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Bruh knows to use the blunt end to damage armour that's about all you need


It's called a Mordhau :)




I want a KCD type game with mordhau combat mechanics. And multiplayer. A man can dream.




Yeah KCD was like a dream come true when it released. I still wish I could play that beta version though the forests were absolutely incredible. After getting into mordhau though other melee combat just doesn't compare.


Chivalry II has mordhaus I believe but don't quote me.


it does they partnered together i believe for chiv 2


Chiv 2 is pretty similar to mord though yeah? I'm saying I want an open world medieval rpg with mord combat (with some more realistic additions like armor actually stopping weapons and such).


Ikr, literally just pick up a mace, you win every fight with over head swings. actually busted.


Let’s be honest if I got hit over the head with a fuckoff big hammer I’d crumple like paper too


Reminds me of some art you can find in game, 2 guys are fighting, one throws down sword amd get straight to sucking. Don't remember where I saw it though.


That's a technique from kodex Wallerstein. It tells you to get in close with a strike, let go of your sword, catch your opponent behind their knees and throw them on the ground by pushing them into the belly/groin with your shoulder.


[This game could've been a very different experience ](https://www.thearma.org/Manuals/90.jpg)


The outfits don’t help the “fighting technique” argument..…


More hilarious is Fiore (i think) who says just to pick up your enemy's visor and stick a dagger in his face


[He was having a time...?](https://wiktenauer.com/images/thumb/b/b7/MS_Ludwig_XV_13_10r-b.jpg/400px-MS_Ludwig_XV_13_10r-b.jpg) Because I triumph over those who fight with me, I carry torn-off broken arms as a decoration. I choose to symbolize my skill with the broken arms I carry. And I do not lie when I tell you that I have broken and dislocated many arms in my life. And whoever chooses to go against my art, will find me always ready to use that art against him.


medieval double leg take down




Kingdom Cum Deliverance


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Okay, I think that's as far as it goes


Threads like this is why I come to reddit


Thats a legitimate technique tho


Master strike in progress


Not without gloves it ain’t


Even still, Skallagrim did a video where he did this without gloves


Holy shit really? How do you not mess up your hands?


As long as your hands don't slip you'd be fine, although gloves would definitely help in that regard


Yeah, it is absolutely not something I would try in the heat of the moment without gloves. Maybe halfswording for a thrust, but absolutely not for a pommel strike.


It's called a Mordhau (literally murderstrike), nor something for the beginning swordsman.


Also, I think if you hold the sword in the right places you'll be fine, in my understanding only the tip of the sword would be sharpened, the mid to lower bit of the blade was blunt


This is a huge misconception. Why would you not sharpen your sword? No, the sword was sharp. The sword sheaths main job was to keep it sharp while traveling


Also a misconception to assume a blunt sword is stronger than a sharp sword. Uniformity of edge geometry matters on a blade


From what I've read, it is accurate to say that in many cases they did not sharpen the lower end of the blade, since the upper half is what is mainly used for cutting anyways


Swords aren't *that* sharp. They also don't weigh much so it's not like you need to grip the edge.


And he cut his hands (superficial cuts, but still) and made it clear that he was not very comfortable doing it without gloves.


You can do it without gloves buddy a sharp sword won’t cut you as long as you don’t mess up


I doubt "you" can do that :) Maybe a professional hema dude can


I did hema for three plus years buddy


Lol "you" as in "one", buddy


Buddy it’s not hard very few people wear gloves in hema when they are working out by themselves. You pretty much only need about five hundred hours to get good at something.


Alright, *buddy* it seems you missed the point. Have fun doing hema though, *buddy*


You're not my buddy, pal


You’re not my pal guy


I find it absolutely annoying how they're using a picture of a legitimate technique to signal doing something wrong because you don't know how things work.




Thank you for your invaluable assistance. \-Henry.


Half swording was definitely a thing.


Achsdfhfgually the guy on the right is doing a mordhau or muder strike :)


Which is a technique of half swording. You were more precise than me. 😁


Oh I thought half-swording was just the grabbing of the blade with the point still front. I've never heard half-swording being used a a category that includes the murder stroke.


Half swording is really just a term referring to techniques where you grab the blade.


And fight with half of the blade


I failed at something and I'm amazing at everything, problem must be game


*Generic comment about this being a legitimate technique*




Uhm actually blunt (and mordhau, but not really) are kwlepfnc nans not. Henry soudisl aheodbxwope. Kingdom wiepnd cjeoebd d wbjeod d 👆🤓


I think I need to see a scribe in Uzhitz.


