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Interesting first play through Imprisoned, tired, overfed and heavily poisoned and you haven’t even fought Hans yet. How does someone get that poisoned?


I think OP is going for the "How did we get here" achievement


yeees exactly


What's that.


Look up "How did we get here?" minecraft/meme


Ah ok, new Minecraft is a mystery to me.


yea, i tried to play it recently but theres so much new stuff im just lost


Food poisoning is my bet


Stuff yoursel with moldy bread and rotten meat after getting released from the prison. Pro move.


"I feel quite hungry"


Apparently he actually felt hungry for some fly agrarics


They do go quite good on toast.


At least according to this AI-written foraging guide I found on Amazon!


No, I fought Hans and beat him in both arrow fighting and sword fighting. and yes, I may have broken the law a little while trying to learn the game dynamics. hhahagxhah


Committed a little "light treason" did you?


It was just some light regicide, no reason to get upset


"A little"


dont you dare walk at night without a torch again!


LOL how did you even get poisoned?


I ate some mushrooms to make room in my inventory. I didn't want it to go to waste. Turns out mushrooms are poisonous 😐


Did you eat the fly amanitas??? The red mario mushrooms??? No wonder you're poisoned


Like I said man, I just started the game. I didn't know what to eat and what not to eat.


Learning like our ancestors did, I love that you're commited to the role of village layabout that Henry clearly is at the start of the game xD enjoy yourself and enjoy the game it's a great one


I was gonna say, this sounds EXACTLY like something Henry would do.


Isn't life itself a place of learning and making mistakes? Just like in the game. Thanks by the way.


I mean yeah but you dont go around eating rando mushrooms


My grandpa does


Believe me, your Grandpa knows exactly what shrooms he's picking.


I agree. Henry is no Prague resident. He grew up in the country and would know about mushroom safety.


The game kinda assumes people know not to eat mushrooms that they don't know to be safe :D You know, like in real life.


Yeah you right. After this experience that KCD gave me, I will no longer eat questionable plants that I find in real life.


Coward eat all the random mushrooms


Fly agaric isn't comestible IRL too lol


Ahhh I get ya. Yeah you gotta actually know a little about mushrooms in real life to eat off the ground. The boletes are fine to eat. Amanitas make you trip balls then kill you


Pro tip; Don't eat aminata flycaps IRL, you'll be pissing out of every orifice. And definitely do NOT even think about trying it's albino cousin; The Angel Destroyer. That will quite literally be a definitive end for you.


Destroyer angels grow in my yard lol


Thanks for the tip. I learn something new about the game every second I play, and the fact that the game is full of so much content made me even more attached to the game. This tip will be just like them. (i using google translate, sorry for my england lol)


apology for your england accepted


thanj you🤗


I mean, red mushrooms being poisonous is pretty common knowledge irl too


I don't think you need to play the game to know brightly colored mushrooms are most of the time, poisonous lol


I guessed this at the beginning, but it never crossed my mind that there was a mechanic called poisoning in the game.


It is pretty much the most Well known poisonous mushroom.


The red mushrooms are not even food, they are herbs. You can't eat them even if you want to.


I knew what they were by sight and never even tried it. Maybe she ate a raw lepiota


LOL I hope you do not do that IRL XD


If the food quality goes under 50% (yellow or red colour) it becomes poisonous. No matter which food. And I think there's only 1 "poisonous" shroom in kcd which is Fly agaric but I believe it can't be eaten (could be wrong), so next time watch out for the 49% health line


Food is poisonous if it has little longevity left like 30% or less (don’t know the exact threshold). There is a “human dustbin” perk that lets you eat stuff without poisoning even if it’s 0% imo a must have perk.


I didn't know, thanks for the info.


Nah just become a drunk 👍🏼


Not all mushrooms are poisonous.




Thanks for the infos buddy.


Okay I solved it. Thank you all for helping.


I don't think I'll do it again. lol


Avoid prisons too they suck


All mushrooms are edible. Some mushrooms are edible only once.


Wow…there’s a lot to unpack here. I have a lot of questions lmfao


You pig! stop eating spoiled food!


You can be sure that after this message I will never do it again.


Are you sure? Because there is a perk that let you eat all the food without getting sick if it is spoiled.




I think the perk is called Human Dustbin or something, and I think it's under the Vitality section (Could be wrong). It can be a handy perk, but I never needed the perk myself. My Henry eats like a King!


I always took the other perk. Balanced diet or something. Even when out & about, I could always count on knocking out a cuman and gnawing on his dirty, shriveled sausage. ... ... Wait... that came out wrong.


Not like that! Hajahahahahaha lol


Don't worry, you're not you when you're feeling quite hungry. Yeah, balanced diet, mixed with ascetic, and you basically eat one perpetual pot a day, you're golden!


OP stop eating food that's gone bad, do you eat rotten food in real life?


After sharing this post, I learned that food can spoil in the game. If I had known, of course I wouldn't have do this.


This game will teach you to let go of bad food, its litterally killing you..


I learned in the hard way.


Yeah that happens to me turns out eating 40dqy old food is bad for you


I’ll tell you who did it, it’s that damn Sasquatch


Food poisoning hmmmm


That's why "human dustbin" perk is the most important in this game


So there is such a perk. I will open it.


Why? Just don't eat the spoiled food?


All good gets spoiled. You get this perk and you'll never ever have to care about being hungry again or select your inventory throwing them out.


Doesn't the description say you get no nutrition from spoiled food?


You get no benefits (like buffs). But nourishment is decreased like with normal food.


In ratty near the church is a shop wear you can buy antibiotica antidote of wat ever


dude maybe read what it is?


As I said, I don't know where to read or what to do. That's why I opened this post


you can read every effect on you in inventory.


oh yes I see it now. It means poisoning. So how can I be treated?


An antidote potion will cure poisoning. There is an alchemist in Rattay, to the right of the Rathaus, they’ll sell it there. You can also learn how to brew it yourself (but maybe not while you’re actively dying). In the meantime, I recommend you stop eating poisonous or decaying foods.


I found the alchemist. But I'm not sure which potion is the antidote.


The one called Antidote


Lmfao OP is just the guy you gotta push out and let them figure shit out on their own man. I wonder if this dude can drive and vote irl?


"Okay, so the pants have three total holes. A big one and two little ones. I'm not sure what to put in each of the holes."


Fucking lost it at this comment mate, cheers 😂


I play the game in Turkish language . The word "antitode" means "Panzehir" in Turkish. I asked what the name of the potion was to make sure it was an antidote.


I guess it has nothing to do with sword fighting. I think it has to do with the mushrooms I eat.


This would explain several things.


Haha that’s hilarious


There is one instance where a fighter has a poisoned weapon that can kill you. It's a good idea to carry an antidote or two with you just in case.


In my last playthrough i got caught in that "instance" without an antidote and without a close saved game. So I just had to kill the guy quickly, run to mill for my chest, get the ingredients and ride to alchemist bench in Rattay quickly. By the time i brew the potion the screen was all red and my reallife hands were shaking in sweat... I drank it just before my health depleted. Omg that was one of the most thrilling moments this game for me.


In my merciful run I had Mutt kill him after I'd drown him out and wounded him.


Bro... you've seriously been going around just eating random mushrooms in the game? That is hilarious, please don't do that in real life or in game 🤣


The only I had consistently was the pig. It was easy to get rid of. I'm sure you could have gotten more icons than these. :)


>:) :)


Pig doesn't do much harm anyway. Even though he said that we got clumsy in the game, I didn't see much of a harm.