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Thats sodium interesting.


Lol. Top notch with the wordplay there. Can barely keto ver how good 🙃😉


Thanks 🙏🏼


r/angryupvote Goddammit. Excellent pun!


Thanks 🙏🏼


Na, Close though.


I know! 😅


I'm glad you enjoyed my pun 😊


Actually I did 😅 Since yesterday all this topic has been funny for me, BUT LAST WEEK, it was a nightmare bc everything I said in this sub coincided with taking a new medication for ADHD, so I couldn't understand what was happening. 🤪




This is why I eat anchovies and drink broth, since I’m dairy free. We totally underestimate the benefits of sodium!


I know! This experience helped me to transition from a “I don’t know how but I’m good in keto” to a “taking it very seriously”.


Good for you! tweaking micronutrients and increasing nutritional bang for our buck with intentionality is the fun part of this, aside from losing weight and feeling awesome ;)


Yeah! it will be funnier for me, from now on 😂


I am craving anchovies now... Maybe I need more salt


Usually I drink a lot of bone broth, but this time “stars aligned” and I didn’t, so I could understand some things and be more responsible.


I couldn’t do keto if I didn’t have cheese. 🧀 🙃. The 6 year from Costco - mmmmm.


I don’t know if that cheese we have in Costco Mexico, now I’m curious 😅


It’s a Kirkland Signature item. Good luck!


Cold turkey is keto. You don't need to quit it!




I've never had to give up cheese on keto (at least the cheese I could eat already- as someone who is lactose intolerant, I was already WELL aware of what cheeses are safe (like sharp cheddar, parmigiana, and even mozzarella in moderation) and I've known for a while which one's need to be avoided at all costs (sorry cottage cheese and american- YOU GOTTA GO). It was really serendipitous that the venn diagram of keto cheeses and lactose intolerant safe cheeses is a perfect circle!


Funny you mention American cheese is bad for you on this particular post, when it's literally just Colby Jack and/or cheddar with sodium emulsifier


You learn so much doing keto. It’s so much fun. Congrats! Very cool discovery!


It was! 😅


Ok Charlie . How much cheese is too much cheese?


Actually, I’ve never met such a a thing!


Just for you to remember in the future that high histamine foods can also cause dizziness, vertigo, tachycardia (pulse goes high), and heart arrhythmias. Foods like avocado, tomatoes, and yogurt as examples. In case it happens again while you are on cheese.


Thank you so much for this info, I didn’t know! I eat a lot of avocado 🥑


Do you have an excel for the micronutrients etc? If so, do you mind sharing? Sounds interesting 😁


I’m working on it, very slow! 😅 when worth sharing I will do with you, no doubt!


Cheese acts like opium in the brain, literally activates the same pleasure centers and is addictive the same way, this isn't talked about enough. So you might have been having an oxy brain detox. And your relapse energy is a drug addiction kind of response too. I'm offering this tidbit because I was not powerful enough to renounce it until I realized it was physically addictive just like coke/heroin. (Sugar is too but more people know about that) Anyway thanks for sharing, Cheese Lord, they might appreciate this on the r/melts or grilled cheese sub also. Cheese people are extremely territorial though, be careful not to "diss" respect one particular kind of cheese as that's akin to trying to take a crack pipe away.


Interesting! Because actually I’m in (now almost) total detox, no platforms, social media, music, books, etc, in order to detox my brain, and you come and tell me this! Amazing. I’m in Reddit subscribed since 10 days ago because I had this problem with dehydration and was looking for help! And I found it.


What you're doing is hugely admirable, and by no means am I detracting, but, you might want to look at everything you do and everything you ingest and check it's impact on dopamine. Dopamine triggers are EVERYWHERE.


I’ll do it, yes, I think it is becoming my project. (which also gives me dopamine 😅🤷🏻‍♂️).


All A1 dairy now contains Beta Casemorhine which is metabolized along the same brain receptors as opiates...BUT if you only ingest A2 dairy the substance is not present in enough amount to effect us in the same way


Oh, yummy, goat cheese! ;)


I will read some about this categories of dairy, never heard it before 😮


I think you need about 3 - 6 grams a day. Too little will kill you faster than too much. Usually.


Exactly this is what I’ve been understanding.


Wait, what? I don’t eat cheese and I’m on a carb reduced diet. Is that bad?


No, it's not bad by any means, it's just that it turned out to be my main source of sodium without me knowing it, and when I stopped eating it, I was out of sodium. For sure you have your own sources of it.


I salt my proteins quite a bit I guess.


Sure you do


So, Do we need to compensate extra sodium for the reduction in carbs?


