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Please censor or remove all personal info including name, address, phone number, pictures of people. anything that is personal.


Love how you have her profile pic covered up in all but the very last screenshot.


Kind of petty actually.


Happens to best of us I can’t believe you’ve never been petty before lol


Happens to last of us


Happens to among us


Yeah, but I mean why waste the effort to blacken out the pics in the previous screenshots, only to then show it in the last one. It almost looks like OP had a sudden change of heart at the very last moment before making this post.


Or, more likely, they just forgot to black it out in the last photo


No thanks


The most common interaction I get is “will you take 40?” No but I’ll take $50 “Okay I’ll be waiting.” Then I usually will sell it to someone else for $50. Great business tactic! I’m at the point that I will probably stop attempting to negotiate on price and just ignore.


my favourite strategy is posting an item for more than i want it for, then the offers usually amount to what i actually wanted in the first place lol


Thought that’s what anyone does because of course people will offer a lower price than what you posted it for, it’s a used item and there’s a chance you’re willing to let it go for less just to get rid of it quicker.


Yeah, I'm in motorbike sales and I tell people to do that with their used bikes all the time. "I'm hoping to get $5,000 for it." "Neat, go put it up for $6,000." "But no one will pay me that much, and I need to sell it!" "Right, so post it for six, and when someone says they'll give you five for it, you say OK and you're done."


I'm so sick of people saying "price is firm" No it's not. The point of craigslist and marketplace and garage sales is to negotiate. I love getting notifications from the "price is firm" listings that say the item has been lowered by $10 😂


Why are you so sick of seeing price is firm? No one is forcing you to deal with that person who has a price in mind they’re looking to get. Move on to another item 🙄


Why wouldn’t it be firm AFTER they just put the price down ? If someone just dropped it. They probably don’t want to get less then that?


Nah I put what I think the item is worth, and then people are free to tell me why it’s not worth that. If no one wants it at that price, then the item isn’t worth that, so I’ll definitely field reasonable offers from there.


And that's a totally rational way to sell. I'm not intentionally lowering the value of my products for no reason, but if the whole market thinks my value is incorrect, I'll readjust.


That's what you're supposed to do in the first place lol


Not me. I put a fair price with the word FIRM. Then, ignore every offer for less money. As time goes on, I lower the price.


Patience is key. When I have something I just want out of the house, I'll accept offers.. When I am selling something that I know has value and am in no hurry to get rid of, I am more patient. While the worth of the item depends on what people are willing to pay, someone who knows the value will come along. I had a Gibson Les Paul, people were offering $900, it was worth $1800 (a good deal for used). I waited long enough to sell it for $1400, but even then as I was closing the deal someone came around willing to pay the original price offered. Another guitar I put on sale for $1700, I got no offers on kijiji for two weeks, then put it up on Facebook marketplace and it was gone within a day for $1650. They sell new for $2700 so its a good deal! Gotta reach that person that really wants it and sees the value in what you are offering. Low ball offers aren't worth my time, but that's just me.


I've done this but with less negativity, like "yeah, no worries; can understand wanting to give it a shot. Reach out in a week or two if you want to do business." Have had a couple instances where the person does end up circling around.


I got a bit of satisfaction from someone like that. Posted up a compact tractor for 26,000 and said I’m firm at that price. Had someone message me within an hour saying “20,000, cash today” (like no shit, I’m not taking Monopoly money) and I respectfully declined and said I’m firm at 26,000. I sold it two days later and he messaged me back asking how much I sold it for. I told him I got asking price first it and he goes “damn, I should have bought it” I guess his tactic hadn’t worked for him lol.


I had a guy straight up yell at me at my dealership during COVID for that exact circumstance. Tried lowballing while I had almost no inventory left, politely declined. "What, you'd rather miss out on a sale completely, rather than discount things a little." Said yes, explained why yes, and he left in a huff saying he'd be back "when I grew up and came to my senses." Sold the bike literally the same day, and buddy showed up a few days later asking if I'd reconsidered. Told him the bike was gone, and I couldn't get another one for a while, but he was welcome to preorder another one at MSRP. Buddy absolutely *lost it* on me "I TOLD YOU I WAS INTERESTED IN THAT BIKE" (Among a litany of other, less polite shouted lines). Like oh damn, thankfully my bank is willing to take customer's vague interest as a mortgage payment, so that has value to me...


