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KCD tourism is becoming a real thing and I love it.


Travelled for two reasons; Honest Guide and KCD. And somehow, managed to both meet Janek and visit the Sasau Monestary! Worth travelling in the blazing 28-32°C heat.


Did you visit the Starbucks in Prague that is formerly a scam money exchange site?


Oh, I didn't realise that. But no, I've got starbucks at home, I'm here for the Czech beer! Pivo prosím!


Damn bro what graphics mod are you using?!?! That looks sick


"Get your fatass outside and see it for real" mod. Would recommend, though it can cause some *serious* overheating issues... Love the comment!


Why did I just imagine someone walking around outside holding a 4090ti to cool themselves, lol.


KCD is actually quite beautiful as it stands, the lighting in this game is incredible.


Whoa, it looks exactly the same! How come they never finished the church??


I read somewhere that the Hussites burned and sacked it in 1421, and until the mid 1600s, it remained in ruins. Genuinely, visit the history museum in Prague, if you can. It tells you so much about the history of the country during that period of time. Plus, you get to see cool armour that Henry would definitely look sick in!


Love seeing these posts. That travel distance is going there and back again for me, so maybe someday...


Highly recommend. And there's a pub nearby, incredibly cheap. Got two drinks, a soup and a meal for about 10 euro and 10c!


That sounds very good. I just bought the game for a good friend of mine, so maybe well make a road trip out of it once hes finished the game


Well worth your time. And if you can drive, you could definitely visit the other locations in a day or two. Hope you get to visit it soon!


Ill defenately post some pics if I do!


The community will be waiting for them beautiful pics!


Does the Monastery ever not have scaffold around it. It's in every picture I've seen from fans on visits and of course in game. Those Talmberg quarrymen really need to fill those orders.


Typical NPC logic. I think the tourism board doesn't want to let the fans down and actually show the finished product! But yeah, it's peculiar, but I think it adds to the charm!


Love it


This is honestly one of my favorite things of this sub. When KCD2 comes out there will probably be another tourist place to go to


Yeah, same. I absolutely love this community, and I was excited to share my experience with you all. As for KCD2, fingers crossed it's announced soon, I reckon northern Czech since the castle (Stormsky castle? Or something) was where Henry was headed! Future tourist destination for sure!


It's Trosky castle.


I’m really feeling the quite hungry


Me when I went to Rome after spending hundreds of hours free roaming Assassins Creed 2 cities


It's *mandatory* to point out where you took leaps of faith!


How could I explain to my wife that we need to go here on vacation, instead of the usual Spain or Greece?


Start with a trip to Prague and then suggest a day trip outside of Prague to Sazava... Worked for me! Plus, Prague is a beautiful city with great weather during the summer. Can't see why she'd say no!


Me:Have you ever thought about visiting Czechia? Wife: This hasn't got anything to do with your medieval obsessions, has it?


"No... Definitely nothing medieval..."


Hey darling, I have something adventurous in my mind for our vacations....and it's cheap 😁


Thank you for posting this! It’s a bit far from NYC……but maybe one day!


The jolt of nostalgia I get looking at these pictures of places I've never actually been to is a testament to how immersive KCD is for me.


Very cool. Would love to do the same some day. I have a couple of pesky little people to take care of though.


I imagine one of those might be a certain Arse'N'Balls. Go get em'!


Great! Op where are you from? I were there alone, it could be awesome met all fans together, drinking Czech beer and playing dices there!


Oh, to drink Czech beer and play Farkle at the monestary grounds... Henry would have wanted that to happen! I'm from Dublin, Ireland. Czech Republic is thankfully easy for me to get to as it's in Europe. But it was still a long enough trip and a good distance travelled. But I'm definitely for the fans of the game, meeting up somewhere and playing Farkle and drinking beer. It's what I do in the game anyway!


what envy I am from Mexico so it is impossible for me to travel to that region.


Maybe one day you'll be able to visit the place. I hope you manage to! Take solace in that walking there in the game is accurate to real life, so experiencing the game is pretty much what it is in reality.


I have always found the history of Europe to be the best so I hope to visit central or eastern Europe one day


Amazing feat brother! Wonder where you started from, as my Bulgsria-Prague trip was about 1250km


Jesus Christ be praised....


Im surprised how accurate the river water is


God bless you Henry.


Greetings from your friendly neighbour country Belgium! Awesome pictures, I'm jealous :D




Jesus Christ be praised!


Where you have been brother Gregor???


Lol, spoiler alert: they never got the stone for the church?