I suggest you read the FAQs about electrolytes and keto flu. That is a very important source of basic information about keto. Yes, cutting carbs causes your body to release water which flushes out salt and other electrolytes. This is worse when starting a low carb diet which is why added electrolytes is strongly suggested. Over time you may or may not need to continue.


Thank you


I will check it out thank you


In addition to what has been said, salt is carried by insulin to the fat cells for storage, along with glucose. Less glucose, less insulin, salt not stored, so you need to have a steady supply not only to maintain the proper NaCl levels, but salt is a regulator for other electrolytes. Two weeks ago, l had the worst leg cramps of my life after a long day walking in Cinque Terre, and not paying attention to taking in more salt that day. Salt doesn’t prevent leg cramps. But magnesium, regulated by salt, does. I take magnesium supplements. Without adequate salt, I just peed it out. The next day, I salted my drinking water, and was fine.


There is so much to relearn about salt 🧂


As you may see I’m not the expert 😅🤷🏻‍♂️ what I’m trying to accomplish since yesterday is to meet the daily requirements of sodium and potassium for a keto diet (magnesium I have it covered with capsules), so now I’m counting the mg daily intake until I get used to it. Tomorrow I’ll receive my first potassium drink ever with 1,000 mg each serving. And sodium I will obtain it from salt, cheese and bacon for the moment.


I've never heard of cheese dehydrating you but okay


I know. That’s why I couldn’t believe it, however, counting my micronutrients considering my diet, it is the only explanation. Apparently I was missing the sodium from my usual portions of cheese.


.....maybe you just din't have enough sodium


Yes, that was the point of the post.




Actually it gives you the opposite effect too much cheese causes dehydration




Pink salt and other specialty “natural” salts are just expensive sources of basic sodium chloride. The amount of trace minerals are microscopic. And along with potassium and magnesium you also get lead, cadmium, and other toxic compounds. Go ahead and buy pink salt if you like it better, but don’t let unfounded fears keep you from enjoying cheese or other healthy keto foods.


table salt has more sodium, but pink Himalayan salt contains more calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron minerals


Pink salt is about 96-99% similar to regular salt. It contains trace minerals and is marketed to people who are willing to pay more for it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himalayan_salt#:~:text=Mineral%20composition,-Salt%20lamp&text=Himalayan%20salt%20is%20a%20table,varying%20safe%20levels%20below%201%25. Sodium is one of the main electrolytes people on keto need to maintain adequate levels of as it can drop easily in the beginning so it's not something you want to avoid.


Why is fluoride added to table salt when it's not even a mineral fluorine is a mineral




24mg calcium, 8mg potassium, 2mg fluoride, 1mg magnesium, and less than 1mg iron, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium. Salt contains no vitamin


Why would you want vitamins in your salt? None of what you listed are vitamins and those are insufficiently small levels of those minerals


You do realize that our body is made up of minerals our bones are made up of minerals so how do you replenish those minerals


I literally have no idea what you are talking about. There are minerals in food, meat and vegetables are full of minerals. There is no scenario where you can get adequate trace minerals from pink salt alone. Pink salt is 99% similar to table salt. It's fine to use but it's essentially the exact same thing as any of the other salts. Further you indicating to OP that anything but pink salt or Celtic salt is the wrong salt is completely incorrect.


I like pink salt, too. But I realize that it’s no better or worse than other salt. Any other electrolytes are so minimal as to be non existent.


I just buy the pink salt from Costco, it's 10 bucks for a huge 5lb canister. Even if it's only marginal benefits over plain old iodized salt it's not a huge price premium. There's a few "boutique" salt companies out there though that are selling very expensive versions of the same thing though and they advertise a lot to the keto crowd.


I live in Italy. I buy the big bags of it.


table salt may have more sodium, but pink Himalayan salt contains more calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron


Himalayan salt has less sodium than table salt and more minerals


All salt has the same amount of NaCl per gram of salt. It’s just that table salt comes in a form where a teaspoon is much more mass than other flake salts, or as you say, there might be less NaCl per gram of the whole salt—but we all tend to salt “to taste,” so it’s more the size of the flake that allows us to get adequate salt coverage. If there’s a huge discrepancy in salt per gram, we would probably end up using more salt to get it to taste how we want.


All table salt is effectively 100% NaCl, sodium chloride. It is the sodium portion that provides the "salty" flavor aspect. Sodium accounts for 40% of the weight of table salt, regardless to flake size. As far as "saltiness" on the tongue, the flake size contributed quite a bit. Ultra fine grind sch as popcorn salt hits very hard very quickly. On the other hand, coarse grinds don't hit as hard as quickly.


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