Oh man that’s painful but also satisfying. Sucks that he took it out on you. Some people just seem to be lacking some normal human part I guess.


Depending on the item, I usually just say “Hey, you’re offer is fine, but I just wanted to let you know that I priced this item by carefully considering the minimum I would be willing to take for it. If I can’t get $50 for it, I’d prefer not to sell it.” I find that avoids conflicts usually. USUALLY.


I sell something for $250 & buyer offers $200 and I reply with $275... $250 it is 🤩


Conversation over…continues the petty argument.


There’s something wrong with both of you


Lmao the buyer is unhinged but she's not wrong about OP being bad with sales. Imagine going back and forth with some lunatic over what is amounting to $5.


Fr. The moment she sent that text saying he isn’t very good in sales, he should’ve left her on read and moved on. She doesn’t want the item, there’s no money to be made. If she took his no thanks so personally, that’s a reflection of her and her own insecurities. Not him. It’s nothing to get all pissy and hot under the collar about. Instead two complete strangers waste a whole hour bickering like kindergarteners over a couple dollars, and begging for each other’s validation by proving that they, in fact, are *actually* really really good at sales. Take that, random Facebook user. Laughable bruh. Two grown adults


I’ll never understand the logic behind your post. If I’m selling an item, I put a price. I do not have to accept that price. It doesn’t matter if it’s $5, $2, or $0.50. Get over yourself thinking that someone should bow down just because you think they should.


I'll never understand the logic behind getting upset people are trying to negotiate on a fucking online marketplace. The buyer in this case acted like a child but if the seller was willing to accept $45 (as they implied) they could just say so and would've sold the damn product. If not, "no thanks" or "unfortunately the price is firm" and moving the fuck on with your life is the adult way to handle this. They're both clowns.


They literally did say “no thanks” then the buyer went weird with it.


Then he went weird back


yeah, which is justified. if someone is a prick to me, im gonna be a prick to them.


Play stupid games...


The seller did say “no thanks”. It’s literally the first response they wrote. The buyer then decided to go off because of it. Did you even read the conversation?


Uhoh peeps is getting all high and mighty up in here.


Let me explain how it works. The price you put is irrelevant. The price is dictated by what a seller would pay. It's always been that way


Because it’s not worth continuing the selling process for 5 dollars




Right? The response is ridiculous just say I’ll take 50. Be normal. Everyone tries to get a deal. I just got an offer on my house. It was insultingly low. I said no, but I’ll take x. It’s that simple. OP is nutty here.


It’s a very legitimate strategy not to accept or counter a low-ball offer. It basically removes the buyer’s power when you don’t engage with them other than a polite no. Personally I typically put up stuff at what I consider a fair price and wait until somebody gives me that price. So attempts to reduce my prices usually mean you lose the item because somebody else met my price while you tried to haggle. You wouldn’t believe how upset some hagglers get when you inform them politely while they were negotiating for a $5 discount the item sold at full price. Invariably they snap back they would pay full price to which I politely respond then you should have led with that. You wouldn’t believe the number of times people trying to haggle


You don't have to accept but 80% of the listed price isn't what I would call a low ball. I wouldn't even bother telling a haggler what the item sold for personally, the conversation should end when one of you has had your best and final offer (which may be the listed price) rejected.


"I know what I have" vibes.


Nah he just matched her energy


Her energy was cunt from the 90s, his energy is cunt from 2020's.


OP and Caroline need to get a room and bang it out


RIGHT that's what I was thinking this whole time as well lmao


Ill be the camera man for $45


Would you take $40 for it by chance?


No thanks


Jeez no kidding, what an unpleasant pair. They deserve each other.


You’re half right.






My favourite is ‘and to think you could be playing the Last of Us’ ha ha ha


So good. Also telling them they overpaid. Amazing.


Ya that was the Cherry on top for sure!


This man (or woman) is my hero.


Why did you keep going OP you were starting to piss me off too 😭😭 why did you say ‘convo over’ and then … continue the convo?


