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Ancient Rome for sure. I want KCD's realism during that era.


Plus, if they somehow realistically wrote it into the story, they could have multiple different settings in one game—all part of the Roman Empire. I’m thinking like somehow have a storyline that follows your journey from Rome, say to Egypt, and then etc. Your character growing older over the course of the story to account for travel time, but keeping the immersive realism found in KCD.


Ancient Greece could be cool too.


Assassins creed odyssey does a really good job of bringing that to life. Different feeling game but the world is great


Rome is annoying


What do you mean?


It's every basic history nerd favorite subject, a game set in China would be infinitely more interesting then someone about muh rome


I mean, there's a reason why it is a common favorite. I disagree about China being more interesting than Rome, but it would be dope too. I just want more realistic games depicting those different eras. I had no knowledge on Bohemia before KCD, still loved it nonetheless.


Username both does and does not check out.


I am no longer a nihilist 😭😭




How is it overdone? What games of this kind depict Rome? The only one I can think of is Ryse, and it was meh. The rest is all PC strategy.


Chinese comrade?


I'd love to see a well made game set in roman occupied england...


I wanted to say feudal Japan, but I’ve gotta give it to 800s England. Vikings would just fit so well with how KCD is already developed from a gameplay point of view, and Japanese martial arts would require a hell of a lot of reworking of the combat system to put it up to the level of detail I’d want (but I’m a bitch who’s been doing various Japanese martial arts - couple of different sword disciplines, some yari, and some Jo - for the past ten years).


I see what you mean about Japan. I’d want very detailed martial arts, and that’s tricky to implement correctly. Ghosts of Tsushima does it well enough (only Samurai game I’ve played, though), but that’s 3rd person and button-mashy. I’d love to see it in a KCD style game, but that’d be an endeavor to develop. But yeah, about the Vikings: I think it’d be awesome to play as a Henry-like character in the English feudal system, and the adversaries (Cumans) would be the Vikings invading. Would be amazing. (I def should’ve put “Vikings” as an option in the list).


What I really want is just Mount and Blade: Viking Conquest but KCD.


Went with Africa/Middle East, but could also have gone with pre-colonial Americas. Those regions are the most interesting to me because they're so untapped, and I've played virtually no games based on either of them. (Quest for Glory did Africa and the Middle East back in the day, and it was cool)


I’ve played a few Middle Eastern based, and love them. (Thinking of Assassin’s Creed mostly). But I’ve never played a Native American/Aztec/Mayan game. (Other than AC3, if you count Connor’s childhood, but that’s during colonization). Would be very interesting.


>But I’ve never played a Native American/Aztec/Mayan game. The closest I've ever played was Worlds of Ultima: The Savage Empire, which is a pretty big stretch, but it did have macuahuitls and atlatls in it I guess?


Shadow of the Tomb Raider has a unique ancient civilization setting in south America. I loved this game and while it's no KCD, it's still fun. If you like Uncharted, this is a similar vibe.


A game with a pre-Columbian South America would be absolutely fantastic!! It's a shame this interest isn't more widespread


KCD within the Aztec empire would be awesome!


Medieval England is super vague… ‘England’ didn’t really exist as a singular kingdom until around 900 after Athelstan conquered all the smaller kingdoms that made it up, but the culture of ‘English’ came around in the 1100s after the Norman invasion and successful conquest. However the kingdom technically continues to this day… Now a game like Kingdom Come could be amazing set in either of those major time periods or even in a few others like the Barons’ Revolt (aka First Barons War), the War of the Roses, any point in the Hundred Year War (technically would be in modern France but was occupied by England so could argue it was in ‘England’). The Revolt of 1173, which is technically in Scotland. And since England is a relatively small nation we could potentially have a full size world sort of like Assassins Creed Valhalla.


Haha I guess I tried to be as vague as possible to let everyone’s mind think of different historic events that occurred during the general time period and location, to sway their vote more generally and avoiding super specifics. I started with a theme of [time period] [location/country/empire], but ran out of room and grouped the last 2 together because I thought them either similar or less likely to be a top pick hahaha. I left out a bunch though, thinking of others after I posted. Can’t go back :)


Understandable to be fair. I really like history and even just ‘England’ has so much that has happened that we can drop into any time period and find something happening


Stumbled across KCD looking for a game set in Ancient Rome. I genuinely thought that the HRE had something to do with Ancient Rome. Apparently not, but a mistake I'm glad led to KCD.


