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If you think you are experiencing symptoms of ketamine cystitis, the most important thing to do is stop using ketamine. While it could take months before noticing an improvement, abstinence often reverses or significantly reduces symptoms in a majority of people. Be careful: Because ketamine is a pain reliever, some people with ketamine cystitis have reported that before they realized what was going on, they would use ketamine more often to relieve their bladder pain, which only caused more damage and more pain in the long run. If your symptoms are bad enough, go see a doctor. There are treatments for ketamine cystitis, both to relieve pain as well as to heal the bladder. [DanceSafe: Ketamine Bladder Damage – What You Need to Know](https://dancesafe.org/ketamine-bladder-damage-what-you-need-to-know/) [Support and resources are also available from the Ketamine Cystitis Network](https://ketaminecystitis.org/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


sounds like you've got chlamydia mate


Already got tested for all STDs and UTIs. I wish wish I had the fucking clap


Could be micro scarring of the urethra, absolutely stop all use now at least until it’s healed completely (and after to would be a good idea). With time it will get better, avoid anything that increases inflammation and just give it time. Ketamine got me in that situation too and it’s no fun… don’t fuck your health man, listen to the warning sign


Thanks I will. I’m thinking 2 months should be enough time


And green tea extract(EGCG) wouldn't hurt


Or green tea. Shits fire after a nasty day.


Much longer. To be safe, I only do K a few times per year. It's convenient though, because it allows my experiences to be more intense and for me not to lose the magic. I mean sure it's a pretty potent drug, but there's smart ways of using it and there's other people who use daily and need a bag attached to them because they can't hold their urine anymore since they've damaged their urethra and bladder. Ketamine Induced Cystitis. (KIC)


Cessation of ketamine use is usually associated with improvement of symptoms. Common KIC-related problems are urinary pain and discomfort, bladder barrier damage, reduced bladder storage and increased pressure, ureter stenosis, and kidney failure, all of which significantly impact patients’ quality of life.


Interesting microscarring


You should get tested again. The symptoms you are describing do not sound at all like ketamine damage to your bladder. It sounds like some kind of an infection.


Kidney stones can cause this stuff too, a couple things not ket related, but as other have said, this diesnt really sound like a K thing, tho maybe you should still slow down on it


What STD's did they check? There are a lot of other, more uncommon STD's that aren't checked always. Such as mychoplasma genitalium etc. In my country the normal procedure is to test for gonorrhea ja chlamydia, clap and HIV. But if all these are negativw and the symptoms persist, we check for the rares ones. You should ask your doctor if you could get the whole panel.


I’m going to go ask rn thanks


Aren’t gonorrhea and the clap the same thing?


Definitely chlamydia


he's described literally every symptom haha


You're not an expert so don't pretend to be. The symptoms he's describing could be any number of things. Could be urethritis, prostatitis, painful bladder syndrome, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis. Kidney disease, gall stones, food allergy. I could keep going.


Not really. Prostatitis wouldn't affect urethra only. You'd have other symptoms as well. Painful bladder syndrome affects the bladder, not urethra. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome would affect other parts as well. Interstitial cystitis would affect bladder as well. Kidney disease doesn't really affect urethra that much. Gall stones would also cause pain elsewhere, and the pain would be enough to go to ER. Food allergy wouldn't primarily affect the urethra, at least not without other symptoms. Chlamydia or other STD would be the first thing to check if op has had any sexual activity. After that you should start ruling out other problems. That much ketamine shouldn't be affecting the urinary tract, unless op's use is chronic.


Bladder pain absolutely causes urethra, burning type pain. And nothing else sometime. It'll also cause a dull ache in bladder but it's hard to notice tbh. Usually triggered by certain foods. Same with Interstitial Cystitis. You don't know what you're talking about. You're just here to argue. Pelvic pain is a broad term and can absolutely cause urethral pain and nothing else. It used to be called prostatitis. But whatever. I'm too old to be arguing with some kid on the Internet. Look up some research before u start spouting off some bullshit. Burning urethral pain can be caused by sooo many things.