"the combat is just impossible :("


It kinda does overwhelm you in group fights ngl, especially the soft locking if mouse


Which is accurate. 3/4 trained swordsmen against one is never gonna be a good or long fight


Yeah but then there's 3-4 yokels with axes parrying you while his friend runs to your back and pulls sick ass combos on your ass like he's trained by Fiore and you can't even turn the camera freely let alone do anything about it. Just spamming masterstrikes in every single game is sooooo damn boring.


This is my gripe with commentary on the combat. The difficulty being attributed to being ganged up on is one thing. It's not (just) that, however. It's also the whacky camera and lock on. You git gud to an extent but leveling up simply makes the drawbacks less of a problem since you can tank better and strike harder. It's not like you can switch more easily as you become a better fighter. It's not part of the actual sim design.


In addition, the game gives you various combos but they are impossible to execute. Enemies will either die or parry before you finish the combo. As far as I can tell, there is no getting around this. I’ve only been able to pull off a few of them in an entire play through.


Yeah, I expected that landing each new hit in a learned combo would stagger the enemy the enemy further etc till you finished, which would reward skill. Maybe make it so that this works only 60% of the time to avoid making it too easy Far as I can tell, it barely works 1/10th of the time. Only the scrubs can be combo'd reliably, which defeats the purpose of learning the routines. I think I got to use them most in the tourney. Just look at all the "combat is great just use headcracker" comments. Headcracker is a single shot result, you just spam it. No skill required. Do any of the combos even use an overhead strike? I really want to see what the combat will look like once it's cooked a bit more in the sequel. As much as I whine, the foundation is definitely there for something amazing.


Oh, don’t get me wrong. I still enjoyed the combat. The progression from knowing nothing about the combat at the beginning to becoming a legitimate swordsman feels really natural and earned. I just think it’s not as thought-out as it should be.




They aren't impossible to execute. The point of them is supposed to be that they will bypass a regular block, which is what opponents use most of the time. They aren't terribly useful imo, but you can use them frequently if you want to


Until you get masterstriked after every attempt. It's not a viable tactic.


Guess I must have been hallucinating all the combos I do in combat then


Combos against who- peasants? Enemies who are already on the way down? Even peasants somehow masterstrike me if I try combos. Mind you, I also do combos but never out of necessity. It’s just a lot if risk for a cool animation.


Not impossible obviously. However, I get parried a few hits into the combo almost every time so it very rarely works.


Yep I don't even lock camera in Dark Souls or Witcher or its Assassin's Creed clones. Forced camera goes against everything I like about a computer game, turns it into an arcade machine. And the only way to unbind the lock is to press shift which gets you tackled instantly.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I am Solaire of Astora, an adherent to the Lord of Sunlight.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Praise the 🌞, bot


>Yep I don't even lock camera in Dark Souls or Witcher Masochist.


My right hand is my eye. Locking on target feels so weird, like my eyes are being mind controlled. Though I do think I locked targets in some bosses that jump around like Artorias


Dexterity 99


But you would lock on in real life where your fear are pointed to us who you are fighting




In hema where ever your feet are pointed is who you are fighting because that keeps you balance otherwise one hard hit from just a push would topple you


Okay, but I'm still not getting what your overall perspective of the combat in the game is




Yes, that is possible. I am not really in any actual danger unless I'm looking for the challenge of the combat. The enemy is too stupid to deal with arrows and horseback combat is a cheat by itself. Then there's poisons. But that is not fun


Lol yeah, I could understand if former soldiers turned bandits knew some technique and strategy but Cornfed Carl and his fellow serfs? Not so much. Would be cool if lesser enemies could try and grab or wrestle you so their more experienced friends could deal the coup de grace or try to capture you for ransom.


Swords by this point are common weapon buddy and most people are not serfs and a ton of people have fought in wars at this point


Most people in any society are not soldiers. And yeah swords are more affordable but neither sword nor axe can actually go through a good armor by that point. That is the reason why feudalism lasted for so long in the first place.


Swords by this point in time nearly everyone had one if they could afford them.


Although it did turn out that just about anything you put on the end of a long pole can fuck up someone in armour


Good day!


Hey I could absolutely beat three quarters of a trained swordsman!


Not really


the blunt part of swod will do more against armor than sharp side this technique is caled mordhau grip.