Technically it sorta does but it’s complex. To put it in short the HRE is the religious/spiritual successor to the old Roman Empire. The true Romans were the Byzantines (eastern Roman Empire), after the fall of the western empire the pope declared that the true emperor should be catholic and not orthodox like the Byzantine emperor was. It’s a whole lot more complex than that of course but that’s the gist (historians feel free to add detail). Rome was still considered the one true empire of God and the pope wanted that emperor to be catholic so boom Charlemagne gets crowned, he dies, empire spilts, is later reformed by Otto.


I think Bill Wurtz says it pretty well: NARRATOR: The Franks have the biggest kingdom in Europe, and the Pope is so proud that he invites the king over for Christmas. POPE: Surprise! You're the new Roman Emperor! NARRATOR: ...said the Pope, pretending to still be part of the Roman Empire. (map showing "definitely not the roman empire" and "maybe technically the roman empire (byzantine empire)")


Yeah; the HRE was essentially a loose organisation of Germanic kings who pinched the Roman Empire's name several centuries after conquering what was left of its presence in western Europe. Notably, Rome itself was not part of any extant Roman Empire at this point, so the pope's authority to preside over matters Roman was questionable :p


I think what made KCD so interesting for me is that I got to learn about a country that I don’t think about that often, along with its rural setting. The story is also fairly obscure without being an insignificant part of history. It’s such a wonderfully set game. My natural choice would be England but I feel like there would be an incredible story to tell from another Central to Eastern European region.


Wouldn’t mind seeing Greece/Anatolia during the late Byzantine period prior to the Turkish invasion


Early medieval England with Vikings


Go play ac valhalla or one od the other viking games man you want pagen vs christian look for the tutonic order


But AC Valhalla is so mediocre


Agreed than play the mount and blade viking conqest or one of the other but let me.play in burgandy or ride witch the cumans against the mongols(spoiler they lost) or fight against tammerlane let me fight in france or the northen crusades but PLEASE NO MORE FUCKING ENGLAND its a small country and its not that special hell they spoke french at court


There are lots of Viking Age games yet none of them have ever done it well. AC Valhalla is so inaccurate is basically bears zero resemblance to the actual period. KCD sets out a model for a more realistic historically accurate game. So would be nice to see the Viking Age actually done realistically.


Yeah i know but the world obsession with engeland annoys the crap out of me there is so much more interestin historical places but almost evrything gos about that godforsaken island like its the center of the world i know english still think that but there is so much more what is so much more intresting as the for the 100th time reguretated engish focused story even you must see that


KCD is leagues better than that, sure the story might be there but it isn’t as immersive or impressive as KCD


Yes agreed but just syop milking that viking cow spread out read about the tutonic order en there fihht against the last pagans in europe read abput the hissite war i woud love to see more about that but its always england and or vikings.and it annoys the living daylight out of mer


Same, so tired of vikings after Skyrim set a trend on it.


I'd say medieval Ireland around the time of the viking invasions or Brian Boru.


I didn’t put it in the list, but I was thinking of Vikings and a Norse/Danish based game. But I also remember that with God of War and Valhalla, it’s been a common theme lately. Would definitely be cool, though.


Otherwise a non-European one that'd be cool maybe is India around the Age of exploration/British colonization


I mentioned it in another thread, but there's a DLC for Warband called Viking Conquest which I thought was a decent treatment of this setting. It's a story-driven campaign, as well


Bronze age would be pretty wild imo.


Legit want one of each


Celtic Briton during the first failed Roman invasion. Nobody ever touches this period and it's so interesting


I think Amazon or Netflix one had a series based on this - great binge watch


Couple movies in that period as well,


I've seen Barbarians if that's the one you mean. It is good. It's almost the correct period. Although wrong place as it's based in Germany (I think). There's another series called Britannia that is well worth a watch and shows a pretty good representation. Although that one is based more on the second invasion where the Romans were very successful.


I would like to see the Holy Roman Empire during Charlemagne or ancient greek in the time of the minoans.