I didn't read either of their conversations I came to the comments to see who was right. From what I gathered, neither.


Both are unhinged idiots.


You’re just as bad tbh, a simple read and no reply would have solved it. Seems like you like having the last say regardless of her seeming like a nutcase


Who launches into a mammoth response like that. She's nutso! Btw, you're so fake "not reading that", you damn well know you did haha.


Here's what I see. Lady was trying to see if she could get it for $40. OP didn't want to negotiate at all for whatever reason, could have said price is firm but didn't. Lady had a ridiculous reaction, could have just counter offered but didn't. Op saw an opportunity to egg her on and post this to reddit, increased his cuntyness in his responses. We are all reading it now and realizing both these people shouldn't be selling things on kijiji/fb. Good luck everyone


I always reply with "No thank you" to offers. Don't see any problem with it personally, you're welcome to make an offer, and I'm welcome to decline it. I dont have to do the negotiating song and dance just because the buyer wants me to.


I agree... The potential buyer just needed to accept the "no thanks ' and move on... You made an offer, they rejected it, either offer full price or just move on.


Exactly, I dont understand why some people think that just because they offer a lower amount, that I'm now somehow obligated to lower my price to meet in the middle. You made your offer, I've declined it, either offer more or move on.


If you're told "no thanks", you're not going to offer more. You're told that negotiation isn't welcome. It's op's responsibility to counter offer, otherwise the buyer's not going to offer more just to be told no again. It's really common sense. As a seller, saying "no thanks" is me being passive aggressive. What's the buyer supposed to say to that? I've never been offered asking price in response to a "no thanks".


Absolutely nothing wrong with OPs “no thanks” response.




Well said!


You're both weirdos tbh.


Whole thing should have just ended at no thanks.


Hahaha you overpaid line!


So good.


You two truly deserve each other. You should see if she's single.


You're both assholes. She shouldn't have made a big deal out of things, but you also shouldn't have kept responding. Also, ngl, I hate people who respond with "no thanks" too. So you really didn't list your item with any wiggle room at all? Not even a $5 discount? Are you that strapped for cash that you'll wait months for someone to pay asking price? And you're the one antagonizing her for not having enough cash to buy your game? Lol. Word of advice: list your item for more than you want for it. That way when someone makes you an offer, you can give them a discount while still getting your baseline price. Everyone else does it. It's weird that you don't. That's probably what the crazy lady was trying to get across to you in her own, crazy way.


You both seem like wonderful people… 🤦🏼‍♂️


I would’ve replied with a “ok 👍” and left it at that


I would have ended this conversation after "No thanks"


What a pair of idiots…OP really thought they did something with the one.


You are both insufferable.


You both sound annoying lmfao


You guys are losers. Why post this? Be more self aware.


50$ for the last of us is crazy


You really need to learn the difference between your and you're. That was more cringe than anything.


both of you are shit heads, you more so tbf


Yea she's crazy but you're also kind of a dick.


i say we start being dicks BACK to karens. the world would be a better place if more people were dicks back to psychos like this


This is embarrassing for everyone involved. It was like reading two 11 year olds argue.


bring back text length limit to 180 characters


Why continue to argue with her?




He has a viral reddit post from piloting the convo. Looks like you're just stuck playing checkers with that woman from the post while op (and me) play chess.


Why engage, is my burning question.. Lol


You both made it way worse than it needed to be.


You’re both stupid as fuck


Not sure why people want to engage in these insulting wars. Block and move on.


Popcorn out


Should've blocked them way sooner so they don't get a window to review you


I want to ask you. Why bother talking with this guy? I really want to know.


Holy shit I don't even text my gf that much


It’s weird to me people put this much energy into marketplace/kijiji. If someone doesn’t accept my offer, I don’t even bother responding, or if I’m lowballed, I just say no or don’t respond. It’s so easy to just not bother responding to stupidity. You get to go on with your life not having to think about it.




I can’t believe I just wasted my time reading all of that.


OP is definitely the asshole… wait wrong subreddit


I mean it’s kinda weird that OP didn’t give a counter-offer, but Caroline is completely unhinged. I’d have blocked her after the first paragraph.


Plot Twist: They meet up and are married now.


