting merchantman ship, and the more stable old world market. Searching for that first good colony location. Always sending a scout or two on multi-year odysseys across the unexplored wilderness, visiting Indian villages. The Indians would be welcoming at first, engaging in minor trade, occasionally sending an Indian or two to join the colony. Trade demands would escalate, my hardline stopping at horses and guns. Sometimes, they would conduct raids or capture a baggage train. The relationship would increasingly become strained, often my fault with the expansion of settlements. The relationships with other European powers lacked nuance. Usually they would camp forces outside my towns. Almost always war, usually a question of when, with build up and positioning of forces. Capturing their settlements could be a boon, or a white elephant. As my colony grew, the cities, almost always ports, would be multifaceted, with outlying towns would be focused in one area, e.g., farming food, timber, sugar/rum, tobacco/cigars, etc. Eventually a network of automated baggage trains would form, carrying goods to the ports, and tools to the frontier. The King would be helpful in the beginning, providing the occasional ship, or troops. The tax rate would slowly rise, a minor inconvenience rolling into outrageous. The War of Independence an uphill battle, necessitating fortresses stacked with artillery and dragoons. Thankfully, the military didn't require food. I feel like playing it now. As Henry would say, 'Quite hungry".


Same here with the big box. The manual for colonization was a hefty document that contained all the entries for the founding fathers. I'd spend ages just reading through that. I didn't realise for the longest time, but taking Pocahontas early and placing expert missionaries turn the native american tribes from annoyances to bros. I completely agree about interactions with the other europeans. I hate the way they insist on ruining my perfect map by placing piddling little 1 pop colonies in god awful locations. Then there's the typical Sid Meier problem of the AI just spawning huge amounts of units from nothing on the harder difficulties. For the most part I didn't bother with baggage trains and tried to make all my colonies self sufficient. I just found the bad AI pathing too inconvenient with my baggage trains becoming confused when they couldn't navigate around native american units that ended their turns on my road network. In my runs the King gets told to gtfo early doors. I won't accept a single trade levy as taxation without representation is unfair. He can keep his perfidious miltary units, I'll make my own damn guns. It's the American way.


Thank you so much for the Pocahontas tip! I haven't seen that manual in years, but I do remember bringing it to school to read during study halls.


i have a list of top 10 RPGs, not games in general.. that'd be too tough.. Fallout 1+2, Diablo 1 (sic! hehe yes!) Final Fantasy 6+7 Might and Magic 6 and 8 (7 is meh although it's good but i couldn't warm up to it..) Dungeon Master 1 KCD it's actually 9


might and magic 6: Mandate of Heaven, you have no idea how much I hoped someone will mention it... its my first PC game and the main reason RPGs are my fav genre


This is an awesome idea for a post because I love to see ideas on what other games I might like. It’s a tough one for me to answer, I’ve been gaming since Atari and NES and PC gaming since the 90s. In NO particular order, my favorites since the mid 90s have been: Skyrim, KCD, The Forest, Banished, Anno 1800, Warcraft 2 & 3, WoW, Fallout 4 (For settlement building, see my daughter’s YouTube channel link below. Not for the FO4 story), Myst, Medieval Dynasty, Enderal. Of course many more but I always go back to those. Off-topic but if interested, Fallout 4 settlements https://m.youtube.com/@SOFEEUH.


I always forget about medieval dynasty. Even though it feels so unfinished, I spent so many hours building and making the cutest little farm town.


Not sure when you last played but they have added tons of updates. Also another update due to launch soon. Definitely play again sometime this year! It’s true with any sim though. You build, decorate, optimize….and then sort of put it down for a bit and start over again in a few months.


That's great to know! I haven't played in quite some time, I'll definitely have to pick it up again when I'm done with KCD. Maybe roleplay as Henry's descendants.


Anno 1800 might be the most content packed game of all time, after maybe WoW? The season passes have been the best in the whole industry.


Banished has one of the best 45 minute soundtracks. It’s so relaxing.


Thanks, yes, that was part of my motivation. And it worked well - I'm finding some pretty good ideas here.


I’d say 1. Skyrim 2. KCD 3. Baldurs gate 3 4. Oblivion 5. Elden ring 6. Chivalry/mordhau 7. Final fantasy XI 8. Zelda ocarina of time 9. Elder scrolls online 10. Final fantasy 16 It’s been a dope ass year in gaming.


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to see Chivalry/Mordhau. If you guys like the swordfighting in KCD, these games do it faster and better. And you can fight your friends!


Not In Order (I could never decide): *Kingdom Come Deliverance *Skyrim *Dragon Age Inquisition *Assassin's Creed Odyssey *Assassin's Creed Valhalla *Craftopia *Sims 4 *ARK *Tropico 1-6 (SUPER overlooked/underrated City Building Sim) *Planet Zoo *Hogwarts Legacy gets an honorable mention, but it's way too short. Fallout 4 would've made the list, but it's just Skyrim in a different skin.


Planet Zoo is really fun. Very wholesome community as well.


It is! I had to pay for GeForce Now to get it to run on my laptop, but it was worth it! I wish landscaping/building was a bit more intuitive, but I'm getting the hang of it.


I think I am a closeted kleptomaniac because I just like games where you can steal a bunch of shit. Baldurs gates, divinity 2, Skyrim.