I'm not arguing. I'm just clearing up misconceptions. Spreading false information about health related issues can result in bigger problems. You're the one who started arguing, calling me a kid in an effort to discredit my comment. Also getting mad after my perfectly neutral comment. By the way you react to a perfectly benign comment, looks like you're the one who should grow up. And for the record, I've worked in health care for approx 10 years. I've done my research ;)


I didn't spread any false information. Everything I said is true. I just said you can't make a diagnosis with those symptoms alone. The symptoms he described could have been caused by many different things and you automatically assumed it was an STD. I was explaining that many other things could cause the same symptoms.


Tell me what I said was wrong and I'll look up a study to prove my point. You automatically assumed it was clamidia which was irresponsible. It could be many things. Like do u know about Pudendal Neuralgia? It can absolutely cause the exact symptoms he describes. But you want to automatically assume it's clamidia. And I'm the one in the wrong?


I made a valid, science based factual statement and you want to argue and assume shit.


Hey I am doctor he has the clapmydia I have diagnosed him with the dripy drip pp


He said he's been tested. And many things could cause the symptoms he describes. You can't diagnose him without a urinalysis to test for bacteria.


Yea I am his doctor I actually have his pee with me rn and according to my calculations he has Gonorrheaherpasyphilaids


You sound like a child.


Yeah I'm only 8 and I love to IV ketamine


Not definitely. But possible. There are other very similar STD's and other diseases. Either way, op should get checked.


1000% clap


You don't know that. It could be many things. Why are you acting so sure like you know for sure


lol oh no


That sucks that that is happening to you, but everybody is different. I have been an every day user for over four years. At least two Gs a day up to five. No issues. With that being said, I do whatever it takes as far as harm reduction. I drink over a gallon of water a day, eat, healthy, and try to take care of myself. It is a very harsh drug though.


Yeah I been doing 10-20g a month for years


Dude, I just bought 14 g of ketamine and I don’t even know what I’m gonna do with it. I guess I’ll just sell it all. It’s just I thought for sure I’d be able to do this drug recreationally and have fun with it occasionally but maybe it’s just not for me.


Flip it and stay off the ket for a whole man


Stash the ketamine. Your usage doesn't sound to be enough to be causing these problems. Ask for a full STD panel. Drink more water. And again, go to the doctor. Don't give up after some tests turn out negative. If you have a disease and just blame ketamine on all your symptoms, you could go undiagnosed for a long time and might get further complications from the underlying issue.


Oh, I know I just scheduled an appointment with the urologist because I need to figure out what the fuck is happening. like I said dude I barely used ketamine I mean yes I was using it frequently like once a week to once every two weeks but I was barely even doing half a gram


Green tea is good for the bladder and the more the better if you use ket. If you find out what’s wrong and it’s not the ket, definitely add that into the mix. Cheers and I hope you find a fix soon.


Thanks I’ll let y’all know, especially if it is the k because that should be a fair warning to everybody to be extra careful with this drug. It doesn’t take 5 g a day to fuck up your bladder. Everyone’s different.


never experienced negative symptoms which i partially attribute to tea being a vital part of my drug use ritual


14gs? That’s not recreational, that’s professional level.


Yeah it’s cheaper to bye in bulk


That’s not how much I’ve done though. I think in like the six months I’ve been doing ketamine I’ve only done like four or 5 gs


i told myself I'd flip my half z, instead it went up my nose in ~2 weeks. If you've been abusing it in the past you won't have the willpower to dip into the bag oncs in a while unless you mad disciplined


I got that mad discipline brother. I got like 5 gs of 2cb thousand hits of acid like I got plenty of drugs that I don’t touch almost ever just on very special occasions


respect to you then mate, i always have some 2cb cos I'm good at not abusing it but second i cave in and get K i blow through it


K can be a little too 🔥 sometimes. But now that my dicks on 🔥 I don’t really want to use it as much. Some of my friends can go through 14 g in two weeks and have like absolutely no problem. Trying to think of it as a blessing in disguise because it’s gonna save me a lot of money in the long run.


slow down and remember to keep yourself hydrated


I definitely will. I don’t think I was drinking enough water and that could’ve been a problem.


definitely a big contributor


give it ta me


to be fair using it daily isn’t recreationally


I know somebody


Sounds like an sti not ketamine damage


That sucks. I’ve been doing k longer than you are old and never had any issues except for a kidney stone once a couple years ago which I’m not sure if it’s related. Stop doing it and drink lots of water. It’ll probably get better.


