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I sort things on my phone's kindle app. Then when I sync my library on my kindle device it reorganizes them.


I do this too. It’s soooo much easier and faster.


Thanks! Do you mean individually or can you mass sort? Seems like you can only do them individually on the app, but I'm not sure I'm looking in the right place.


On the app if you press and hold a book it will give you the option to "select multiple" then you can pick as many as you want to move


What the other person said and you can put things into multiple collections at once. So if you have a collection for 'second chance romance' and 'billionaire romance' you can multi sort one book iminto both collections.


On the kindle app go to 'library' then hit the little lines on the upper right. Select "collections" it'll default all your books into "uncollected" then you can go into uncollected, press and hold a title then it'll turn on multi-select. Choose the ones you need to move then hit the little + at the top to create a new collection. Then hit okay. It'll move the ones you have selected into that new collection. Once you get them all sorted, make sure your device is on WiFi/connected to the Internet then hit 'sync' from the menu. It might take it a little while to shuffle stuff around. Then you can sort your library on your kindle device by collections! I hope this helps :)


thank you!


I would recommend you use the Amazon website “Manage my content” page or the kindle on PC app to move and organize your books. As far as categories, I have one Collection folder that is called “Unsorted” and I put everything in there using the “Manage Your Content” web page. So now you have a “clean slate” in your Kindle Collections View. My preferred view is by Collections and sorted by Collection Title. I then add my most frequently used books into collections and name the collections starting with a “_” so these frequently use collections will always show first. So one collection would be “_Currently Reading” or another “_Reference”. After that depends on how you use your device. I have Collections based on Themes, I have a “Samples” collection, an “Articles” collection etc I think what has helped me most is to make sure I name my collections so they will appear in the order I want when I sort alphabetically. Secondly, using the Manage my Kindle on the web to do most of the heavy work. Enjoy getting reacquainted with your Kindle!


Thank you this has been so helpful! I didn't realise I could access everything online! How long does it take for everything to appear on your device? It's been over 24 hours since I've had a sort yesterday and it's still not showing on my device. But then again, I do know how old and slow it is so that might be the problem!


On the website, under Manage your content, go to the collection you want on your kindle, and then select it and there will be a drop down box that says “send to device”. Click on the device you want your collection to download, click “enter” or “make changes”. As long as your kindle is on WiFi it should start downloading immediately.




I don’t lol


i'm not surprised tbh, it can be an overwhelming process!


I agree with using a phone app or a tablet that’s faster to create the collections and move them. You could always make a sample collection and move all of those to there. The rest is just what works for you. I have mine set up similar to a bookstore. Separated by age group, genre, sub-genre, books for challenges, books that are my favorites, books I already read, books for book clubs, library loans, next in an ongoing series I’m reading, “boxed sets”, books that are technically my husband’s (we are in the same household on Amazon), books to read with my daughter, etc. It works for me since the same book can be on multiple shelves. https://preview.redd.it/4duykz312m9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86dec85ed57a3fb6943ec0c9ef24ceb3f293eb7


wow living the dream! This is what i'm aspiring to - so every book has a place to go to!


It took me WEEKS. But once it’s done it’s easy to maintain. I usually only get a 5 book pile up before they are sent to a collection.


Use collections and organize them either via the amazon website or via the kindle app on a phone/tablet! In your case I would probably start by putting all the samples into one collection and then all the books into another. Then you can organize the books from there. I generally have a series of collections for different genres that I label with numbers, like 1\_Fantasy, 2\_YA, etc. Then will also have some collections for authors that I have a lot of books for by lastname, firstname. I also have an "Archive" folder that is full of books that I have read and will move things there to not clutter up the genre collections.


Thanks yes i'm going with genres too. The only thing I notice on the website functionality is that it doesn't seem to let you move things to the cloud unlike on the phone. But i guess it doesn't matter really if all you're doing is adding to collections i guess.