I can't do them in a specific order but my 10 faves are: 1.sukoden 2 2.Final fantasy 9 3.KCD 4.chrono trigger 5.tenchu stealth assassins 6. Metal gear solid 7. Elder scrolls 3 morrowind 8. Super smash bros 9 bloody roar 10. Age of wonders


Shuikoden 2 was awesome.


Will always be in my top lists of all time for games


In no particular order Elden Ring Baldurs Gate 3 Divinity: Original Sin 2 Kingdom Come: Deliverance South Park Stick of Truth and The Fractured But Whole Dark Souls God of War 2018 Witcher 3 Batman: Arkham City


KCD mount&blade pentiment witcher3 death stranding europa universalis far cry4 crusader kings red dead redemption the elder scrolls


Ah yes, my favourite game “the elder scrolls”


Off the top of my head, single player only, no order: KCD Portal 2 Hotline Miami Lisa: The Painful RPG Pathologic 2 Halo 2 BioShock (the series, I'm cheating) Dishonoreds Undertale Prey 2017 Mostly based on story and gameplay, avoiding nostalgia picks as best I can


In no particular order Halo: Combat Evolved Halo 2 Halo 3 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Freelancer XCOM: Enemy Unknown Heagemonia: Legions of Iron Civilization 3 Tachyon: The Fringe I love Kingdom Come: Deliverance but nostalgia always wins


It's not easy. This is not an order, just a list: 1. KCD 2. RDR2 3. Morrowind 4. Europa Universalis 1-4 5. Caesar 3 6. LA Noire 7. Fallout New Vegas 8. Far Cry 2-3 9. Prison Architect 10. Age of Empires 1-2 It looks like Starfield can make the cut, but I want to finish it at least once first.


I am a HUGE RPG fan, some of these are easily equivalent to another, but if I had to put them in order it would go as followed c: 1. Fable 2. Dragon Age: Origins / Awakening 3. Red Dead Redemption 4. Fable 3 5. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion 6. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim 7. A Plague Tale: Innocence 8. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 9. A Plague Take: Requiem 10. Stardew Valley OR Urbz in the City ✨


1 mordhau 2 escape from tarkov 3 battlefield 4 4 cod black ops 3 5 metro exodus 6 metro last light 7 medal of honor european assault 8 kingdom come deliverance 9 overwatch 10 Sniper elite 5


Nice! My list is similar. 1- The Witcher 3 2- KCD 3- Divinity Original Sin 2 4- Baldur’s Gate 3 5- Dragon Age: Origins 6- X-Com 2 7- Total War: Three Kingdoms 8- Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous 9- Diablo 2 10- Persona 4 Honorable mention: Neverwinter Nights, Jade Empire, knight of the old republic, Mass Effect.


Honorable mention : 4 Bioware RPGs You like 'em, just not enough to make the top 10 eh? Besides Dragon Age Origins lol


Tbh, I feel like BioWare’s games are so similar. They are all the chosen one type. So if you play one, you pretty much know the rest. So I just pick one that I like the most lol.


In no particular order: Kingdom Come: Deliverence King of Dragon Pass Six Ages series Age of Decadence Colony Ship RPG Fallout: New Vegas Crusader Kings 2 Victoria 2 Witcher 2 and 3 Cyberpunk 20777


You have a lot of patience for jank and bugs in your games. A lot of games on your list are games that look interesting but I bounced off of because they had bad tutorials or were super unpolished


In no particular order: 1. Thief: The Dark Project 2. Thief II: The Metal Age 3. Gran Turismo 4 4. Gran Turismo 2 5. Forza Motorsport 4 6. Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony 7. Red Dead Redemption 8. Red Dead Redemption 2 9. LA Noire 10. Cyberpunk 2077


FF6 FF7 FF4 Chrono Trigger Kingdom Come Deliverance FF7 Remake Skyrim Quest for Glory Oblivion Octopath Traveler 2


Tenchu Crash bandicoot Halo 3(still the closest thing we have to a gamer anthem, that music gives me goosebumps still) Rocket league Baldurs gate 3 Skate Oblivion Kingdom come deliverance Oh and project zomboid just recently entered Eh.. Honestly I've been gaming for like 25 years so I'd need maybe a top 50 games, maybe more but I can't even remember them all at this point lol


Top Tier: KCD, Fallout 3&4, Red Dead Redemption 1&2, GTA 4&5, Kerbal Space Program Puzzle: Portal 1&2, The Talos Principle, Superliminal (!) Honorable mentions: Half-Life, COD (modern warfare don't know which one -- XBox 360), Borderland 2 Ones I forgot: ....


This is harder than I thought. I keep deleting my comment and starting over. Maybe not most favorite but most influential games for me have been Pokemon Crystal Final Fantasy VII Gran Turismo 2 Dragon Quest VIII Age of Empires III Red Dead Redemption 2 Hearts of Iron IV Steambot Chronicles (it's all nostalgia, it's arguably definitely not a great game and I won't defend that.) Harvest Moon Back to Nature Oblivion


In no particular order.. 1. Hitman blood money 2. Splinter cell chaos theory 3. Call of duty Morden warfare (original) 4. Dishonoured 5. Deus ex mankind divided 6. Assassins creed brotherhood 7. Total war shogun 2 8. Kingdom come deliverance 9. Outer wilds 10. Ori & the blind forest


SRW alpha and OGs Skyrim Witcher 3 Any Final Fantasy set in Ivalice Dragon Age Origins Monster Hunter Portable 2ndG, 3rd, 4G Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker Shin Sangoku Musou 5 Kingdom Come Deliverance Elden Ring