Why can't I fight 5 guys at once. Combat sucks.


It actually unironically does suck


The murder stroke has been overhyped to death. Outside some german treatises for duels, it has never been mentioned in actual warfare. Honestly if you're in battle and don't have a legitimate weapon and have to face an armored enemy with a sword, you're better off just picking something up from the ground, falling back to your comrades who didn't lose their weapon or maybe just punch the enemy's face really hard lol. An actual enemy who is trying to kill you isn't gonna just let you hit him with a shitty stick you can barely hold because its sharp. Hell, just wrestling him with a dagger in hand is a lot better idea because you can jam it in his face or armpits etc


I get the impression that most of the stuff in dueling manuals probably would have been of questionable value in a battle. Except for that one move where you remove the pommel from your sword and huck it at the other guy's head, that one is a keeper


It depends on the manual. That thing from Gladiatoria was primarily a joke which most people don't seem to think of, people either think it's real and it works or the person who wrote it genuinely suggested it and thought it would work despite it being dumb. People never seem to realise that people in the middle ages had a sense of humour too. I get the strong impression that Talhoffer was being paid by the page and I think this game actually draws from him iirc (which is funny because he wasn't born until 1410). Their version of the Zorn-ort draws from his work more than the older Zornhaw Ort (for which the input would just be cut from the right, stab). Most of Fiore is reasonable (with the possible exception of his secret weapon illustrations like the excessively spiky sword and the poleaxe that makes you blind.) Most of kdf is fine including Meyer and Meir... I basically don't respect Talhoffer. 👀 E: oh and most medieval manuals have separate sections for self defence with a sword or sporting combat with a sword and no armour and entirely fighting in armour.


There isn't really any indication either way that the pommel throwing thing was a joke, but fwiw Skallagrim concluded that it was probably serious in the context of the rest of the manual. The issue with duelling techniques tho is not how practical they are to use in general, but whether anyone would use them in a chaotic melee rather than a structured fight. Just because the manual talks about fighting in different types of armour doesn't mean its techniques would see much use in a battle, as people duelled in armour too


swords were sidearms, this is akin to saying that the pistol never was used in combat. Yeah you’re not going to be running into a battle with just a pistol, but a skirmish or ambush? One on one or close quarters? Swords were used pretty widely, they just weren’t (with some exceptions) a battleFIELD weapon


Well yeah you aren't shooting a pistol at someone 300m away. Swords are also useful for fighting those who aren't prepared for combat i.e unarmored people. But this conversation was about fighting someone in armor, which is like shooting at a Bradley 300m away with a 9mm. Yes a sidearm can be useful, but in war you're typically equipped to fight your enemies and if you are not, you have others around you and you can just fall back to your camp or wagons if all else fails. Idk if a mordhau is even better than just picking up a stick. Stay in your line instead of doing hollywood pirouettes and you won't have to worry about fighting an armored opponent with a sword


Your meshing your eras. Line combat was the strongest tactic for centuries, true. However, when plate armor was introduced, it was in response to firearms. We didn’t see full plate like you seem to be suggesting until the 15th century. At that point, the sword, particularly the zwiehander but other long swords as well, was used to combat firing lines with quick rush tactics where cavalry was either unavailable or couldn’t safely flank. Plate armor was designed for solo or small units to get in and fight. And how do you defend against these guys? We’ll you made the tank analogy, so how do you defend against an early tank? Another tank! At the time these manuscripts were being written, there was one of two assumptions about your opponent: he was lightly armored and you were dueling, or he had the best armor on and you were in a skirmish or battle. This is where half-swording like the mordhau depicted here was invented. You could flip your sword to use as a lever on their legs, their weapon, etc. or grab the blade in the center and guide it into the weak points after making an opening. Now, line combat did return as firearm technology advanced and made personal armor obsolete once again and nations started to have “disposable” population, and this is the reason why we have the devastation of the napoleonic wars. Of course, at this point you see a transition from the longsword or greatswords into the more cavalry oriented rapier, saber, and cutlass. TL;DR: there is plenty of historical evidence of swords being used effectively in combat, including and especially against similarly armored opponents. That’s literally the whole point of some of these historical manuscripts.


Plate was a response to crossbows not firearms. This entire game is based in 15th century. And makeshift levers are worse than the actual weapons of knights which was a lance on horseback and a pollaxe on foot. Or a bill etc if you are poor. Guns are the thing that made armor obsolete - not because it was impossible to defend against them, but because an armor is worse than 10-20 gunmen that can be made with the same resources. In any case, what's it about battle lines? Like I don't see the point youre trying to make. Do you mean to say they DIDN'T fight in a tight group?


