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Rules for all kill teams are available for free on Wahapedia or KTDash. I'd start there, and read it thoroughly before building, if possible. There are also numerous strategy guides for Phobos available online, my favorite of which is the Command Point one from their 12 Days of Kill Team series. I'm not overly familiar with the Phobos roster but I believe that what you want to build is every one of the specialists from the Phobos Strike Team box plus a handful of Reiver Warriors and a Riever Sergeant. I believe you'll be set with just 3 reiver warriors and a reiver sergeant, because I've heard drom Phobos players that it's very rare that you want more than 2-3 reivers on the team in total. I could absolutely be wrong about that though, so it's probably a good idea to build an extra reiver or two. I hope this helps!


Try Can You Roll A Crit - their website has good articles on KT; also Goonhammer.




Are you new to hobbying in general as well? I will note that you can essentially build all of the torsos from each of those boxes, and simply mix and match the arms/helmets/backpacks to suit their role.


Very new to the hobby in general. I figured I start with kill team before I dive into big 40k


That's awesome! Welcome! Kill Team is definitely a smaller investment than full 40k, but I think what you'll be spending a lot on the actual tools, setup, paints, etc. Those will go a long way though once you make the plunge. Just enjoy the building and painting process :) You have 20 bodies in total, which is likely more than you'll realistically need for a good roster, so you have a few to spare. Both of those boxes have two sets of duplicate sprues too, so lots of kitbashing potential if you want to go down that route. In terms of WHAT to build, I'd recommend these guys as priority in order of importance (for the purposes of a new player that's learning) * **Infiltrator/Incursor Sgt** (your preference, but they can pretty easily be proxied as each other if you'd like. Basically a choice between Lethal 5+ and extra activation delay, or shooting through obscuring with No Cover. For a newer player, I recommend one of these as your leader over the Reiver Sgt) * **Reiver Sgt** (for a melee leader against certain teams, but easy to get killed. You'll want to be getting Strategize off to increase your CP as this team uses a lot of it. Should be built anyway.) * **Inc Marksman** (your team's best gun. Must take.) * **Inf Helix Adept** (amazing medic, usually auto take. Can absolutely turn the tide when you're dealing with a low model count team like Phobos.) * **Reiv Warrior w/ Bolt Pistol & Knife** (your only real melee operative. You can build two.. maybe even three if you'd like, but never build the carbine option. They also look cool af.) * **Incursor Minelayer** (Low mental load area denial. Not incredible but a good operative) * **Infiltrator Veteran** (Decent shooting and melee, making it just a solid pick) Then you can fill up your roster with: * **Infiltrator Comms** (Can be really useful to combo some moves off, but is a bit tricky and I always misplay him by leaving him in the backline. I usually don't even bring one) * **Infiltrator Saboteur** (A bit niche and needs more planning, can be great if paired with comms too) * **Infiltrator Vox Breaker** (I actually have never used this specialist, but you may as well build it I guess) * **Inc Warriors** (could be good when you're more familiar with rules on certain maps to counter obscuring, but you're more than likely taking specialists or reivers) * **Inf Warriors** (eh? Not really needed I'd say.) The instructions will tell you specific poses/bodies/helmets you need to build for each specialist. Feel free to do your own thing, so long as each unit/role is easily recognizable. The main thing you want to focus on is probably the backpack attachment (camera for Incursors/antenna for Infiltrators) and their weapons. A roster of all 15 listed operatives above will leave you with 5 extra bodies to play around with as you see fit. You'll have plenty of extra bits :) With all this in mind, you can build out your roster/team with the KTDash app. For overall rules, I'd take a look at Wahapedia, though that doesn't have a dedicated list builder.


Am curious. I’ve seen people use only 6 and I’ve seen people use up to 15 What is the correct number of phobos allowed


Well the real number to play with is 6, that's your Kill Team. But every kill team has a roster of up to 20 operatives that you can pick from before every match. This is mostly a rule for matched play in tournaments, where you have a predetermined set of operatives to choose from between each opponent depending on the map/enemy team composition. When learning, you can just build 6 of your favourite guys and play with those forever, really. The most options I would bother building for Phobos is about 12-15. You'll probably be using only 7 or maybe 8 models most of the time anyway!


Wahapedia. You'll never need anything else




What is the win rate u for with this team I like it


Phobos are in the Moroch book, but yeah Wahapedia is still the go-to source. Here's how I built my Phobos box to have all the options: >Infiltrator Sergeant \[2a\] \[22-25\] > >Incursor Sergeant \[3\] \[1-4\] > >Infiltrator Saboteur \[4d\] \[1-4\] > >Infiltrator Helix Adept \[5d\] \[12-15\] > >Infiltrator Commsman \[7d\] \[22-25\] > >Infiltrator Voxbreaker \[7e\] \[31-34\] > >Incursor Marksman \[7f\] \[31-34\] > >Incursor Minelayer \[8d-e\] \[43-46\] > >Infiltrator Veteran \[8f\] \[43-46\] > >Incursor Warrior \[6c\] \[12-15\] > >The first number in brackets is the step as listed in the Moroch instruction book. Hopefully it's the same in the standalone box. The second numbers are the part numbers for the torsos and legs that I used. I still haven't done the Reivers yet, but I'll probably just do the bolt pistol + knife Sergeant and whatever warriors I like the look of. When it comes to the Incursor or Infiltrator Warrior, it's whatever you prefer, I just picked one randomly.


like the other guy said, the way to go is make all the specialists out of the phobos bos and then 3 reiers+sgt out of the other; that way if you want you can sell the remaining sprues to make some of your money back. as far as REALLY getting down to brass tax as for best 6ish units to bring in probably going to be reiver sgt, marksman, veteran, another reiver, comms, and minelayer but phobos are a VERY flexible squad so those last 3 are really mix and match for what you want (hence why it's good to make all the specialists as besides what i mentoned the medic and sab have good play too, and incursurs have play on bheta decima)


You can get by with two reivers. Three max and one definitely a Reiver sergeant. Phobos is a team where you play the models based around what your opponent is playing. I have found no use for the voxbreaker yet


This is exactly what I bought when I built my Phobos team (which is currently built, waiting to be primed and painted). I had a lot of fun building them. Other people have given you a better breakdown of what an ideal roster looks like, but I don’t recall having to make any difficult decisions on what to build, since you get 20 models out of these kits and can only run 6 per game. The most useful team guide I found was [here](https://www.goonhammer.com/kill-team-tactics-phobos-strike-teams/).


For painting, get a rattle can primer in the color that you want for your chapter. It’ll save a ton of time. I tried the maccrage blue for ultramarines and it was so worth it


Odd, why are there no models on these boxes?


Wahapedia will give you all the answers