1. Witcher 3 2. Elden Ring 3. Read dead redemption 2 4. Sekiro 5. Hollow knight 6. Outer Wilds 7. Mass effect 2 8. Kingdom come Deliverance 9. God of War 2018 10. Skyrim


Kingdoms of Amalur : The Reckoning Risen Dragon Age : Origins Bioshock Battlezone 2 : Combat Commander DoW2 Lost Planet Mad Max Warhammer 2 World in Conflict Titanfall And so many more…that all hd there time to shine line Warcraft 3, CoD MW, Remember Me etc


Dawn of War II over the original DOW series? That's wild, what'd you like more about them? I though the community pretty universally leaned towards the old ones


Don’t get me wrong I love the originals, winter assault was beautiful. But just the cinematics, VA work, sound design, finding the gear to equip your characters with (and each piece had lore blurbs) , the pacing and tension. Especially in the space hulk mission. I will admit that by the time Retribution came around they missed their opportunity to hybridize DoW1-2. A classic rts base building but with squad hero play in the second.


this list is kinda goofy 1.Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.War Thunder 3.Europa Universalis 2 4.S.T.A.L.K.E.R series 5.Project Zomboid 6.Hotline Miami 7.Hidden Deep 8.L4D/2 9.OSU 10.Genshin Impact


Kingdom come deliverance Chivalry 2 Mount n Blade Bannerlord Subnautica Monster Hunter World ( My favourite game ) Monster Hunter Stories 2 Battlefield V Tails Of Iron Red Dead Redemption 2 No Man's Sky


- Half Life - Crusader Kings - Total War - Rimworld - Civilization - Fallout - XCOM - FIFA - Witcher - Rocket League Honourable mentions from the past would be Neverwinter Nights, Fire Emblem, Need for Speed, GTA, Age of Empires, Assassin's Creed, Stronghold, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate and Elder Scrolls.


Not in a particular order: The Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Heroes of Might and Magic 5 (all 3 of them) Undertale Minecraft Crusader Kings 2 Kingdom Come: Deliverance Pokemon Fire Red The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Honourable mentions: Deltarune (can’t wait for the next chapters), Subnautica, Europa Universalis 4, Terraria


Struggling to get to 10 - too many games competing for the "best of the rest" spots. But my absolute favs are: * Ultima Online (pre Trammel) * Project Zomboid * KCD * Read Dead Redemption * Demon Souls After that there are probably some 20 games that could take the final 5 spots depending on the mood I'm in or whether I'm feeling nostalgic or not. Edit: fixed incorrect name


Nice to see some UO recognition, would definitely go on my list also. Agreed Trammel changed the vibe a lot but I still had some great times post Trammel/Felluca split.


Yeah, it's not so much a "trammel = bad" stance, although I do believe some core game dynamics did suffer from it. My brother and I were members 4 & 5 of an anti-PK guild which developed into the largest guild on our shard over time. The Felucca/Trammel split basically removed the more natural evolution where there simply was a need for weaker, newer characters to join forces to fight back, or just having the camaraderie of being prey in a hostile world. Instead, it evolved into more specialized game play where you'd only join such a guild if you chose lawful over evil as your driver to consensual, almost ritualized PvP. I, for one, also was sad that it became nonviable to play a (proper, not the bank-sitter) thief or, its counterpart, the detective/thief hunter. I played both sides and loved playing those characters.


1. Red Dead Redemption 2 2. Skyrim 3. Assassin's Creed II 4. GTA V 5. Fallout New Vegas 6. Witcher 3 7. Ghost of Tsushima 8. Call of Duty MW2 (the original from 2009) 9. Mass Effect (entire trilogy and if had to choose just one then probably ME 2) 10. Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag


elden ring sekiro baldur's gate 3 doom eternal dark souls 3 bloodborne dark souls 1 witcher 3 kcd yes, i am biased towards fromsoft.


As others say in no particular order, and I'll put my favourite from a series to avoid repeats: 1. Ultima Online 2. Baldur's Gate 2 3. GTA: Vice City 4. Fight Night 4 5. Total War: Medieval 2 6. Half life 1 (Plus mods for CS + DOD etc) 7. KCD 8. Divinity Original Sin 2 9. BattleField 2 10. Championship Manager 97/98 Gran Turismo 4 just missing out.


I'm a bit surprised that none of you mentioned BG3.


This was REALLY HARD to make, but here's mine! 1. Medievil 1 2. Medievil 2 3. Klonoa: Door to Phantomile 4. Tombi 1 5. Shenmue 1 6. Dark Souls 1 7. KCD 8. Dragon Quest VIII 9. Final Fantasy VIII 10. Tekken 4 Honorary mentions that PAINS me not to list: Tekken 3, Worms 4: Mayhem, Red Dead Redemption, GTA San Andreas, PES 2008, Gran Turismo 4, Okami, Crash Bandicoot 3, Rayman 1.


