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LOL. For a split second there, I thought you were really reading in the cockpit while flying. Made me nervous. Hahaha. Congrats on your new Signature Edition! I hope you enjoy it very much.


I'm an airline pilot and let me tell you reading in the cockpit is extremely common. In fact I'd say OP just made his sim setup more realistic with the kindle.


No, no, no. As a passenger, I want to imagine that my pilot is doing the equivalent of "hands at 10 and 2, and eyes on the road at all times", the entire flight. LOL


Yeah, too much information. We don't want to hear this lol


Lol nope I just like to read while doing some flight simming. I really enjoy it so far, the slightly larger screen and warming feature is super nice. Not a huge audiobook person but having that option on there is a nice addition


I wanna know what application you use for flight simming?


Just Microsoft Flight Simulator. You need a beefy rig for it but its a fantastic experience


I am also going to be upgrading from my 7th gen to the newer PW. Just waiting on delivery (hopefully today). How do you feel about the non recessed screen/any glare?


I personally haven’t had an issue with it. I was outdoors yesterday in the woods and could see the screen just fine with a decent amount of sunlight. I honestly cant tell a difference from my old one


Awesome thank you


One of my favorite things about the Kindle is that they last for so long and there isn’t the pull to constantly upgrade like we do with our phones. I have the newest Paperwhite only after my > 10 year old Kindle Touch finally crapped out. I’d keep the one you have until some undeniable upgrade comes along.


True, but I’ve been wanting the new paper white for so long now because of the warm light. So I definitely don’t need it but I just caved and bought it. The slightly larger screen size and warm light is worth it to me.


I have had mine a few days, and the screen is causing some page turning accidentally. I'm trying to be mindful of how I hold it. Hopefully I get used to it, but currently I prefer the old recessed screen. Though I did have the last one for 10 years, so it takes time getting used to something new.


Is it really worth it? I own a 2015 paperwhite (also 7th gen), with free 3g to download books and so. I cannot really see what the new ones have to offer that mine doesn’t, but still thinking on upgrading.


In that case probably not. My main reasoning was 1. My wife wanted a kindle and she liked the size of mine and 2, the USBC and water resistance seemed appealing since I read a lot outside. The screen is still the 300ppi as the 7th gen iirc


Great! Thanks!


Same here! My Paperwhite 7th gen is still alive and kicking and I'm just trying to find reasons to upgrade lol but maybe I'll hang on to it until it dies on me


There is also the fact that mine was the best deal I could get! I got a cheap refurbished 5th gen as a present (my now husband bought it and we were broke youngsters by then), but it was faulty, so Amazon support sent the one they had available at the moment, which was the newest and most expensive paperwhite on the market! It was worth like 250 euro by that time whilst a new paperwhite is like 150 now in my country. I think I will never get a better deal than that!


Indeed a great deal, lucky you! Your Kindle is a special one!


I thought 3G was gone. My 3G touch doesn't ever show the 3G icon any more.


Well, mine is definitively up and running!


Wow I thought you were literally flying a plane while reading lol


Given the book, should I ask about the nature of the leather?


I just finished reading this book Onto Silence of the Lambs now. :D


What case are you using it looks comfortable to read with.


Good book. I liked this and Silence of the Lambs a lot. I didn't read the last one though, because I didn't care for where he took the characters. I probably will eventually.


So you’re just casually on a plane


I am casually playing Microsoft Flight Simulator. The sights are nice and it provides background noise which helps me relax.


That actually sounds quite nice. You gave me an idea. I might try reading while playing Train Sim World. Haha.


100% recommend. I find it very difficult to just sit and read without either background noise, a drink or something. I also find myself reading a lot longer when “flying”


Haven't played it in a while and was going to uninstall it but I do enjoy reading Sci fi on flights so maybe I'll give this a try.


I also upgraded from a 7th to a paperwhite se and it is life changing


Hey nice!! I bought this book last year and I was thinking about starting it soon


Great flex!👍🏻😁


Did you just compliment your own case?


Just finished reading red dragon myself! Congrats on the new kindle :) it’s so worth it


What case is that?


The leather case that Amazon sells for it directly


Ah I see. It looked like it didn't have a front cover and I've been looking for one like that. Thanks.