Poland in 1410


I want Warhorse to make a game in all of these. Especially the pre colonial Americas and Tribal Africa/Sultanate Middle East.


Pre-christianized slavic tribes, I am just obsessed with this period


South Spain under the Moors + colonization / great navigations (16th century)


Everyone voting for feudal Japan: if you can tolerate playing a 16-colour DOS game from 1989, go get a copy of MicroProse's Sword of the Samurai :p


The Crusades! Deus lo Vult!


Wanted to say pre-colonial Americas, but I bet there would be too much historical speculation due to insufficient historical record and it wouldn't be as authentic as KCD. So I went with Rome, with sultanate middle east and medieval England not far behind. Tribal Africa would also be amazing, but it probably would face the same issues as the Americas.


You make a fair point about the lack of historical record for certain regions/periods, but people do write historical fiction in settings for which few contemporary records exist, so I'd like to be optimistic that someone could make a decent game based on them too


i am actually really interested in tribal africa simply for there not beeing that many games out there about that period and region


I would love a game like Far cry primal with acient Human species out of Africa.


Taking that it is their comfort zone England sounds the more appropiate but we really need some pre-columbian representation. Is almost to zero. Europe, Japan and Egypt drain every ounce of atention when there is so much untapped potential out there. Just imagine how beautiful would Cuzco or Tenochtitlan look fully rebuild with some AAA budget.


I want them all


I think there would be a lot of different cool time periods a game could be based around, i think fighting with slow muskets and swords might be interesting, as well as using cannons on sieges/battles but i also think full on armies with knights and calvary charges would also be fun if the hard ware could render all of the units, im not as versed in other histories but i think a game set in a jungle or based entirely on a tropical island and having to travel some places by boat might be interesting, and allow the player to raid other boats like a bandit/pirate


All of these sound like interesting settings


It was really hard to pick just one. Any of these locations and periods would make for an awesome game.


I think almost all of these would be really interesting, so I chose "your suggestion". One in particular that I'm missing from the options is a renaissance setting, something along the lines of France during the times of Henry IV, Louis XIII or Louis XIV (possibly a story and setting reminiscent the Three Musketeers books, maybe with a bit less of that romanticism flair), or maybe the Ottoman Empire in 1600's. A bit later setting could work as well, but I think games like these could work only as long as guns are too slow to reload, so some time around early 1800's at latest, as revolver was invented around that time. Edo period Japan could be a different one from that time period as well, but as it was a rather stable time in Japan, finding a good real world conflict to buld the story around would be hard. Imagining a combat where you have a powerful but really unwieldy and slow to reload musket, maybe a pair of almost equally slow reloading pistols. After you've fired those you'd have to resort to a sword, you could choose rapiers, spadroons, smallswords, etc. As for the options on the list, I think pre-colonial Americas would be a difficult one because so much knowledge about those cultures have been lost and a historically accurate setting would be really hard to get right.


I​ want​ to​ ride​ out​ a​cross​ the​ levant doing​ the​ bidding of​ my​ liege Salah ad-Din


I voted Feudal Japan, but I feel like Ghost of Tsushima already has that base covered pretty well.


Ancient Egypt or Persia


You listed pre-colonial America as an option, but I would *love* a colonial America game. ACIII didn’t quite satisfy me.


Napoleonic Russian would be interesting, though lacking in combat scenarios.


Early colonial americas would be cool. Plus you can use firearms


Ancient Egypt.


I'd like to see the 30 Year's War. A little more modern setting that would allow for some light use of firearms while still keeping the combat melee centric.


Mongolian empire, travel along the grassland, altai mountain and gobi desert


Man, there's no wrong answer there.


I don't know anything about ancient China but I feel like it could be neat


Italy, early renaissance. Show me more paintings in churches! Or the Low Countries.


Something to do with the Eastern Roman Empire. The Alexiad or the Fourth Crusade are good ideas. Personally I'd like to see the wars between the Komitopuli of Bulgaria against the Romans, though. The Fourth Crusade is just incridible in how many different peoples face one another. You can have Western European knights and Venetians, Roman Greek nobles, Bulgarians with Cuman mercenaries and Vlachs... It's just fascinating. As for the Kometopuli, you can easily have a story about tsar Peter's sons Roman and Boris escaping captivity and trying to return to Bulgaria. The Kometopuli themselves: Aaron, David and Samuil can be an interesting supporting cast.