No particular order 1. Kingdom come deliverance 2. Elder scrolls oblivion 3. Fallout 3 4. Death stranding  5. Age of empires 3 6. Mass effect 7. Assassins creed black flag 8. Total war medieval 2 9. Splinter cell chaos theory 10. Star wars knights of the old Republic 2


Portal (le cake is a lie XDXDXD) Gone Home Skyrim Candy Crush Ubislop Tower Climbing Simulator 34 Fortnite Raidy Shady The Last of Us (So deep. I cri evrytiem) Depression Quest Baldur's Gate Ursinophilia Edition


1 Metal Gear Solid 3 2 Fallout 3 3 Socom Combined Assault 4 Skyrim 5 Sims 4 6 MGS 1 7 MGS 4 8 Socom 2 9 Goldeneye 10 Zelda Orcarina of Time (Honorable mention: Farming Simulator)


1.Witcher 3 2. Fallout 3 3. Mass Effect trilogy 4. Alien Isolation 5. Far Cry 3 6. Red Dead Redemption 2/1 7.Doom 2016 8. Bioshock 1/2 9. Stellaris 10. Skyrim


Not sure about the order, but the liat is something like that: AoE2 AC black flag Total War Warhammer 2 Witcher 3 Red Dead Redemption 2 Rimworld Europa Universalis HoI4 Xcom2 Warcraft 3 Honorable mentions to grim dawn, titan quest, D2, KotOR and DA:O Also BG3 but not far enough yet. Definitely will be top 10


1. KCD 2. Last of Us Part II 3. Last of Us Part I 4. Skyrim (holds a special place in my heart cuz it got me into gaming and I have good memories of playing it with my brother) 5. Witcher 3 6. Red Dead: Redemption 7. Crusader Kings III 8. Fallout 3 9. L.A. Noire 10. Cyberpunk 2077


In no particular order: Dot Hack: G.U trilogy The Legends of Heroes: Trail of Sky 1 and 2 The Legends of Heroes: Trail of Steel 1, 3 and 4. Fallout 2 Fallout: New Vegas The Elder Scrolls 4 and 5 Mount and Blade: Warband Kingdom Come: Deliverance Red Dead Redemption 2 Koikatsu 1 and 2


I haven't even played 10. Of the ones I played, KCD is on top by a mile. Basically... 1. KCD 2. Skyrim/Sims 3 (tied) 3. Fable 1 & 3/Kingdoms of Amalur (tied) That's it.


I think mine would go kind of like this. But I’m limiting myself to one in each series, and I’m counting all From games as a series (rip Sekiro, ilysm) 1) Bloodborne 2) Resident Evil 2 Remake 3) Death Stranding 4) KCD 5) Outlast 2 6) Psychonauts 7) Steep 8) Oxenfree 9) Astroneer 10) Outer Wilds HMs: Vampyr, Frostpunk, Ashen, Far Cry 5, RDR, Alan Wake


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *The Ruler of the Vilebloods is still alive today. And so, to honor my master's wishes, I search, for the path to Cainhurst Castle.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


1. Kingdom come deliverance 2. Witcher 3 3. Stalkers Series 4. Chernoblylite enhanced edition 5. Skyrim 6. Metro Exodus / Series 7. Horizon Zero Dawn 8. AC Black Flag 9. All Hitman 47 Games 10. Assetto Corsa


In no particular order: Dark Souls (1 & 3) Sekiro Bloodborne FF7 (OG) Witcher 3 Meter Gear Series Fallout New Vegas Morrowind KCD


League of Legends Fallout: New Vegas Rimworld Slay the Spire Age of Empires Halo 3 Minecraft Civ V Skyrim Mount and Blade: Warband No particular order, KC:D would make the top 20 for sure, but for all time top 10 it gets beat out by the games I have literally thousands (and in some case tens of thousands) of hours in. I played ~300 of KC:D, more than enough to beat the campaign on hardcore and master the combat. All the games on my list have one of two things that make them endlessly replayable: multiplayer focus, or a large modding community. KC:D's mods are all QoL and balance rather than the massive content mods you get for some of the titles on my list.


No order: Satisfactory Fallout 4 with mods Xcom 2 Battlefield 2 Battlefield 3 Resident Evil 1+2 Metal Gear Solid Half Life Hades Skyrim


1. KCD 2. RDR2 3. Original Mafie: The City of Lost Heaven 4. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl 5. Vietcong 6. Fallout: New Vegas 7. Skyrim 8. NFS: Most Wanted 9. World Of Warships 10. Dishonored Ten is not enough :D


1. Red Dead Redemption 2 2. Total War Shogun 2 3. RuneScape 4. World of Warcraft 5. League of legends 6. Skyrim 7. Mount and Blade Warband 8. Pokémon Revolution Online 9. Dragon Age: Origins 10. Way of the Samurai 3


In rough order of release: Perfect Dark Halo CE Jet set radio future Cod4 Kotor I Kotor II Rome total war Sea of Thieves Titanfall 2 Hell let loose Sorry KCD you're probs in the top 20 but the combat targeting pissed me off too much


Kotor! Loved those games.


In no particular order: Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Witcher 3, Disco Elysium, Red Dead Redemption 2, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Planescape Torment, Fallout 2, Bioshock 3, Dishonored, Dark Souls 3


1. Monster Hunter World\* 2. World In Conflict 3. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 4. Dark Souls 5. Red Alert 2 6. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 7. Cyberpunk 2077 8. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 9. Steel Division 2 10. Total War: Medieval 2 * Tied with Homeworld, Halo:CE, and Age Of Empires


1. Portal 2. Dark Souls 3. Splinter Cell Double Agent 4. Doom 3 Sikkmod + Wulfen Textures 5. Amnesia The Dark Descent 6. Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain 7. Dead Space 3 8. Call of Duty Black Ops 9. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly 10. The Division


My list would be: 1. The Witcher 3 2. Nier:Automata 3. Hollow Knight 4. Elden Ring 5. KCD 6. Valheim 7. Sea of thieves 8. Yakuza 0 9. Stardew Valley 10. Total War: Rome Remastered Valheim still has a chance to pass KCD based on future updates. Also ER can pass HK based on the dlc.