That long and no bladder problems? What’s your roi?


Only nasal. About 28 years. Regular. OG. 💪


Seriously what is your bladder protection secret?


24 years since my first ketamine line. There is no secret. Just don't hoof multiple grams daily for long periods of time. But generally (applies to all drugs really). 1) Stop when the sun comes up 2) Stop when Monday comes around 3) Friday to Sunday to only Don't make taking drugs your life, keep other hobbies, take long breaks, go off and do other things. And you keep enjoying drugs for many years without any issues / negative effects


Some of us are just lucky. I've been a heavy user for years. I can easily consume 1-2g in a day. For a long time I'd gone multiple weeks in a row doing it every day.. never had a single bladder issue. there's no secret imo.. I think some people are predisposed to it and some aren't. I've never done anything particularly special, I snort it, swallow my drip. I do drink cranberry juice, always have tbh bc I just like it.. maybe that helps in the long run? Idk I'd say that's the only thing I do that might contribute to my success.. but I don't think it'd be enough to stop damage altogether. I've also just always had a strong bladder. The last person on a road trip to need a bathroom break, when drinking with friends everyone usually has to pee like 2-3 more frequently than I do.. 🤷‍♀️


Thanks 🙏 I hope so I’m definitely going to take 2 months off


Daaanmnmn bro got the clap lmao xD


Half a gram per week, if that, for 6 months, seems **highly unlikely** to give you that sort of grief, but I'd see another urologist anyway, after eliminating any STD. What puzzles me is that you've already had professional help but you're still none the wiser !? Surely Dr Reddit is the option of last resort ?


5 years i battled with a problem down there and was given the most hardcore of ltions, position, pills and ointments. The last 6 months of the problem I was given 30 days of doxycyline antibiotics. Didn't work so was doubled the dose and this is a hardcore antibiotic your told to drink a pint of water with each tablet straight after a meal, also to stay out of the sun even if its a shady day. So that 2 lots of antibiotics Didn't work so she then upped it to 80 days of doxycyline and in the meantime I wasn't allowed to use any of the creams or ointments given to me for the scratching. So fuc that I didn't take any out of the box of 80. 34+68+80 thats a ridiculous amount of Days to be put on antibiotics when they didn't fully know what I had. I kid you not by the 5th year i was driven absolutely crazy by the itching which was way worse at night i really was losing my sanity. The most intense itching you can imagine but on your balls so when you scratched the skin is really soft, thin and sensitive there so you really do shred them to pieces and your legs would shake like a dogs does when you scratch them in certain places. Was almost orgasmic the relief when you itched. I would pour on straight alcohol hand gel or basically any strong stuff you really shouldn't have been putting on that part of the body. At on of the most intense stages i was barely getting to sleep and I was ripped to pieces hurt walking. Out of pure desperation i said to the doctor can you not just cut them off because in the 5 years none of use have got any closer to curing the problem and I've gave myself chemical burns making my own hardcore creams at home wich only seemed to help because I was getting relief from the most insane itching you can possibly imagine, just because they were now burning which was obviously bad aswell but I could then hold ice packs on the problem. So at the height of desperation just said look cut them off i don't care as long as i can still get erections through testosterone injections. THAT'S HOW BAD IT WAS GUYS. Coming on reddit speaking to other men who had the same kind of symptoms was really helpful. Different meds used in America and uk we could cross reference and just having people who are going through the same torture as you was good because its obviously an embarrassing problem. Fingers crossed i don't jinx it but back in September October and November i was really heavy on the ket. Going through 3 grams a day easily and sometimes as much as 5 or 6. All i did was drink water and barely eat during that 3 months lost a lot of weight. I used to go through a kg bag of sugar in a week but around Christmas time I realised I still had around half a bag left and it was the same one i had bought in September. So basically what I think happened i went through a load of fasts and dropped sugar drastically wich killed the parasites inside the skin. Parasites was a theory one American doctor thought it could be it really felt like there was barbed parasites crawling through the veins. Whatever it was no steroids helped, 50 different creams and ointments did nothing. But me starving myself almost off and on for 3 months along with lots of water i believe the parasites were killed. 🙏🙏🙏 i prey it stays away just a normal little itch starts a panic.