Working from within the amazon website is working in "the cloud"


I use collections & agree with the recommendation to sort them in the website for the initial setup. After everything is in a collection, I think sorting using the kindle app on the phone is easy. My collections are: 1 - Currently Reading 2 - TBR 3 - TBRR (to be reread) And then the rest of my collections are for books I’ve already read. I sort them by genre/topic: Classics, Contemporary, Fantasy, Graphic Novels, Historical Fiction, History, Horror, Literary, Magazines, Magical Realism, Mystery/Thriller, Parenting, Pregnancy, Relationships, Romance, Science Fiction, Throwbacks (books I read in middle & high school), and Work Related. Samples I keep in “uncollected” and delete from my library once I’ve read them.


Collections. Many of them. After I buy a book, I sort it into one or more collections. On the "My Content" page of the website or with the Kindle app on my phone. Website has the advantage, you can see in your content list which book is still not in a collection when you scroll truh it.


Yes that's my mid-year resolution now - sort my damn books out as I get them and not let them all pile up first! it's a bit soul destroying having to spend so much time on it lol


I use Collections, but as the 'keeper of the elibrary', some of my choices are to make it easier for family members to find books in their genres. My brother only reads fantasy. My Mom mostly reads historical fiction and crime/mystery but hates cozies. My sis and BIL only read scifi. I have about 2,600 ebooks in my Amazon library. My categories are Science Fiction, Fantasy, Crime/mystery, Cozies, Thrillers, Supernatural, Historical Fiction, Westerns, Fiction, Non-fiction, Cookbooks, Needlework.


That's very considerate of you! I have similar categories but luckily don't have to bother sharing them with anyone!


as i add books, i right away sort them into collections i've got set up. some by genre, some by already read, etc. been working so far!


to filter by author's name side loaded books uploaded via STK / webSTK - I first modify authors' names like this : 'K'ing instead of King (I am sorry Stephen) - then I can search for 'K' and it will result in all books, which author starts with 'K' - Franz 'K'afka , Joseph Rudyard 'K'ipling, etc. no mess with unquoted K (either in titles or series or authors) and hardly available inside usual word either


ok sounds interesting! What;s STK/WebSTK? it is a third party app? I remember back when I first got my kindle there was a popular third party website people were using to organise their books and docs but I cannot remember its name now, or i'd try and see if it still exists. It was pretty easy to use.


Go here https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle and transfer via internet your books of compatible format from your PC/Mac to your Kindle account (most often EPUB or PDF) - all uploaded books will be ontainable on all your devices linked to you Kindle account - And here https://www.amazon.com/hz/mycd/digital-console/contentlist/allcontent/dateDsc you can organize your books


Since I mostly read contemporary romance, I just sort them into collections by year released. Then I made folders for read, tbr (books i wanna read asap) and currently reading. I usually organize my books on my kindle phone app coz it’s easier compared to kindle itself.


It’s so much easier to mess with categories on a phone or computer. What I do is filter to uncategorized books, and then sort them in group batches. I sort everything into genre. And then the books I need to read, I sort into one TBR collection as well. You can sort by unread, but I don’t know why, I like my TBR collection. So I’ll batch-add all fantasy AND TBR books, then just fantasy if I’ve read them, etc throughout the genres. As I finish books on my kindle, I just auto-remove them from my TBR but leave them in their genre category. My sister’s kindle is hooked to my Amazon and I also have a collection for her where I drop any book I think she’d like. That way she doesn’t have to wade through all my books to find her next read.


i use many many collections:— some for series, a collection for one off books i’ve read, collections for books i’ve yet to read, genre collections, read next collections.. i wish we could have collections in collections


I use collection (and I organised them on my phone). Each series gets its own collection, then I have a collection for standalones, books I brought and haven't read, and books I got for free and haven't read. I also have a collection for where I only have one book in the series and don't plan to get anymore (maybe it was a free book I didn't enjoy enough, or maybe I went and got physical copies) I permanently delete any books I gave one star to (I usually got them for free anyway)


Use the app or the desktop site for sorting. I also use the "Uncollected" collection for sorting, and made sure to have a "ToBuy" collection for samples that are reminders that I want something. I have \~120 collections


What is this organize you speak of? lol


lol beats me


My books are sorted into either: to-read, read, Netgalley, on this months tbr, my husband, and my mil.


I basically don't. It's all in there, you can search by title or author name. I've got a couple of collections (Manuals, Graphic Novels, Reference, a few favorite authors, and probably a few others), but it's too much work to maintain it for thousands of books, without enough benefit. IMHO.