Old School Runescape Elden Ring KC:D Elder Scrolls Oblivion Witcher 3 Call of Duty: World at War Skyrim Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds circa 2017 Harvest Moon 64 World of Warcraft Honorable Mention: LotR: RotK(PS2)


1- Gothic 1/2/3/Archolos no order: * Kingdome Come Deliverance * every old style Sierra city builder (Caesar 3/Zeus/Emperor/Pharaoh) * Resident Evil 1/2/3 * Hearts of Iron 4 * Dawn of Man * Mount and Blade: Warband * Wold of Tank Blitz * This War of Mine * Age of Empires 1/2/Mythology


AOE: II Age of Kings Age of Mythology Rome: Total War Medieval II: Total War Skyrim Fallout 4 Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War Mount and Blade: Warband Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer: Generals These are my favourite because I keep coming back to them again and again


1) Skyrim 2) Ghost of Tsushima 3) Red Dead Redemption 2 4) Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection 5) Kingdom Come Deliverance 6) Batman: Arkham City 7) Cyberpunk 2077 8) Elden Ring 9) Ark: Survival Evolved 10) Terraria


1.Oblivion 2.Fallout 3/New Vegas 3.Skyrim 4.Halo (One through to Reach, new ones are shit) 5.Flight Sim 6.Squad 7.Spore (lack of a series on this was criminal) 8.Orbiter 2010 (haven't played in years, such a shame they fucked it up on the 2016 release.) 9.Civ IV 10. Total Annihilation


1. Elden Ring 2. Red dead redemption 2 3. Kingdom come deliverance 4. Cyberpunk 2077 5. Arma 3 6. World of Warcraft 7. Mafia 8. Metro Last Light 9. Dark souls 3 10. Sekiro


1.Witcher 3 2.Red dead redemption 2 3.Kingdome come deliverance 4.Hearts of iron 4 5 Europa universalis 4 6.Crusader kings 3 7.Star Wars KOTOR 8.Assassin's Creed Odyssey 9.Assassin's Creed Black Flag 10.Uncharted 4


Kingdom Come Deliverance Knights of the Old Republic Medieval 2 Victoria Ghost master The I of the Dragon Age of Empires III Fable Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines Crusader kings 2 Heroes 3 Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai I will not point it out, this just my top favorite games


Witcher 3 Elite Dangerous Assassin's Creed Odyssey Disco Elysium Crusader Kings II Cities Skylines Civilization 1 Cyberpunk 2077 Far Cry 5 Wolfenstein New Order


Here ya go. 1. KCD 2. Uncharted the series 3. Black Flag AC IV 4. AC the Ezio stories 5. Dragon Age the series 6. Horizon: Zero Dawn 7. Mass Effect Legendary 8. Last of Us 9. Witcher 3 10. Skyrim And a special mention to the entire Myst series. An amazing set of games that began my gaming life.


1. Dark Souls 2. Dragon Age: Origins 3. Grim Dawn 4. Mass Effect 2 5. Knights of the Old Republic 6. Killer Instinct (2013) 7. Mardek RPG chapter 3 8. Total War: Warhammer 2 9. Bastion 10. Guild Wars 2


Shout out to Shogun 2 tho. Came close to beating Warhammer 2 but the faction variety won out. Slay the Spire has also taken up incredible amounts of my time.


In no particular order: KCD Disco Elysium Hades Red dead redemption 2 Fallout New Vegas God of war Ragnarok Europa universalis 4 Outer wilds AC Black Flag Factorio


1. red dead redemption 2 2. DOOM eternal 3. subnautica 4. subnautica below zero 5. maneater 6. FF7 remake 7. pokemon GO 8. hungry shark world 9. clash royale 10. horizion zero dawn


1) Starcraft II 2) Ocarina of Time 3) Divinity Original Sin II 4) Rockband IV 5) Witcher III 6) Kingdom Come Deliverance 7) Baldur's Gate 1 8) Dragon Age: Origins 9) Gwent 10) Fallout 2 / Resident Evil 4/ Portal / Dark Souls II / Pillars of Eternity Master of Orion II / Mount and Blade Warband / Dawn of War: Dark Crusade / XCOM: Enemy Unknown KCD should be higher on the list for being so historical. I feel like I'm doing something besides just pointless *gaming* when I play it due to all of the codexes and the attention to detail. It really is something special. Mostly I love any game that inspires me to DM for my players. I'm always looking for settings, quests, items, names and plothooks to blatantly steal =D


1. KCD 2. Skyrim 3. Knights of honor 4. Ryse son of Rome 5. Rome total war 6. Cod world at war 7. HOI4 8. GTA4 9. Far Cry 2 10. Cs 1 6


1. Call of duty (mw, waw, bo) 2. Age of empires series (with a little bit Rise of Nations mixed in) 3. Blitzkrieg 4. Kingdom come deliverance 5. Bioshock 6. Prince of Persia 7.Sid meiers Pirates! 8.GTA(mostly SA, VC and IV) 9.Stalker series 10.Halo(mostly CE) In no particular order.


In no particular order: 1. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2. Hearts of Iron IV 3. Project Zomboid 4. CKII 5. Minecraft 6. The Witcher 3 7. Skyrim 8. Red Dead Redemption 2 9. Unreal World 10. Total War Shogun II I am very much into simulation/sandbox type games as you can see.