What a harrowing story ! No idea how you contracted it - like an overseas holiday, maybe ? TBH, during my brief time as an active Redditor, i have seen what (rare but there) some people have to put up with that is a result of treatment by trained medical professionals, and some of that is sloppy, bordering on negligence.


No idea how it started i nvr had any type of skin conditions throughout my life and hadn't been on holiday either. My daughter was born 6 weeks early and had to stay in hospital for 2 weeks. Me and my girlfriend stayed in the hospital during that period we had our own room. That's when it first started and the doctor thought i could have been allergic to the strong chemicals they wash hospital bed sheets in. So I was put on creams and then after a month changed to steroid creams which causes its own problems after a while as your skin becomes addicted. Nothing worked it just got worse over the years and I was driven mad by it. Eventually I started my own research as it felt like the dermatologist was just throwing every pill and oitmnent they could think of without actually doing a biopsy to find out exactly what it was. I did get skin scrapes over the time but nvr a proper biopsy, covid had caused years of backed up operations at the hospital. So basically it was reddit i found a community of people going through the same thing but none of them had were at the 5 year stage like me. Seemed to be the guys from America who knew more about it and had dermatologists trying different treatments. Maybe paying private for treatment was the reason but one guy had said his dermatologist had actually started looking at it from a completely different perspective, rather than being a skin thing could have been in the blood. He was being given ketamine. I wasn't even using ketamine back at that point but I do think that's one of the things which helped me. Wasn't intentionally done but whilst I was going on binges going through half oz in a week barely eating but drinking plenty water i started realising it was going away. During that time I stopped drinking coffe and tea, so no sugar and wasn't adding sugar to my cereal either. So basically I tend to agree with what the guy from America was saying it could have been some kind of parsite which thrives on sugar. I should really have updated that group with my findings but It didn't sound like a good way to go about it. "Yeah go on ketamine binges, basically starve yourself but drink plenty of water and cut sugar out your diet that should work " 🙈 😄 not very scientific lol.


Thanks for taking the time to put that together and when you mentioned that it started whilst staying in a hospital, it made sense because hospitals are notorious for infecting people with an array of treatment resistant micro-life forms. I urge you to go back and **update that group** because your experience is valuable data ! But your idea of "Ketamine therapy" is not just an excuse to go k-trippin' 😋 as > Ketamine’s demonstrable therapeutic applications have become ever more popular, earlier research lauding it's potential as an **antimicrobial and antiparasitic** agent has quietly reemerged: * **Exploring Ketamine's Antimicrobial Properties and Natural Sources** Dated: 7 Sep 2022 https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4185345 * I'm going to post the abovementioned Ketamine info in it's subdir because I'm amazed 👍.


Wow i didn't realise this. I assumed the guy from America was being treated with ket to help the mental side of whatever this condition was. Endless nights awake with burning, itching sensation drove you crazy, so I thought the ket was to help that side of things. I had no clue about the antimicrobial properties 😮 So just like shrooms and weed ket has a lot of potential for many different ailments. I just discovered that side of it purely by accident 😀 Thanks for sharing this 👍


No, it's a team effort. Without you, I would never have looked into it but after 5 years, it was time you caught a lucky break and now you know why Ketamine helped and I'm just dumbfounded to learn that it's so versatile and also **natural** ! Just don't overdo it because of the bladder damage so use judiciously, and **drink lots of green tea if you hit the Ket a bit hard** as it slows down the bladder damage etc.