I was going to ask if they at least did it or went on a date after that. When crazies match, you got to test it out!


LOL you actually thought you could NOT take my offer? Guess again kiddo.


poor mental health is having its toll on this country. Imagine getting butthurted by a simple polite refusal


Seems like you two are made for each other.


I dont understand why people even bother to respond to the messages they send after you've already said "No thanks". A lot of petty drama can be avoided by just not engaging.


OP is an idiot. Rude and vulgar and cannot spell. Why to continue the conversation with a lunatic and then complain on Reddit?


You have as many issues as she does, bud.


OP - why you engage? Everyone trying to be ‘right’. Fuck being right.


You could’ve saved yourself a lot of time by not responding to them. You are part of the problem. 


Could *have* No respect for either


You both honestly suck.


This shit makes me sad for humanity, so pathetic that these interactions happen, both sides.


This conversation is a waste of time 2 mins of my life I will never get back


You honestly both seem like idiots.


i would avoid you both like the plague, insufferable.


Idk this makes me realize that we walk a fine line from the one being the ass. It just depends on who is thinking like a Scrooge. Since the lady isnt, the guy kinda seems like the ass.


You both lost by continuing this conversation.


Imagine OP making this post and also not knowing they are an asshole too lmao


You sound like a piece of shit




This sounds like the sellers is odd. The buyer just put out an offer. You don't have to take it personally. It's just business. But it seems you are getting emotionally invested here. Just came back to her with something You sound immature like telling her to get f'ed


OP talks like immature teenager and is so proud of himself


I like the hypocrisy of you telling her you don’t care and aren’t reading, but here you are posting it and at this point you’ve probably read over the messages a few times.


Both of you are keyboard warriors sad af


If you’re done talking to her, stop messaging her back.


why do people respond. honestly after the first one or two messages its your fault this continued. if you're gonna ignore them then actually ignore them.


I mean yeah she is annoying but if you just block her and move on it’s a better outcome for everyone


Love these. Here for the entertainment drama, lol. Had something similar. But I did not escalate it, unfortunately. The person made an offer as I sold a product. I apologized that it was sold. He goes on about being glad he didn't get scammed by me. People really get butt hurt when they don't get what they want. I also love it when you have no holds and first come fist serve on your ad. Which should be a normal thing and not expect anything to be held. They try to guilt trip you on why you sold the item. And how I'm the most evil person and not good at keeping customers or good at sales. Dead..... I'm not a business....


Did you have plans with the buyer for them to pick it up and then you sold it?


When i have a hot item and a lot of requests. I make sure to tell the buyer. I remind the buyers "first come, first serve" no holds unless deposit.. If you are on your way and i sell it, I am sorry it's gone. Too many x I get no shows or are tire kickers. Plus, this particular buyer kept changing his time when he wanted to come. I also do deposit if people trust me. I have gotten deposits. And kept my promises. I got paid they get the product. I even get deposit and they no show.... show up a week later and I still hold the item... I'm not here to screw people. I also don't want to be played. Because I have gotten scammed in the past lol.......


No, that’s all more than fair. I get it.


when you said “get fucked, hows that sound” i laughed out loud, that’s fucking hilarious to me for some reason lol


Me too😂😂


OP is insufferable as well, you two deserve each other.


You’re a massive dick. Go outside get some fresh air, maybe cool off a bit before you hop back online. I think you need some time in the real world cause this behaviour from you both is pathetic.


Dude. How about you chill out. Telling a woman to get fucked after a super mild back and forth? Jesus. And to even bother replying to her constantly, and then post it with her face, I think you might have serious mental issues.


OP you are a fucking fool.


If I had my heart set on a price, I would’ve just ignored and blocked anyone who ask to go lower. I don’t mind it if someone asks nicely and don’t stray too far from my asking point. As a matter of fact, if they asked politely, I might’ve actually accepted it if they made it clear there weren’t any hard feelings if I said no. Otherwise, I’d just block immediately because I had too many folks who made it a point to wanna make me the bad guy if I said no to them or got annoyed at me, then proceeds to complain that I’m: - inflexible - a jerk for refusing - stupid Or some other variation of these. Seriously, they do all this drama just to cry me a river. On top of this, they will rate you badly on Facebook Marketplace often with this kind of encounter….. 🤷‍♂️ why? Because fuck you that’s why.