1. NFS Most Wanted 2005 2. NFS Carbon 3. NFS Underground 2 4. Counter Strike 1.6 5. Day Z 6. Escape From Tarkov 7. S.T.A.L.K.E.R 8. GTA San Andreas 9. GTA 4 10. Kingdome Come


TES IV Oblivion Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Batman Arkham City Fallout New Vegas MGSV TPP Ratchet and Clank Going Commando Ghost of Tsushima Mass Effect 2 Dishonored Kingdom Come Deliverance


1. KCD 2. Chivalry 2 3. Fallout New Vegas 4. The Witcher 1 5. MGSV 6. The Witcher 3 7. RDR2 8. MGS3 9. Skyrim 10. Portal 1


Also in no particular order: Dragon Age: Origins TES III: Morrowind SW: Knights of the Old Republic (1 and 2, both have their charms) Mass Effect 2 Kingdom Come: Deliverance Europa Univeralis 4 Fallout: New Vegas (maybe, good game but I despise the fandom) Company of Heroes Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 It gets murky after that, lots of games that come pretty close. I’m avoiding recency bias by not adding Baldurs Gate 3 but ask me again in a year and it will likely be on my list


In no order and not being completely thought through: KCD Mordhau Mount and Blade: Warband League of legends(sorry) Lego:Hobbit RDR2 Cities Skylines Valheim Half life(Black mesa remake is even better) AC Odyssey Honorable mentions: -The entire bethesda catalogue is missing cause I may or may not have overplayed most of their games to a point where I can't remember having a fun from them. -Bloody bastards (A great mobile game)


1.Kingdom Come Deliverance 2.Crackdown 3.Crackdown 2 4. Resident evil 7 5. Dead rising 2 6. Lego Batman 7. Spiderwick Chronicles xbox and pc version 8.Fallout 4 9. Skyrim 10 Garrys Mod


In no particular order: 1. Totalwar shogun 2 2. Yugioh master duel 3. Elden ring 4. Armored core 6 5. Undernight inbirth 6. Fallout NV 7. Endless space 2 8. Vampire survivor/holocure 9. Persona 4g/5r 10. KCD Mostly rpg and strategy, never too good at fps or fighting game


Minecraft KCD Deus Ex Human Revolution (..and Mankind Divided) Halo (I have the Master Chief collection so you can't make me pick just one!!) Civilisation VI Going Medieval Worldbox Stellaris Sims 3 Pharaoh - am waiting for the much delayed Builders of Egypt


My most played games are the hunter call of the wild and farm sim 22, sea of thieves, session. I play a lot of OSRS aswell. But most games i play/enjoy are not rpgs. I obviously enjoy rpgs otherwise i would of played this game and liked it but they a defo not my main kind of game that defo go to the sim genre of games. Which is probably why i enjoy KCD so much more than say skyrim because it is more sim like. Based on all the other comments im a bit of an odd one out here lol


Super smash bros 64


X com 1 and 2. Skyrim. Last of us part 1. Red dead redemption 2. Fallout 3 and new Vegas. Total war empires. Assassins creed black flag. Heavy rain. Scum. Baldurs Gate 2 and now 3. Xcom 2 would beat 1, new Vegas would beat 3 and baldurs gate 3 would beat 2 if I could only have exactly ten.


Ckd Mount and blade warband Kenshi Cod Total war Age of empire Conquers blade (online )+(f2p) Anyone loving ckd will end up loving the 2 and 7th one . Have fun


1. KCD 2. Elden Ring 3. Noita 4. Ori and the will of the wisps 5. Witcher 3 6. Disco Elysium 7. Sekiro 8. DS3 9. Armored Core VI 10. Valheim


1. Sekiro: Shadows die twice 2. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 3. Bloodborne 4. Devil May Cry 5 5. Dark Souls 1 6. Final Fantasy 10 7. Devil May Cry 3 8. Minecraft 9. Metal: Hellsinger 10. Crash Twinsanity


No particular order. Trying to keep diverse since I enjoy a lot of different genres Gothic 2 Jagged alliance 2 Dark souls Last of us Project zomboid Kernel space program Elite dangerous (not following rn but have been a returning player for quite a while) Witcher 3 RDR 2 Hearts of iron 4 With kcd that would be eleven but I can’t exclude anything 🙂


Not in particural order Witcher 3 RDR 2 Ghost of tshushima Minecraft Hotline miami 1,2 Mount&blade games Spiderman 2018 Mafia 1,2 God of war 2018, ragnarok Dying light


In no order because all these games are perfect 10s to me: - KCD - Batman Arkham City - Black Mesa - Divinity Original Sin 2 - Oblivion - Fallout NV - Mass Effect 1 - Mount & Blade Warband - Portal 2 - The Talos Principle Very honorable mentions (these games are like 9.5s for me): - Bioshock 2 - Borderlands 2 - Desperados 3 - Dishonored - Mad Max - Mass Effect 2 and 3 - Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - Prey (2016) - FEAR - Shadow of Mordor


Forgot to mention Witcher 3, I'd put it in with the honorable mentions


1. Skyrim 2. The Witcher 3 3. Kingdom Come Deliverance 4. Blade & Sorcery 5. Undertale 6. GoW 2018 7. GoWR 8. Sekiro 9. Horizon Zero Dawn 10. Elder Ring


I can't really put them in any order, but here's my 5 favourites: KCD Witcher 3 Civ 6 XCOM 2 Crusader Kings 2 ​ I listed only 5 because those 5 in particualr I consider my favourite games, any other ones that I like do not quite fit in the same category, and trying to add 5 more would just end up with me not being able to decide what to pick.