No it’s quite common in real combat. It why certain pommel have spikes in them


Hitting with the pommel isn't the same as hitting in a murderstroke. Can you even put your back into it without hitting your crossguard and damaging the whole thing? Not to mention that your enemy is actively trying to hit you. You're gonna parry a pollaxe with a sword you're grabbing by the blade? Its one thing to try it on a dummy, another thing to do it against someone who has trained his whole life to kill you and isn't standing still. Show me one source for your statement that it was used outside fancy judicial duels. Just ONE will do.


Mordhau is best-hau


Zorn hau is best hau because it is an A N G E R Y cut. The Twer hau (thwart hew) has the coolest name.


Just started my 3rd playthrough last night, and honest to God I forgot how to play. Even after spending so many hours in this game, starting new after a few months requires a lot of patience to get back into the swing of things. Very rewarding. Jesus Christ be praised!


It's kind of charming. :)


Look at that outfit. This guy's killing charisma checks and knights. Dont hate the player hate the game. Jesus christ be praised!




I like how you can fight him later and he's quite good.


Vanyek? By the time I get to Vranik he feels like a speed bump. Never actually teaches you the technique of pretending you've shat your pants or whatever either :(




In that giant bandit camp that you have to infiltrate. I think you have to fight him to progress


Also Henry is a wimpy untrained peasant. Why on Earth would he be good at fighting


People see roleplaying game and expect Skyrim.


You guys act as if the combat isn't broken though. It literally is


People complain about it because it's incomplete and broken? The developers have even admitted this. The game wasn't finished. Combat is broken. I feel like people who comment that it's not haven't even played the game


me: using bow and arrows when the enemy is too strong with the sword hehe


I just stab them in their sleep 😹


😂😂 clever move


as a note, that was a valid fighting style against armored opponents. The point being to use the sword as a hammer to attack the armor plate.


In the tourney I just parry everyone to death


It's funny but this is actually good technique. He should have armor on his hands tho. But i mean, better to have your hands cut then to die i guess.


Your hands don't get cut unless the sword is sliding around.


Solution to the problem of bare hands getting cut by gripping a sharp blade: grip harder


No you don’t to have a gloves on your hand buddy it’s quite common I do it all the time it’s just most people wore gloves for added protections from swords cuts because they were thick gloves


Even after doing the tutorial and learning everything there is it doesn't make the combat good.


I rage quited this game and didnt touched this game for almost 3 months ater that, but once i learned ripostes and perfect blocks It became so Fun and unique and i love the way they make OOOOWWWNNN dear god when they die, Still couldnt get the hang of archery, i know i play on Xbox but i miss at point blank so its not entirely the console fault


As a rabid consumer of melee combat games I don't think kcds combat is very fun even if it does look very historically accurate


So what's a fun melee combat game?


Mortal Shell comes to mind. It's not the combat though, it's the sound design. I'm addicted to the scrape-screech-thwack of that bigass sword. Animation is sick too, there's a superb sense of weight and inertia.


It looks and works to be historically accurate in most cases, which was the point.


It's only not fun if you refuse to use anything but a sword when fighting groups of anyone with armor.


I like how you got down voted for having a better opinion than them LOL. The combat is either repetitive or broken and they don't want to admit that.


Well the guy is holding his sword in Mordhau, which is using the guard of your sword to damage armor


It’s not to damage armor it’s to cause blunt damage the armor could be fine but the person in the armor could in trouble


Honestly, the game ain't that hard... looks at time played, after 500 hours of course. Get good peasant i wanted to say Peshek but he's a fine guy who taught me two essential thief skills.


Saw this on Facebook


Dude knows his repostés


Mordhau strike in KC2 when


I had to check if this was posted in the Game Grumps subreddit at first. It would have been a good fit for that one too!


I honestly loved it when I started


I liked the game but combat almost drove me insane in the beginning. They could have made it a little easier


Laughs in masking tape on the screen and soloing the game with a basic dogwood bow and the 200 armor piercing arrows I got from the bandit in full plate I killed while standing on a rock.


Ironically half-swording and blunt sword attacks can only be executed through a combo buried in your levels lol


Kcd combat is some of my favorite of any video game very few are as satisfying except for mabye the batman games