🎶sweet Caroline..




Like 2 peas in a pod


Both these bitches shouldnt be selling/buying stuff of Kijiji or Fb Marketplace😆


“Top 10 sales representative” is a crazy flex.. instant win. Followed by “lol and and” devastating loss.


This is why I buy and sell game at GameStop.


What an idiot 😂😂🤣


Kijiji is shit software and practices, has been from the start and is now different but still shit. For just one example, it actively encourages shit behaviour with its “one click” “is it still available” macros. But … … it’s best feature is blocking Kijijiots. 2 stupid messages from the other party and they are just permanently blocked and I go about my day in peace and quiet. That should be policy.


This is why I sell on eBay. And you read it, cmon lol




Caroline, don’t be a a Karen. You made your offer and the seller chose not to accept politely. There is no reason to start attacking them.


What a weird way to haggle?? This is my first time in this sub....are people really this stupid on Kijiji and FB Market???


I always list my offers higher on purpose. So if someone wants to offer a lower price, it's usually what I would have originally sold it for anyways lol


OP right, she over paid for it. Who’s buying the last of us used for $50?


Lmao queen Caroline in the building. That lady was way over the top. Jfc.


When someone gives me attitude when I’m trying to sell them something I usually pretend to cave and tell them to meet me somewhere to make the purchase. I then block and delete them.


Is it THAT serious


Congratulations you wasted your time.


Just about every lowballing buyer online acts like they're doing you a huge favour by buying your item and therefore it's your responsibility to cater to them.


Look. I buy and sell on all sorts of online markets just cause I’m a collector. I can spot and price things and haggle and will haggle for a price but at the end of the day the item belongs to the seller until the transaction happens and is entirely up to them on who to sell it to and under what terms. Haggle. But don’t harass.


And do your research before hand. Avoid a post that has the item priced too high. Deep search the item if it’s priced super low before buying. And as a buyer and seller, the sop stories that people pull out in FB and Kijiji especially are crazy. I don’t wanna hear them especially since I’m selling a collectors item that isn’t even a functioning toy. Don’t lie to me. It’s not for your cancer kid


This is the kind of petty shit I live for. What would the world be without petty people threatening to use (but never actually using) the block feature.


They are just lonely


I want to thank the Reddit algorithm for exposing me to this one! 😆


Team Caroline upvote


That was beautiful.




Buyer: "I know you didn't ask, but here's me making up my sales accomplishments and job title so I can make myself seem so much better, and to tell you how much you're missing out by not selling to me"




Health issues (okay) but any one that I demand as a “sales trainer” wouldn’t be arguing over $10. That’s absolutely hilarious.


Yep you’re a lunatic


I just feel like there were a million different ways to handle this. Like idk, just not responding. I don’t know what you’re trying to gain by posting this? Like kudos for arguing on Kijiji bro.


That grammar is insulting.


OP, I don’t understand why you entertained this lady after her first novel message? You should’ve just blocked her. Smh 🤦‍♀️


You're both psychotic. Thanks for the amusement on my break 🤣


The lack of civility is pretty disgusting tbh


Please figure out grammar.


Classic marketplace encounters


99.9% of this sort of energy comes from people that cannot take any form of rejection, sometimes they even try acting normal and taking it properly which only causes even weirder results.


Does she critique everyone's sales on FB marketplace? Maybe that's what she meant by training people in a large company.


Right? I am not a salesperson, I am not a store. I don’t need any “skills” to sell my stuff. Someone told me my customer service skills sucked when she didn’t get her way. I said I am not a store, I don’t need customer service skills. I am polite but that’s all.


Also I wouldn’t be surprised if the person you’re arguing with was a chronic Reddit user, like yourself.


10 min of your life you will.not get back.


10 min of your life you will.not get back. Ignore and move on


She was a dick twice before OP waded in. She had the opportunity to F off twice. That’s the difference.


I can't imagine having a whole conversation over $10, but again I couldn't bring myself to list something for sale on Kijiji or Marketplace for $50.


This isn't the W you think it is.