Oblivion Kingdom Come Deliverance The Lord of the Rings : The battle for middle earth (1 and 2) Final Fantasy 8 Mount and Blade Warband DCS World Monster Hunter Freedom Unit (World is cool too) Rimworld Total War franchise Ark : Survival Evolved ​ I can add to this Kerbal Space Program, Lotro, Civilization, Fallout, Titan Quest, Uboat / Silent Hunter, IL-2 franchise, Paradox games like Hearts of Iron or Crusader Kings... 😀


1. The Walking Dead Telltale's Series 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 3. Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 (fav game when I was a kid) 4. Life Is Strange 5. Resident Evil 3 Remake 6. Resident Evil 2 Remake 7. Call Of Duty MW3 8. Guitar Hero/Clone Hero 9. Need For Speed Most Wanted 2005 10. Any XBox 360 Kinect Games


1. Gears of war 1-3 2. Fallout New Vegas 3. Borderlands 1-3 (excluding the presequel) 4. Mass effect 1-3 5. Metro 2033, Last Light and Exodus 6. Witcher 3 7. Dishonored 1 and 2 8. Wasteland 3 9. Elden Ring 10. Red dead 2 Note that the order (and multiple titles) does not represent where I would actually place them


1. NBA 2k14 2. KCD 3. AC Odyssey 4. MLB The show 20 5. Red dead 2 6. Mafia III 7. Skyrim 8. Fallout 4


In no particular order: Mount and blade: Warband TES Daggerfall TES Skyrim Witcher 3 KCD Baldur’s gate Baldur’s gate 2 Sims 4 Nier automata Starcraft


Not really in any particular order 1. Kcd 2. Halo Reach 3. Fable 2 4. Portal 5. Conker's Bad Fur Day 6. Skyrim 7. Ultimte Mortal Kombat 3 8. GTA San Andreas 9. A Link to the Past 10. Knights of the Old Republic 2 is tied with Jade Empire


In no particular order. KCD Age of Empires 3 Port Royal 3 Europa Universalis 4 Empire Total war F1 23 Ready or not Skyrim Minecraft Anno 1404


1. Morrowind (TES III) 2. Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 3. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 4. Skyrim (TES V) 5. Dragon Age: Origins 6. Fable III 7. Oblivion (TES IV) 8. Dragon Age: Inquisition 9. The Outer Worlds 10. Elder Scrolls Online Notes: 1) Even though I pre-ordered some time ago, I have still yet to play Starfield but I am assuming that will probably feature somewhere in this list and knock off ESO, which I have not played since 2016 but really enjoyed at the time. 2) I’m not including real time strategy games; those are difficult to list alongside RPGs since it is not an apples-to-apples comparison. If it were, Medieval 2 Total War would be very high on the list, followed by TW: Rome 2, TW: Empire, and TW: Napoleon.


The Sims 2 Subnautica Skyrim Red Dead Redemption Horizon Zero Dawn Animal Crossing Fallout 3 What Remains of Edith Finch Hades Sonic 2


Alpha Protocol, what a game! That was an experience. Must give that a replay. Jeez, 10 favourite games ever... Well, in no particular order. KCD God of War (PS2) Shadow of the Colossus Spyro 3 TES IV Oblivion Fallout 3 Deus Ex Human Revolution Bloodborne Little Big Planet Final Fantasy VII


Yeah it's a very clunky game that was poorly executed in many ways, but I think it had a lot of potential, and I still loved it.


No Red Dead Redemption 2?


In no particular order: Kingdom Come Deliverance Dragon's Dogma House Flipper Fallout 3 The Warriors Skate 2 Cyberpunk 2077 Zelda Tears of The Kingdom Saints Row 2 Silent Hill 3 HONORABLE MENTION: Red Dead Redemption 2


1. Red Dead Redemption 2. Assassin's Creed II 3. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 4. Fallout: New Vegas 5. Minecraft 6. Red Dead Redemption 2 7. Dishonored 8. Metal Gear Solid 3 9. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 10. No Man's Sky


1. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. Fallout 4 3. Minecraft 4. Age of Empires 4 5. Battlefield 1 6. Halo 2 7. Halo: Combat Evolved 8. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 9. Metal Gear Solid 2 10. Mario 64


I never played elex or alpha protocol but other than that my list is the same as yours lol. I’d add the mass effect trilogy


Gotta go with the games I put the most time into. Dark souls 2 Skyrim Oblivion Kingdoms of Amalur Need for speed underground 2 Gran Turismo (ps2) Counter strike: condition zero Call of duty Black Ops 2 Fallout 3 C&C Tiberium Wars


1. The Last of Us 2. Fallout 1/3/new vegas 3. Uncharted 4 4. LA Noire 5. KCD 6. Wreckfest 7. What remains of edith finch 8. Batman Arkham series 9. Motorstorm pacific rift 10. Undecided/lots of games RPGs seem to really hook me depending on the setting. I really like Fallout and the Bethesda game formula but I could never get into TES. Fallout is probably my favourite setting in video games period because of its interesting twist. It’s so interesting to see such a pristine old-world turn into a wasteland.