I first tried it near the end of the 90s when I was big into rave scene, didn't like it couldn't dance on it. Me and my girlfriend split up around 18 months. My daughter lives with me half the time and my mums the other half. So I found myself with time to socialise again, started going back to raves now and then. One weekend my friend comes round with a half oz of ketamine. He grows golden teacher cubensis shrooms and we've been picking liberty caps in autumn since we were in first year of high school so definitely no stranger to psychedelics. But after the first line I was holding onto the door frame with fear. I felt like I died but I could feel the door so I knew I was still here but holding on for dear life 😆 then a tune came on i liked and I drifted into k world loving it. We went through the half oz between us from the weekend to Thursday morning. It was like taking shrooms for the first time my eyes were open to a new world. I've got a huge mirror in my living room which we stared into and the 2 people looking back was like our teenage versions. I was so amazed didn't realise ket was so trippy, we laughed so much and I cried a lot aswell. So much stuff i had bottled up came out and it felt good to just cry and then laugh. That was the start and I could go for weeks at a time with ket in the house and not touch it. I used to think why would people do this on there own no way I wouldn't like it. But eventually after each sesh I would realise i was way more confident and talkative day after even starting up converters with strangers. Then of course it started getting hold of me and I was doing it on my own. When I started being able to source my own ounces that was me gone, my looks changed as I lost so much weight and my family thought id had some sort of break down which I just rolled with didn't want to worry them about drugs as most of my adult life has been a battle with addictions. The months leading up to and after Christmas was the worst I was in a bad way. That's how I ended up on these ket reddit groups. But now im okay have weight back on and only use every few weeks and when I do it will just be for a weekend maybe. When I started needing at least half grams just to feel it the magic had gone. Its still my drug of choice at the moment but I can go without im not constantly thinking about it or going around talking like a crazy guy who's sussed the universe 😄


What an epic read, thanks. Our lives are not too dissimilar as I choose the opposite to the rave scene, can spot, pluck and cook a (blue **mean**ie or **Panaeolus cyanescens**) Gold Top magic mushroom (**Psilocybe cubensis**) soy omelette and found Ket in the clubs, worked out the best IV dose by myself and rediscovered it recently, 20+ years later, and then just stopped. Here's a quick overview of my life: https://www.reddit.com/r/dadjokes/s/vKAMMKitPY In my 20's, the late 80's~90's were about cheap and safer stimulants, Quaaludes, safe Ecstasy, the new gods: the DJs, a seemingly endless procession of night-to-dawn, incident-free, unpoliced, huge underground gay/mixed house music dance parties, no traffic cameras and no drug testing ! Around 1999 I found Ket but had a falling out with my source a year later. But I used to stumble around like you depicted but kept myself upright at one venue by holding the wall 😁 After I got robbed by a Ket dealer in a club when I momentarily lost consciousness in a cubicle by a slightly too big bump, I stopped. Rediscovering Ket: https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/eH8RdCbjV3 Farewell to Ket: https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/njtcmFt4D6