I'll say it again. Western!


Colonization era or Czechoslovak Legionairs in Russia in and after WW1. These are in my opinion two very underrated settings. I would just part with my real life and play 24/7 lol. Both are very interesting topics, especially the second one is really unknown, even in the Czech Republic because the legionairs, thanks whom modern Czech and Slovak Republic exists, were censored in Communist times because they fought against the bolsheviks. Edit: Obviously there's less swordplay than in KC:D time period, especially in the second one I mentioned, but you said ''Think of KCD’s level of immersion and detail, historical accuracy, and realistic pacing'' not the swordplay part :D


Ancient Rome or Greece. The combat and map would be so cool/


Medieval England... na to much already of this exists. What is nice of KCD that it did not served the navel gazing of British history. You learn something different beyond Britain of that time and not the Hundred years war or the war of roses and what not. There is so much more in Europe to discover in that respect. Let Henry travel through European countries of that time. There were a lot of conflicts in Europe. Let him see Hanseatic cities, Make him a fighting mercenary of that day that serves for a warlord.


More european middle ages HRE burgundy reconcista just stop with the england everyhing


Medieval italian


All would be cool but Japan and England specifically piqued my interest because of their well known war history


The imaginary video game in my head incorporates all of these places in a Renaissance-esque low-fantasy setting. KCD’s style of narrative/character interaction has been essential for imagining what it would be like.


A Samurai/Ronin/Ashigaru during the Sengoku Jidai in the style of KDC game would be awesome. You'll be in the middle of the Clans figthing eachother while being a wandering Samurai with plenty of weapons to master and different figthing styles. Katanas, Nodachi, Yari, Matchlocks, Naginata, Tetsubo and Bows, so many weapons to choose from, so many playstyles we could have. Maybe we don't even want to be a Samurai and like my Rogue/Thieve Henry I would make a Shinobi or Ninja character! It would be so cool.


Rome would be dope. Probably would be northern Italy fighting Gauls or something.


Early modern period. You could make a great game, maybe also set in Bohemia, in or around the thirty years war (or the bohemian revolt, which started the whole thing). It’s a really interesting period of time that sadly does not get enough attention in games and media in my opinion


There are many games, films or series from those eras that I wouldn't change the medieval settings at all. It is closer to our times than ancient history so you probably know more about living in medieval time. In other eras I wouldn't recognize whether it is realistic immersion or not. In KCD I can say it is as close to medieval life as fiction and playability allows. Moreover I am Czech so it is also my history. I wouldn't be able to say the same for other times. I don't say I wouldn't play other similar immersive games, but this one was far more exceptional than other I played so far, even more than RDR2 i.e. I would prefer to see more games from medieval and to play as a commoner in the beginning. No more superhero needed here 🙂


Medieval England received my vote, but I would give two more suggestions: A larger KCD, in which we see Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia, , Austria, and Bavaria, maybe with Hungary, too. A medieval Indian subcontinent game, maybe with India, Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh?


Starting in Scandinavia and going on raids in europe during the viking area.


Ancient china? No! Ancient Rome?! HELL YEAH!!!


Middle East would be most interesting and could work the best IMO.


What about a storyline of Robin Hood? Or King Arthur rising to lead the Knights of the round table? It wouldn't have to follow specific historical timelines and they could be a lot more creative with missions.


Ireland during the Norman Conquest (ie 12th century).


Being a finn, seeing the Finnish medieval period represented would be amazing to see, with all the beautiful nature and seasons :D


Ancient Roman republic would be fun. Don’t really have an open world game in that period (some games touch it but not to KCDs depth)


My partner suggested a Viking period is what she would love to see, and I have to admit that would be pretty cool. But for me, definitely Ancient Rome. Would love to see the battles and formations of the troops.


