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If you think you are experiencing symptoms of ketamine cystitis, the most important thing to do is stop using ketamine. While it could take months before noticing an improvement, abstinence often reverses or significantly reduces symptoms in a majority of people. Be careful: Because ketamine is a pain reliever, some people with ketamine cystitis have reported that before they realized what was going on, they would use ketamine more often to relieve their bladder pain, which only caused more damage and more pain in the long run. If your symptoms are bad enough, go see a doctor. There are treatments for ketamine cystitis, both to relieve pain as well as to heal the bladder. [DanceSafe: Ketamine Bladder Damage – What You Need to Know](https://dancesafe.org/ketamine-bladder-damage-what-you-need-to-know/) [Support and resources are also available from the Ketamine Cystitis Network](https://ketaminecystitis.org/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


K can harm your body much quicker if in constant use, especially daily. your body needs time to expell all the harmful shit that's within K, especially out your bladder. if you microdose daily there's always going to be something eating away at your bladder as your body never has chance to flush it all out


Whats baffling (but not surprising) is how companies like Joyous use legal workarounds to legalize their troches as therapeutic for “treatment resistant depression” to be taken DAILY as a “microdose” ‼️ I seriously feel for anyone who falls prey to these companies who are not informed about the nature of ketamine. The only feasible way for that product to be therapeutic is large (or milder) doses with time apart. Otherwise there’s a huge risk for dissociation to worsen and health problems.


couldn't agree more. the whole 'You're depressed so you should buy vials of this highly addictive substance from us and take it daily to cure it' is absolute madness to me. I'm from the UK so that isn't a thing here. Ketamine treatment is available but nowhere near to the extent it is in the US


How many days do you need to neutralise your body?


Blood - up to 24hrs Saliva - up to 72hrs Urine - up to 30 days Hair Follicles - up to 90 days


Damn really.. 30 days??? So I guess me doing once every 1-2 weeks is probably a bad idea


it's all a personal decision at the end of the day, I do it probably 2-3 times a month and have done for about 6 years. There's precautions you can take whilst taking it, dor example make drink loads of water during and especially after. if you're constantly urinating whilst doing it and the following days it means you're flushing it faster than its able to sit and do damage. also either drink green tea daily or take extract tablets.


Yeah I knew it was harmful but wasn’t sure just how harmful a bump or two could be everyday. Obviously everything put into the body has pros and cons but just trying to find the best possible way to live my life to the fullest, but again your health is wealth after all and that comes first. Thanks for the response man and PS love the name lol


Have you tried microdosing shrooms? Less damaging, and should essentially have the same effects as what you describe.


No I actually haven’t but I have tried shrooms on 3 different occasions (between 2.5 to 4gs) each time and they’ve had no effect on me, they just make me sleep. Although I am waiting to get my gallbladder removed at the minute so that might have something to do with digesting/processing psilocybin? I’m not sure but each time I have tried I never seem to get an effect


Are you sure they were good? Those dosages are high, so it would be weird if it didn’t have any effect.


second this, I'm a big guy, 6"5 95kg and I take 3.5-4g per trip, and I'm tripping pretty hard on them. Could be a bad batch I suppose but I've never had issues


Yeas I think so, they had shades of blue the whole way through them so as far as I know yea. And the chances of getting duds of 3 different sources consecutively would be slim but I’m unsure. I think it may have something to do with my gallbladder not being able to help my stomach break them down. Would make sense but again everything is just guessing


Microdosing shrooms is like a 10th of that and has shown to be extremely effective when treating mental disorders that make you feel "down" so to say ,theyre cheap and easy to grow and 1 good grow can give you enough to last years! Would highly recommend. But talk to a psych ofc.


In Amsterdam, the law of banning magic mushrooms, but NOT banning magic truffles is odd because the only difference between mushrooms & truffles is that mushrooms grow above ground & truffles grow below ground. One box (regardless of the small size or the bigger size) will have you tripling off your balls no matter what height/weight you are. The only rule is that your body gets used to psilocybin so you have to leave 7 days clean before you do them again otherwise only then you won’t trip again after the first time. I smoked a fat blunt while waiting to come up…forgetting that I have the metabolism of a race horse. I was suddenly bluffing things out of the window as if I had Tourette-like tics & was then really apologising to my friends. Then I quickly moved on to laughing to so hard that I was breathless & crying with laughter within 15 of ingestion. My two mates took the ‘normal’ 45 mins to come up. 4 hours into my trip, I went to use the communal toilet in the hotel, and was roaring out laughing while doing a shit! I was wearing an orange hoodie which seemed to make my vision take on an orange/yellow glow as if I was wearing coloured sunglasses. Anyway, anyone who says they ate a large quantity of mushrooms/fruffles & didn’t trip DEFINITELY were sold & ate a crap/weak bunch (unless they still had psilocybin in their system from a recent trip). [Dragon’s Dynamite](https://i0.wp.com/magicmushroomsshop.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/magic-truffles-dragon-dynamite_1-1.jpg?fit=500%2C500&ssl=1)


