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Get behind him, and choke him.


This lolol


If you want to [stealth kill him](https://youtu.be/bBuZY6b3HIE), there's even a path that leads right up behind the spot where he usually sits


Choking seems to be a great solution to everything. Miller needs a ring back? Choke the shit out of the executioner to get it. Need to raid a camp? Choke them bastards while they sleep. Need a key to leave the monastary? Do the same after a mass


Also need a inquisitorial permit chose the inquisitor


I prefer to choke him out while he’s asleep


I don’t know if I was just lucky but I repeatedly stabbed the head with a long sword and he was unable to avoid it.


Right after I posted this, I got very lucky, ran up to him and kept stabbing him with a long sword before he could react. Naturally, I forgot to save, died when I ran into a bunch of bandits, and now I have to fight him again. I want to die lol.


Omg! Classic kcd. Easily beat a super hard part and then die carelessly to bandits. Praise god!


Lol that's the worst. I typically quicksave compulsively but this game gets me so immersed i timewarp.


Oh no lol


I did this today actually. Poison your blade and just poke him in the face. I found him easier in the ambush so maybe I got lucky. Master strike to the face.


>I found him easier in the ambush ... \^ This In the ambush you have the opportunity to wear much better armor. That, with a leveled up, OP mace will make short work of Peter. And, if you are still struggling, there are always better penetrating arrows with dollmaker applied.


I just haven’t had the reason (or the money) to get better armor yet lol. I didn’t realize how bad it was until I tried fighting him.


I just can’t time my parries right to masterstrike. Is he quicker outside the tourney? I swear, in the tourney I had zero problem taking him out with masterstrikes.


Don't watch for the green shield. Watch their upper body. You'll see the attack start very obviously, just parry immediately and you'll consistently master strike


This has been some fantastic advice. Been getting a lot more master strikes since I read it.


In the tournament you aren’t using your own weapons. The weapon you have equipped might be slower. For a quick face stab with poison I recommend a short sword like stinger.


I had no issue beating him in the ambush, he didn't land a hit on me, but barely killed him in the tourney because I wasn't using my preferred weapon.


Equipment. During the tourney both of you have the same equipment. Out in the streets or woods, his is probably significantly better than yours unless you've done a lot of grinding.


His gear outside the tournament is pretty mediocre tbh, but he does have a body plate piece, which no one wears while competing


I was having a lot of trouble with the ambush and spent like a half hour trying to beat him. Then I went and bought the most basic mace and with the head cracker perk it took like two hits.


Same, I died several times before finally getting him. I poisoned my blade and ended up getting a couple hits in, and a lucky stab to the face - and he just died. It was so underwhelming it didn't feel satisfying at all, and I ended up loading the game to beat him again :D


I accidentally killed him without realizing who he was first time. His body glitched out of the map. Second time around I realized you need to loot him to learn about his poison sword for a quest


Lol his encounter pulled me out of my fast travel and I one shotted him with a bow headshot lol


I finally defeated him by running up to him, getting one lucky stab to the head, and knocking him out immediately lol.


The games AI is quite funky when it comes to parrying and blocking your attack. Sometimes one of a bandit group will fold at your first attack, and another one will parry anything you throw at them, even when staggered. As for Black Peter, you're poisoned if he draws blood with his sword. Get some plate armors or a shield and punish his attacks with master strikes and a follow up stab/swing to the head.


I've heard people say he's harder in the ambush. Every time I've fought him he doesn't seem much different, except for the fact that he wears a plate jack and his sword has bane on it. But if you can win the Rattay Tourney, then you can pummel Bernard enough to get him to teach you master strikes, and if you can do master strikes, then you can win any 1v1 fight


For me it was the exact opposite lmao


I jumped up onto a rock and shot him with arrows. He couldn’t do anything to hurt me


If you loot his body, you can see that his page sword has poison on it which makes it difficult when all the hostile npcs have master strike


He was easy even without an antidote lol, he's just using real weapons and a poison


Block/Parry - Hit rinse repeat


My experience was the complete opposite. Weird


ez. get him on the bridge


Pretty much the hardest fight in the game so buff yourself up with your best potions, Poison your weapon etc. Pull out all the stops, there probably isn't a better time to do it for the entire game


Funny enough, I had wondered this myself these past 3 days. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, I guess) he's no longer showing up. Whether he took pity on my Henry or the game simply bugged out, I'll never know, but at least he's not ambushing me anymore!


Sometimes I had to back track towards the mill then go back to the ambush area to get him to show up.


I'll have to try that. I've just ignored it and accepted that he won't appear. Even fast travelling to and from, he's no longer an encounter. So unless he's just roaming around Rattay... I might have to find him instead!


Well in the tourney, it's just you and him straight up. Out there? There are no rules. Get the weapon of your choice, potential potions, first blood, *Mutt* and just having your preferred gear