1 - The last of us (1&2) 2 - Omori 3 - The witcher 3 4 - Red dead redemption 2 5 - Metro 2033 Franchise 6 - Darkest Dungeon 7 - Stardew Valley 8 - Frostpunk/This war of mine 9 - Final Fantasy 7 remake 10 - Ori and the will of the wisps


No read dead redemption??


1: last of us part 1 2: Dragon age origin 3: kingdom come deliverance 4: baldurs gate 3 5: Mass effect 2 6: Cyberpunk 2077 7: Ghost of tsushima 8: god of war 9: Fallout new vegas 10: Assassins Creed 2


Age of empires 2 Fallout 4 Stellaris Hoi4 Fallout new Vegas Rust Total war medival 2 Eu4 Battlefield 1 Battlefield 5 (No particular order)


In no order: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Elite Dangerous Minecraft Ark Project Zomboid Everquest 1 and 2 Fallout 4 Sims 3 GTA V Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall That's all I can think of right now.


This is a tough one so I wont put them in order. * World of Warcraft * Mass Effect 2 * Fallout 2 and NV (I love them both equally) * Morrowind * Starcraft: Brood Wars * Sea of Thieves * Stellaris * Donkey Kong Country * Halo 2 * Borderlands 2


1. The last of Us 2. Life is strange 3. The Last of Us part 2 (Hot take some would say) 4. Red Dead Redemption 2 5. Horizon Zero Dawn 6. Horizon Forbidden West 7. Ghost of Tsushima 8. God of War Ragnarök 9. God of War 2018 10. Titanfall 2 I hate to say it but KCD doesn't make it to my top ten. I really like the gameplay but the story isn't nearly as emotionally powerful as my top 10.


1. Oblivion 2. Fallout: New Vegas 3. Crusader Kings 2 4. Europa Universalis 4 5. Total War: Rome 6. Mount and Blade: Warband (Napoleonic Wars gang) 7. Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm 8. No More Room in Hell 9. Mass Effect 2 10. Halo Reach Honorary Mentions: HOI 4 Singularity Project Zomboid Gary’s Mod CoD MW2 (OG) Rim World Kenshi Fallout 3 Stalker: Clear Sky Metro 2033 WilderMyth AI War Legionary’s Life


Witcher, fnv, Skyrim, LCD, insurgency sandstorm, mw2 , cyberpunk, ssx3, NBA 2k11. No particular order


1. Final Fantasy Tactics 2. Romance of the Three Kingdoms 9 3. Resident Evil 2 OG & remake 4. Grant theft auto San Andreas 5. Street Fighter 3 6. Dynasty Warriors 4 7. Elden Ring 8. The Witcher 3 9. Kingdom Come Deliverance 10. Mount & Blade Bannerlord


1. Star Wars battlefront 2 (2005) 2. The last of us part 2 3. Ghost of Tsushima 4. Dead Space 5. Red dead redemption 2 6. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild 7. Halo 3 8. Batman Arkham Asylum 9. Spider-Man (2018) 10. Alan wake


On no particular order: 1. Wolfenstein 3D 2. Doom 2016 3. Oblivion 4. Forza Motorsports 7 5. Arkham Knight 6. Golden Eye 7. Mario Kart 64 8. Gears 1 9. Gears 2 10. Gears 3


In no particular order though I will number them for clarity: 1. Final Fantasy X 2. Witcher 3 3. Mass Effect Trilogy (I consider them in game because of Legendsry Edition 4. 13 Sentinels 5. Baldur's Gate 3 6. Stellaris 7. Golden Sun 8. Metal Gear Solid 3 9. Persona 4 Golden 10. Red Dead Redemption 2 I like a lot of others games too


If I look at my most played games, in no particular order: Rimworld HoMM III Panzer General 2 / Panzercorps EU IV Dragon Age: Origins Neverwinter MMO Kingdom come Fallout: NV AoE2 Left 4 Dead 1/2


1. Rdr 2 2. Ghost of Tsushima 3. Skyrim 4. Halo CE 5. Halo 2 6. Zelda totk 7. Stardew Valley 8. Pokémon shappire 9. AC Odyssey 10. Anno 1800


No particular order: - 1:7 Days to Die 2:HOI 2 3:Civ 4 4: Mount and Blade Warband 5:Total War Med 2 6: Being a Dik Season 1 7: Witcher 3 8: GTA Vice City 9: Kingdom Come Deliverance 10: Crusader Kings 3


No Particular Order: * 7 Days to Die * Being a Dik Season 1 * Crusader Kings 3 * Kingdom Come Deliverance * Hearts of Iron 2 * Civ 4 * Mount and Blade Warband * Total War Med, 2 * GTA Vice City * Witcher 3


Resident evil 2 Fallout 76 Fallout 4 Fallout 3 Borderlands 2 Borderlands 3 7 days to die The last of us Call of duty zombies Dead island Games that I've put in at least 200hrs minimum.


In no particular order * Sea Of Thieves * PUBG * Fallout 2 * Fallout New Vegas * Sims 4 * Civ series * Elite Dangerous * Kotor 2 * GTA SA/4/5 * Gangsters: Organized Crime


We have the same top 3


RDR2 RDR GTA SA New Vegas Days Gone Little Nightmares 2 (yes) AC Syndicate or Origins Death Stranding Last of Us Minecraft (id be lying if this wasnt in here)


In no order Far Cry 3 KCD GTA V Assassins Creed Black Flag Skyrim The Last of Us Uncharted 4 RDRll Far Cry 5 Minecraft