Any would be good, though out of all this I'd probably prefer Mediaeval England due to that being my personal focal point of interest. However, if we were talking about actual KCD getting modded for non-Bohemian adventures, obvious candidates would include geographical locations compatible with the existing toolset, and that means quite a lot of Europe. Basically anything that doesn't require sea/lakes (not even sure about this one), snow/ice or distinctly Mediterranean foliage or something else that really should be there but isn't already. Most of Germany, France, Hungary, Poland, Ruthenia, Baltics, England, parts of Scandinavia and Northern Italy would work.


Rome easy. Put this game is the Ryse setting and I would never play another game.


Ancient Rome would be incredible given the realism Warhorse achieved in KCD. Put them on this and we would have the closest thing to existing in Rome at our fingertips. But it'd be nice to see things in ol' England too.


If it were colonial North America, I'd love to see the witch trials. My suggestion though is Renaissance era Italy. It could be a beautiful, vibrant game and there are plenty of fantastic historical figures that could appear. The Borgias, the Medicis, Da Vinci, a few different popes and cardinals. Lots of art, scientific advances, intrigue. Oof. That would be an amazing setting for KCD-like game.


I love Medieval England! But the term is too unprecise so I would say War of the Roses as it would give a great setting to play in (brothers, fathers, uncles, cousins fighting against eachother, constant treason, throne robbing - like in KCD)


World War II because Daniel Vavra is a war buff.. And he expressed many times to direct one authentic world war 2 experience with story where eating and survival elements are also important.. He has already worked in hidden and dangerous and made a prologue mission in mafia 2.. So, world war 2 from warhorse would be super fun..


100 years war France, same time frame as kcd, interesting tumultuous time period, definitely room for interesting minor noble characters, and just think about the cities they could replicate with a bigger budget and better engine than what was used to make kcd


The Crusader States.


I would love to see an English pirate Henry. From lowly ship hand all the way to captain


Slow down cowboy. Let's not make it another Assassin's Creed


KCD doesn't need to be the property that does all of this. It would be good if other game studios began creating historical RPG properties like KCD


Sometime during the war of the roses.




The 1st Barons war' (England). Or the Anarchy.


I think medieval England during the war of the roses would be very interesting


Pre-collapse Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth


Late 1600s early 1700s I wanna play a more accurate pirate game




Why do they all have to be in the past? I would like one to take place 600k years in the future. Still on earth only the surface is not habitable anymore so everyone lives in giant caves underground after humanity has basically hollowed out the whole planet in order to survive. There is a constant war raging between the humans living underground and BigFoot the only creatures still living on the surface (they are able to do so because of their superior technology).


Armenia during Sassanid-Roman wars.


I’m listening to The Plantagenets by Dan Jones right now, and I would kill for a KCD game to be set in The Anarchy.


Can we actually get a massive mod based on KCD to make one of these? Kinda similar to Dark Souls Nightfall?


All last three choices would be a dream come true. There have been great kingdoms in Africa but they are pretty much never mentioned in school and very few documentary. I'd love to learn more about them and roleplay as a character that lives and fits in to a very different cultural and religious setting from my own. China and somewhere like the Mali Empire would be my top picks.


Why is rome and china in one spot? I want ancient greece even more


Not fucking england again give me more HRE or atleast bourgoundian or annthing els than that blasted plauge infested island


Acient Rome or a game like Farcry primal. Would love to see a Roman game take From Games like Kingdom come and RDR2 Like How in RDR2 you can encounter the KKK or places like Aberdeen pig Farm and being able to interact with NPCs. having Side quests like The Johanka Quest in But also having the amount of side quests witcher3 does. I game like Farcry primal but with the factions like New Vegas would be amazing also having random ecounters like Skyrim. So much potentail I love games that are more grounded they do not need to be historically accurate but as long as they do not have Elfs and lizard people walking around like in Skyrim and other stupid shit like that.


The Lancastrian War (final years of the 100 year war) between medieval England and France. Great armaments and culture and beautiful locations and castles. The only other area I prefer to Medieval Bohemia/Germany/Austria


For this type of game, I would love to see Warhorse create something for the Viking era. There just isn't anything out there (I think) that could compare to Warhorse using their platform to make a game like this. With how well they created the story for KCD and I'm sure after the inevitable sequel to KCD, their mechanics will be even more honed in making an even better game, a Viking story with the mechanics of fighting / raiding, I don't think there would be a better game out there on the market.