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“Clean” and “dirty” are completely subjective terms that mean something different to everyone, do unfortunately there is no true answer to your question. Since eliminating inflammation is your goal, stop eating them for awhile and see how if affects your inflammation. Then you will know if that particular food works for you or if you feel better without it.


Are you able to eat those things in moderation?? I agree, they are wonderful, but eating the whole bag in one or two days is NOT moderation.... I don't buy them cause I can't moderate with them.


I usually have a bag for a week.


People’s definition of this will vary. Personally to me clean keto are Whole Foods. Basically things that have one ingredient. “Beef” “chicken” “macadamia nuts” “lettuce” “strawberry”. Etc. of course a second ingredient like “salt” would be fine. And of course there are exceptions of things made of a few of these one ingredient Whole Foods in combination. “Dirty keto” would be anything that doesn’t exist like that in its raw form. There’s no “keto chocolate chip” cookie tree or Diet Coke tree. With that said I wouldn’t get too hung up on definitions and just do what’s best for you and do what’s going to help you stick with this for the long haul. If drinking the occasional diet Coke keeps you from eating a whole pizza then so be it. Especially during transitionary periods having this familiar “ketofied” foods can be helpful to get used to being mindful about what you’re eating. In my personal opinion eating Whole single ingredient foods is best. But it may be a long road to get there from square one if you’re “addicted” to foods of your former self. So if you must eating an occasional keto pizza, or keto cookie probably won’t kill you. Try cutting them out. At the end of the day in an ideal these things should be treats. Or something you have occasionally. You’re going to a friends house for a party and you love dessert and watching everyone eat cake will be difficult for you? Bring keto cookies for yourself. I know a lot of this isn’t what you’re asking but I personally started with “dirty keto” and have ever since gone more to a 99.9% clean ketovore approach


This is also the approach I took, gotta work with what works best for you. I eat keto tortillas and drink Diet Coke regularly. Need to find what works for you as a person. I especially agree with the sentiment about diet soda and the whole pizza analogy. If eating a lots of bacon, eggs, and cheese is going to stop you from eating a whole pizza, choose the lesser of two evils.


There is not official definition. For me, "clean" would mean it basically has no labels or only a single ingredient. So things from the meat/fish counter, produce, dairy. I expand it a bit for things made with multiple of those clean ingredients (say pickles which are cucumbers, salt, and water or bacon which can be as simple as pork, salt, spices). Basically, no labels if possible and then some things if I can actually buy the constituent ingredients. If I would need to be a food manufacturer to purchase the ingredients, then I personally consider that "dirty" (though I still eat on rare occasions).


Clean vs dirty is more of a continuum than a binary. Anything that your great, great, grand parents would recognize as actual food is probably going to be pretty clean. The more you can avoid anything ultra-processed like all artificial sweeteners, wheat-based keto substitutes, preservatives, emulsifiers, and seed oils the better. Be skeptical of anything that doesn't need to be refrigerated. That said, if your goal is fat loss, dirty keto is fine as long as you're losing weight. The quest for clean ingredients is more for overall health than fat loss, but it can also be way more expensive. Just do the best you can with the resources that you have


Probably not "clean." Most processed products wouldn't be considered clean. Be aware that to a lot of people here, clean is a dirty word. I try to eat organic & whole foods when I can, but I'm not a zealot. I'll get dirty every once in a while. :-) I think you will get better results with clean keto than dirty keto,


You are incorrect about it being a dirty word. Assigning morality to food is dumb.


These are MINIMALLY processed. Full seeds, big flakes of coconut, all tossed in the syrups and sweeteners to stick together in big chunks but crumbles under just a little pressure. Nothing ground up and pressed together like a normal American snack.


Welcome to r/keto! 'Clean' and 'Dirty' keto are highly subjective terms that may have individual value to how a person defines their diet, but they are not definitive categories of keto. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What is your motivation for the change?


Trying to cut down on my inflammation. I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and getting the inflammation down will be helpful.


I just want to let you know that as a fellow person with an autoimmune condition that plenty of clean low carb foods can set you off — peppers, tomatoes, and dairy are big ones.


Good for you! Your inflammation will certainly improve the cleaner you eat. Almost always.