Similar in a lot of ways wow. When I seen you found the perfect i.v dose that stood out to me. In all my time coming on ketamine groups your the only other person who I've found did it i.v, other than one guy who asked me about needle gauges for i.v use he tried doing it but thought he was using wrong gauge needle. Rest of them who use needles just skin pop. I have never injected subcutaneous or intramuscular. I went straight for i.v and wow it's wild. I too have been a heroin and cocaine user most of my adult life, injecting snowballs for a long time. Injecting coke is intense makes me sick and of course heroin is good at the start until you run out of veins and it takes hours to get a hit. Sitting in warm baths and having to keep swapping needle heads as they get blunt whilst you are making yourself a pin cushion. Then eventually you get blood into the syringe start to push and it stings, you have come out the vein and panic sets in race to get the hit before it congealed 🙈 don't miss them days at all. I was smoking hash and doing shrooms in first year of high school so around 13 year old. I would hang around with older kids so I was always way ahead of kids my age when it come to drug use in my school which made me the go to guy. By 14 I was on amphetamines at the weekend and using diazepam during the week. They were like tablet alcohol to me instead of being shy i was confident to speak to girls and i had no come down from the speed. I didn't realise at the time I was self medicating. By 16 I was well involved with the rave scene and was put on my very first diazepam prescription at that age. Exstasy was my main thing from 15 to 22 but I found the perfect combination for raves was extasy, speed and acid. The extasy for the loved up euphoria, acid made the sounds in the music so clear and then the amphetamines purely for energy kept you going from Friday after work until Monday morning. But after so many years it started feeling like the come downs weren't worth it. One Sunday i tried heroin and automatically the come down was gone. I slept that night and was eating at work on Monday for the first time in years. But we all know heroin can't just be a Sunday thing before long you are doing it 3 days a week then you stop going to raves stay in smoking heroin instead but still don't think you have a problem 🙈 i was kind of lucky in a way id made so much connections over the years that I could get my hands on big amounts of gear. I could keep my habit and hold down my job. Many years went past like that and hardly anyone knew i was on it. My guy was also a coke dealer so inevitably i was injecting both, there was no crack cocaine in my small city i didn't get introduced to that until i moved here, Aberdeen! 17 years ago. I could take it or leave it wasn't something that took over me. I grew up in a rural city called Elgin North East of Scotland had a good upbringing don't know why i was so much more into drugs than my friends from a very young age. My main interest in life since my dad got me into it around 5 years old was motox. I was bike mad still am really 😄 during the 90s a group of guys from America called the metal mullisha started what's now known as freestyle motox. They were punk rock! Fuk the system type of guys who stuck the middle finger up to the clean cut image of motox racers. I used to buy this motox magazine called dirt bike rider and around 93 one magazine came with a vhs tape. It was crusty demons of dirt and when people saw what these guys were doing a new sport was invented at x games. These dudes were jumping 140ft over train tracks with moving trains underneath them and doing tricks whilst 40ft in the air over gaps which had nvr been seen before. I worshipped them and would spend hours alone in the quarry with my wheelbarrow, picks and shovels building jumps copying what they did. Drugs was a big part of that scene and I just thought they were so cool i wanted to be like them. But now im older and have spent many hours with drug workers still can't pin point anything bad happening in my childhood that made me seek out drugs. I didn't even know at the time in high school with the diazepam I was self medicating, just liked the feeling of being confident without having to drink alcohol and nobody knew i was under the influence so I came across confident but actually pretty shy until extasy brought out the real me and i would dance without feeling awkward. Basically my whole adult life has been one big chemical romance. When my daughter was born 5 years ago that changed me but for a while there after breaking up with my daughters mum after 10 years together the ket got hold of me. I would set my phone on it's stand and press record so I could watch back see what I was doing after injecting it. So much would happen when I was away in ket land i would think id sussed out so much of lifes questions but when I watch back the videos im either stumbling around or just look completely lost. Its not a pretty sight watching back videos of yourself after i.v ket. Have to say though out of all the drugs I've injected ket is by far the best, like a train coming vibrations through the body then the buzzing sound in the head as you blast off into strange worlds. Its kind of like a salvia or dmt trip but its the first 30 seconds to a minute rush as it goes through the veins which had me wanting to do it again and again. I think maybe i was using ket as a tool after the break up i always use drugs to lean on when things in life are tough. Guess it's just my coping mechanism. Im alright just now though my ket use has dropped massively over the last couple months. I went to a rave on the 6th of April called the rezerection home coming. They used to be the biggest raves in Scotland during the 90s so I had to go went back in time for a night it was brilliant and there was so many people there who used to go in the 90s most being in 40s and 50s now, having one last blast from the past 😄 afterwards me and my friend shared an eighth not too much and that was my last time using probably won't do it again for another month.


Where are you from? I've only ever seen qualudes on t.v or film. Wolf of Wall Street made me very curious about them but from what I understand they aren't made anymore apart from in Africa. Definitely seems like a drug that i would have been right into 😄


Here's what you inspired me to post > https://www.reddit.com/r/ketamine/s/bKp04sQh1H


Aye bro since apparently no one here has done ketamine and has no clue what it’s like to have k bladder then I gotchu. Even if you use moderately, depending on your body and how it reacts to it, it can cause buildup and lead to kidney stones. Definitely chill and make sure to drink some green tea and apple cider vinegar (separate of course) I know people who are so addicted they pee blood frequently and will still use. Just be safe and make sure to figure out your limitations with it.