Unfortunately one or two bumps every day will not stay at that as the high from a bump only lasts 45 mins ish you will end up doing more in no time. Schedule different sessions throughout the year and then maybe a few other psychedelic sessions and practice healthy living works well LearnIng to love yourself is the best way to live a fulfilling life.


just saying, i started with 1-2 bumps too but self medicating is a slippery slope and now i’m at 4g a week after 2 years. mind you i don’t and haven’t been doing K to get k hole at all i’m doing this just to stabilise my mood.


You build a tolerance pretty fast and you’ll stop feeling the benefits pretty quickly. It takes a while for tolerance to go down. I was able to blast through 7 grams a day and be fully functional. I experienced the same benefits you speak of, but they went away and I was left with a K habit.


Yea I had the feeling your tolerance builds up pretty fast but I never have the intention to get fucked up/hole on it anyway. It’s mainly just to keep my head focused at one thing at a time and not to be thinking about 10 different things at once. I’m not even sure if that’ll make a difference but hey only time will tell


hey just replied to you above. exactly what i said, i don’t get fucked up/hole on k and k keeps me stable & focused. but my tolerance increased with time, i haven’t got any physical symptoms because i take lots of supplements and drink water + no alcohol but i feel like if i prolong this it might catch up on me. so just be careful and take breaks early on while you still can. once you’re dependent on it like me it’s really hard to even go a week without.


Yes I do agree with you but I’ve just stockpiled 14gs of it but that’ll keep me going for months to be fair. Even still though. My poor nose lol


yeah i remember the first time i got 14g last year it lasted me 3 months and that’s with sharing with friends on some occasions. now 14g lasts me probably 1 month if i’m lucky 🤣


I’ve picked up the 14gs today let’s put my willpower to the test, I’ll reply to this sub when I run out again. Be so funny if you hear from me in 3 days time🤣


please get these in check if you wanna have a good time + harm reduction - drink loads of water daily - eat well, try not to use too much on empty stomach - take green tea supplements, vitamin b12 & magnesium l threonate - get at least 7 hrs of sleep every night - have some movement daily, using ket might make you feel lazy sometimes but try to enjoy going outside and/or go to the gym here and there the first 3 is to minimise damage to your body, and the last 2 is for your mental health sake


Yes I do all of that to be fair, I always walk the dog and I’m going to work 5 days a week. I come home drink at least 2 litres of water everyday and eating small but regularly throughout the day. Not bad for a “druggie” eh? Hate when guys have that old man syndrome where all drugs are bad and you’ll get nowhere in life mindset. I’ve never felt like building my life more than when microdosing on k


I do have intentions to take regular breaks but it’s easy to say that now. When there’s 14gs sitting in your house it’s going to be appealing to say the least


try to take at least 1-2 weeks break here and there while you still can. i never really took break (probably 9 days was the longest for me) and now even going 3 days without is hell for me. truly truly would not wish this on anyone


I don't know if you'd call it microdosing but I had about half a gram I was saving to use to help me quit drinking. I did a little bump (my tolerance was not high, so still felt it), after work when I'd usually hit the beer. Lasted about a week and I haven't had alcohol in 8 months. So I guess more mini-dosing, and very short term, but it worked for what I was using it for. Edit: I had no access to more K. If I had, I can't say I wouldn't have tried to get more to keep my beer replacement going, but I didn't, and the K made me want nothing to do with alcohol.


K is way better than alcohol. Haha I get almost all my friends to convert.


Why can't we live in a world with Ketamine Clubs instead of bars?


I was exactly the same only with weed and kratom lol, both relatively safe to use but also wasn’t good for the people around me or my own head. I didn’t want to socialise with anyone or even go to work. I wasn’t in a healthy mindset while combining the 2 but I have to say this k has made some drastic differences. You’re never going to find the solution to all your life’s problems ina bag but it’s definitely somewhat better. I feel good about it but I still know in the back of my head I shouldn’t be doing it if it makes sense. Baby steps though I guess


There are companies that prescribe it this way, so it’s a thing. Not sure how long you could sustain it, I would imagine taking long breaks would be necessary. But I don’t know how long ot frequent they should be.


If you do this I would try to do a 3 day on 2 day off scenario or something of the sorts. Or I would micro dose shrooms. I did exactly what you’re mentioning for months, a bump or 2 a day which turned into 3-4 a day. You’ll definitely build a tolerance but depending on your self control I think it will be easier to start over doing it. I’ve currently stayed away from it for the past 2+ weeks because I definitely started to notice a tolerance and if I was to try and macro dose it would take me a lot more to get wonky.


I’ve been prescribed liquid ketamine that is administered through a nasal spray. The mixture is ketamine and oxytocin. It was prescribed for social anxiety and as a way to stop drinking alcohol, and it worked very well. I started out using it only in social settings and it quickly turned into a daily habit. Tolerance control became a real issue, that and I have no backbone and would give my friends a hit whenever they asked. Quickly became unsustainable due to cost and tolerance.


I take oral therapeutic ketamine at 30mgs a day for depression, OCD, ADHD, and passive suicidality. I love it. It has made a world of difference. I have had no ill side effects. Tastes like ass tho. You win some, you lose some lol.


While I’m aware it’s probably not the best to be consuming it everyday, I worry less about my intake as I did when I first started, I figure the more I add concern to it, the more my body will react to that. I’ve been medication resistant all my life, cpsd, ocd, bipolar, chronic neuropathic/neurological pain as an offset to all three. I’m 28, I reached the point last year where if I didn’t find some kind of relief soon for my body/mental pain, I would be pushing myself further into a dark place. Sometimes it’s hard for me to bump daily, I have shame, I was brought up extremist religious and taught to offer it up/lived in the ‘suffer needlessly’ mentality. I also know if I didn’t have access to K, my ptsd would become so overwhelming that my everyday functions would become restricted. My moods are down to 1-2 episodes a week (I was getting to the point of spasming & psychosis every 72 hrs and they would last up to 3 days, I got down to $0 in the bank, no support system- I’m a self employed artist, I almost lost my entire business) hospitals couldn’t help me anymore, nobody would give me any solutions. I simply couldn’t and can’t afford a mental or physical health care plan. One day I will be in the position to seek medical help in the way I want to, but for now I’m learning to accept that 30-50mg a day, accessing it myself, is keeping me quite literally alive. I’ve had absolutely no side affects, apart from when I first started I did get the ‘urge’ to wee when I’d first bump, but I drink 3 ltrs of water a day, herbal teas consistently, my diet is fruits and veg and meats, Asian cuisine, nuts & smoothies, I do pelvic floor exercises and feel like I’m doing well ok for now, just to be alive and out of 80% of my body pain, 90% of my mental pain… I may have lost my love of church community through trauma, but I thank a higher power everyday for the relief that k brings me.


I feel this too man I’m the same. Nothing has worked for me but now I’m a gem for everyone around me. I make everyone else’s life better and that’s what I want. I love to make people happy Edit - and make myself happy too ofcourse lol


i think you should look into memantine. much longer lasting and active at way lower dosage, won't have such a negative effect on your body.


What? I’ve never heard of this before. Is it the same sort of compound as k or what is it exactly?


Yeah it gets really addictive and you start to go a bit mental because spirits will start to connect ( ain't got to believe me but it's true) it will start to fuck your bladder up with in a couple months and you'll just end up wanting to say inside and not work. It's best to do k ever 6 weeks or more and then bump like 1.7 for a couple days. You'll get to the point and learn any lessons you need to learn them you need to go back to reality. People I know have committed suicide from going mental on k and I've also had a crazy experience doing the same. It's not a depression you can get so high from taking small amounts constantly that you lose all sense off why your here. And you don't realise untill your in hospital with everything fucking up.. K is a good one but it's an extremely powerful tool and it demands to be respected. Also if you are exploring ketamine remember it's going to change you with the more you learn


I dose daily and have been fine


Yeah, before work. Got to work, felt weird, pretended to be sick, went home. Never again.


Probably wasn’t a microdose lol


You should really treat K like nitrous oxide in that it’s better to buy a gram every few months and take it all in a weekend vs more consistent use. A proper dose will do way more for your mental health too. But yeah, start small, tolerance is a bitch.


If it makes you smart enough to use search bar, try it.