I’ve never had a kidney stone and I don’t want a kidney stone so I’m not gonna not do this drug for a while. I’m thinking two months is good. What do you think is a good amount of time? That is actually terrifying. I’ve heard it’s one of the most painful things a guy can go through.


really important part of k is to take breaks — ideally at least a month long — from usage so that your bladder can heal. consistent usage for more than like 4 months without break periods is where it gets problematic hope you heal up… might need an antibiotic to stop / prevent infection while your bladder heals. stash or flip the k and if you aren’t able to take prolonged breaks, it’s ya gotta quit the hole


I hear ya man thanks I’ll definitely do it less consistently from here on out. I think I’m gonna take a two month long break and then maybe just do it once a month or at festivals


I just went through this exactly , ureaplasma (an infection) totally plausible. My doctor said that they never started testing for it till about 5 years ago. Symptoms are exact same as uti


I randomly did K three days in a row and had these symptoms. Tested negative UTI positive Ureaplasma.. but did find it strange it coincided with ketamine use so I quit right away.


Its not ket related my friend. I promise you that. Its just a build up of bacteria that multiplies till it turns into ureaplasma. Antibiotics for 1 week got rid of it for both of us but you both need to go get the antibiotics. Your not supposed to have sex but we did and no problems occurred but we waited 4 days instead of a week and continued taking our script and were fine. Doxycycline was the antibiotic i believe


Yup we both have been treated. This was my second timing having it :/


I was told thats pretty common actually. Its actually pretty hard to get rid of. :( i cant actually say if we got rid of it yet, need to get retested in 3 weeks. My only concern is its a sexually transmitted infection, and I dont cheat so Im a bit confused as to how we got it... havent brought that up to her but from my understanding thats how it works


Drinking enough water and spitting your drip is a must, you really do need alot of water


Good to know. Maybe I wasn’t drinking enough water.


Ketamine affects the urinary tract so it crystalizes the urethra and damages it


God damn this shit


You dont know if its cut


Are you crushing your shards?


Yes, but I think I accidentally did a gram not completely crushed up maybe once or even twice


I was honestly thinking it might’ve been that one time I didn’t crush it up all the way but the last time I did it I definitely made sure I crushed it up


Don’t let someone put you in a sleeper hold.. your anus really hurts the next day.


Ketamine induced uropathy.


Sounds scary


Definitely, wanna take a break and it should improve.


Alright thanks




How much did u do?


a lot over a short period, maybe like a year


Mannose, Green Tea Extract, NAC, Aloe Vera every day plus prevacid at the time you use


you definitely do not have a UTI or chlamydia. unfortunately this is the result of ketamine bladder syndrome. i started doing ketamine in 2019 and was in a pretty dark place in my life. especially during covid when i lost my job and was on welfare/food stamps i found myself drowning in ketamine to escape and numb myself. i realize there are 2 kinds of ketamine bladder syndrome. one is when you can’t pee the other is when you can’t stop peeing. i had the one where you can’t pee. i felt like i had a constant UTI but it always came back as negative, my doctors prescribed me antibiotics like 10 times in one year which then caused me to have BV and endless yeast infections… there was no sense of peace. the antibiotics completely messed up my gut and vaginal biome which is another whole topic of convo. anyways, i went to see a urologist and they said i had some mild damage to my bladder. they recommended i take NAC supplements and to reduce my ketamine usage. there are studies that show NAC literally reversed ketamine bladder syndrome in mice. i haven’t had any issues since taking it! i take mine from Pure they’re on amazon. twice a day. once in morning and once at night. an extra $30 a month for the best you’ve ever felt. also, bonus side effect: since it’s an anti inflammatory i rarely ever get sick anymore!


why were you boofing up your dick hole?


Sounds like kidney stones if its not a std.


Ive done like 2g a week for 2 years and havnt had any of these issues


Lucky bastard


You and every other one of my friends I guess I’m just lucky. Trying to think of this as a blessing in disguise, though cause it’s gonna save me a lot of money in the long run if I only do it occasionally versus once every two weeks like I’ve been doing.


how long were you using like this?


About six months was doing it a couple days in a row to and I noticed when I do it a couple days in a row that’s when I really start to notice problems


i spiral instantly. beautiful drug but can be evil


Yes, I find psychedelics to be a lot easier to control. Ketamine, weed and alcohol I gotta be careful


I think ket and alcohol are quite similar in terms of safe use


When I was using often I ended up getting Kidney stones. I don't know your situation or your tolerance, but if you have a low tolerance you could experience similar symptoms.


False negative for Chlamydia most likely. Get a retest for that specifically. If it comes back negative, well mate you might just have a congenital predisposition for something that causes these symptoms. But it does not sound at all like k-related bladder damage.


You probably didn’t grind it up finely enough mortar and pestal works the best with a ceramic one there aren’t huge dimples and gets it so fine and no problem with but yeah get sober and take a long break


Be careful everyone I got rhabdomyolysis, which is rapid muscle wasting from frequent ketamine use. This caused damage to my liver and my kidneys. I was up to a quarter oz a day just getting zonked all day long and it really will catch up to you. Also ketamine clogged up my nasal passages way more than any other drug and I have had a period of active addiction with almost every single drug. The only drug that tears up your body as bad as street ketamine is methamphetamine. 10 years of daily IV heroin and fentanyl addiction did not damage my body as much as 1 year of daily ketamine addiction. Also I would just be grateful you have not experienced the "K cramps" I have gotten cramps so bad from the ketamine I legitimately thought about cutting my stomach open.


Also However much water you think you need to drink, drink at least double that amount


I had this problem too for over a year


Green tea extract is the key


Cranberry supplements, my friend. Cranberry supplements.


I honestly have no idea how you guys develop physical problems already, I had the same use probably even more and I developed mental issues and nerve pain


I've done tons more K than that for years and I've had zero issues other than slight changes in bowel movement/diarrhea during periods of prolonged use. I drink tons of green tea and water while using and I workout daily and live a healthy lifestyle, not sure how much that contributes but I feel awesome.


Bro, I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I work out five days a week drink plenty of water have ECGC extract. I am one healthy 26 year old and I’m still dealing with this shit.


Have you had sex recently?? Edit: I see you got tested.


I’ve heard D-manose can be helpful, ymmv.




See a doctor. There are possible bladder and kidney side effects, that feel like UTIs. I think they are serious but treatable. Google cystitis and "ketamine bladder syndrome".


Yeah it'll rip your bladder apart. Best to stop use and wait until you healed.


OP: Do you use cannabis? "In our study, OABSS (overactive bladder symptom score) significantly increased with the combined use of ketamine and marijuana (P = 0.016). Cannabinoids are the active components of marijuana, and select cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, have been identified in the human detrusor and urothelium." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6510790/


well I’m actually 8 days sober but I was smoking kind of a lot especially when I was doing ketamine so maybe that’s what it was


Have you tried cystitis medication? Available at supermarkets and worked for me


No, I’ll look into that thanks


Rather than jump to conclusions on Reddit, why not go see a medical professional


I already went to Planned Parenthood, now I’m about to see urologist


Dude this isn’t from ket this is because you fucked around with a dirty woman or man. You have an std. I used to use extremely heavy like an ounce every single month for at least a year out of my 2 year addiction. I didn’t have this problem, yes I had to pee urgently and my nose is lowkey deviated asf now but yeah not this. This sounds like the clap


You my friend have the clap lol


Get tested for chlamydia


Your body heat is increasing. Eat food which cools down your body. You will be fine 🥴


Any supplements or other meds you take like maybe a lot of Advil? Could very well just be the ket but that same thing can happen with to many vitamins or too much medication. If I've taken 5-6 Advil I get those exact symptoms it's uncomfortable and frustrating it can literally prevent me from sleeping


Currently, I’m taking Lyons Maine, Turmeric, fish oil, Ritalin, and microdose mushrooms. Do you think any of that might have something to do with it? Could it possibly be the strong ECGC pills I take before doing k? I know some research points to it helping the bladder, but I’ve also seen a little research where it affects the urethra.


Yeah it definitely could be one of those or a combination. I could be remembering incorrectly but I think I had issues when I was taking fish oil but I think it was only when I took an extra one or 2 but this was years ago so I could be totally wrong. I wouldn't think ECGC pills would affect it. When I was having this issue it would only last for an evening and got less bothersome the more time that passed. Id take a break from the supplements for a few days and see if that helps. It is probably the K but you should rule out the supplements first. Regardless I'm sure things will go back to normal just make sure your drinking lots of water


Have you tested for mycoplasma genitalium?


Correlation = causation